Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Phillips' Laxative Caplets (100-Count Box)

Constipation friendly foods from olive oil to apricot

Phillips' Laxative Caplets (100-Count Box)

It is not a fate to live with constipation ... Sometimes simple life changes and sometimes surgical examinations can give more positive results than expected. Often, natural nutritional advice can also comfort the patient and solve the problem.
Don't let constipation make your life difficult and reduce your quality of life. This is not a problem without a solution. The methods and the right approaches allow patients to get rid of this problem and lead a comfortable life. General Surgery Specialist Dr. Dr. Mustafa Öncel, “After briefly evaluating the patient in my daily practice, I first get the support of a dietician and make 4 recommendations to my patients,” he says. Here are those suggestions:


Are you constantly having constipation problems?

If you have no idea what to do, or if you've been unsuccessful, try these suggestions ...

Make sure you consume greens and salads at every main meal.

Take care not to consume any fat-free meals.

Adequate amount of fat is necessary for proper and efficient operation of the intestines.

Be sure to consume legumes at least 3-4 days a week.

Consume vegetable meals 5-6 times a week. You opted for a vegetable meal every day.

Consume fruits that prevent constipation: plums, apples, peaches, oranges, pears, pineapples, grapes, prunes, grapefruits and oranges.

Vegetables that prevent constipation; spinach, cauliflower, tomato, lettuce, onion, turnip, celery, parsnip can be given as examples.

Regular water consumption is very important.

Consume at least 2 liters of water per day.

Caffeinated drinks should be consumed less as it causes water to be excreted from the body. Take care not to consume caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee and cola.

Foods made from white bread and white flour do not help digestion because they contain less fiber.

Still life is the favorite form of constipation. Try to increase your daily activity.

Refined and processed foods such as fries, burgers and pizza trigger constipation. Take care not to consume them.
Constipation friendly foods from olive oil to apricot - Share

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Suggestions to solve the problem of constipation

1. Increasing fluid intake: Most of the people complaining of constipation are inadequate fluid intake and the main recommendation is içmek drinking plenty of water belirtil. Fluid intake of at least 2.5 liters in summer and 2 liters in winter is ideal. Patients often have difficulty in monitoring the amount of fluid they take. Therefore, it is recommended that they keep their jugs out of the use of other family members. It is stated that there are errors in the use of some herbal teas and if they are not protected from their side effects, they may cause more harm than good.

2. Increasing the intake of pulp: Daily intake of fiber foods needs to be increased. Disintegrating them increases the fecal content and is seen as the most effective method to prevent stiffness with the liquid it will absorb. For this purpose, vegetable dishes, green salads, fruit to be eaten with the skin, unrefined grains are among the most frequently recommended foods for dieticians. Although it is not possible to stay away from protein foods such as meat, it is recommended that meat be eaten with salad. Probiotic foods help regulate intestinal function. In the evening, a few apricot peppers in a warm-hot water to leave and leave to infuse in the morning to drink the juice first and then eat the apricot is often positive.

During the Eid al-Adha, the amount and frequency of red meat consumption is increasing. This situation, such as constipation in the barber brings digestive system disorders.

Here are the foods that are good for constipation ...

Dried Apricots: This fruit is a very useful fruit used to treat constipation. Dried apricots in a glass of water in the morning by waiting in the morning if you drink this water on an empty stomach can be good for your intestines.

Fig: Fig with a high fiber content is effective in eliminating constipation and removing toxic substances from the intestines. The constipated can consume the fig both dry and dry.

Senna: You can use the leaves of cinnamon for a short time in case of constipation. However, the duration of use should not exceed 10 days. Otherwise, your intestines may be irritated.

Olive oil: The olive oil, which has many benefits, is also effective in the problem of constipation.

Flax Seed: This plant is a very effective constipation remover. Beat the flax seeds in the mortar a little in the mornings on an empty stomach and mix them with low-fat yogurt.

Spinach: The essential minerals and vitamins for the body, a rich plant spinach, easy digestion and constipation prevention feature.

Cabbage: The cabbage is made of fibrous food, making it easier to digest, preventing constipation.

Black Plum: A, C and B group vitamins, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron minerals rich in plum, constipation is also effective in the problem of constipation. Plums that facilitate digestion and ease digestion are good constipation remover.

Leek: But vitamins, minerals and various nitrites with healing properties of leeks, stomach and intestinal disorders is also very effective.

Grapes: Shells and seeds without damage to the stomach to accelerate digestion, regulate the functioning of the intestinal system and intestinal pain, especially the dry one of the grape is very useful in constipation.

Apple: The experts recommend to consume fiber foods against constipation. Here are apples, one of the most valuable of these foods.

Parsley: It has a relaxing effect against diseases such as intestines, digestion and constipation.

Kiwi: It is a known fact that kiwi is effective as an intestinal emollient in constipation complaints.

Whole Wheat Bread: The bread made with whole wheat flour contains the whole grain of wheat.

3. Intestinal friendly life: Stress is seen as an important factor affecting intestinal habits. In this sense, it is necessary to try to stay away from stress. It is also important to know that women are more likely to face bowel problems during their special periods. Regular life is said to be very important in maintaining regular intestinal habits. Obesity also has the effect of triggering constipation. Another reason to get rid of excess weight is to regulate intestinal function is pointed out. Light sports, especially at a fast pace, have the effect of regulating bowel functions. Effective gait helps resolve constipation by regulating bowel movements. Regular exercise should be 5 days a week, at least 20 minutes a day, to increase the heart rate to a certain intensity.
4. Treatment of defecation habits: The ‘gastrocolic reflex bulunan found in all humans causes the need for defecation 15-30 minutes after food intake and is seen as one of the miracles of the body. This means that the body clock is organized for defecation using a reflex. This process, which can be taught, helps regulate the habit of defecation.


Natural products for constipation

Apples, plums and apricots: Composting or eating fresh fruit with the skin (the fruit has a lot of fiber in the skin) allows the bowels to get organized.
Figs, apricots and grapes: These fruits have high fiber content and are very effective in removing hardness and removing toxic substances in the intestines. They can be consumed as fresh, dried fruit or compote. Apricots boiled with milk can also be an effective solution for hardness. It can be consumed with grapes, shells and seeds. Diabetics need to be careful because of the high sugar contained in these fruits.
Spinach and cabbage: They are seen as vegetables rich in minerals and vitamins. It facilitates digestion and prevents constipation. Since they are a good source of fiber that can be consumed in the salad as well as food, boiling and sweetening it with honey can prevent hardness.
Leek: Rice and olive oil cooked leek is very effective in constipation problem and regulate the intestinal flora.
Olive Oil: As it is easy to digest, it provides better absorption of nutrients by the intestines and helps them to work regularly.

Olive Oil besin A miracle that protects human health with its nutritional value…

Contains plenty of vitamins.

Vitamin E is rich in vitamins A, D and K.

Thanks to the substance called Oleiprine, it protects the cells against cancer.

It delays the effects of aging on tissues and organs in general and brain functions.

Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

It is a type of fat that dieters should also prefer.

Olive oil, which is also very beneficial for brain health, prevents forgetfulness.

In case of mouthwashing with olive oil, it helps to keep the teeth white.

Olive oil reduces stomach acid and protects stomach against diseases such as gastritis and ulcer.

It reduces the risk of gallstones in the gallbladder and prevents the formation of stones in the spleen.

In addition, it activates the bile secretion, making digestion the most perfect.

Useful for skin and hair. It prevents dandruff when it is applied to the hair and prevents spillage.

It accelerates the strengthening of the bones of children in developmental age.

It increases the level of benign cholesterol in the blood called HLD. Cleans LDL cholesterol.

Olive oil also used as ointment; It has the effect of relieving burning with pain caused by irritation.

It is the easiest type of fat to digest.

It is effective in brain development in children.

It plays a major role in preventing calcification.

The vitamins contained in olive oil are used in the treatment of old age as they have cell renewing properties.
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The miraculous benefits of olive oil

Examinations used in constipation
Professor Dr. Dr. Mustafa Oncel, "Constipation problems in patients who have surgical examinations before the application we have," he says. Scintigraphy or special markers are used to determine the rate at which the intestine pushes forward and how rapidly the feces progress in the intestine. The structure of the breech is investigated with a special ultrasonographic device and the last part of the intestine and breech functions are examined with pressure measuring devices. MRdefecography is the most important examination to be done. This is an MRI examination, which means that the patient's defecation is screened in the form of a video film with MR imaging. Thus, the defect is detected in the defect function. It is stated that this examination has revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment planning of constipation.

Surgical treatment of constipation
Surgical procedures can be performed in two different types of constipation that increase the quality of life of the patients. Some patients with rare defecation problems help the defecation process by shortening the intestine. In this case, approximately 80 percent of the intestine is sacrificed and the result is often said to be grim. This procedure can often be solved with more comfortable and advanced techniques for the patient instead of open surgery. The second type is obstructive defecation syndrome. These patients do not completely empty their stools and do this mostly with the help of fingers. It is stated that people who experience this distress rarely share their condition with their doctors because of their shame. In most of these patients, defecation functions are normalized and quality of life can be improved with surgical techniques.

New approaches and methods in surgical techniques
Nowadays, more effective treatments are applied to eliminate the problem of constipation. Dr. Cel The first of these is bio-feedback Ön. With a device, the patient is taught how to correct his great ablution and is given a more regular defecation habit. ” It is stated that the surgery for constipation can now be performed by laparoscopic (closed) method or with the help of robot. In this way, the burden of surgery on the patient is minimized and the recovery process of the patients is much shorter.

Apricot, which is rich in vitamins A, B, C and P, also contains plenty of iron. It is also rich in magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, copper, chromium and manganese minerals.

Apricot has cancer preventive and blood pressure lowering properties.

It takes away fatigue.

It is also very useful in the elimination of depression problems due to potassium deficiency in the elderly with nutritional problems.

It is good for larynx inflammation and asthma. It has expectorant properties in asthma.

Prevents constipation.

Prevents night blindness.

Protects the body against aging.

Stress is good.

It plays a role in ulcer healing.

It is good for anemia by increasing blood production.

It's good for the liver.

Makes bones more smooth and firm.

Strengthens the heart muscles and makes it work more regularly.

It plays a role in the reduction of stones in the kidneys.

Dried apricots are rich in potassium.

Gives strength to the body. Relieves physical and mental fatigue.

It is especially useful for children of developmental age.

Prevents developmental disorders such as rickets. Accelerates the healing of patients.

It relaxes the nerves and cause sleepyness.

It's also good for migraine. It also nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin.
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Panacea: Apricots

Phillips' Laxative Caplets (100-Count Box)