Thursday, October 17, 2019

Preparation H Medicated Wipes, 48 Count (Pack Of 6)

Bowel cancer can be confused with hemorrhoids

Preparation H Medicated Wipes, 48 Count (Pack Of 6)

General Surgery Specialist Op.Dr.Kadir Uskuay gave information on the subject.

Hemorrhoids, also known as hemorrhoids, are known and treated for at least 4000 years. However, the disease and its treatment have recently become understandable.

Hemorrhoids are present in one in 2-3 people in the community. It is seen equally in both men and women. The incidence increases in middle ages and decreases after 65 years. It is the disease that causes the most disability in community life.

Hemorrhoids are tissues that normally exist and serve to detect feces, feces and gas retention, and prevent breech irritation in defecation. Disease occurs as they loosen and expand over time and hang out from the rectum.

Familial predisposition, constipation, long sitting in the toilet, overstressing, obesity, diarrhea and pregnancy are the factors affecting the formation.

Hemorrhoids in the area where we can touch by hand are external, and those coming out of the rectum are internal hemorrhoids.

Internal hemorrhoids also present in four degrees.
First degree: Bleeding may occur.
Second degree: The toilet comes out of the nipple, and when it is done, it is pulled in.
Third degree: You need to push the nozzles that come out after the toilet by hand.
Fourth degree: Hemorrhoids are constantly outside the breast, do not enter.
Bowel cancer can be confused with hemorrhoids Itching, burning, wetness, bleeding, breasts, pain, deterioration of the toilet feeling (toilet after the toilet unfinished feeling) gives symptoms. These complaints are the same in almost every disease of the region. The person thinks he has hemorrhoids but can be confused with other diseases including cancer.

Other diseases that can be confused with hemorrhoids
Bowel cancer can be mistaken for hemorrhoids Fissure: Tear of the breech ring. Makes a very serious pain, going to the toilet is grind. With the correct diagnosis and treatment, it is possible to recover in 10 minutes.
Fistula: Breech inflammation is a flowing hole, it is possible to treat with different surgical methods.
Wart: Very contagious, recurrent, untreated can cause cancer is a disease.
Cancer of the large intestine
Bowel cancer can be mistaken for hemorrhoids The most common cancers rank third. It is not possible to understand without examination.

Inflammatory diseases of the intestine:
Hemorrhoids are most likely to be confused with many diseases, particularly cancer. For this reason, anyone with the smallest complaint from this region, who has bowel cancer in their family, should consult a physician and clinic who are experts in this field and who can provide the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Examination is life-saving. Diagnosis and removal of the structure that we call polyps in the intestine before the cancer begins, prevents cancer without the need for surgery. Hemorrhoids can be treated in 10 minutes without the need for surgery.

The treatment of hemorrhoids is very easy in expert hands, painless, without anesthesia, without any preparation, without breaking from daily life and without risk.

Treatment is planned after an absolute examination of the last 20 cm of the hernia and the intestines (especially to investigate the presence of another disease).
Drug therapy is tried in newly started hemorrhoids. The patient relaxes and suffers if the disease does not recur.

Non-surgical treatment should be preferred.
It is the most commonly used band ligation method. It is applied within 5-10 minutes, no preparation is required, no anesthesia is required. The patient may not even notice that the treatment is performed in the hands of the expert person. There is no possibility of complications. The patient returns to his daily life and work after the treatment.

Another method is drug injection. Usually alone is insufficient. Can be used together with tape method.

When the disease reaches the fourth stage, surgery is inevitable. Surgery requires hospitalization and general anesthesia. It is very painful, the healing lasts 15-45 days and there is a small chance of complications.

Preparation H Medicated Wipes, 48 Count (Pack Of 6)