Thursday, October 31, 2019

Icy Hot Extra Strength Medicated Patch, Large, 5 Count

Does not neglect coccyx damage

Icy Hot Extra Strength Medicated Patch, Large, 5 Count

The pain of coccyx, which patients resist to avoid going to the doctor, can occur for many reasons, from simple trauma to cancer.

Coccyx pain is called coccycodia or coccyx pain. The coccyx bone comes from the “cuckoo ve and is named because it resembles the cuckoo's beak. It is pain of a local area and can cause coccyx pain from simple trauma to cancer. Sometimes tail pain can occur without any cause.


It is a disability that can be treated and treated seriously, but it seriously affects the quality of life of the patients. Those who suffer from coccyx pain hide these complaints for a long time, but when things become inextricable, they first open their relatives and then their doctor. Just below the back of the waist just above our hips, when we sit in contact with the multi-part bone that touches the kosiks has a few important tasks. First, when we sit down, it helps keep the body in balance and many tendons, muscles and ligaments are associated with this anatomical structure.

PAIN can spread to legs

Even simple coccyx pains can get worse when you sit down or get up from a chair or lean back while sitting. You may also experience pain when using the toilet. Women may experience discomfort in this area during menstruation. Occasionally, the pain of the coccyx can spread from the back to the legs. The pain is reduced as coccyx pain alleviates the pressure on the tail bone during standing or walking.

Bone wear and calcification

If patients sit in a hard place or sit for a long time, the coccyx may start to ache due to direct pressure. In the event of a fall or impact, small bones forming the coccyx may move or break. Corrosion and calcification of the bones in the coccyx can cause pain. In the last months of pregnancy, with the effect of hormones, the ligaments around the coccyx are loosened to facilitate birth and the small bones of the coccyx are more exposed to pressure. Studies have shown that women suffer from tail pain more often than men. On the other hand, fat ones are more prone to tail bone problems. So being overweight is one of the risk factors for coccyx pain. But it is not appropriate to lose excess weight at a time. Because the sudden loss of tissue on the bone causes loss of support on the bone. Loss of supportive tissue is a cause of pain and injury to the coccyx and caution should be exercised. Infection or tumors are among the rare causes of coccyx pain.


The cause of chronic coccodynia is to blame for the pain and overactivity of the ganglion. If the local anesthesia test is a definite diagnosis of this ganlion as the source of chronic, non-persistent pain of the coccyx, the nerve ablation procedure, which we call ablation, is performed to eliminate this pain permanently and the patient can get rid of this relentless pain. Ablation can also be done chemically. These coccygeal ablation injection techniques have been successfully applied for many years.

Sitting position important

To alleviate the pain, pain can be reduced by placing it on the area with a heating pad or ice pack, or by soft contact. The place of residence is important, should not exert pressure on the coccyx and increase pain. You can benefit from a specially designed pillow or bagels.

Interventional therapies

In chronic coccygeal pain, there is a sympathetic pain center called the emperor ganglion just below the coccyx accompanied by imaging. If local anesthesia is performed in small doses into this emperor ganglion, the overactivity of the ganglion will disappear and the patient will be relieved of pain. Surgical treatment includes coxixgectomy, which involves partial or complete surgical removal of coccyx.

Manually placed in place

An experienced doctor may perform a technique called cocsigeal manipulation. Technically, a doctor wears gloves and touches the bones by inserting a finger through the coccyx and moving it back and forth to bring it back into place. Many people do this manipulation among the public and try, but the attempt of non-physicians to do this is extremely wrong and may cause unwanted disability.


Diagnostic tests are sometimes required for diagnosis. It is possible to determine the source of pain anatomically by injecting a small amount of local anesthetic substance with or without cortisone into the pain area. In order to carry out this procedure in a healthy way, it is appropriate to carry out the procedure with the devices called moving fluoroscopy which gives instant images. Otherwise, the desired result may not be achieved by dispersing the drug. Flat x-ray images are, for example, an examination of patients who come to the doctor for the first time as a result of falling and multiplying.


It is taken to determine whether there is an anatomical problem in fracture or bone structures. Lumbosacral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most useful option in cases where it is suspected that coccyge pain is caused by anatomical structures located higher in the spine (ie in the waist or sacral regions).

WHAT TO DO ?: Consult a doctor if the pain is severe or persists for more than a few days. Tail pain is usually not serious and can be a temporary condition caused by the current fall, impact, injury, sitting on hard ground for a long time. Rarely, it may be a precursor to cancer of the region.
MANUAL TYPE SUPPORTED: First of all the muscles around the coccyx manually after the tension is there to relax any tension in the manual techniques and physical therapy options are used. Other “manual medicine” techniques that stimulate osteopathic, chiropractic, or coccyx are sometimes applied by some clinicians.

Icy Hot Extra Strength Medicated Patch, Large, 5 Count