Thursday, October 17, 2019

Nupercainal Hemorrhoidal Ointment, 2 Ounce, Pale Yellow


Nupercainal Hemorrhoidal Ointment, 2 Ounce, Pale Yellow

Do you know? It is one of the most common diseases. Hemorrhoids develop in more than half of the population, usually after the age of 30. Millions of people around the world suffer from this disease. This problem can be solved painlessly with current surgical treatment methods.

What is Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are vascular tissue cushions around the breech. Hemorrhoids swelling of these vessels

What are the different types of hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids in the rectum are divided into two as internal and external.

Internal hemorrhoids are in the rectum. You are only aware of their presence when they sag, bleed, or produce slimy discharge. Painless bleeding and palpable mass during or after defecation are the most common findings. With the examination of your doctor, it is easily understood whether you have internal hemorrhoids.
External hemorrhoids are small bubbles at the outlet of the breech. They are usually painless. However, blood clots may form in these hemorrhoids, in which case they turn blue and cause severe pain; at other times it has normal skin color. External hemorrhoids that cause complaints may cause swelling, burning and pain in the breech and rarely itching.
Causes of hemorrhoids
Although the exact cause is unknown, pressure increases in the vessels in the breech region and enlargement of the hemorrhoids occur due to the standing position.
Other factors that contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids;
· Age
· Chronic constipation or diarrhea
· Pregnancy
· Familial
· Obesity
· Excessive force during defecation, straining
Excessive use of laxatives or enemas to relieve constipation
· Spending more time (more than 3-5 minutes) in the toilet (newspapers, magazines, books)
reading, etc.)
Whatever the cause, the vascular cushions in the anal area are stretched. The veins here
dilates, thins and bleeds. If pressure and pressure persist, these cushions come out and show themselves as a handled mass if no action is taken.

What are the complaints of hemorrhoids?
Bleeding during defecation
· Hand mass during defecation
· Anal itching
· Pain
· Sensitive masses

Are you sure you have hemorrhoids?
Most adult patients complain of hemorrhoids, regardless of the nature of their complaints. Bleeding,
If you have complaints such as itching, pain, swelling or irritation, you should not think that you have hemorrhoids directly. You should consult your doctor for an examination to make sure that you do not have a more serious problem, such as polyps, colitis, or cancer. In case of bleeding from the rectum, you should consult your doctor. Itching is rarely due to hemorrhoids.

What is appropriate treatment?
Appropriate treatment includes both surgical and non-surgical treatment.

Non-Surgical Treatment
Often, changing the nutritional habits creates miracles. In the first place, we advise patients on their eating habits; a diet rich in vegetable fibers, low cholesterol and at least five cups of water per day to advise.
Drug Treatment of Hemorrhoids
· Take high amounts of fiber food and drink plenty of water. At the same time, you need to reduce the intake of animal fat.
· Exercise daily with your doctor's approval. These exercises are brisk walking,
whether you like cycling, running, swimming or doing
it may be any activity that it endorses.
· Remove defecation needs once a day in the morning. Do not go to the toilet with every false warning.
· Avoid overstressing during defecation, because with overstressing, you will unnecessarily force the breech and this will increase your complaints due to hemorrhoids.
· You can apply a pomade written by your doctor to the hemorrhoid area or suppository
You can use.
· Sitting baths with 10 minutes of warm water during the day will reduce your complaints.
These measures will reduce your complaints in 2 to 7 days. Handled in 4-6 weeks
The breast will shrink. Thrombosed hemorrhoids (blood clot)
) can be improved. Therefore, if you consult your physician under local anesthesia
will help you with intervention.
Ligation - Rubber band treatment is very effective in the treatment of internal hemorrhoids that have come out correctly. With the application of the rubber band applied above the hemorrhoid pakes, the blood supply is stopped and within a few days this pake goes out and the band falls off. In 1-2 weeks, the patient's complaints regress. It is sometimes necessary to repeat this method.
Etching (Coagulation) - Using a light source, a small burn is created above the hemorrhagic cake, thus preventing hemorrhage from bleeding and reducing it to its normal size. It is used in hemorrhoid packs with bleeding. It is not applied to hanging out.
Injection - In this process, a fluid is injected above the swollen hemorrhoid to reduce it, more effective in hemorrhages that do not sag from the rectum. The procedure may need to be repeated every two to three years.
These methods are used only for internal hemorrhoids. If used in the treatment of external hemorrhoids, they cause severe pain.

Surgical treatment
Advanced hemorrhoids are usually described above, which can be applied in the outpatient clinic
they do not respond to methods.
· Blood clot (thrombus) with severe pain in the external hemorrhoids,
· Internal hemorrhoids that do not respond to band application method,
· In case of hemorrhoids that come out of the rectum and cannot be placed in,
Surgical treatment is required in case of bleeding from hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoidal disease is treated by cutting out the pouches that bleed out and hanging out with special or classical instruments or hanging them with the stapler method. These surgical procedures can be performed under local anesthesia with a few days' home rest without hospitalization.

Do not forget:
Hemorrhoids are common and do not threaten the life of the affected person. However, it should be kept in mind that you may also have an important medical problem that you may overlook until your doctor is diagnosed with hemorrhoids. Generally, hemorrhage-related complaints are reduced by changing dietary habits, focusing on fiber foods, avoiding fatty foods, and increasing daily drinking water.
When surgical treatment is needed, it should be remembered that there are many new methods to reduce pain.

After Treatment:
In the first 36-48 hours, you may feel mild to moderate pain, blunt pain, or you may not actually feel anything. If your illness is mild, you can use a simple painkiller. Do not use aspirin or blood thinners with aspirin, as these drugs dilute the blood and trigger bleeding. If your pain is severe, your doctor will prescribe medication for you. A 10-15 minute warm sitting bath reduces your discomfort. If hemorrhoid treatment is applied surgically, 8 hours after the operation, the external dressing can be removed and a sitting bath can be made in warm water. You may have a small amount of discharge from the wound for several days after the operation, you may bleed. There is no need to dress for this discharge, the wound heals within 10 days.

After treatment, it is important to ensure that your defecation is regular and smooth. Eat plenty of foods rich in fiber and drink plenty of water (6–8 glasses a day). If your doctor has recommended that you use a fiber-rich nutritional supplement, continue. Caffeine has a constipating effect. Therefore, you should reduce the use of coffee, tea, chocolate and cola.

Physical Activity:
You can resume normal physical activity. You can drive your car immediately after treatment,
you can climb the stairs and continue your normal movements.

Conditions to be Concerned:
If any of the following conditions occur, consult your doctor.
· Pain that persists for three days

Increased pain within a few days after treatment
· Painful swelling in the breech
· Fever, chills tremor
· Difficulty urinating
· Severe constipation (no defecation for 3 days)

Diarrhea (watery defecation more than 3 times in 24 hours)
· Increased bleeding (more than one tea glass)
· Bloody defecation three or four times in three hours
· Inflammation / pus flow from the rectum

Nupercainal Hemorrhoidal Ointment, 2 Ounce, Pale Yellow