Thursday, October 17, 2019

HemAway Hemorrhoid Cream, the only patented hemorrhoid cream to combine a max of 5% Lidocaine and Phenylephrine

Long stay in the toilet triggers hemorrhoids

HemAway Hemorrhoid Cream, the only patented hemorrhoid cream to combine a max of 5% Lidocaine and Phenylephrine

To stay in the toilet for a long time 'hemorrhoids' triggers the disease indicating that experts, mobile phones, newspapers and books do not enter the toilet and do not stay in the toilet for a long time warning.

Internal Diseases, Gastroenterology and Hepatology Specialist Dr. Yüksel Gümürdülü stated that staying in the toilet for a long time triggered the “hemorrhoid bilinen disease known as“ hemorrhoids arasında among the people and advised those who had the habit of entering the toilet with their mobile phones, newspapers and books.

What is hemorrhoids?
Professor Dr. Gümürdülü, hemorrhoids are very common in society, but people often consult the doctor at a late stage, he said.
Frequent straining and difficulty in going to the toilet may be the cause of hemorrhoids. Dr. Gümürdülü, geniş Hemorrhoids is the expansion of vascular structures normally found in the breech region. Hemorrhoid disease is encountered if these structures, which are responsible for blood supply in the breech region in healthy individuals, expand for various reasons. ”

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids
Symptoms of the disease also attracts attention. Dr. Gümürdülü said, “The most common symptom is swelling in the breech area. This leads to burning, pain, tenderness and bleeding in patients. Pain may increase when hemorrhoids are swollen or if a blood clot is formed. This condition, which we call thrombosed hemorrhoids, is a surgical emergency and requires intervention. Konu

Factors causing disease
Professor Dr. Gümürdülü stated that spending a long time in the toilet and pushing for a long time is a risk factor for the development of hemorrhoidal disease and said:

"Hemorrhoids to stay in the toilet for more than 2 minutes on average, to prolong the stay in the toilet cell phone, newspaper and books should leave the habit. Remember that you do not go to the toilet on vacation or rest."
May be a harbinger of serious diseases
Gümürdülü noted that any disease that increases intra-abdominal pressure can lead to hemorrhoid formation and noted the following:

Larda Hemorrhoids can also be affected in venous diseases because they have a vein structure. Drug treatment is preferred in early stage hemorrhoids. Oral and external drugs are tried to eliminate the problems caused by the disease. The most important point is to consult a doctor without hesitation. Simple symptoms, sometimes called ‘hemorrhoids or something unimportant, hab can be a precursor to very serious diseases such as large bowel cancer. The causes of all symptoms should be meticulously demonstrated. ”
Risk group 45-65 years
Professor Dr. Yüksel Gümürdülü stated that the most common age group is between 45-65 years and it is 1.3 times more common in males than females. About 50 percent of the population over the age of 30 hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids develops, describing Prof. Dr. Gümürdülü continued as follows:

"According to the Turkey Statistical Institute data, the population of our country Address Based Population Registration System 2010 is determined as a result of 72.5 million. Considering the population over the age of 30, it is seen that there are 35.9 million people (48.6 percent) and half of this population is considered to have hemorrhoids as close to 18 million as a potential hemorrhoid problem. In practice, considering that approximately 10 percent of patients refer to physicians, it can be calculated that there are nearly 2 million potential hemorrhoid patients in the population over 30 years of age. ”
Ways to prevent hemorrhoids
Gümürdülü, fiber foods with plenty of water to consume, is the factor that prevents the formation of hemorrhoids, he said. Gümürdülü stated that a sporty life and frequent movements also have a protective effect against hemorrhoidal diseases. “A regular toilet habit is very important. It is ideal to go to the toilet every day or every 2-3 days. Bitter and spicy foods, hemorrhoids patients worsen their complaints and cause defecation difficulties, ”he said.

Professor Dr. Yüksel Gümürdülü stated that hemorrhoidal disease is a life-threatening condition that usually causes excessive discomfort but said:

“The symptoms disappear within a few days, but they worsen and repeat. It is important for the health to be immediately consulted in cases such as bleeding during the toilet, blood smearing on the toilet paper during the installation of the breech, insufficient and painful bowel movements, painful swelling in or near the breech and pain during sitting. ”

HemAway Hemorrhoid Cream, the only patented hemorrhoid cream to combine a max of 5% Lidocaine and Phenylephrine