Monday, October 28, 2019

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Causes Menstrual Delay, How to Treat?

Carefree Thong Pantiliner Unscented 49 Liners per Box, 2 Pack

Each month, the recurring menstrual cycle prepares the woman for a new pregnancy. Half of this preparation, which lasts a whole month, is done by making the uterus a nest for the baby, and the other half is spent in the restoration of the uterus because it is not a baby. All these events start again on the day of the bleeding and continue every month until the woman's average of 400,000 eggs are born at birth. So what causes menstrual delay and how is it treated? Here are the reasons that may cause menstrual delay ...

Menstrual delay is the most common form of menstrual irregularity. Sometimes an infection can sometimes cause a delay in just a change of season. It is important for your health to have accurate information about menstrual bleeding, to know the reasons that may cause menstrual delay and to get to know your body well in order to take the treatment steps in time. When the correctly identified factors are treated, the menses will spontaneously regulate.

How does the menstrual cycle occur?

The menstrual cycle is controlled by the regulation of GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) secreted by the main secretory gland called hypothalamus in the brain. This hormone, which starts to be secreted at the age of puberty, stimulates the pituitary gland to release the hormones FSH and LH. These two hormones act on the ovaries and ensure ovulation every month. In this excellent organization, the main actor is the follicle sacs in the ovaries that host the egg cells. Follicles provide the communication between the brain and uterus with the estrogen and progesterone hormones they secrete.

Follicles carrying the eggs are found in the ovaries located on either side of the uterus. Each month, only one egg is released from one of the ovaries by the follicle. The released egg advances through the ovarian canal to the uterus. Fertilization takes place here if the conditions are appropriate. Meanwhile, the wall of the uterus began to thicken and prepare space for the baby. If fertilization does not occur, the cells that thicken the uterine wall are poured and thrown out with bleeding.

How Many Days Does Menstrual Bleeding Last?
The duration of menstruation varies from woman to woman, but lasts from 2 to 7 days. Bleeding that lasts less than 2 days or more than 7 days is considered abnormal and requires control.

How Much Bleeding Happens?
The amount of bleeding is often measured by the number of pads changed during the day, but this can be misleading. The total amount of blood lost in one bleeding is approximately 1 cup of tea.

How Many Days Does a Normal Menstrual Cycle Last?
The period from one menstrual period to the next menstrual period is termed "period" and lasts for 28 days, with a difference in each woman. Periods that last from 21 to 35 days are also considered normal limits.

At this point, we must say that every woman has her own characteristics. The menstrual irregularity is not that a woman has menstruation of different lengths in a different time than another woman, but deviates from the order in which she is accustomed to in her own motion. So if you regularly see 1 in 30 days and your menstrual bleeding lasts for 5 days, you can say that if you start menstruation every 40 days or if your bleeding period lasts 7 days, it is an irregularity. Moreover, every woman may experience such irregularities 2-3 times a year.

How Many Days Is Menstrual Delay?
Normally, the period between 2 bleeding should be at least 21 days and at most 35-40 days. But if you've been seeing menstrual cycles every 21 days for a long time, and you're suddenly becoming 30 every day, it's irregular, even if it's within normal limits. You may experience such delays several times a year. This process, which is directly related to hormones, can be affected by some emotional fluctuations, sadness and seasonal turning. But what surprises you is that any delays that you are not used to in your own cycle should be examined.

Causes Menstrual Delay?

There may be many reasons or no reason at all. The first thing that comes to mind is pregnancy. Another cause of menstrual delay may be undesirable form of fibroids, polyps or cysts in or in the cervix. Disruptions in hormone activities can also cause menstrual delay. This may be caused by chemical fluctuations or emotional fluctuations. In this respect, menstrual delays should be evaluated psychologically.

For young girls who have started menstruation for the first time, menstrual delays are a normal process. It may take up to 4 or even 6 years for some young girls to regain their order.

If we list the main reasons for menstrual delay;

Menstrual delay in adult women with active sexual life suggests the possibility of pregnancy. Menstrual bleeding occurs 14 days after the follicle breaks and releases the egg (ovulation). If this egg is fertilized, there will be no menstrual bleeding. Pregnancy should be evaluated by performing the necessary urine or blood tests before any other possibility.

Failure in laying mechanism
Depending on how long the menstrual bleeding is delayed, it may be considered that there is a failure in the ovulation processes. If there was no bleeding, either the egg was fertilized or there was no ovulation. Since the probability of pregnancy is evaluated in the first stage, it is checked whether there is ovulation. This is done by measuring the levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones in the blood.

Effect of hormones
Thyroid hormone, milk hormone (prolactin), ovulation provider hormones and male hormone testosterone are effective on menstrual pattern. A failure in one of them disrupts the order of others and may cause delays.

Any changes in emotions that cause tension in the body can cause menstrual delay. On the other hand, hot flashes, irritability, increased appetite, such as menstrual delay can have effects on the body, which can increase the level of stress and prolong the delay.

Some fungi and bacteria can cause infections in the genital organs. Infections activate the defense system and the system may delay the normal process to protect the baby.

When the number and quality of eggs in women decreases gradually, the time between two bleeding starts to increase and the number of menstruation begins to decrease.

How is menstrual delay treated?

The remedy for delay should always be sought in modern medicine. Often the solutions to menstrual delay are very simple. Sometimes it is enough to wait without doing anything. As long as the menstrual delay is detected correctly. This is only possible through examinations and analyzes performed by a specialist. Even if a doctor, the uterus, ovaries, ovarian ducts, vagina, such as organs that are active in the menstrual cycle, without examining whether your hormones are timely and adequately secreted, all women and all delays for the same "so-called" solution should approach to the distance. Gynecological examination intimidates many women, especially single women. However, the examination of young women who have never had sexual intercourse is not performed vaginally. Above the abdomen is performed by hand and using visual examination devices, blood tests are requested to monitor the level of different hormones. If these examinations are performed at regular intervals, it is easier to identify the reasons for single menstrual delay in a single girl. There are countless benefits for every young girl who has started menstruating by contacting a gynecologist and obstetrician from this moment on and receiving expert advice on the developments she will face.

Treatment is intended to eliminate or correct the causative agent of menstrual irregularity. Formations such as fibroids, polyps, ovarian cysts in the uterus or cervix can be treated with medication or surgery. When the organs are evaluated by ultrasound examination, hormones are evaluated by blood tests, infections and hormones are evaluated by vaginal smear test.

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