Monday, October 28, 2019

Carefree Acti-Fresh Thin Panty Liners, Soft and Flexible Feminine Care Protection, Long, 92 Count

Irregular period

Carefree Acti-Fresh Thin Panty Liners, Soft and Flexible Feminine Care Protection, Long, 92 Count

As a result of balanced work of hormones in women, regular menstruation occurs every month. During the first few years of menstruation, hormones may not be able to regulate and menstrual irregularities are normal.

The same applies to the im perimenopause ”and“ menopause ”periods, when menstruation approaches the end. Menopause, termed menopause, begins after 12 months have passed since the last menstrual period. Menstrual irregularities may also be seen in certain systemic diseases.

Amenorrhea is the condition when menstruation stops completely. Except for certain physiological conditions such as pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause, menstruation is called amenorrhea in medical language.

Reproductive ability in women is directly related to menstruation. Therefore, when there is no menstrual period before puberty, a girl who has no reproductive ability becomes fertile with the onset of menstruation.

Menstruation ensures that reproduction does not occur at any time, but at the time of ovulation.

What does menstruation mean?
Menstruate; endometrium of the uterine tissue (bleeding).
The menstrual period can be divided into 3 phases:

"Follicular Phase" in which the first term egg is selected and matures until it reaches a diameter of 20 mm
"Ovulation Phase" in which the second period mature egg is thrown from the ovary in the form of a small explosion.
In the third period, if the pregnancy becomes pregnant, the uterus is prepared until the embryo settles.

If this cycle continues with pregnancy, the intrauterine embryo changes with hormone levels and intrauterine special mechanisms. comes from the vagina. From time to time, the inner membrane of the uterus is suddenly and completely excreted, it is called kadük and can be painful.
What does our body need for regular menstruation?
Many organs work together to see menstruation in the female body.

The hypothalamus region, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, uterus, vagina and vulva in female external genital area are intact and menstrual in our brain.

If any of them has a malfunction, or if there is disease, stress, hunger, excessive sports in the body, or if the body gives an emergency signal, the menstrual order may be impaired.

Why should a woman who does not have menstruation go to a doctor?
When a woman who does not have menstruation goes to a doctor; the doctor first takes a detailed history about the patient, family history and then breast development, body development, body mass index (BMI), ultrasound examinations of the genital organs, genital organ examination and if there is a suspected hormonal disorder hormone profile (FSH, LH, TSH, Estradiol (TSH) and biochemical values.

External genital organ examination is necessary to see the development of secondary sex characters, to evaluate vaginal patency and to diagnose congenital genital organ development disorders and deviations. Sometimes a very simple hymen closure (hymen imperferatus) may be the reason for not having menstruation and can be easily removed by a simple surgical intervention.

Amenorrhea, which develops in a menstrual woman, is sought for hormonal disorders as well as anovulation. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCO) may be one of the most common diseases.
A young girl or woman who is not menstruating should consult a physician for a thorough examination of all these underlying congenital and subsequent causes.
What can be the lack of menstruation?
Every woman who is not menstrual should be questioned '' menopause '' regardless of age. Women can be menopausal before the age of 40 and even before the age of 20. Family history is very important. Some genetic diseases, smoking, chronic diseases, drugs, chemo / radiotherapy can also cause early menopause. In particular, women who want children should go to the doctor without delay in every menstrual irregularity.

Prolactin is a hormone secreted from the brain with nipple stimulation and without any baseline stimulation. Low prolactin hormone may cause menstrual discontinuation.

In life-threatening conditions such as anorexia and bulumia, which are more common in young people; severe depression and sleep disorders are also menstrual disorders.

Although testicular feminization is genetically male, it causes female appearance due to androgen (male hormone) insensitivity, and these people never menstruate.

Turner Syndrome is a genetic disease which is rarely seen after menopause due to an incomplete chromosome and makes vague visual findings such as short stature, flexible arms and nape hair line below.

Birth control pills, 3-month protection needles, the use of hormonal spiral, curettage after the uterus can not heal (Asherman's Syndrome) may also be menstrual. These are transient and menstrual normalize with treatment.

As a result, non-menstruation is a condition that requires a doctor's examination and every woman presenting to a doctor with menstruation should be diagnosed and treated with a multidisciplinary approach.

What is the normal quantity?
The units should last 2 to 8 days as standard, on average; 3 pad is bleeding. However, in spiral users, bleeding time can be 10 days and daily bleeding can be 4 pads.

If menstruation is too much, dirty blood is lost and the belief is not lost. It is a hemorrhage caused by the opening of the vestibules between the muscle tissue that causes the loss of the intrauterine membrane. In this case, excessive bleeding can cause the woman to experience many problems, especially anemia.

If a woman takes pain medication in consultation with her doctor during menstruation, bleeding may decrease.

Although excessive menstruation is sometimes a non-pathological condition, it can be recognized by a simple gynecological examination, especially when it starts later, indicating a pathology such as fibroids, polyps, hyperplasia, infection, cancer, ....

Blood clotting diseases and blood thinners (such as aspirin, heparin) can also increase bleeding and may also cause bleeding in the interim period of the menstrual cycle.
Irregular, excessive quantity or time
In case of irregular period, excessive amount or period; hormone disorders, especially ovulation (anovulaion), fibroids, polyps, hyperplasia, cancer, infection, ectopic pregnancy, drug use, thyroid gland diseases, adenomyosis should be investigated.

For diagnosis, especially after the age of 35 metroraji (menstrual irregularity) in the uterus to remove parts (endometrial biopsy, pipelle biopsy) or hysteroscopy is required.

Appropriate treatment is determined according to the diagnosis. Accordingly, sometimes treatment; a few months of drug use, sometimes surgery.

Carefree Acti-Fresh Thin Panty Liners, Soft and Flexible Feminine Care Protection, Long, 92 Count