Wednesday, October 2, 2019

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Methods of determining pregnancy without testing. Simple ways to determine pregnancy at home - legend or truth

MIBEST 50 Ovulation Test Strips and 10 Pregnancy Test Strips - LH Test Strips as Ovulation Test Kit and HCG Pregnancy Test - FDA Approved - Over 99% Accurate

Without testing, it is possible to determine how pregnancy at home and whether pregnancy can be detected before a delay, iodine, soda, and an indoor flower, as well as a reliable indication of public symptoms - you will find all this and much more.
I've gathered information for a long time, I even managed to try it myself. No, I'm not in a great position, just a friend and I did an urine experiment, in position and waiting for the baby and I'm already raising two children.

How to determine pregnancy at home without testing
Whenever a woman plans to become a mother, she is worried about whether she will be a mother, so I want to know this wonderful result quickly before the test.
There are other reasons you need to know as soon as possible if there is fertilization. This is especially true for girls who do not intend to become a mother in the near future.
Whatever the reason, the curiosity already wastes money and searches start to learn how to find out what “flies de in the early days.
Without a pharmacy, you can easily recognize it with menstruation or, of course, if you haven't always been with you, and you don't keep a calendar, you may notice its absence. If you still suspect a menstrual delay, I suggest you take some tests and check as a result. Again, if you don't trust him or you don't have money for him, my advice will help you.

How to determine early pregnancy without testing
Of course, if you had regular ones by then, this is the first sign.
Breast enhancement. No, as most people write, it won't immediately increase in size with you, it will just become a little more intense and it will look painful. In both cases, my chest immediately began to hurt, I clearly understood that I was in a position in the second week. Only two weeks, but such a reliable sign.
. This symptom occurs, although not at all, but is still very rare. In the morning mild nausea, sharp and even vomiting. Toxicosis can occur much later and in the second trimester. For example, there was no toxicosis during this stay.
Pain in the lower abdomen. As menstruation should begin, the lower abdominal area has a somewhat “pain his feeling. Although the doctors mention such a symptom, I still refuse it because the pain in the lower abdomen should not show a perfect condition, but rather give a clue about the threat of some kind of illness or even disruption.
Urination. For 9 months, urination is much more common than ordinary life. This is due to the fact that the uterus begins to enlarge and thus pressurize the bladder.
Mood change. Yes, my dear women and I will. Many of them become capricious and take everything into the heart, then quickly get away from the disease and smile in your mouth.
Nutrition and appetite. New preferences are emerging or you do not want to eat three times a day, but much more and also seize the honey borsch. By the way, I used to love pickles and borsch with honey in my childhood, but at that time I was only 9 years old and then I didn't mention any understanding.
Numbness. The expectant mother often wanted to sleep, she was exactly with me. It seemed to me that I was ready to sleep forever, but in the second month they all stopped.
Here are simple tips on how to test your pregnancy at home.

How to determine pregnancy according to basal temperature
The temperature in women changes after fertilization, probably every girl knows it. Therefore, very often during a skipping menstruation, ladies receive a thermometer. Frankly, I had to do this when I put him in a hospital bed. And then, suddenly I was so scared of the fact that there was something, it's a thermometer and mercury.
Using a conventional mercury thermometer, you can learn the understanding of the outcome of a gynecologist. Similarly, during ovulation, the temperature rises to 37 - 37.2 degrees, and if the egg is not fertilized, the temperature of the woman remains the same.
The temperature should be measured for exactly 5 minutes, but not less, the thermometer should not be kept under the arm as usual, but should be used rectally or vaginally.
How to determine pregnancy with iodine
You can learn this in two ways using iodine, the way I'm currently sharing.
First you need to collect the morning urine in a container and slowly, exactly, drop the iodine from a pipette into a glass by analysis. If the dot has spread, you won't be a mother in the near future and you don't have to worry, but if a drop doesn't spread, you'll break after three trimesters, even after drowning and surfacing.
For some reason, the second method reminds me of chemistry. You need to collect urine in the morning, drop a strip of paper into it and pour iodine on it. If your dough strip changes color to blue or lilac, then you will clearly drink a peanut, but if the strip has taken the color of iodine, you should forget about diapers and vests.
How to determine pregnancy with soda
The point is that if you add a teaspoon of soda, the alkaline urine will not change in any way. And in women who are in position, this is exactly the urine. Therefore, if soda is added to the cup with urine, no reaction occurs unlike an ordinary person's urine.
If soda enters the urine of an ordinary woman, a reaction occurs and bubbles appear with a hiss, indicating the acidity of the urine.
Early signs of pregnancy before menstrual delay - Omens
You can introduce yourself to public signs, maybe add something, or maybe I will cheer you up. Believe it or not, it's your job, I'll write you how to recognize the early stage of conception before the delay.
And so, friends, you have to lie on your back, relax, put your finger in your belly and listen quietly, if you feel a surge, then you will probably be a young mother.
You can calculate your interesting position and flowers. To do this, collect the morning urine in a glass and pour it over your favorite flower. If the flower does not disappear, but leaves new leaves, then maybe your dream comes true and you are in a position.
Honestly, I would not risk the flower, sad - the same thing, the destruction of the plant. I've checked this with just a compassionate option and with a friend. At home, I had two of the same flowers, these are Benjamin's ficus. One day we did an experiment with him, and 10 days later they both became yellow leaves; this meant that both began to disappear even though the flowers were dislodged.
No, my flowers are alive now, I have washed the roots and transported them to good soil. The popular sign proved impossible.

How to determine pregnancy before delayed testing
The points I explained above about soda and iodine express how we can handle the situation in the early stages and before the absence of menstruation.
You can learn in other ways, for example, you need to put a wedding ring on a woman's hair and hold it on the alleged mother's belly. If the ring begins to spin in a circle, then you will become a mother in the near future, and if the ring does not move or moves with incomprehensible steps, the idea of ​​renewing the family should be discarded.
This step and method is probably related to the influx of people and whether to trust it or not, the choice is yours.
How to determine early pregnancy before delay
Here are a few tips to find out if the crumbs live inside you. After all, you need to urinate in the morning and add red wine on it, and if your analysis reveals clots and rags, then you are not pregnant. For a future mother, urine is perfectly cleaned without curd mix.
I didn't use the second method, I honestly confess, was told to me by a long-held mother and confirmed that the result was reliable. To do this, boil the woman's urine and immediately put it in a transparent container. If you are a future parent, there will be sediment at the bottom.

These are signs of pregnancy before menstruation delay.
My friends, my advice on how to determine pregnancy before a test-free delay, early signs of pregnancy before the delay in your period, and how to identify a test-free pregnancy at home should be useful and helpful. I wish everyone a happy family and children.
With love, Nina Kuzmenko!
Sooner or later, every woman raises the question of how to control pregnancy at home. If there is no test available, it is not possible to go to a doctor, but I want to be sure of pregnancy right now, proven folk methods will work. For centuries, when women use ultrasound, pregnancy tests and hCG pregnancy hormone detection tests have not yet been available. Which methods can he trust and which of the supernatural realms - let's talk about it now.
An attentive woman can predict pregnancy even before the menstruation delay. To do this, he has to listen to his body and pay attention to some symptoms.

How to check pregnancy symptoms
After conception, the female body actively changes the way it works. This requires significant changes in the welfare of women. If you take a closer look at your body, you can determine pregnancy without testing or specific tests.
Pregnancy symptoms, time test:
delay. Lack of menstruation is the first sign of pregnancy. When a delay arises, a woman immediately thinks of a possible understanding. Only in rare cases, menstrual flow may persist for the first month after pregnancy.
Changes in the mammary glands. Breast augmentation, pain, discoloration of the nipples, discharge - this is perhaps the most reliable sign of pregnancy. These changes indicate the onset of hormonal changes. However, these symptoms may show PMS on the eve of expected menstruation.
dizziness. Common confusion, sudden dizziness may indicate a successful understanding. A woman can see flies in front of her eyes, numb legs and even fainting may occur. These symptoms are the result of increased synthesis of sex hormones that support embryo development. It should be noted that the same symptomatic appearance occurs in the background of chronic stress and overwork.
Vomiting and nausea. In the early stages of pregnancy, almost every woman has morning vomiting. Toxicosis can occur before the menstrual delay, so it is one of the first signs of pregnancy. However, vomiting apparently, food poisoning should be excluded.
Hyperthermia. A constant increase in temperature at 37-37.5 ° C may indicate progesterone production. The concentration of this hormone increases after fertilization. High temperature signs are not characteristic of pregnant women, so they show an infectious and inflammatory process.
Abdominal pain. During pregnancy, pain is allowed to develop in the belly or very lower abdominal area. The pain occurs when the fetal egg leaves the fallopian tube and invades the endometrium of the uterus. Currently, there is aching pain, malaise may occur, insufficient spotting occurs.
How to check pregnancy - additional symptoms
Some women have specific pregnancy symptoms:
Exacerbation of taste and odor receptors. After pregnancy, a reluctance to some flavors and products may occur. Or, on the contrary, a woman wants to eat or smell something unusual.
Drowsiness, unfounded fatigue. The body consumes a large amount of energy for the implantation of a fetal egg. Therefore, a pregnant woman sleeps, is difficult to work, constantly wants to lie. Weakness is seen all day, so even light household chores cause overwork.
Excess weight. How is it checked in early pregnancy? Nausea and changes in gastronomic preferences are not seen in all pregnant women, but there is a slight increase in weight. The truth is that after conception, a woman consumes more fluids and often consumes more salty food, causing fluid retention in the tissues. This causes an increase in weight of 1-2 kg.
Mood. Psycho-emotional imbalance is characteristic of all pregnant women. Baseless stoves are anger, immunity, pessimism, manifestations of a changing hormonal background. Sometimes these symptoms occur before menstruation, but if a woman does not suffer from PMS, you can think about pregnancy.
Unusual choice. When pregnancy occurs, plenty of mucous secretion can be seen, no smell and color. If the discharge causes discomfort, it smells bad, you must exclude sexual infection.
Pigmentation, papillomas. High concentrations of sex hormones cause age spots on the face, abdomen and nipples. In some women papillary, especially neck and nipples begin to grow actively, birthmarks increase.
Libido change. In women, sex drive may increase or decrease completely.
Nasal congestion. During pregnancy, the blood begins to move more quickly, which causes swelling of the mucous membranes and respiratory failure. This phenomenon is also called pregnant hay fever.
These symptoms only indicate pregnancy, but not 100% accuracy. Therefore, the final result can be obtained at an appointment with a gynecologist.

How to check pregnancy at home
Changes in the reproductive system can confirm or exclude pregnancy very accurately. Tips are menstrual bleeding, body temperature and pulse chart.
How to check pregnancy - Delay and delay in the middle of the menstrual cycle
Delay of the next menstruation is a definite way to confirm pregnancy. To do this, a woman must continue her menstrual program in order to know the beginning of the next menstruation.
True, this method is suitable for women with regular menstrual cycle 28-35 days. Then you can more precisely predict when menstruation is coming. If the length of the cycle is uneven, the woman usually has delays, and there is no point in focusing on this symptom.
With the help of the menstrual chart, you can answer the question of how to control the gestational age. For this, a woman must determine the approximate date of ovulation (14-18 days of the cycle) and calculate how much time has passed since then. This will be the approximate gestational age.
Important! Delayed menstruation does not always indicate pregnancy. Various gynecological diseases, diet, stress, overwork, causes regular menstruation.
Special attention should be paid to implantation bleeding. When the fetal egg enters the walls of the uterus, a woman may see little discharge of red or brown. This occurs 6-10 days before the expected date of menstruation. Ejaculation does not last more than two days. Their abundance is determined by several droplets on the flax.

How to check pregnancy - basal temperature measurement
Pregnancy can also be established by detecting fluctuations in basal temperature (CT). However, this method has its own characteristics:
First, the CT graph shows the status of the hormonal background. With it, you can monitor the change in the phases of the menstrual cycle and suggest only a possible understanding.
Second, in order to obtain a real picture, the program should be held for at least three months to know the characteristics of the hormonal background fluctuations in a woman.
Third, you need to measure the temperature on a daily basis in the morning and draw it as a graph.
CT is evaluated for the entire menstrual cycle divided into two phases: before and after ovulation. In the first half of the cycle, the temperature is no higher than 36.6 ° C, and when ovulation occurs, it rises above 37 ° C and reaches a peak. If the egg is fertilized, the temperature continues to rise slowly and if not, the temperature drops to the first sign.
How can I check pregnancy with a thermometer? The temperature in the rectum or vagina should be measured daily. This is done at the same time without getting up from bed after waking up. The measurement time is 7 minutes for the mercury thermometer and 3 minutes for the electronic thermometer. At the end of the cycle, you should evaluate the graph curve, which should have seen a significant increase in temperature during pregnancy.
Important! In diseases of the genitourinary system, basal temperature may increase with hormonal disorders after drinking alcohol. This is an important drawback of this method in determining pregnancy.

How to control pregnancy by pulse
Pulse diagnosis in pregnancy and the sex of the fetus have been practiced in Chinese culture for centuries. This method has not lost its relevance today. If a woman is pregnant, her pulse is called "happy."
How does this technique work? After conception, a woman increases the amount of blood, accelerates metabolic processes and heart rate, and of course the pulse changes. You can control this ancient Chinese technique as follows: you should lie down, feel a spot on the stomach, feel 7-8 cm below the belly, and if you have a strong pulse under your fingers, it is possible that the woman is pregnant.
It is determined by the baby's pulse and sex. However, for the reliability of the result, a specialist controlling the pulse needs special skills. It is believed that if the pulse in the radial artery shifts more than the left side, the woman will have a man and there will be a girl on the right.
Hint! These Chinese ways of controlling pregnancy are popular among fans of alternative medicine. There are even specialist institutions where Chinese healers take a thorough diagnosis by taking the whole body's pulse.

How can I check pregnancy with online tests?
There's another way to check the pregnancy without testing it. You can take an online exam, for example. During the test, you need to answer a few simple questions, and after processing the answers, the answer to the question whether you are pregnant will appear.
It is difficult to assess how reliable this method is because it is difficult to confirm pregnancy through the monitor. But this service can certainly push women's thoughts in the right direction.
What is an online test? A woman answers the standard questions that a gynecologist will ask during a medical examination, for example, if there is a delay and how many days, whether the mammary glands will be injured, at what age, the methods of protection used, whether there are diseases.

Controlling pregnancy with improvisation tools
Given that biochemical fluctuations occur in the urine after pregnancy, various chemicals capable of reacting with biological fluids can be used to confirm pregnancy. Usually iodine, soda and other improvisation methods are used for home testing.
How to control pregnancy with soda
Soda pregnancy test is popular among women. The essence of this method is the interaction of urine and baking soda. After conception, the acid-base balance changes and the pH of the urine shifts to alkaline. It is easy to confirm this change with soda.
Hint! After which time can pregnancy be checked with soda? It takes approximately 2-3 weeks from the moment of fertilization to significantly change the acid-base balance.
How to control pregnancy with soda:
You should collect morning urine in a clean container.
Add a spoon of soda to your urine.
Wait a few minutes and evaluate the result.
If the fluid is in a calm state, most likely pregnancy.
If urine bubbles and feels, pregnancy does not happen.
Hint! Alkalisation of urine is not only during pregnancy. This happens with inflammation of the kidney, acute diarrhea and vegetarianism.

How to control pregnancy with iodine
There's another reagent in a woman's arsenal that helps define pregnancy. 3 drops of iodine should be added to a container containing urine: if iodine is dissolved, pregnancy will not occur, and if it occurs as a point, it is likely to become pregnant.
You must follow the rules for the experiment to be successful:
Urine must be morning.
Before the test, you cannot wash yourself with soap.
Iodine should be dropped directly from a pipette above the urine, not down.
There's another way to use iodine. You need to dip a piece of paper into the urine and when it is completely dry, iodine drops. Pregnancy is indicated by the appearance of a blue-violet tone. If the color remains brown, pregnancy is excluded.

Is it possible to control pregnancy with potassium permanganate?
If you believe in reviews, potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate solution will help determine pregnancy. It is necessary to make a weak solution of potassium permanganate (liquid should be pink) of 500 ml and add some urine.
Interpretation of the result:
Pregnancy does not occur if the liquid shines or turns yellow.
If the solution is pink as before and the scales have fallen to the bottom, you may be pregnant.
Important! Such household methods have no experimental evidence, so they cannot fully confirm or reject pregnancy.

Pregnancy as checked before
When the pregnancy test was not even imagined, former doctors and women were able to identify the pregnancy with specific symptoms. They have worked consecutively for many generations and learned through heredity. Although primitive, they often appeared to be trustworthy, and women, without delay, realized that a new life was born in their arms.
Previously, the following folk remedies were used to control pregnancy:
Urine status: urine was poured into a refractory container, boiled, and then its transparency studied. When white scales subsided, the woman was considered pregnant. In the Middle Ages, urine was mixed with wine. If the fluid became cloudy, they talked about pregnancy, and if it remained transparent, it was assumed that she was not pregnant.
ring. A woman's hair was cut, a ring was wrapped around her and rose to her belly. If the ring was immobilized, it was believed that there was no pregnancy, and if she began to hesitate, the result was considered positive.
energy science. Proponents of the measurement of human energy used an interesting method. She took two glasses and wrote: One was pregnant and the second was not pregnant. Then I added onions in a bowl and waited which one would start the green arrow first.
dream. In the dream, fish, children, water, animals were believed to be signs of fertilization.
Taste addiction. Suddenly, when you want something salty, you immediately think about pregnancy. In ancient times this signal was taken seriously and was immediately thought about pregnancy. In the meantime, there is a logical explanation: after conception, the water-salt balance deteriorated and the woman intuitively refreshed it.
Seeds. In ancient Egypt, with the help of seeds, not only pregnancy but also the sex of the child was determined. Women had to urinate in wheat and barley seeds for several days. If barley sprouts, then a boy, if a wheat is born, then a girl is born. If the seedlings did not appear, the pregnancy was rejected.

How much pregnancy can be checked without testing
However, all public methods for determining pregnancy, as well as official medical studies, are most effective 10-21 days after conception. You do not need to check your pregnancy earlier than a week because the implantation is not yet there and the body does not have time to respond.
Pregnancy can be determined in different ways: using a special test or using folk remedies, but the most reliable method is to visit a gynecologist who will resolve all doubts.
Video nasıl How to determine pregnancy? Four folk method "
A woman with a menstrual delay visits a cheerful thought about pregnancy. Many female representatives do not want to go to the gynecologist immediately. Are women interested in early stages in the home without testing?
Diagnosis of a woman's interesting position
Pregnancy cannot be asymptomatic. Signs appearing in the early stages help a woman suspect an interesting situation. Upcoming maternity symptoms may even occur before menstruation is delayed.
Immediately from the beginning of pregnancy, the hormonal background of the female body changes, resulting in a change in taste and odor dependence, emotional variability. You can also learn about pregnancy by increasing the sensitivity and swelling of a woman's breast. Some women have age spots. They disappear after the birth of a child.
Women can learn interesting toxicosis situations. Already manifests itself in the early stages. At this time, women can increase body temperature up to 37.3 degrees. It is forbidden to eliminate hyperthermia with the help of drugs. During this time, the mother's sense of smell changes: it is difficult for her to tolerate certain odors (perfumes, dishes). A feeling of weight can be seen in the waist area. This indicates the growth of the uterus, a shift in the center of gravity. In the early period of pregnancy, almost all women increase drowsiness.

Early stage
In the early stages, a pregnant woman becomes touching, crying, irritable and vulnerable. These findings resemble the manifestations of menstrual syndrome. If she doesn't have menstruation, then that would indicate a possible pregnancy. In the first stage may appear pain in the lower abdomen, cut or suture. If unpleasant sensations are not observed in this area, this indicates a normal pregnancy. Otherwise, it would be best to see an expert.
Pregnancy can also be assessed by a sharp increase or decrease in desire for sexual intercourse. The situation is explained by the presence of changes in the woman's hormonal background in the woman's position. In the first period of pregnancy, mucus is released from the vagina, which is odorless and colorless.
Warning! A different color or structure indicates women's health problems. You should see a gynecologist.
When pregnancy occurs, women call for more frequent urination. They're absolutely painless. This is due to the pressure of the growing uterus in the bladder. If pain and discomfort occur during the impulse, this woman shows the appearance of other diseases of the urogenital system or other diseases.

Body weight may increase in the early period of pregnancy. Many women claim that they have not changed their diet and lifestyle, but have begun to gain weight. This is the main sign of pregnancy. It is quite possible to determine pregnancy with these symptoms, but not all women. In this case, it is necessary to take more rational measures.
Important! Read our article at home.
Determination of pregnancy according to basal temperature
Basal temperature is one of the main indicators where you can set an interesting position. The method has advantages due to accessibility. You must use a thermometer, a pen and a paper to measure the basal temperature and determine the presence of the fetus according to the indicators. The temperature is determined in the same place.

You can measure the temperature from the vagina or rectum. The procedure should be performed immediately after waking up in the morning. Temperature detection is carried out throughout the cycle. When using a digital thermometer, it is kept in the vagina or rectum for 5-10 minutes and during the use of the mercury thermometer - for 10 minutes.
Important! During the same cycle, use the same thermometer for measurements.
Accurate results for the presence of the fetus can only be made after three months of baseline temperature measurements.

Using public roads
To determine the presence of a fetus, a female representative does not need to buy a test: you can use an ordinary first aid kit. You can determine pregnancy at home using the following:

Urine is often used to determine pregnancy. After morning urination, it is collected in a container and a few drops of iodine are dropped. If the droplet remains in its original state, the woman has a fetus. In addition, a white sheet of paper is soaked in urine and a drop of iodine is dropped onto it. The lilac color of the iodine on the paper shows a positive result and a purple color - the absence of the fetus. Plant bushes are poured in the urine. It is believed that a woman's pregnancy can be decided whether or not to open a flowering bush. Doctors think these methods are completely unreliable.
A teaspoon of soda is immersed in the urine in a glass. Drunk soda shows a woman's pregnancy, while her deposition shows a negative result. During pregnancy, a woman has increased acidity in her urine, which explains her contact with soda.
Important! The method is not completely effective: increased acidity of the urine may be caused by diseases of the genitourinary system or in the presence of vegetarians.

In ancient times, the presence of the fetus was determined by the pulse. A female representative lies on her back and goes somewhere 7-8 centimeters lower than her belly. The presence of fluctuation indicates the presence of a fetus. In fact, however, the pulse of the abdominal aorta is a vein every human has. It feels easier for thin women.
You can also learn the understanding in a dream. Pregnant women often dream of fish.
Pregnancy can be diagnosed at home for several reasons. An absolute result can only be given by a gynecologist. If your time is postponed, it is best to contact this specialist. You can use the pharmacy test before.
You may be assigned to go do an ultrasound examination or urine tests that already confirm or reject your pregnancy status.
Pregnancy test
The basal temperature can be determined using a mercury or digital thermometer. Do this at the same time (in the morning) by lying in bed or by fixing the temperature in the vagina.
This is done throughout the cycle and is best to measure directly during menstruation. Keeping a temperature chart for at least three months will give you a hundred percent result.
Folk methods
Place the onion heads in two containers. The first bulb will talk about the existence of your pregnancy, the second - about its absence.
If the onion from the first glass first grows to 4 cm, you will become pregnant; On the contrary, then the result is negative.
Dreams about fish
Everybody knows you're fishing shows pregnancy. However, this is not always an absolute result.
Naturally, the main indicator of pregnancy is a menstrual cycle delay of more than 10 days. However, it is reasonable to use independent methods to determine pregnancy after this period.
How to determine pregnancy with urine
In the past, before the emergence of special medical devices, pregnancy was determined by various folk methods that every girl can use at home today. So, there are several methods to determine pregnancy in the urine. For each of the following options, you should collect morning urine in a clean container and do it shortly after collecting the test (usually about 20 minutes) .1 To determine pregnancy, you need to add and observe a teaspoon of soda urine. If no reaction is observed and the soda sinks to the bottom, the result is positive. However, if there is a puncture and bubble reaction, the result is negative and you will not get pregnant.
2 It is possible to determine the early stage of pregnancy without testing, let boil urine and pouring it into a glass container. If a white precipitate appears at the bottom, the result is positive.
3 You can determine pregnancy without testing yourself by pouring a few drops of iodine on a clean strip of paper and dropping it into a container with urine. Violet - replenishment is waiting for you if iodine changed color.
4 Try to add a drop of iodine to the urine container: if dissolved - no pregnancy; If the drop remains intact and remains on the surface - you are pregnant.
5 Maybe it will determine the beginning of pregnancy. potassium permanganate. To do this, mix a small amount of powder with water and add evenly pink water to the urine. During pregnancy, the mixture becomes white.
6 Determination of early pregnancy will help measurement for several days. temperature mercury thermometer in the rectum. You should do this in the morning, not get out of bed yet and make sudden movements. If the temperature remains above a constant 37 ° C, we can assume that there is a pregnancy.

How to determine pregnancy with symptoms
7 augmentation as the appearance of coffee in the diet of previously unattended food. Ilmiş Drawn into saline değ is not just a saying, because the water-salt balance in a woman's body changes during pregnancy.
8 An inseparable piece of morning sickness in most recent pregnancy cases.
9 Sleepiness, laxity and general fatigue can also be signs of pregnancy. This is not surprising, because the body is now throwing all its powers to protect the fetus and ensure its development.
10 Final fertilization is often accompanied by an increase colorless discharge.
11 Often a pregnant girl's sense of smell is exacerbated: the smallest change and the ability to distinguish the odor shades.
12 Other signs are added to the set of hypersensitivity and pain in the chest area.
Pregnant women often experience mood swings. Increased sensuality - one of the symptoms of pregnancy.
14 Frequent nudging may be one of the signs of pregnancy. However, it is important to exclude cystitis and other inflammations.
Popular pregnancy symptoms
Previously, pregnancy was determined based on the senses and many popular signs and predictions, without being tested. For example, a characteristic metallic woman in Rivkus in the mouth can help determine pregnancy without testing at an early stage.
Many dream books, if a woman imagines that water or fish, then pregnancy is waiting for her soon or has already arrived.

In the old days, it was believed that if you irrigate the plants with the urine of a pregnant woman, they will grow faster and become more productive.
All these methods only occur in special cases, where it is not really possible to use professional medical tests. If you still think you are pregnant and some test methods have shown positive results, try not to postpone a visit to the doctor.

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