Monday, October 28, 2019

U by Kotex Lightdays Panty Liners, Long, Unscented, 126 Count

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U by Kotex Lightdays Panty Liners, Long, Unscented, 126 Count

The first birth control pill was in 1961 when it was launched in Europe. The Anovs were originally produced to regulate menstrual bleeding; ovulation prevention was a side effect.
This side effect made Anovs one of the inventions of the century, but until 1968, due to the conservative attitude, the pill was only recommended to married women to regulate menstrual bleeding.

With the student movements that started in 1968, birth control pill became important in the west. Sexuality and protection began to be discussed for the first time in society.

Today pills and other birth control tools are now a part of everyday life. Thanks to the pill, the number of unwanted pregnancies, abortions and abortions was greatly reduced. The rate of birth control pills is around 20 percent worldwide. This rate was 4 percent in Turkey.

General Information & Benefits

First of all, can you describe me the birth control pill?

Birth control pills are effective, easy-to-use drugs that contain the female hormones normally found in the female body and prevent pregnancy if used. When used correctly, the effectiveness of birth control pills is 99.9 percent. This means that there is almost no chance of getting pregnant.

What are the benefits of birth control pills other than contraception?

Birth control pills are highly effective, easy to use and have been thoroughly examined for their effects and side effects.

Birth control pills reduce pre-menstrual tension and painful menstruation, menstrual bleeding becomes less, shorter and more regular, and as a result, the incidence of iron-deficiency anemia decreases.

In addition, birth control pills reduce the incidence of ectopic pregnancy, the formation of cysts in the ovaries and breasts, and the risks of uterine and ovarian cancer. Most often acne is improved. It reduces the risk of bone resorption called osteoporosis. Reduces rheumatoid arthritis.

Side effects

What are the side effects that may occur during the use of the pill?

Side effects that occur during the first three months of use of the pill include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, intermittent bleeding, sensation of breasts and bloating in the body. These side effects are temporary and are expected to disappear in three to four months. In such cases, it is best to consult your doctor rather than stopping the pill.

What are the conditions I should consult a doctor while taking pills?

Severe abdominal pain, thigh or leg pain; when severe chest pain or shortness of breath develops; In case of severe headache, sudden loss of vision or blurred vision or speech disorder, suspicion of pregnancy or depression, jaundice or breast mass develops, a health institution should be consulted immediately.

How should I use it?

I decided to take birth control pills, how should I start?

If you have not taken any pills or have taken a break for several months, you should wait for your menstruation and take the first pill on the first day of menstruation.

I started taking birth control pills, how should I continue?

You should take one tablet every day and finish the package and stop taking the pill for seven days. Your period will start when you do not take the pill. If you are sure that you use the pill regularly, don't worry. Regardless of your menstrual bleeding, you should begin the next box at the end of a seven-day break.

What do you suggest I do when I forgot to take the pill?

You should immediately take a tablet if you notice that you forgot the pill. If there is no delay for more than 12 hours, there is no problem as the protection will continue. However, if you notice that you have forgotten the pill more than 12 hours later, you should swallow the forgotten pill and take the pill of that day at normal time. In this case you should apply additional contraceptive measures until the next menstrual period since the protection is not complete.

Should I stop taking the pill from time to time?

No, you don't have to take a break unless there are medical reasons.

But who is inconvenient to take birth control pills?

Pregnants or those suspected of pregnancy; those with cardiovascular system and cerebrovascular disease; those who are actively experiencing the disease where the vein is clogged, and those who have already had it; those with active liver disease; women with cancer of the female organs or breast cancer should not use birth control pills.

Use of birth control pills in special cases

How should people who are getting married soon take birth control pills?

If you plan to use the pill as a birth control method, you should start taking the pill on the first day of your period at least one month before marriage.

What to do in case of vomiting and diarrhea?

Vomiting and severe diarrhea within 3-4 hours after taking the pill may reduce its protective efficacy as it prevents absorption of the pill. In this case, you should continue to complete the last tablet from another box and take the other tablets on time. If vomiting and diarrhea lasts longer than 12 hours, you should consult your doctor.

What should be the use of pills in the postpartum and lactation period?

If you are breastfeeding your child, you should postpone taking the pill until the baby is six months old. If you are not breastfeeding, you can start taking pills in consultation with your doctor on the first day after the first menstruation after birth.

How to start taking pills after abortions and abortions?

If there is no medical obstacle for abortions and abortions before the third month of pregnancy, you can start taking the pill immediately in consultation with your doctor.

What should I do when I decide to conceive?

Just complete the package you use and stop taking pills. You get your ability to get pregnant right away.

Can I smoke while I am on birth control pills?

Smoking is a risk factor for heart diseases. If the pill is to be continued after the age of 35, smoking cessation is recommended.

What you are curious about

Will the pills cause weight gain?

In particular, it was found that pills containing low amounts of hormones did not cause a change in weight.

What is the effect of birth control pills on acne?

Research shows that birth control pills often affect acne positively.

Do birth control pills affect my menstruation?

Menstrual bleeding during pill use is lighter and shorter than normal.

Are intermediate hemorrhages normal when taking pills?

Yeah. When you use the pill for the first time, you may have spotting or more severe irregular bleeding other than normal menstrual bleeding. You should continue to take the pill normally. These bleeding disappear after 3-4 months. If it continues, you should consult your doctor.

Does the pill increase the risk of cancer?

No. It has been found that 50 to 60 percent reduction in ovarian and uterine cancer is observed in women taking reverse pills, and this effect persists for fifteen years even if the pill is discontinued. In addition, it was found that colon cancer was less common in women who used pills at any time in their lives.

Does the pill cause infertility?

No, the pill doesn't cause infertility. It is possible to become pregnant when you stop taking the pill.

Does the pill cause heart disease?

The relationship between the pill and cardiovascular diseases depends on the dose and type of different hormones. This risk is minimized by using low-dose birth control pills. If you are prone to such diseases, you should consult your doctor.

U by Kotex Lightdays Panty Liners, Long, Unscented, 126 Count