Saturday, October 5, 2019

Basic Care Ibuprofen Tablets, 500 Count

How to Reduce Fever at Home?

Basic Care Ibuprofen Tablets, 500 Count

Fever is a natural response of the body to combat viruses and bacteria by weakening them and limiting their reproductive ability. [1] Fever helps burn toxins and activates the immune system. Fever should be “cured” because the body is a method of choice for self-healing, but only when the body is too weak to fight infection, when the fever is too high for the body to cope, or when it is extremely uncomfortable. You can control the fever at home most of the time, but also if you have severe fluid loss, lips, tongue or nails are bruised, you have severe headaches, hallucinations or difficulty walking, if you have difficulty breathing or have a seizure, you should call 112 immediately.

Making the necessary adjustments in the home environment

Drink plenty of water. Aim for a glass of water every two hours. The body quickly loses fluid due to sweating or sneezing caused by illnesses such as the common cold or flu. Fluid loss, dehydration, can lead to elevated body temperature and often causes headaches, dizziness, muscle cramps, drop in blood pressure and seizures.
The recommended daily amount of water for an average adult is 2 liters. [3] Caffeinated drinks that are reasonably drunk are generally suitable but they should not be the only liquid source. Most of the daily fluid needs are met with drinking water. [4]
Sports drinks are suitable for rehydration, ie re-liquefying, but use them with caution. Although these beverages provide electrolytes, they are generally much more concentrated than necessary. Dilute one part of sports drink with one part of water or add a glass of water to each glass of sports drink.
Rehydration solution. You don't need commercial drinks to eliminate fluid loss, you can do it yourself.
You can use commercial electrolyte rehydration products such as Pedialyte for young children because these solutions are specially designed for the body of children. [5]
To provide rehydration in children, give infants at least 30 ml per hour, 60 ml for younger children and 90 ml for older children. [6]

Wear comfortable clothes. When there is a fever, wear plenty of comfortable clothing so that your body can relax and help improve air circulation to stay cool. Stay away from thick clothing and blankets that can trap the heat and cause the fire to last. When you sleep, choose a light garment, a light blanket or bed linen.
Natural fibers, such as cotton, bamboo or silk, often have better air permeability than man-made fibers such as acrylic or polyester.

Lower the room temperature. High temperatures cause longer fever and excessive sweating, resulting in loss of water. The room temperature should ideally be between about 23 ° C and 25 ° C. The fan may work if the room is hot or airless.

Rest well. Getting enough rest helps the body to heal faster by strengthening the immune system. Avoid moving too much. If possible, get work permit to sleep more than you normally sleep.
Studies show that sleep deficiency weakens the immune system, increases the production of stress hormones, increases the risk of developing chronic diseases and shortens life.
For more information on how to create a better sleep pattern, see How to Sleep Better.

Use antipyretics. You can take antipyretics if your fever is too high or you are seriously disturbed. Various medications lower fever: for example acetaminophen, ibuprofen and aspirin. Use these over-the-counter medications to help lower your fever, as it says.
Watch the dose of the drug. Take the lowest dose possible to lower your temperature.
Children under 18 should not use aspirin unless specifically instructed by a doctor. Aspirin is associated with the development of Reye's syndrome, a disease that causes swelling of the brain and liver. [7]

Take a warm shower. A 5-10 minute shower or bath helps to trigger the perspiration that keeps the body cool, relaxes the aching muscles, and opens up the sinuses that are probably blocked by a cold. Make sure that the water is not too hot so that the internal temperature does not rise, as this may cause the fire to last longer. [8]
Keeping your body clean can also help reduce the risk of other viral or bacterial infections.

Wipe with sponge. If it is not possible to take a bath or is not attractive, use a damp towel instead. After dipping the small towels in warm water, apply them to your forehead and armpits. This triggers perspiration that helps keep the body cool, improves blood circulation and reduces nasal congestion caused by colds.
Using cold water or an ice pack or taking a cold shower may cause trembling; this may lead to an increase in internal temperature and a longer duration of fire. [9]
Do not apply warm towels to the wound or inflamed skin, as this may cause bleeding and further inflammation.

Keep your nose open. It is important to keep your nose open to breathe easily into the cold or flu that causes fever. Difficulty breathing can also raise your fever. Don't blow it too hard because you might have an earache over your cold because of the pressure. Squeeze gently and only as often as necessary. [10]
Experts recommend closing one nostril with your finger and blowing the other lightly into tissue paper. [11] Help the child or baby blow out correctly if it gets cold.
To avoid the risk of another bacterial or viral infection, wash your hands after wiping your nose.

Dont go out. The best thing to do if you're not already outside when the fire starts is to rest in an enclosed space where the air is drier and the temperature will not change much. If you need to be out there with a fire, stay in the shade and don't move too much. [12]

Avoid smoking. Smoking suppresses the body's immune system in addition to lung cancer and other respiratory diseases. [13] Therefore, smoking requires the body to fight more vigorously against viruses and bacteria; which in turn raises body temperature. The best thing to do until the fever falls is to stay away from cigarette smoke, nicotine and other tobacco products.
Children (mostly babies) should not be exposed to passive smoking, especially when they have fever.

Decrease caffeine intake. Too much caffeine can be bad for you when you have a fever. Excessive caffeine intake can lead to fever, headache, insomnia, diarrhea, irritability and dizziness. Caffeine can also trigger the discharge of water from the body, and excessive caffeine intake can cause loss of water. [14] Stay away from caffeine when the fever arises and limit your caffeine intake to 100 mg.
One cup of brewed coffee contains 133 mg, and one cup of black tea contains 53 mg of caffeine. Avoid sugary soft drinks, energy and sports drinks because they can cause nausea and vomiting when you have a fever.
In cases of severe overdose of caffeine, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, hallucination, difficulty breathing, and contractions may occur. [15]
Don't use caffeine supplements until your fever drops.
Children and babies should not take caffeine in general.

Avoid alcohol. Whether beer or wine or another drink, you have to stay away from alcohol regardless of the intensity of your fire. Alcohol weakens the immune system, making it difficult for the body to heal quickly. [16]

Don't use spirits. Rubbing toilet spirits will cool your skin. However, this is a very temporary feeling. If the fever is out, this cooling effect is useless because it causes trembling, which increases the internal temperature of the body. [17]
Moreover, the skin can absorb alcohol. For young children (especially infants), this may increase the risk of alcohol poisoning [18].

See a doctor. Most of the time you can fever at home, but there are certain situations where you have to leave it to professionals.
If the fever is between 39.5-40.5 ° C, if it does not fall off with over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen and aspirin [19], or if the fever lasts longer than seventy-two hours, you should see a doctor immediately. Other conditions that require you to see a doctor immediately when you have a fever are: [20]
Infants less than 3 months old, no matter how many degrees of fever
Children under 2 years with high fever or fever lasting more than 48 hours
If you have traveled recently, have had surgery or a vaccine or touched known allergens or risky substances
If you have a disease such as diabetes, anemia, cystic fibrosis, or heart or lung disease
If your fever is often moderate or high
A new skin rash or bruise has developed for unknown reasons
If you're in pain while urinating

Distinguish between fever and other activities that increase body temperature. Physical activity, sudden changes in mood, hormonal changes, irregular or excessive eating, tight or thick clothing, medications and exposure to high temperatures can also increase body temperature. If you suspect that you are experiencing heatstroke, you should call 112 immediately and seek medical attention because heatstroke may cause seizures and heart attacks.
Body temperature may increase due to heat stroke, and this should be treated in a different way. If you think the main problem is heat stroke, you can find more information in this article: How to Treat Heatstroke?

Decide whether you should take your child to the pediatrician. Even if the child's fever is not too high compared to an adult, it may be good to talk to your doctor. Always consult a pediatrician before giving your child antipyretics. You should also seek medical attention if your child meets the following conditions: [21]
If it is less than 3 months old and the breech temperature is 38 ° C or higher
3-12 months and fever of 39 ° C or higher
If she is under 2 years of age and fever persists for more than 48 hours
If he is not himself, you cannot easily wake him up, his fever goes up and down for a week or more (even if his fever is not too high or fever reappears after the symptoms disappear)
If the tears do not flow when you cry or cannot calm down when you cry
If the diaper does not get wet or did not urinate in the last 8 hours
If you have other symptoms, such as sore throat, earache, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting or cough, indicating that the disease should be treated.

Making Changes to Your Nutrition

Avoid food that causes inflammation. Fever is a kind of inflammation that the body uses to protect itself from harmful substances. Foods that increase the fire may worsen or last longer. They can also cause indigestion and bloating and increase discomfort. Try to avoid these foods, especially when you have a fever: [22]
Refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pastries and donuts
Sweet drinks such as soft drinks or energy drinks
Processed meats such as veal, ham, steak and hot dogs
Margarine, fat and fat

Eat anti-inflammatory foods. Some foods cause inflammation, while others can help reduce it. However, if you experience nausea, indigestion or vomiting after eating something, you should try to stay longer than that food until the fever falls. Lighter, non-acidic foods such as low-fat salads, nuts and whole grains are more easily absorbed by the body when you have a fever. Foods that help reduce inflammation include: [23]
Fruits like strawberries, cherries and oranges
Nuts like almonds and walnuts
Green leafy vegetables rich in antioxidants, such as spinach or kale
Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardine
Whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, millet, oatmeal and flaxseed
Olive oil or canola oil

Take vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to boost immune function, balance blood sugar, trigger cell growth and repair, and reduce the risk of developing various chronic diseases. Although vitamin C deficiency is rare, it affects the immune system greatly. Taking enough vitamin C when you have fever can help your body recover faster. Daily recommended 500 mg of vitamin C can be taken as a dietary supplement by dividing into two or three. Since smoking reduces vitamin C in the body, smokers may need an additional 35 mg of vitamin C per day. You can also add foods rich in vitamin C to your daily diet. Foods that are good sources of vitamin C include:
Sweet red or green pepper
Orange, pomelo, grapefruit, lime or non-concentrated citrus juices.
Spinach, broccoli and Brussels sprouts
Strawberries and raspberries
Mango, papaya and melon

Get magnesium. Magnesium is an essential nutrient for many body functions, such as energy production. It also reduces anxiety, stress, chronic fatigue and chest pain, and helps maintain blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels at a healthy level. Magnesium deficiency can weaken the immune system and cause some health problems.
Natural sources of magnesium include salmon, mackerel, flounder, tuna, milk chocolate, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, brown rice, lentils, soybeans, chickpeas, avocados and bananas.
Calcium can interfere with the absorption of magnesium supplements, so it is better to use more easily absorbed forms of magnesium such as magnesium bicarbonate and magnesium oxide. It is recommended to take 100 mg magnesium supplement 2-3 times a day. Adults should take at least 280-350 mg of magnesium per day.
Excessive intake of magnesium can have adverse effects, which can reduce calcium absorption. Therefore, it is important not to exceed the dose. Ask your doctor about the right dose for your personal needs.

Homemade soup interior. Intake of warm liquids, such as soup, can help reduce the internal temperature of the body, promote hydration, and trigger sweating, which helps the body stay cool and lower fever. [24] The soup should be light, free of flour and cereal.
Put half a kilo of sliced ​​potatoes, 250 grams of chopped carrot, 125 grams of chopped leek and other leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach or red cabbage in 2 liters of water.
Cook for an hour over medium heat and strain the soup into a cup or bowl. Only people with low blood pressure should add salt to the soup.

Give children easy and indigestible food. It includes an easy-to-digest diet, soft and not very spicy, and low-fiber foods for easy digestion. [25] [26] The following foods are good options for such a diet: [27]
Breads, crackers and pastas made of refined white flour
Refined hot cereals such as oatmeal or semolina porridge
Juices can be drunk as long as they are moderate, but don't give your child too much juice because most fruits contain citric acid, which can cause stomach acid and reflux and can cause vomiting. Dilute these drinks by making half of water and half of fruit juice. If you are making juice at home, make sure the fruits or vegetables used are ripe. Make sure the juice does not contain added sugar and is 100% juice. Giving juice to a vomiting child. [28]
For children who are used to drinking regular milk, milk is a good option if they don't vomit.
Babies should be given only rehydration solutions, such as nutritious drinks, breast milk and Pedialyte, until their fever subsides. Solid foods can overload the baby's digestive system. [29]

Using Herbal Solutions

Drink herbal tea. Herbal teas contain many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients that can support relaxation, induce indigestion and gastric reflux, and reduce fever-related constipation. It may take 2-3 hours for some teas to take effect. Herbal teas that help reduce symptoms associated with fever include:
Chamomile tea; Helps reduce insomnia, anxiety, inflammation, heartburn, bronchitis and sore throat. To make chamomile tea, put 2-3 grams of dried chamomile flowers in 1 cup of warm water and let stand for 5 minutes, then filter and drink. Consult a doctor before giving children chamomile tea.
Mint tea can help reduce the congestion related to colds or flu. Thanks to the active ingredient menthol, it can also have a cooling effect on the body. To make mint tea, put ¼ teaspoon of mint leaf in 1 cup of warm water and let stand for 3-5 minutes, then filter and drink without using a sweetener. This tea can be taken 1-2 times a day to reduce the symptoms of mild fever. Mint can cause nausea when taken with moderate to high fever (about 39.5-40.5 ° C). It should not be given to children or babies.

Drink rice juice. If fever is accompanied by severe diarrhea or indigestion, it is a good idea to reduce them with the help of rice water. [30] You can prepare 2½ tablespoons of rice in 1 liter of water by boiling for half an hour. Then filter and drink.
You can also give rice water to children older than 2 years with fever.

Use pepper. If you like spicy food, add ½ chopped cayenne pepper or 1-2 teaspoons of cayenne pepper powder, especially in gravy soup. Pepper contains capsaicin, which supports healing, has antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It also triggers perspiration that keeps the body cool.
People with allergy to latex, banana, kiwi, chestnut and avocado may also be allergic to Albanian pepper.
People with gastric reflux or low blood sugar (or taking blood thinners) should not take capsaicin.
Sick children often prefer easy-to-digest foods and their bodies remove them, so skip this step for young children and babies.

Use ginger. Ginger helps to alleviate anxiety, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure and digestive problems that may accompany fever and make the condition more manageable. Ginger extract is also available in most herbal capsules or as fat. Ginger can be a powerful plant; therefore, the recommended daily dose is 4 grams, including dietary intake. Here are some caveats to remember:
Pregnant women should not take more than 1 gram of ginger per day.
Ginger should not be given to babies or children under 2 years. Consult a doctor to find out which dose is right for your child.
Do not take ginger if you have a clotting disorder or are using blood-thinning medications including aspirin.

Use balm. Melissa, tannin called antiviral and anti-inflammatory agents are available. Melissa helps reduce insomnia and anxiety and helps relieve fever by facilitating digestion. Melisa is available in most herbal food shops and herbal products in the form of nutritional supplements, topical cream, solution and herbal tea.
The recommended dosage for dietary supplements containing lemon balm is between 300-500 mg up to three times a day.
To make lemon balm tea, leave ¼ teaspoon dried melissa for 3-5 minutes in 1 cup of water. Filter and drink immediately without adding any sweetener.

Use lemon grass oil. Studies have shown that lemon grass has many antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce fever. [31] Lemongrass oil is used in aromatherapy to help reduce congestion caused by colds or flu and fight infection.
Add 5 drops of essential oil to 15 ml of base oil and then gently massage your forehead or neck for 3-5 minutes. Wipe the oil using a damp, warm towel.
Children or infants should not use lemon grass oil.

If fever rises above 40 ° C, seek medical attention.
Do not exercise with fever.
Generally, fever is not dangerous unless it exceeds 41 ° C and does not cause brain damage.

Basic Care Ibuprofen Tablets, 500 Count