Thursday, October 31, 2019

Heating Pad for Neck and Shoulders | Microwavable Moist Heat Aromatherapy Wrap Hot Compress for Arthritis, Muscle Pain, Anxiety and Stress Relief with Natural Lavender Scent by TheraCool

How cystitis relieves pain

Heating Pad for Neck and Shoulders | Microwavable Moist Heat Aromatherapy Wrap Hot Compress for Arthritis, Muscle Pain, Anxiety and Stress Relief with Natural Lavender Scent by TheraCool

An acute inflammatory process of infectious origin in the tissues of an important organ of the urinary system, called the bladder, cystitis. This disease can give a person very unpleasant moments - a feeling of pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen, a burning sensation and frequent urination. In some cases, these symptoms are mild, which still does not help maintain a good mood. And some patients suffer a lot when they are forced to go to bed rest.

That's why many of them are surprised: iz How do we alleviate cystitis pain? ”. Comprehensive treatment of the pathological process in the bladder should be appointed by a specialist and it is possible to relieve pain at home cystitis. The most important thing is to choose the right tools to reduce unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Causes of pain in cystitis
Inflammation of the bladder often affects the beautiful half of humanity, and less frequently develops pathological processes in children and men. This phenomenon depends on the anatomical features of the pelvic organs in women. However, the main symptom in all patients is cystitis pain, especially in the acute phase of the disease. The development of pain contributes to two factors:

Bacterial or viral infection - inflammation causes swelling of bladder tissues and erosion of mucous membranes, and urine is located in the cavity of the bladder, irritating the affected areas and causing pain.
The spasm of the bladder smooth muscle fibers - inflammation, contraction of muscle tissue, which disrupts blood circulation and makes urine flow difficult, and congestion increases pain.
How to deal with pain with the drug
Pain relief will bring the use of analgesics:

Baralgin (including the combined drug, analgin and papaverine) simultaneously eliminates spasm and blocks receptors that transmit nerve stimulation of pain syndrome;
Analgin - an effective painkiller, the effect is felt only after a quarter of an hour;
Trigan-D - a powerful drug containing paracetamol, the tool easily alleviates an intense attack of pain syndrome;
Pentalgin - combined anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic, recommended for chronic cystitis.
Antispasmodics help relieve pain quickly:

No-shpa - the best-known drug for a strong and long-lasting effect, contributes to the enlargement of the bladder arteries and increase functional activity, recommended for acute pain syndrome;
Drotaverin - relieves the spasm of smooth muscle cells of the internal organs, improves blood circulation, relief is observed after 30 minutes;
Cistenal (a herbal combination preparation used to treat kidney stones and bladder inflammation) can quickly relieve pain, in the case of acute pain attack, the standard dose of the drug is increased by 20 drops;
It has similar properties to Papaverine - No-Shpa, but for a weaker effect, the use of rectal or vaginal suppositories (for women) is recommended for inflammation of the bladder.
The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help reduce the inflammatory process and reduce the severity of pain:

Ibuprofen or Nurofen - quickly relieves pain (about 15 minutes after administration) and will have an anti-inflammatory effect;
Nimesil - eliminates swelling of the bladder tissues and improves microcirculation, can effectively stop the development of the inflammatory process, take 1 sachet twice a day, dissolve the powder in warm water and drink after a meal;
Paracetamol - relieves severe pain, but is contraindicated at subfebrile temperature.

Other ways to alleviate pain
Anesthetic for cystitis should not be taken very often. The use of antispasmodic and analgesics can cause contraindications and side effects:

hematuria (appearance of blood in the urine);
kidney and liver damage;
irritation of the gastric mucosa.
It is possible to reduce pain by thermal procedures - this improves blood circulation in the pelvis and helps relieve muscle spasm and pain. This can be done with the help of a hot foot bath - the best way to do this procedure at night. It is important to ensure that the water is constantly hot.

However, it is important to know that warming is prohibited if:

high temperature;
purulent process in the bladder;
Also, visiting saunas and steam baths are absolutely contraindicated - this can aggravate the inflammatory process.

You should drink at least three liters of liquid per day for these purposes:

mineral water;
Chamomile field, horsetail, parsley;
cranberry or cranberry juice.
Use of herbal medicine methods
In addition to the medication, the pain can be relieved to the plants that can:

fighting pathogenic bacteria;
May wrap;
accelerates the process of urination;
Strengthen the immune system.
Often, such actions have urological herbal mixtures. The most effective is the böbrek Divider tıbbi medical kidney collection, consisting of blackberry leaves, rosehip, juniper and hypericum. For ease of use, herbal raw materials are packaged in tea filter bags ready for brewing.

Boiling a pharmaceutical papomine eliminates the unpleasant clinical signs of cystitis and significantly improves the patient's overall well-being: you need to pour 1 tablespoon. l. 200 ml boiling water, insist for half an hour, strain and 100 ml.

Cystitis should be accompanied by treatment of folk methods:

following a special diet that does not contain spicy, sour, salty, fatty and fried foods;
avoid sincerity;
insurance against hypothermia.
Chronic Bladder Inflammation
When cystitis becomes chronic, pain is not very strong. However, this does not indicate the need for the use of painkillers. Often, urologists are prescribed papaverine or no-silo to patients with chronic cystitis. What else can effectively eliminate pain? The storage of hot baths by boiling medicinal plants helps to alleviate pain and facilitate urination:

For the preparation of decoction of vegetables for baths you need to take 2 tbsp. l. Pour raw material and 1 liter of fresh boiled water.

It is important to understand that the inflammatory process, painful sensations and other clinical manifestations of cystitis can finally be resolved only by the complex treatment of the disease.

The choice of medicines to stop painful cider is great. However, painkillers only help to forget the causes of discomfort for a while - they are used to temporarily alleviate the patient's condition, but do not eliminate the inflammation process. Without the complex treatment of cystitis with antibiotics, it is impossible to completely recover from the clinical manifestations of bladder inflammation!

How can I relieve cystitis?
Alleviating pain in cystitis is necessary to increase the patient's well-being. In women, a pain attack usually begins immediately after the onset of the disease and is stopped only with the help of painkillers. Men experience less pain in the bladder.

A woman may experience pain in cystitis immediately after the onset of the disease. You need to remove it to increase the good.

Types and meaning of cystitis pain
Often the patient has a lower abdominal pain. Burning cramps in cystitis are sometimes deprived of rest and do not allow the patient to fall asleep.

Sometimes, when a person feels a burning sensation, but cannot urinate, severe pain may occur during compulsory urges.

Acute pain occurs during and after urination.

Emergency aid
There are many pathologies that occur in different ways. You cannot administer medication on your own, otherwise the disease may become chronic. First aid alleviates the human condition, but the problem persists.

For pain during cystitis, the patient should perform the following actions:

go to bed;
do not eat salty, spicy food;
Diuretic absorbent drinks that help alleviate bladder inflammation;
attach a heating pad to the bladder area;
Take painkillers, antispasmodics, which will help to quickly overcome the pain.
Do not use antibiotics to determine the type of pathogen. This can cause side effects and may contribute to the passage of cystitis in chronic form.

It is necessary to increase the amount of liquid consumed. The bacteria are washed in the urine to reduce the intensity of the inflammation process of cystitis. Sitting in a hot bath is undesirable: germs in the pelvic area will spread rapidly and affect the kidneys. In these cases, the patient may develop pyelonephritis.

In acute cystitis, cranberry juice improves the condition of a person suffering from an attack. It can reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and pain. Cranberry prevents pathogenic bacteria from attaching to the bladder wall.

Cranberry juice reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process and reduces pain in cystitis.

Drug pain relief
Painkillers and antispasmodic drugs will help relieve smooth muscle spasms. Its purpose is indicated in cases where cystitis causes permanent and sudden pain.

Urgent analgesics and antispasmodics can be taken without a doctor's prescription.

Other drugs are not recommended. This may worsen the patient's condition.

pain relievers
Apply Analgin, Baralgin, Tempalgin to get rid of the pain. Pentalgin acts on the body in a complex. The drug Uropirin only has a selective effect on the organs of the urogenital system.

Pentalgin is the most popular drug recommended for cystitis.

It is a good help to remove cramps and relieve pain syndrome antispasmodics. But when blood appears in the urine (sometimes in large quantities) they cannot be prescribed for hemorrhagic cystitis. The use of such drugs increases bleeding.

Common antispasmodic - No-shpa (Drotaverin). Available in pharmacies without a prescription. Effective Spazmalgon and Spazgan.

How to relieve the symptoms of cystitis at home
Symptoms can be removed at home. Usually used for this purpose, decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants.

Traditional medicine has effective agents for the treatment of cystitis.

Their advantage is that they do not cause side effects, provided that they are used exactly as intended.

Folk remedies are available to everyone due to their low prices. Although the treatment result is not immediately seen, the effectiveness of medicinal plants is not lower than that of synthetic drugs.

You can remove the symptoms of the disease at home. For the preparation of medicinal decoctions you need to use medicinal herbs.

Folk remedies
Recipes for easily prepared teas at home:

Chamomile John's wort, bearberry, marigold, thyme and banana mix like equal proportions. 2 tablespoons. The collection insists pour boiling water and 15 minutes. Drink tea 3 times a day.
Pour 1 glass of hemp seeds milk (3 tbsp.) And boil until the liquid evaporates. The mixture should remain after 1 glass. Drink as a simple tea on an empty stomach for 5 days.
To increase the amount of urine produced, it is necessary to prepare tea from the roots of the hip (2 tablespoons. 1 cup pour boiling water, boil for 15 minutes and leave for 2 hours, empty).
Broth chamomile and horsetail not only relieve pain, but also have a pronounced diuretic effect. You need to take 1 tablespoon to prepare. Each plant pour boiling water. On small chips you should drink such tea during the day.
Tea from bears ears, corn silk and hypericum blends to cope with the pain that will disappear within a few days. 1 tablespoon. Stir in boiling water, insists for 2 hours. Take 20 minutes before eating a meal for 15 days.
You can prepare a drink based on apple cider vinegar and honey. Take 1 cup of water, dissolve 1 teaspoon. honey and vinegar. It is recommended to drink it every day for 1 month. The results will appear within a week.
Pain in exacerbation may be removed with the help of hop cones. Take 2 teaspoons to prepare daily broth, Grind, pour boiling water over a glass and leave for 4-6 hours in a thermos. Infusion is consumed throughout the day.
Bitter is also removed with the help of chicory root. 3 teaspoons. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist for 2 hours. It is consumed 4 times a day in small portions. The course of treatment is not more than 2 weeks.
Heat treatment can be performed in the early period of cystitis. In the absence of high body temperature is allowed. Baths can be done with the addition of medicinal plants.

Procedures are prohibited in the following cases:

pain when urinating;
severe spasms;
The appearance of blood in the urine.
Prohibition of hot baths with hematuria is the fact that hot water can cause severe bleeding.

Heat treatment can be performed in the early period of cystitis.

Heat can alleviate painful symptoms of bladder inflammation, but cannot be used to cure the disease.

Medicinal herbs
If the patient does not have severe hematuria and fever, the use of medicinal plants for cystitis is permitted. Daisy showing decoctions. It relaxes, relieves spasms and inflammations.

It has a hyperum, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect in cystitis. Only a doctor's advice should be sought to prevent the development of undesirable complications.

Diuretic herbs are very helpful in fighting against attacks. They help to increase the amount of urine produced, which helps remove most of the pathogenic microflora. However, in the case of renal failure, diuretic herbs are undesirable.

With cystitis, John's wort has an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect.

Meat Water
Medicinal herbs for cystitis have been shown to relieve pain, spasm, cramps during miccation. However, they will not help in further situations.

The decoction of Bearberry leaves relieves pain and relieves inflammation in cystitis. Benefits of this plant:

relieves urinary tract from bacterial infections, has anti-inflammatory, disinfecting effect;
inhibits the growth of bacteria, mycoplasmas provoking a specific urological infection.
A decoction of bearberry leaves releases the urinary tract from a bacterial infection.

Bearberry juice can convert urine green. Preventive treatment should last at least 1 month.

Lingonberry leaf is an effective antiseptic for the treatment of cystitis. The duration of therapy is up to six months.

Physiotherapy for painkillers
Physiotherapy procedures help relieve discomfort quickly. The most effective ones:

Electrophoresis. The procedure provides medical components to the lesion site and has a soothing and soothing effect. Electrophoresis helps eliminate swelling.
Induction is the treatment of cystitis using an electromagnetic field. It helps to alleviate the patient's condition, dilate the vessels of the pelvic region, improve blood circulation and activate the function of the urinary system.
Magnetic therapy is based on the treatment of inflammation with a magnetic field. The doctor regulates the intensity and affects only the affected area. With cystitis, several procedures are sufficient to improve the condition.
With magnetophoresis, the delivery of therapeutic drugs is carried out using the magnetic field. Apply only by prescription.
With EHF, the body is affected by a high frequency area. The advantage of this method is that it allows you to give therapeutic components in the area affected by cystitis.
Ultrasound therapy performs a kind of massage of the internal organs.
Quickly relieve symptoms of cystitis: basic methods
Signs of inflammation in the bladder appear clearly and cause a lot of discomfort to the patient. Many people prefer not to tolerate until the time they see a doctor and are treated at home quickly for cystitis. It should be understood, however, that self-medication is generally intended to alleviate symptoms and not to eliminate the causes of the disease. However, this approach can be justified with very strong disturbances and an objective inability to go to the hospital.

How to relieve the symptoms of cystitis with warming
The main "assistant" of getting rid of the signs of the inflammatory process is heat. It affects blood vessels, dilates and thus relieves pain. When cystitis shows procedures like this:

Applying a warm heating pad to the lower abdomen and groin area. You can also use bags filled with hot sand or salt. Some use a regular plastic bottle filled with heated water (the main requirement is that the tank material should be dark).
Hot shower at reception. The duration of such "therapy" is 15-20 minutes. If the opinions about the bathroom are different, it is not only possible to shower with bladder inflammation, but also useful.
"Bathroom" feet. You should go to a stand in 15-25 minutes. Various herbal teas (chamomile, St. John's wort, etc.), warm milk, plain water can be used as a "healing" liquid. Attention should be paid to cooling the feet. As soon as the liquid begins to cool, it is recommended that you add a new portion at a higher temperature.
Sitting on hot bricks. The procedure itself is simple, but you'll have to build a special structure for it. A few pieces of bricks heated in the oven should be placed in a metal bucket, the edge of the pot should be covered with a thick cloth and the underwear is removed and then placed on it. You should take care not to accidentally burn yourself. It is recommended to sit in this way for up to 20 minutes until the brick cools down.
After completing the thermal procedure, it is very important to wear woolen socks and to get under the blanket. Therefore, it is best to start such treatment before going to bed.

Among these are warming and contraindications:

hematuria - excretion of blood in the urine (heat will further increase bleeding);
menstrual period in women;
general severe course of inflammatory process with fever, weakness, headaches.
We should also talk about visiting the baths and saunas. Many people believe that this is a way of treating cystitis quickly. In fact, in the acute form of the disease, such visits will only aggravate the patient's condition. Just go to a bath or sauna for chronic cystitis and then only during remission.

Cystitis: rapid treatment and relief of symptoms in one day
There is a way to completely remove the symptoms of the disease within 24 hours. If the disease has just begun to develop, there is a chance to stop it. necessary:

Analgin (or any other suitable analgesic for a person);
a heating pad or something that changes it;
1 tablespoon. l. regular baking powder;
Freshly squeezed lemon juice 500 ml;
Homemade cranberry drink (juice, fruit juice, compote).
You need to spend all day on treatment and stay at home. This is necessary:

Take the soda solution. This substance contributes to a change in urine pH level as it stops reproduction in microbes and the inflammatory process stops developing. In addition, the pain disappears. To prepare the solution, pour the soda into a glass of water (necessarily warm) and mix well. Drink the beverage in small sips for 10-20 minutes.
Rest. The next half hour is recommended to be under a warm blanket and a light nap.
Take one tablet of analgin.
Take advantage of "thermal purchases". The lower abdomen heating pad should be pressed. It is recommended to hold this position for about 2 hours. It is recommended to “store as an assistant between households in order not to leave the bed for continuous heating of the water. However, in case of contraindication to heat treatment, the stage should be skipped.
Drink cranberry diluted with water and drink lemon juice. It is recommended that this item be extended all day. It is best to have a drink every 20 minutes.
Among the ways to quickly treat cystitis is a change in diet. A new menu can be added to your gün healing day.. It is necessary to use as much as possible:

fresh cranberry or lingonberry berries;
natural diuretic foods (watermelon, melon, cucumber);
millet porridge and soups.
It is recommended to abandon all kinds of "hazards" such as fried, salted, spicy, canned, smoked, and brine. Under the ban are carbonated soft drinks and alcoholic beverages.

Acute cystitis: quickly treated with antibiotics
Taking powerful medications should be coordinated with your doctor. But if you can not wait, you can be allowed to take risks and take the most effective antibiotic - Monural. Because it is effective against almost all bacteria, it is sometimes prescribed to stop the infection, just before getting the test results.

Monural is a powder which is diluted with water according to the instructions and taken 2 hours before meals or before bedtime. The last option is preferred. It is very important to urinate before consuming the solution, so that the drug can be in the bladder for the next few hours and have the desired effect.

Usually the next day, the symptoms of cystitis go away. If it is difficult, it is possible to take the drug again after one day. The drug does not provoke dysbacteriosis and is generally considered safe. Breastfeeding mothers and even women are prescribed in position (but in these cases it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor).

How to quickly resolve the symptoms of cystitis: painkillers + traditional medicine methods
For the rapid disappearance of symptoms, you can take an anesthetic and then take a day to actively drink herbal teas recommended for cystitis. Among the drugs are suitable:

Analgin is a common anesthetic that relieves discomfort in half an hour;
No-shpa - antispasmodic, dilated blood vessels;
Trigan-D - a tool for relieving intense pain attacks.
You can take another medicine that people prefer. You should also prepare one of the drinks in the morning:

A decoction of the roots of wild roses. Requires 0.5 cup crushed plant for 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil. Take at least five times a day before meals.
Infusion of hop cones. Pour 2 tablespoons. l. plants in 0.5 liters of boiling water. You can use the drug after 1.5 hours. Drink before a meal at 0.5 bar.
Chicory infusion. The previous tariff was similarly prepared and adopted.
Infusion Hypericum. Brew 1 tablespoon. l. Plants in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Deformation. Drink 0.25 glasses before meals.
Therapy should be “organized göre according to your health status. If the tool does not help, it is better to consult a specialist. After all, in fact, the treatment of cystitis quickly in a given case, only a doctor can say. The causative agents of the inflammatory process are different and require a different approach. Home therapy is always a risk.

How to remove cystitis pain
Inflammation of the inner lining of the bladder is called cystitis. The procedure is acute or chronic. The cause of the disease is bacteria, fungi, viruses that live in humans or enter the body during contact with the source of infection.

A provoking factor is the weakening of immunity due to stress, poor nutrition, hypothermia and the presence of comorbidities. In women, cystitis is five times more common than the more powerful half. This is due to the structure and physiological characteristics of the urogenital system. The large and short urethra allows microorganisms to penetrate more easily into the cavity of the bladder. The unstable hormonal background leads to a reduction in protective forces. Cystitis pain, together with discoic phenomena, destroys working capacity and quality of life. Symptoms are more pronounced that the patient cannot leave home. The use of analgesics facilitates the condition and breaks the pathological circle.

Briefly about cystitis: causes, symptoms, treatment
If the hygiene rules are not followed, the genital organ and rectum are transmitted to the bladder;
Late treatment of inflammatory diseases of the vagina (candidiasis, trichomonasis), hemorrhoids;
Sexual contact with a patient or carrier of infection;
Decreased immune response. Conditional pathogen microorganisms are found in the skin and mucous membranes without causing disease. Weakening of protective function leads to growth;
Long-term cooling of the lumbar region, lower abdomen, legs. Vasospasm disrupts blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
Concentration of the urinary bladder bladder, bacterial growth, when a woman suffers for a long time, rarely goes to the toilet.
Symptoms of acute and chronic cystitis are similar. A fresh process occurs suddenly. Relapse occurs after the previous inflammation. Pioneers before the exacerbation of the chronic process (on the back, above the uterus).

Intense pain when urinating;
I often recall with a small amount of liquid to the toilet (sometimes drop by drop);
Rezi, urine burning, discomfort;
The appearance and turbidity of blood, pus, mucus in urine;
Pain in the groin, suprapubic area by irradiation to genitals;
Increased body temperature, weakness, weakness.
The diagnosis of cystitis is based on the detection of inflammatory changes in OAM. To exclude complications, Nechiporenko, ultrasound, UAC, cystoscopy, urine analysis is performed according to the culture on the nutrient medium.

Mechanism of pain during bladder inflammation
Successful treatment of the disease is achieved by suppressing all pathogenic connections of the pathological process.

Inflammation. The activity of bacteria in the mucous membranes causes damage. The receptors on the wall of the body are irritating, pain occurs. The relationship between the degree of change and subjective senses. The more pronounced the process, the stronger the painful symptoms;

Spasm of smooth muscles of bladder and urethra. In response to damage, muscle tension occurs naturally. Blood flow of the organ is disrupted, pain occurs. Due to increased smooth muscle tone, a full bladder feeling often occurs in the toilet.

Comprehensive help with inflammatory changes in the urinary sphere
List of pain relief procedures:

Drink more liquid. Special teas, wages, infusions from plants with antiseptic properties;
Heat on the lower abdomen. Hot water bottle or bath improves blood flow, relaxes muscles, reduces painful symptoms. The procedure is contraindicated in the presence of blood in the urine;
Take analgesics (No-shpa, Diclofenac, Baralgin, Trigan-D). Relieves anesthesia, relieves spasm, reduces the frequency of visits to the toilet;
Herbal uroseptics (Canephron, Phytolysin) combat pathological microbes;
Antibacterial drugs reduce pain by eliminating the cause of inflammation.
Drug (tablets, suppositories, injections);
Reflex techniques (exposure to specific areas reduces the flow of pain impulses from the affected organ);
Folk methods

Heating Pad for Neck and Shoulders | Microwavable Moist Heat Aromatherapy Wrap Hot Compress for Arthritis, Muscle Pain, Anxiety and Stress Relief with Natural Lavender Scent by TheraCool