Wednesday, October 2, 2019

MIBEST HCG Pregnancy Test Stick Kit (3 Count-Individually Sealed) - One-Step Clear and Accurate - Urine Early Pregnancy Detection - Home Pregnancy Test - Approved - Over 99 Percent Accurate

What will you experience week by week during your pregnancy

MIBEST HCG Pregnancy Test Stick Kit (3 Count-Individually Sealed) - One-Step Clear and Accurate - Urine Early Pregnancy Detection - Home Pregnancy Test - Approved - Over 99 Percent Accurate

In the first week of your pregnancy, you don't even know you're pregnant. However, some changes in the body have already started to occur, and these changes will be felt more clearly in the future.
It is actually very useful to know how you will be developing each week to see if the situation is caused by pregnancy or another condition. The first word you need to know about the first week is trimester. During your 9-month pregnancy, you will enter 3 different trimester periods. The first trimester constitutes the first trimester. In this process, the organs of the baby begin to form slowly and you try to adapt to the changes that the pregnancy creates. In fact, if we do not show that it will be a troubled three months, you may be caught a little unprepared.

2 weeks
You don't even notice that week 1 and 2 actually start pregnancy. In fact, since there is no fertilized egg, you will not get pregnant if there is no successful merger. There is no baby yet. However, your body is already preparing for this situation. The inner wall of your uterus has become thicker and ready to hold the fertilized egg. Although there is fertilization in the middle, it may be absurd for this part to take place during pregnancy. However, it is not easy to predict exactly when the sperm and egg are fertilized. When this is the case, the first start date of pregnancy is considered to be the last menstrual day. Full conception occurs at the end of the 2nd week. If the egg and sperm combine in a healthy way in the second week, pregnancy will start. Total pregnancy is 40 weeks with these two weeks. Pregnancy is 40 weeks, but ovulation is 38 weeks. If we look at the symptoms experienced in the first week of pregnancy symptoms in general; delayed menstrual period, increased nausea, or even vomiting, weakness, food disgust or craving, such as the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth. Most symptoms experienced in the first weeks of pregnancy are actually similar to menstrual symptoms. Therefore, while most women think they have menstrual pain, the pain in the groin is actually a sign of pregnancy. Symptoms in the first period of pregnancy vary from woman to woman. Certainly it would not be right to say that every woman will experience all the symptoms.

Three weeks
Week 3 during pregnancy is also a week too early to feel something. The embryo is newly fertilized and placed in the uterus. The actual changes begin to be felt after this week. The embryo that is formed within you is still only cells, and even the size is only 0.150 mm. The expectant mother has a Bta hCG value between 5 and 50 this week. However, this is considered normal. Therefore, test results in this process may not respond correctly. Early signs of pregnancy may also manifest in this process. In addition, cramps and pain may increase with discharge. Even if you are pregnant, you may experience spotting after 5-10 days after fertilization. However, this is very mild and is referred to as implantation. This bleeding is caused by menstruation. As the baby tries to hold onto the uterus, some destructive enzymes begin to be secreted by the body. In this case, it causes slight bleeding.

Week 4
Cell formation that begins to grow in the 4th week of pregnancy is divided into two groups. One part forms the baby, the other part the placenta. Amniotic sac and nutrient sac occur during this period. Three embryo layers, called endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm, also occur in this process. Endoderm, the innermost layer, is the part of the baby's digestive system and liver. The middle layer is referred to as mesoderm and very soon the heart, genitals, bones, kidneys and muscles will form here. In the outer layer, the nervous system, hair, skin and eyes will occur. Early signs of pregnancy are becoming more intense this week. However, there is no such thing as abdominal swelling. This week is actually the first time a woman expects to have her period and suspects she is pregnant. In the body trying to adapt to the baby, heartbeats can be accelerated to increase blood flow. Breasts become more sensitive, the color of the cervix begins to change. Emotionally, this process can cause the woman to enter very different moods because hormones start to go crazy. This week, nausea is also very intense.

Week 5
The baby reaches 1.25 mm in length. The heart begins to shape. He is far from working, but his heart is beating. If you want to see the baby vaginal ultrasound can see. The mother often begins to urinate. Pain and tenderness in the breasts continue. The nipple may change color and you may feel the glands are concentrated. The currents also increase. Weakness, fatigue is felt intensely. Nausea can also persist intensively. To avoid this, avoiding fatty and spicy foods and choosing easily digestible products may work. High protein snacks can also be preferred to balance blood sugar. Fluid consumption should be continued. 5 to 10 weeks are the months when the baby is most vulnerable. Hazardous toxic substances must be avoided. Conditions that are at risk of infection should be avoided. Do not enter radiation-emitting environments such as X-rays. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition.

Week 6
The size of the baby reaches 2-4 mm. The growth rate also reaches 3 times. The jaw bones and jaw begin to develop. Small indentations occur on either side of the head. These will then form the ears. Then, optical bubbles are formed which will form the eyes. The brain has also started to form. 6. The baby's heartbeat starts to be heard every week. The expectant mother can also gain a few pounds. However, if there is nausea, weight may be lost. It is good for you to go to a doctor in these processes and maintain your pregnancy in a controlled manner. There is some information that should be given to a doctor. If you go by preparing them in advance, your examination process will be much easier. First, menstrual periods, contraceptive methods used, information about them if there has been abortions or abortions, allergens and medications that need to be used all the time should be mentioned to the doctor.

Week 7
The mouth and tongue of the baby have started to take shape. The intestines developed to form an appendicitis. The protrusions that form the arms and legs become prominent. The hands, arms, shoulders and feet and knees begin to be identified. Kidneys are in place. Urine production and discharge tasks have not yet begun but are in the process of preparation. The skull is transparent. Even if it can be looked from the outside, the curves of the brain may appear from the skull. The changes in the mother are progressing more slowly. It is not obvious from the outside that she is pregnant. This may be a natural process if you can still have signs of early pregnancy. Constipation, bloating can be complained of such situations.

Week 8
The baby was between 1.4 and 2 cm tall. The fingers and toes were formed, albeit with curtains. Arms and legs become elongated. Eyelids, ears, upper lip and tip of nose begin to become prominent. Heart functions also develop more. 150 strokes per minute can be counted. In the case of the changes in mothers, there is no significant change in volume. However, some complaints will increase as the uterus grows. The need to urinate increases. Cramps and pains under the abdomen are more common. Many women suffer from sciatica and nerve pains. They may suffer pain that is difficult to bear on the hips, under the back, on the sides of the knee. Relieving pain can be achieved by reducing the pressure in these areas. The most important type of infection to be considered in this period is toxoplasmosis. It can cause miscarriage by finding it from pets and raw meat. Calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, B6 and zinc should be fed mainly.

Week 9
Your baby's head, which is between 2.2 and 3 cm, is quite big for his body. Hands and feet continue to form. Hands are formed by curling the wrists. The feet approach the middle of the body, the elbows become more pronounced. The intestines continue to grow. It consists of pancreas and gall bladder. Gender is not yet defined, but internal reproductive organs begin to form. The baby can be seen by ultrasound. This week is the last period when the symptoms of early pregnancy are intensely felt. Pubic pain persists. Normally, if the groin pain is severe but unbearable and bleeding occurs, a doctor should be consulted. Mothers should not go to places such as sauna, hot tub and hot spring. They are highly sensitive to the effects of electric blankets and microwave ovens.

Week 10
The vital organs of the baby, which has become the size of a plum, have started to form fully. The embryonic period ended and the fetal period started. Most of the injuries occurred before the 10th week, so if you have not had any problems until this period, you can spend your pregnancy in a more comfortable way. The baby's e and toes are now separated, skeletal bones and cartilages begin to form. You can move your elbows and eyelids are shaped. But his eyes are closed. The outer ears begin to take its final form. The urine production of the kidneys increases and if it is going to be male, the production of testosterone hormone begins. It is still unclear that your mother is pregnant. However, tight clothing should not be worn. Weight gain starts small. The edema in the body increases. Weakness and constipation may continue. The intensity of currents may not decrease. Emotional ups and downs may increase.

Week 11
In the 11th week, the size of the baby can reach up to 6cm. The ears move to get their original position next to the head. The head straightens and the jaw begins to separate from the chest. Gender has not yet been determined. In this period, the development of the baby progresses very rapidly, while the changes experienced by the mother now slow down. Nausea and vomiting may persist. Insomnia can be experienced as well as dreams can be revived. The cause of your headaches may be due to pregnancy.

Week 12
The baby's fingers and toes are completely separated and the nails grow. Thin hair begins to grow. The nervous system continues to develop. The digestive tract also absorbs glucose and can cause contractions that push food to the intestines. Estrogen and progesterone production increases with 12th week. Milk glands in the breasts begin to grow. Brown circles around the nipples also grow and become darker. The uterus is too large to fit into the lower abdominal cavity. The pressure on the bladder decreases. Weight gain may be experienced. The mother may have headaches and brown spots on her body. These pass after birth. Capillaries can become prominent and produce small red twigs on the skin.

Week 13
The baby can be up to 7.8 cm tall. While the rest of the baby's body grows rapidly, the growth of the head slows down. The intestines continue to develop and begin to settle in the baby's abdomen. The vocal cords begin to form. The ears have reached their normal position. Your mother's belly began to grow in a small way. Waist begins to thicken. Cracks during pregnancy may start to occur from this week on. Slow weight gain should be provided to prevent this. It should be protected from the sun and exercised.

Week 14
The baby continues to grow rapidly. The neck becomes longer and the head becomes more vertical and has a more flat position. If your baby will be a male prostate gland occurs this week. If there is a girl, the ovaries move from the abdomen to the pelvis. At the end of this week the palate is completely formed. It is time for the mother to wear maternity clothes. Stresses in the skin and muscles may occur. At night, pain may be felt in the legs. Groin pain is also among the most common. Hemorrhoids can also annoy many pregnant women. Breathing speed increases. Because the lung's breathing capacity expands. Skin spots may occur. I formation is normal, but if it grows older it can be shown to the skin doctor.

Week 15
You are in the 4th month of pregnancy. Your baby is about 10 cm. Hair began to grow on the eyebrows and scalp. Bone development continues at the end of this week will be able to fist movement. It is capable of breathing, sucking and swallowing. In the mother, the belly started to grow. Breasts like milk may come from the breasts. Weakness may persist. Indigestion and sensitivity to the gums may be experienced. Appetite opens. Varicose veins may form in the legs. The risk of urinary tract infection is very high in these weeks. Heartburn is another problem experienced by mothers. The drop in blood pressure is manifested during pregnancy, especially during these weeks.

Week 16
The baby's head is covered with thin body hairs called lanuga. Her nails become prominent. The legs have also become longer than the arms. As the sensation of touch becomes more sensitive, when the mother caresses her belly, the baby will also move inside. During this period, you start to feel the baby's movements slowly and you can go to your doctor for sex. The amniotic fluid around the baby increases and the mother's abdomen begins to grow. Not to lie flat on your back is among the advice given to mothers. Nutrition should also be very careful. Since the appetite will be opened, it is very important for the mother to pay attention to what she eats.

Week 17
The baby reaches 13cm in length and weighs up to 150 grams. Oils begin to form. This is an indication that the body's heat production and metabolism are beginning to form. Features such as suck and swallow begin to sit well. Indiscriminate heartbeats are now more regular. In rare cases, the baby's movements in the abdomen can be felt. You can get clearer results for gender determination compared to the previous week. The mother's abdomen continues to grow and become clearer. Almost half of the pregnancy is now reached. During pregnancy, with the growth of the uterus and fetus, the round ligaments adjacent both the upper part of the uterus and the lateral pelvic wall can be stretched and pulled, causing pain. Vaginal discharge is normal, but the risk of infection is very high if there is a bad smell and itching. Therefore, a doctor should be consulted.

Week 18
Stretching and sobbing abilities begin to be developed by the baby in the abdomen. The fingers and toes and fingerprints are now visible. Ultrasound can be used to determine whether the baby's heart rate is normal. A doctor can be consulted for the sex of the baby, but the best result is achieved after 20 weeks. The mother may have gained an average of 5 pounds by this time. Pulse and appetite can also be observed. Nasal blockages and minor bleeding may occur. Back and back pain may occur. Because now the body's center of gravity is changing. The belly button comes out. Thoughtfulness may occur. However, a more balanced state can be achieved.

Week 19
The baby's body is covered with a liquid called vernisk, which protects her skin. His kidneys now start to work and urinate. Hearing ability develops. The nervous system between the muscles and the brain slowly begins to sit. It starts to act consciously like finger sucking and moving the head. This week, the uterine aortic vein begins to pressure, which can cause dizziness. Anemia can occur and blood sugar levels should be checked continuously. Nutrition should be increased to 5-6 meals a day. Generally, the lying positions should be in the lateral position.

Week 20
At 5 months you can find out the sex of your baby. If your baby is a girl, the uterus develops and the vagina develops. In men, the testis goes down the abdomen. The baby's skin continues to thicken. Epidermis, dermis, subcutis occurs and hair and nails continue to develop. Your mother grows rapidly. Until this period, 4.5 kilos can be considered as ideal weight. Crack formation and pain may increase with increasing weight. With the expansion of the circulatory system, blood pressure may fall below normal. More blood is produced in the body. Anemia due to iron deficiency may occur as the amount of red blood cells increases.

Week 21
The size of the baby reaches up to 18cm. The baby starts to taste everything that your mother eats. The arms and legs eventually reached the correct proportions. Neuron connections between brain and muscles are also provided. The cartilage tissue slowly begins to ossify. Sudden twitching and convulsions may therefore occur. Even the baby's hiccups can be felt by the mother during these weeks. In the mother, the swelling may increase. To prevent this, you need to drink plenty of water. Standing all day will cause the legs to swell more. Resting the feet by putting them high from time to time will help. The waist continues to thicken. It starts breathing even faster. The shortness of breath is due to the increased capacity of the lungs. Discomfort such as heartburn and urinary tract infections are also quite common. Feet start to swell in these weeks.

Week 22
Touch, vision, hearing and taste sensations continue to develop. They begin to discover the sense of touch. Reproductive systems develop. Vagina occurs in girls. In men, the testicles begin to descend. During this period the expectant mother has become more accustomed to pregnancy and is now able to handle most of her movements more comfortably. While the hormone level from the process is higher than estrogen, they are equalized in previous months, weeks 20 and 21. Uterine contractions can be experienced from time to time. Weakness and anemia also manifest. Flu, diarrhea can also become annoying. The best thing to do to overcome all the annoying situations is to eat regularly and drink lots of water.

Week 23
You are now in the 6th month this week. The baby slowly begins to plump. Feathers covering the body also begin to darken. They begin to take shape with the lungs to get air outside. Respiratory movements begin, but these are only trials. Your mother's womb grows bigger. However, the amount of amniotic fluid increases and the placenta grows. We recommend that you take a sugar test this week, even if you are a mother who does not have diabetes. The sugar screening test significantly affects the health of both the mother and the baby. Bleeds may occur occasionally in mothers. The reason for this can be as simple as cervix according to the damage during sexual intercourse. However, if reasons such as abdominal pain accompany these bleeding, a doctor should be examined. Nosebleeds can occur quite frequently. Increased blood flow swells and softens mucous tissues. These tissues also produce more mucous to keep the germs away. As a result, nosebleeds occur. This can be prevented by taking vitamin C supplements.

Week 24
The baby's movements start to feel more. Eyelashes will become apparent. The skin color is not clear as it does not have any pigment yet. The baby is aware that the amniotic fluid is lying flat or opposite. Because now the inner ear has developed. Premature births can occur in these months. However, they have a 50 percent chance of survival. You may not feel the baby's movements every day. This is quite normal. Clearly, after the 28th week, you feel the baby's movements every day. Sometimes babies hit so hard they could hurt your mother. At this time, try to surprise her balance and have her reactions directed to other places. The mother also gained about 7 pounds during this period. Nasal congestion and bleeding may continue. Vaginal discharge is still present. However, the color should be checked continuously. Yellowish liquid droplets begin to form on the nipples. This is called mouth milk. When the baby is first born, his nourishment will be milk from this mouth. Urinary incontinence is normal. However, sometimes the incoming fluid is amniotic fluid. It is not always easy to predict which one it is.

Week 25
The capillaries beneath the baby's skin become prominent, and they are filled with blood. The air sacs on which the capillaries in the lungs are located are also made ready for the first breath. The nostrils begin to drill slowly. The baby is now able to somersault in the womb and swing his fists. Babies born in this period have a high chance of survival. The mother's weight gain and abdominal growth continue. The skin and muscles are stretched due to this growth, which leads to itching. You may be very much affected by stress during these periods. However, to protect your baby's mental health, you should keep yourself away from stressful environments.

Week 26
The baby's eyes widened. The colored part has no pigment but the baby can now see. In bright light or at a high volume, the baby's reactions also increase. Sleeping and waking times begin to occur. The mother's back pain, pelvic pressure, varicose veins, cramps and headaches may be more common. Resting on the left side makes the baby's circulation easier. Swelling problems are also less. It is time to choose a hospital. You can go to the stage of determining the date of your birth in consultation with your doctor.

Week 27
This week the taste buds in the baby's mouth are very intense. They can react instantly to anything you eat with hiccups. The development of the lungs and the immune system is incomplete, but very little to complete. The survival rate of babies born this week is 85. The intensity of the baby's movements may not always be very intense. It is enough to move between. Your baby can be quite healthy, although it does not move much. This should not worry you. The mother's weight gain continues. Liver capacity is still increasing. Shortness of breath may be experienced. The movement of food in the digestive system is slow and the uterus pressures the intestines. This causes heartburn and constipation. Vitamin A, B and E supplements should be given great importance.

Week 28
Characteristic folds occur on the baby's brain. The amount of brain tissue also increases. Oils begin to accumulate under the skin. It used to be three-skinned, but now it's under-skinned. He can move enough to blink. With 20-30 minutes sleep time, sleep and sleep hours occur regularly. It is important to control the baby's morning and evening movements during the week. Pregnant mothers may complain about hemorrhoids. Pubic pain continues occasionally. Bleeding is not normal. Therefore, it may be wise to consult a doctor on this subject. Heartburn and shortness of breath may also persist.

Week 29
She is now very close to completing her baby development. Her weight suddenly begins to increase with the fat formed under her skin. Kicks are not as hard as they used to be, because the area of ​​movement is narrowed due to the growth. The weight your mother has gained up to this period could be around 11 kilos. The uterus prepares itself slowly for the birth process. False contractions begin. In addition, regular contractions occur. At this time, the mother's hair can form a lush and fuller structure. During pregnancy, the hair strands mature because they remain at rest and are shed less. The uterus grows well and presses the bladder. Missing urine while laughing and coughing should therefore not be considered strange. Due to blood circulation, faces and eyes may swell in the morning. At night, the best sleeping position is to lie on your side. You can sleep more easily by putting a pillow under your stomach.

Week 30
The baby is over 1 kg. Length up to 43 cm. The brain grows to the expense and body temperature begins to stabilize. As the brain can adjust the temperature, the protective layer that keeps it warm starts to peel off slowly. In other words, hair growth decreases. It is necessary to continue to control the baby's movements. Doctors can show mothers different control methods. The baby forms an order within the uterus and sleeps at certain times and moves at certain times. It is important to control them by setting the time. When taking a shower, make sure that the water is not too hot. If you have a lot of pain, it is very important to determine the correct postures and exercise with small movements. Pregnant yoga helps greatly during these times. It is also possible to reduce stress by giving weight to herbal teas.

Week 31
The baby's reproductive system is still improving. The clitoris will become prominent in the girls and the testes will leave the kidneys in the groin. Although his lungs aren't fully mature, they've improved a lot. He can control his five senses more easily. He starts to sleep more. As the baby sleeps more during these periods, movements may be reduced. Weight gain in mothers can reach 12. If the body impregnates water, it may cause the expectant mother to feel uneasy. Swelling also increases considerably. In particular, the feet may be swollen enough to cause pain. You should avoid postures as you throw your legs on your legs.

Week 32
The baby continues to prepare himself for the outside world by trying to swallow, breathe, suck and kick. His skin is no longer transparent. Quince feathers also begin to shed. Their kicks are slowed, but their movements continue, though not as intense as before. Fetus movements are more powerful and regular. Constipation and cramps increase. As the abdomen is stretched well, itching increases and back pain intensifies. Nasal bleeding may persist. Sleeping is difficult and the mother may fear birth. It would be wise to get help from the doctor for all this.

Week 33
The baby's weight has now reached two pounds. Amniotic fluid level is at its peak. Therefore, the mother may feel restless as the baby moves. Antibodies in the mother begin to pass on to the baby and the immune system is very close to completing itself. The lungs have also largely completed their development. The baby's somersaults still continue. However, the movements are irregular. Amniotic fluid begins to decrease. However, it is not something that the mother can feel in particular. The doctor is determined by diagnosis. The placenta can always be separated from the uterine wall not only after birth but also before birth. If necessary precautions are taken, this does not pose a danger for the mother or the baby. The mother's weight gain accelerates. Most of the weight taken goes to the baby. As the baby grows rapidly, stomach burns can also be exacerbated. You may not know clearly whether amniotic fluid is present. You can determine fluid deficiency in advance by consulting your doctor based on the excess flow. Sexual intercourse during these periods may be troublesome because of the risk of infection. As the vagina begins to open, severe pain such as stabbing may be felt.

Week 34
The baby's quince hairs are often lost. The varnish layer that protects the skin also starts to thicken. Stomach burns become more frequent in the mother. Stomach and intestinal problems may increase. However, if the baby descends towards the pelvis, the stomach problems may be alleviated. The discharge continues severely. The property of the incoming stream is white, aqueous, slightly fragrant or odorless. There is a high risk of infection if there is a heavy odor. Abdominal pain with fever, abdominal swelling is also experienced if a doctor should be visited. False birth pains also begin to show. These pains start from the apex of the uterus and spread to the lower part of the pelvis.

Week 35
The baby's brain cells increase rapidly. His head continues to grow. His posture also moves towards the pelvis. It is desirable for normal births to stop in this way. Stresses, rolls and movements continue, but there is no very high movement. It is the period when the mother should take plenty of vitamins and minerals. Because after birth, these vitamins and minerals will be transferred directly to the baby. The upper abdomen is relaxed, but the pressure on the pelvis, bladder and hips is increased. If bleeding occurs, there may be a problem with the placenta. Doctor should be consulted. It is now best to contact the doctor for any problems that may occur after this week. It is normal to feel emotionally impatient and anxious. Shortness of breath, hemorrhoids, incontinence problems may continue.

Week 36
Although most of the baby's systems are outdoors, they are all well developed. This includes the digestive system. It continues to store fat under its skin. The baby's movements are gradually reduced. Softness can be felt in the abdomen according to the posture. It is becoming more difficult for the mother to move. Emotional anxiety may also increase due to very little time to delivery. Once the doctor and the hospital are arranged, it is useful to start preparations for birth.

Week 37
The baby prepares the first breath this week and draws and discharges amniotic fluid into the lungs. It didn't stop growing, it still continues. The posture of the baby in the womb is evident at this time. If the hip is pelvis, it is in the opposite position and is expected to improve according to the time of birth. If it does not improve, another form of birth is tried except for normal birth. Now the mother can come to water at any moment and the baby can be born. That's not premature birth. Because the baby has now completed its development. Since the baby takes the birth position, it is more comfortable to breathe. Prep pains become more frequent. Gums become tender. Constipation continues. Pain in the hip and pelvis is exacerbated.

Week 38
At this stage, small touches such as the fact that the lanugo feathers are completely in the way and the vernix layer is gone are realized in the uterus. There is a significant reduction in movements. The mother is now ready for birth. Yellow liquid starts to come from the nipples. Connective tissues also soften and relax as they prepare themselves for birth. The legs may feel as if they are detaching from the trunk. The expectant mother may be both emotionally excited and frightened. Help from the doctor can be used to overcome the fear of birth.

Week 39
The mother's gait became difficult, but it was easier for her to breathe. Verniks and quince feathers are mostly gone. The scars can be seen and will be corrected later. There was enough oil under her skin to protect her. His brain continues to develop. The mother may also feel quite big for a normal person. Weight gain may even be stopped. The feet may be swollen and may have difficulty walking. There is a wide range of emotions. This is quite normal. Even if you don't get pregnant for the first time, every woman feels it. The cervix is ​​thin and softened. It even started to open up a bit. Explosion of water occurs only during birth. Sometimes even a doctor can explode. However, increased leaks can be observed. Contractions have also increased.

Week 40
No more baby birth ready. Maybe he will start the birth by causing contractions, or perhaps your doctor will give birth at the date specified by your labor will be performed. At the end of a 9-month bond, you will now be able to embrace your baby outside of your stomach this week. Both you and your partner can react very easily by distinguishing the voice. Babies can also be born after the specified date of birth. Since the date of full insemination is not known, it is not correct to call it late born. Rarely, infants can also have a late birth. When this condition is determined by doctors, mothers are taken to birth immediately. Massages and muscle relaxation exercises will provide great help before birth. Meditation and breathing techniques must also be learned. Whether the water comes, whether there is bleeding, the frequency and duration of the pains should be stated to the doctor and the time of birth should be estimated.

41 Weeks and 42 Weeks
If the pains are not sufficient after 40 weeks, the cervix is checked. Artificial pains may be given by doctors to give birth in case of late births. Sometimes the reason for waiting for birth may be because the baby is in position. Since normal birth is always preferred, the baby can be expected to turn flat. The process is personally monitored by the doctor for the health of both the baby and the mother.

MIBEST HCG Pregnancy Test Stick Kit (3 Count-Individually Sealed) - One-Step Clear and Accurate - Urine Early Pregnancy Detection - Home Pregnancy Test - Approved - Over 99 Percent Accurate