Thursday, October 31, 2019

Microwavable Heating Pad for Neck and Shoulders - Weighted Hot & Cold Plush Wrap Pad, Deep Pressure Relief, Herbal Aromatherapy, Comfort Fit Design - 3lbs

Causes and types of abdominal pain: How does it go, what to do?

Microwavable Heating Pad for Neck and Shoulders - Weighted Hot & Cold Plush Wrap Pad, Deep Pressure Relief, Herbal Aromatherapy, Comfort Fit Design - 3lbs

Abdominal pain is one of the most common health problems in children and adults, and it can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint the location of the pain. Abdominal pain can be caused by many different causes. The location of the pain can provide important information about the problem. Abdominal pain, sometimes a symptom of an important disease, can sometimes be just a temporary and simple problem. 5% of patients admitted to hospital have abdominal pain. The cause of abdominal pain cannot be found in 40% of patients. The most common diagnosis is acute gastroenteritis (7%). Do not use medication unconsciously as there may be serious problems under the abdominal pain.

What is abdominal pain?
Abdominal pain is a common health problem and can be caused by many reasons. In some cases it is a symptom of an important disease but is usually caused by a simple problem. If the cause of abdominal pain is not known and it has not been diagnosed by a physician before, it is useful not to take pain medication. However, it is recommended to drink light ice water, eat toast, drink apple juice or eat bananas in mild abdominal pain after eating. The treatment depends entirely on the problem detected.

If the pain has started suddenly and it is like a pain you have never experienced before, when you go to the emergency department, the diagnosis may be appendicitis or pancreatic inflammation. If the pain is chronic and relapses every month and continues for a few days, if accompanied by fever, weakness, fatigue, joint pain is in the foreground, it may be the harbinger of familial mediterranean fever. In this case, the patient must consult the hospital for correct diagnosis and treatment.

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Causes of abdominal pain
Abdominal pain can have many different causes Inflammation of an organ (eg appendicitis, diverticulitis, colitis), stretching or swelling of an organ (eg obstruction of the gut, obstruction of the bile duct by gallstones, hepatitis swelling of the liver) or ischemic blood flow to an organ (eg ischemic). colitis) are the most common causes.

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Infections in the throat, intestines, or blood can cause bacteria to enter your digestive tract, resulting in abdominal pain. These infections can also cause digestive changes such as diarrhea or constipation.

Causes of acute abdominal pain
Appendicitis Cholecystitis / cholangitis (bile duct inflammation, gallbladder infection called cholecystitis)
Pancreatitis (Pancreatic inflammation)
Diverticulitis (inflammation of the digestive tract or duct).
Perforation (As a result of perforation of the ulcer, gastric juice flows into the peritoneal cavity.)
Obstruction (Obstruction)
Acute ischemia (Inadequate blood supply to an organ or tissue due to narrowing or obstruction of blood vessels or local anemia, anemia)
Ruptured Aortic Aneurysm (Tear or ballooning of the main artery passing through the abdomen)
Ectopic pregnancy (located elsewhere than normal)
PIH (inflammation and infection of woman's upper reproductive organs)
Nephrolithiasis (Kidneystone)
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Causes of chronic abdominal pain
Peptic Ulcer Esophagitis,
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Chronic Pancreatitis (Pancreatic inflammation)
Chronic cholecystitis (biliary tract inflammation)
Chronic Ischemia DM, (Anemia)
FMF, (Familial Mediterranean Fever)
Pofiria (hereditary disease resulting in the accumulation of porphyrin or porphyrin precursors in tissues and skin, excretion of feces and / or urine as a result of a deficiency of one or more enzymes required for both production)
Crohn's Disease (Disease manifested by intermittent inflammations in any part of the digestive system or several different parts at the same time, from mouth to anus)
UC Gynecological events
Abdominal wall pain
Diseases of musculoskeletal system
Sudden and severe abdominal pain can be a sign of gallstones and bile duct disease

Causes of abdominal pain according to the location of abdominal pain
If pain is common in the abdomen:

Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix)
Crohn's disease
Traumatic injury
Irritable bowel syndrome
Urinary tract infection
If abdominal pain focuses on the lower abdomen:

Intestinal obstruction
Ectopic pregnancy
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Abdominal pain in women, the lower abdominal reproductive organs is:

Severe menstrual pain (called dysmenorrhea)
Ovarian cysts
The fibroids
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Ectopic pregnancy
What is ectopic pregnancy? Why? Symptoms and treatment

If the pain is in the upper abdomen

Stones of the gallbladder
Heart attack
Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver)
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Pain is in the center of the abdomen

Uremia (collection of waste products in the blood)
If the pain is in the left lower abdomen

Crohn's disease
Kidney infection
Ovarian cysts
Abdominal pain and menstrual irregularity may be caused by chocolate cyst

Abdominal pain in the left upper abdomen

Overgrown Spleen
Stool impaction (non-disposable hardened stool)
the law
Kidney infection
Heart attack
Causes of right lower abdominal pain

Hernia (when an organ comes out of a weak spot in the abdominal muscles)
Kidney infection
Right upper abdominal pain


Causes of chronic resistant abdominal pain
They are pain that has not lasted for more than 6 months or has been investigated with appropriate investigations. The majority of these patients are women. The history also includes abdominal pain in childhood. Hypochondriasis (Sickness) and Somatization (a psychiatric condition with medically unexplained physical / physical symptoms) disorders are frequently in the foreground.

Causes and treatment of recurrent abdominal pain in children

Causes of abdominal pain according to the severity of abdominal pain
Very severe abdominal pain: The first conditions that should come to mind are Ulcer Perforation, Acute Pancreatitis and Kidney stones. Intestinal obstruction, cholecystitis and appendicitis are severe, but they cause relatively slower pain.

Moderate abdominal pain: Peptic ulcer, Gastroenteritis and Ozefajit are the conditions that cause such pain.

Causes of abdominal pain according to the duration of abdominal pain
Ulcer pain; Occurs early in the morning or before meals or at certain times of the day.
Pain in the gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis); It is not often seen immediately after meals, but usually occurs during sleep.
Appendicitis pain; Typically, it is progressive with no reduction for 10-15 hours.
The pain of irritable bowel syndrome is chronic. Usually increases after meals and in the evening.
Pain in women with monthly intervals; Problems associated with endometriosis or ovulation should be considered.
Acute Intermittent Porphyria should be considered for pain after taking some medications such as barbiturate.
Acute pancreatitis should be considered in pain after ingestion of drugs such as steroids, tetracyclines and thiazides.
Causes that reduce or increase abdominal pain
Peptic ulcer or esophagitis should be considered for pain which decreases with acid suppressing or neutralizing drugs.
Pain associated with duodenal ulcer may improve after eating, while stomach ulcer pain may increase.
Pancreatic diseases, Intestinal obstruction (obstruction of the small and large intestine) or Mesenteric ischemia (intestinal vascular obstruction) pain is almost always increased after meal.
Pain due to ileal obstruction occurs within 1-2 hours after meals, while pain due to duodenal obstruction can occur immediately when eating.
Certain body positions can change the intensity of pain in different diseases.
While pancreatitis pain increases and decreases by leaning forward, burning due to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) increases with burn heartburn ”and pushing.
Back pain in IBS can be relieved by stretching the spine. It can pass completely through gas or fecal outlet.
With the excretion of feces there is relief from pain associated with other colonic diseases.

Treatment of abdominal pain
Abdominal pain should be treated according to the cause. Inflammation, reflux or ulcer drugs, infections with antibiotics, abdominal pain caused by certain foods or drinks are treated with changes in personal behavior. In some cases, such as appendicitis and hernia, diagnostic tests such as blood, urine and fecal sampling, CT scan, and endoscopy may be required to exclude or confirm a specific diagnosis. As a result of these tests, surgery may be recommended for treatment.

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Drug therapy in abdominal pain
For gas pain, medications containing simethicone (Mylanta, Gas-X) can be used.
Try antacid or acid lowering (Pepcid AC, Zantac 75) for heartburn caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease.
For constipation, the use of relieving constipation or laxative may help to regenerate the intestines.
Medications containing loperamide (Imodium) or bismuth subsalicylate (Kaopectate or Pepto-Bismol) for diarrhea-induced cramps may make you feel better.
For other types of pain, acetaminophen (Aspirin Free Anacin, Liquiprin, Panadol, Tylenol) may be useful.
You will need to use antibiotics for infection-induced abdominal pain.
However, avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Midol, Motrin) or naproxen (Naprosyn, Aleve, Anaprox, Naprelan). They can touch your stomach.

How does abdominal pain go, what is good?
Avoid sodas. Such drinks can increase the severity of the pain.
Do not use painkillers if you do not know the cause of your pain. If the pain is due to an inflammation of the organs in the abdomen, the painkiller may cause serious consequences as it will hide the pain.
It is recommended to drink light ice water, eat toast, drink apple juice or eat bananas in mild abdominal pain after meals.
You can prepare hot water bags and put them on your stomach.
Keep your feet warm.
Try to extract gas. You can help to remove the gas by massaging your stomach from right to left and from left to right.
If your abdominal pain is abdominal pain due to menstrual pain, there is no harm in using painkillers if it recurs every month.
If the pain is new onset and severe, it is important to consult a physician if you have nausea, vomiting and fever, rather than taking precautions yourself.

Herbal treatment of abdominal pain
Baking powder
Baking soda helps to relieve heartburn and stomach pain with its acid-relieving properties. To prepare natural antacids with carbonate; Add half teaspoon soda to half a glass of water.

However, baking soda contains sodium, so people on a low sodium diet or high blood pressure should be careful when using baking soda.

Heating pad or hot water bottle
It is a simple but effective remedy for heat, stomach and abdominal pain. Take an electric blanket, a heating pad or a hot water bottle and place it on your pain. It's hot, but not enough to burn you. Wait 10-15 minutes until you relax. In addition, putting hot water on the stomach after eating, helps to increase circulation in the digestive tract. In this way, food is more easily digested and abdominal pain is reduced.

Ginger is a spice commonly used in the treatment of abdominal and measures pain. Ginger helps problems by activating the intestines and eliminating the gas problem. Ginger not only increases the digestive capacity of the digestive system, it also allows the body to effectively allow the intake of all the necessary nutrients.

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Its anti-inflammatory effect reduces inflammation in the intestines and stomach and reduces abdominal pain caused by it. As a digestive aid, ginger helps food to pass through the digestive tract. To prepare ginger tea; Grate a peeled ginger and add up to half a teaspoon of yours in a hot cup. Leave for about three minutes, then strain the ginger and drink tea.

Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea is a natural and effective herbal remedy to treat problems such as indigestion, measures cramps, menstrual pain and muscle cramps. Chamomile contains various antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that help alleviate problems. Chamomile tea helps relieve abdominal pain and relieves cramps. However, people with canary allergy should not consume daisies.

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Rolled oats
Oatmeal is an effective food to get rid of abdominal pain. It consists of fibers that are really useful in the treatment of constipation. Oatmeal is also very useful for maintaining cholesterol levels, preventing cancer, helping with weight loss, and maintaining blood sugar levels. Oatmeal is also good for measures of discomfort.

Mint de measures is very effective in pain and irritable bowel syndrome. Mint protects the digestive tract and prevents cramps by allowing nutrients to pass through the intestine faster. Peppermint oil is also used in capsules used for irritable bowel syndrome that sees in over-the-counter medications such as Gaz-X. It measures the pain to consume fresh mint tea is very effective. To prepare fresh mint tea, throw a few leaves of fresh mint in a glass warm feeling and stir.

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Oregano is a great help in treating measure problems naturally. Using oregano not only measures cramps and improves gas, but also facilitates digestion. Thyme oil helps push the gas down with its anti-spasm feature. To prepare oregano tea; Add a teaspoon of dry thyme leaf to warm yours and leave it off for about 10 minutes and then strain the leaves of thyme and for tea.

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Seeds of fennel
Fennel is a good herbal remedy for abdominal pain, measure cramps and flatulence. Drinking tea prepared from fennel seeds three times a day is very useful for measures. Fennel anesthole contains aspartic acid. Aspartic acid works as an anti-flatulent and measures excess gas naturally, while anesthole measures (helps stimulate the secretion of juices from digestion and measures), and reduces intestinal inflammation.

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Fennel seeds are also very good laxative agents and not only cleanse the intestines, but also help maintain good peristaltic movements of the intestines. Antibacterial and disinfectant properties and amino acids such as histidine in fennel seeds help improve digestive system functionality and treat diarrhea caused by indigestion.

When to see a doctor?
Severe, repetitive, increasing and continuous character pains
Pain relief, fainting, bleeding, vomiting and high fever
Spread of abdominal pain on chest, neck and shoulder
Blood in the stool
Abdominal tension and swelling
During this research, the physician's experience, manners and knowledge are of great importance.

Microwavable Heating Pad for Neck and Shoulders - Weighted Hot & Cold Plush Wrap Pad, Deep Pressure Relief, Herbal Aromatherapy, Comfort Fit Design - 3lbs