Sunday, October 13, 2019

Nexium 24HR (42 Count, Tablets) All-Day, All-Night Protection from Frequent Heartburn Medicine with Esomeprazole Magnesium 20mg Acid Reducer

Reflux - ulcer - gastritis

Nexium 24HR (42 Count, Tablets) All-Day, All-Night Protection from Frequent Heartburn Medicine with Esomeprazole Magnesium 20mg Acid Reducer

Reflux, ulcers and gastritis are among the most common stomach diseases. You should take precautions against these diseases before it is too late.

Is your eating pleasure a torture? Do you feel burning, sour taste or bitter water in your stomach after leaving the table? Your complaints may be a harbinger of stomach diseases. Reflux, ulcers and gastritis are among the most common stomach diseases. You should take your precaution against these diseases which you cannot find a temporary solution before it is too late.


Reflux disease is simply defined as the escaping of the stomach contents into the esophagus.
Research has shown that 1 out of 5 adults has varying degrees of reflux complaints
Putting. At the origin of the reflux disease, the esophagus and stomach
The theme with acidic content lies.

Prolonged contact of the acidic contents of the stomach with the esophagus causes damage in this region and causes a burning sensation. The burning of food behind the esophagus, as well as the mouth, food and bitter water coming to the person is quite uncomfortable.

Experts say that reflux is a disease that must be diagnosed and treated.

What are the symptoms of reflux?

Reflux can be seen from time to time in everyone. However, this condition, which occurs after meals and repeats 10-15 times a day, is considered as a disease when it reaches the dimensions that will disturb the person.

Patients often consult a doctor with complaints of heartburn. And also; Burning and souring in the chest, bitter water coming to the throat, bad breath develops. Reflux can sometimes be mistaken for asthma because of difficulty breathing, and sometimes it may cause chest pain and cause ‘heart’ anxiety.

Bloating, especially after meals and disturbing at night when placed on a full stomach,
pressure and palpitation of the heart with a feeling of belching and choking,
It can be felt, difficulty breathing deeply.

How is the diagnosis made?

Your doctor may need some tests to diagnose reflux. Endoscopic examination, barium passage graphy, manometry and PH Metry methods provide diagnosis.

- Endoscopic examination: A method that is frequently used and provides the most information. With this examination, the amount of irritation related to the esophagus, gastric valve laxity, diagnosis
It is.

- Barium-based passage X-ray: A medicated film is filmed with this method and
showing the transition pattern. Thus, there is a problem with the movements of the esophagus.
is revealed.

- Manometry: It shows the movement pattern of the esophagus. This method examines the movement of the esophagus via a catheter inserted through the nose.

- PH Metry: Acid and alkali reflux at the last part of the esophagus is measured and monitored for 24 hours through a catheter inserted through the nose.

How is it treated?

There are 4 methods for the treatment of reflux. These methods are based on the severity and progression of reflux.
determined by your doctor. Lifestyle changes, drug therapy, surgical treatment and
Endoscopy method is one of the treatment options of reflux.

Drug therapy plays an important role in patients with reflux. Medication suppresses gastric acidity by protecting the esophagus. Thus, in most patients, complaints from reflux can be prevented. However, the initial drug treatment was
80 percent of the disease, but the origin of the disease does not eliminate the mechanical disorder and does not completely cure. If the complaints do not resolve with medical treatment or if there are complications such as bleeding and stenosis, surgical treatment is applied.

Reflux affects the quality of life, especially when seen with gastric hernia. Surgical treatment,
the only method that eliminates the mechanical origin of reflux.


Ulcer is a wound on the part of the digestive tract that comes into contact with the gastric juice. It can be seen in the junction of the esophagus and the stomach, in the stomach and in the duodenum immediately after the stomach. The most common duodenum is ulcers.

However, the frequency of gastric ulcer has increased in recent years due to the widespread use of pain medications. Research shows that 5 to 10 percent of all people have ulcers at some point in their lives. The incidence of ulcers in men is higher than in women.

More than one factor plays a role in the formation of ulcers. The most important factor; stomach juice and contained
damage to the stomach wall. In addition, the reduction of the compounds that protect the stomach (mucus, PG) against these factors also makes the stomach wall vulnerable to the action of acid.
can cause ulcers.

There are some external factors that cause ulcers. Among these reasons; Helicobacter pylori infection, smoking, pain medication, genetic predisposition and stress are the most common.

What are the symptoms of ulcer?

The most common symptom of ulcer is pain. Pain, burning and scratching can be in the form. Pain is seen in the majority of patients. In addition, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, bloating and feeling of early saturation are among the symptoms of ulcers.

How is the diagnosis made?

The definitive diagnosis is made by radiological and endoscopic examination. Radiological examination (gastric film) is a method that is easy to apply and relatively inexpensive. But a 20 percent ulcer
It can be seen.

Endoscopy (gastric and duodenum by means of a tube) is a much higher diagnostic value. There is also the possibility of taking a biopsy during this procedure. Which
Your doctor will decide whether the method should be preferred first.

How is it treated?

Objectives of ulcer treatment; relieving pain, improving ulcer and preventing recurrence.
Treatment; drug treatment and surgical treatment. Drug treatment is very versatile. In this type of treatment, gastric acid-reducing drugs, drugs that increase the effect of stomach protective factors and
Drugs used against helicobacter pylori are recommended.

Surgical treatment is preferred today when more complications develop. If the ulcer is not treated, it will bleed, puncture, clog, spread to neighboring tissues such as the pancreas and cause serious
may cause pain.


Gastritis is defined as inflammation of the stomach skin. There are two types. One is acute gastritis with sudden onset and the other is chronic gastritis. The biggest cause of gastritis is a germ called elik helicobacter pylori..

In addition, there are other causes of gastritis. But most often, this microbial gastritis
It is seen. This germ settles on the stomach skin, creating an infection. Stomach
It causes swelling of the skin, redness and damage to the cells. Some drugs and alcohol

Some painkillers, aspirin and some antibiotics, known as rheumatism medications, can also cause gastritis. Unconscious use of these drugs can cause even more serious discomfort.

What are the symptoms of gastritis?

Bacteria don't always produce a complaint. Sometimes there are bacteria but the person is aware of it
It is not. You can live with this bacteria for years without any problems. The presence of this bacterium can be determined by various methods.

Of these methods, endoscopy is most accurate. In addition, blood, feces and breath tests can be detected by the presence of bacteria.

Burning in the stomach, bloating, discomfort, sudden onset of acute gastritis pain, nausea and vomiting
can. Blood in the vomit and stool may occur in bleeding gastritis due to drug and alcohol. There may be weakness and fainting. If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately consult a specialist.

How is the diagnosis made?

First of all, the doctor has to talk to the patient and listen to his / her complaints. patients
they are an important part of the doctor's diagnosis. Doctor during examination
determines the necessary tests and directs the patient to be performed. Predominantly stomach complaints anterior
two ways can be followed.

The first way is drug treatment according to the findings without examinations. If the patient does not benefit from the treatment, examinations are performed. The second way is to conduct a direct examination. If there is bleeding, endoscopy should be performed. Abdominal ultrasonography, some blood tests and fecal analysis may also be added.

How is it treated?

If the culprit is a bacterium or a drug, treatment is determined accordingly. Stomach protective and acid-reducing drugs are given. If drugs and alcohol are the cause, they are stopped. If it is caused by bacteria, drug treatment can be done for cleaning. Because the stomach skin is damaged, the stomach is more affected by the acid it produces and the patient's complaints increase. For this, the stomach acid should be reduced. The patient is told about prohibited foods and beverages. Bacteria-related gastritis
If present, bacterial clearing treatment is performed with antibiotics.

It is not necessary to treat germs in every bacterial gastritis. If the gastritis is attached to the microbe, the germ can be removed by one to two weeks of antibiotic treatment. Then, the patient is given stomach-protective drugs again. Complaints related to gastritis may sometimes not completely disappear. Medications and
When alcohol-induced gastritis is discontinued, the patient begins to relax. Normally the stomach
has the power to repair. Drugs accelerate healing.


■ You should consume foods that are easy to digest.

■ You should pay attention to vegetables and fruits.

■ You should feed on frequent and small meals at regular intervals.

■ Chew foods for a long time, avoid fast food

■ Avoid heavy and acidic foods that directly irritate the stomach.

■ Foods containing meat and protein stimulate acid secretion, especially when fried or grilled, so you should consume less boiled foods that stimulate the stomach by reducing the amount of these nutrients.

■ You should avoid heavy fatty foods.

■ You should not drink alcoholic beverages as much as possible.

■ You should not smoke.

■ You should avoid heavy, oily and bakery desserts.

■ You should not eat late at night.

■ You should avoid junk food and fast food.

Nexium 24HR (42 Count, Tablets) All-Day, All-Night Protection from Frequent Heartburn Medicine with Esomeprazole Magnesium 20mg Acid Reducer