Thursday, October 17, 2019

Alleviate Hemorrhoid Treatment FDA Registered - 1.7 oz. All Natural Fast Relief Cream Healing Formula for Burning Itching Pain Bleeding and Swelling - Lg Size Hemroid Symptom Ointment


Alleviate Hemorrhoid Treatment FDA Registered - 1.7 oz. All Natural Fast Relief Cream Healing Formula for Burning Itching Pain Bleeding and Swelling - Lg Size Hemroid Symptom Ointment

Hemorrhoidal disease (hemorrhoids disease or hemorrhoids) is called as anorexia and anterior enlargement of the blood vessels (hemorrhoids) in the last part of the anus and rectum. The anatomical structure of the hemorrhoidal vessels deteriorates and sags downward in people with excessive strain such as excessive constipation or diarrhea. This tissue with blood pooling and growing causes hemorrhoidal disease. hemorrhoidal vessels (hemorrhoidal vessels) are divided into two as external and internal depending on the location of the hemorrhoidal vessels.

There are 4 stages of internal hemorrhoidal disease:

1st Degree Hemorrhoids: Patients usually do not notice. It is usually noticed during a doctor's examination. There is expansion of hemorrhoidal vessels. Bleeding may occur especially after hard stools. There is no sagging at this stage.

2nd Degree Hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids nozzles swell and hang down especially during the toilet, they enter automatically after the toilet. In these patients, there is bleeding and pain with sagging.

3rd Degree Hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids hanging during the toilet do not enter themselves, they must be pushed by hand. If these hemorrhoid breasts are not pushed in, inflammation may occur with pain.

Grade 4 Hemorrhoids: Drooping hemorrhoids cannot be brought back to normal position by hand, usually requiring immediate operation.


The treatment of hemorrhoid disease depends on the internal and external disease, its severity, the state of the patient's complaints, how much it affects their daily life, and the age and health of the patient.

Less than 10% of patients require surgical treatment. Usually, most patients relax with conservative methods.

Conservative Treatment: Patients are advised.

1. Regulation of defecation habits: Patients are advised not to sit in the toilet for a long time and to avoid excessive strain.

2. Cleaning: It is advised to pay attention to the cleanliness of the breech area after the toilet.

3. Pushing back the exiting hemorrhoid nozzle is recommended.

4. Regulation of the diet: Especially fiber foods (such as fruits, vegetables and bran) should be consumed more, the amount of daily drinking water should be recommended to reach 2-2.5 liters. It should be noted that tea, coffee and fruit juice will not replace water.

5. Sitting bath in hot water: Sitting in warm water 2-3 times a day reduces swelling and pain in the breech area. Care should be taken to keep the breech area dry after the sitting bath.

6. Resting during the painful period, especially lying on your face, reduces pain.

7. Suppositories and creams: Suppositories and creams recommended by the doctor should be used depending on the condition of the disease.

8. Phlebotropic drugs

Surgical Treatment: Surgical treatment is applied to patients who do not respond to conservative treatment.

1. Hemorrhoidectomy: It is the removal of hemorrhoid packs. It is performed under general or spinal anesthesia under operating room conditions.

2. Longo (Stapler): Hemorrhoidopexy: a special device called stapler is used to remove hemorrhoids. It is also a procedure performed under anesthesia and operating room conditions.

3. Thrombectomy: the process of removing the clot inside the hemorrhoid in external hemorrhoids, in which clot is accumulated. Generally, local anesthesia is sufficient. Some patients may require spinal or general anesthesia.

4. Laser Treatment: Hemorrhoids are very nasdiren laser treatment is applied. The laser treatment known to the public is a hemorrhoidectomy with a device called infrared.

Points to Consider After Surgical Treatment:

1. It is normal to have a small amount of bleeding after surgery. It may take up to 1 week. In case of excessive bleeding, you should consult your doctor.

2. Pain occurs after surgery. Non-aspirin pain relievers should be used to reduce pain and should be rested. Local anesthetic creams applied to the rectum may also reduce pain.

3. The surgical site is a dirty area because it is constantly exposed to large ablutions. Therefore, hygiene of this area is very important. After the toilet, the surgical area should be washed with warm water and the sitting bath should be started with warm water after 24 hours after the surgery.

ANAL FISSURE (Breech Fracture): Ruptures that occur in patients suffering from excessive strains due to prolonged constipation or diarrhea and reaching the sensitive canal layer from the anal canal. Patients have severe pain and sometimes bleeding.

The crack caused by excessive straining causes pain. The patient constantly holds the breech muscles tight to avoid pain. This increases constipation and constipation increases the fracture, and in this figure, a vicious circle occurs.

This vicious cycle is tried to be broken and fissure treated with various drugs, changing the feeding habits and hot water sitting bath. 70% of patients benefit from this treatment. However, in the case of prolonged untreated anal fissure, the event becomes chronic. Surgical treatment is required for acute fissures and chronic fissures that do not respond to drug therapy.

Botox treatment can be used as an alternative to surgical treatment.

Points to Consider After Surgical Treatment:

1. It is normal to have a small amount of bleeding after surgery. It may take up to 1 week. In case of excessive bleeding, you should consult your doctor.

2. Pain occurs after surgery. Non-aspirin analgesics should be used to reduce pain and should be rested. Local anesthetic creams applied to the rectum may also reduce pain.

3. The surgical site is a dirty area because it is constantly exposed to large ablutions. Therefore, hygiene of this area is very important. After the toilet, the surgical area should be washed with warm water and the sitting bath should be started with warm water after 24 hours after the operation.

Alleviate Hemorrhoid Treatment FDA Registered - 1.7 oz. All Natural Fast Relief Cream Healing Formula for Burning Itching Pain Bleeding and Swelling - Lg Size Hemroid Symptom Ointment