Thursday, October 17, 2019

Hemorrhoid Treatment, Homeopathic Relief of Hemorroids, Colds, and Chapped Lips, Hyland's #1 Cell Salt Calcarea Fluorica 6X, 500 Count


Hemorrhoid Treatment, Homeopathic Relief of Hemorroids, Colds, and Chapped Lips, Hyland's #1 Cell Salt Calcarea Fluorica 6X, 500 Count

There are many methods for the treatment of hemorrhoids, which can be grouped into 3 groups:
1 - Conservative, ie medical treatments, made with drugs and diet. 2 - Conservative treatments with less invasive intervention. 3 - Surgical treatments


The most common complaint in hemorrhoids is painful and painless anal breasts that bleed or contaminate the laundry. Pain and bleeding should be relieved immediately if possible during the first examination; for example, INFRARED BEAM, SCLEROTHERAPY (needle-drying) TIRE BANDING. Medication and other procedures to be performed at home or to the patient or relative; softening the spasmed anus with hot applications; hygiene and diet are taught. Although new surgical or conservative treatment has been performed or urgent intervention is required; any patient with a flaming anal pathology such as acute anal fissure or hemorrhoid with disability should follow the following GOLDEN RULES for an average of one week:

1 - Warm Water Sitting Bath

If there is any surgical or medical pathology in the anal area, the first principle of treatment is to apply regular warm water sitting bath hot bag. Depending on the pain, 3 to 6 times a day for about one week, 20 - 30 min. it should sit in warm water and always be treated with warm water and then sit on the hot water bag. Thus, pain, edema, swelling and inflammatory image regresses a lot.

2 - Pain Relievers

Pain relief is essential. Painkillers may be in the form of tablets, needles or ointments. These soften anal spasm; relieves edema, swelling and pain. If necessary, a single dose of painkiller should be given daily for a day or two to completely relieve the pain. Pain should never be allowed, otherwise pain, spasm and ischemia, which again brings hemorrhoidal swelling.

3 - Hemorrhoids Ointments

Acute, especially flaming conditions, especially; ointment is used in all hemorrhoids, with or without intervention. They carry antiseptic, vasoconstrictor, pain and edema and itch-relieving or emollient effects. The choice of ointment depends on the type of complaints, the degree of the disease, and the findings of the examination. The use of the wrong ointment may delay the healing even if there are no serious complications. For example, cortisone ointments may adversely affect the treatment in patients who are injured and therefore bleeding or have fissure or fistula disease, or if some of the ointments are used for more than 2 weeks, they may cause allergic itching and watering in the environment. If it is necessary to use ointment for a long time, ointments with no side effects, vaseline and cortisone should be preferred. Antibiotic ointment should also be added to the treatment as it is usually infection in acute, thrombosed and intervening hemorrhoids. Otherwise, the infection increases the severity of the pain due to edema, swelling and tension, and it may rarely present a common infection risk in the portal veins called pileflebitis extending from the intestines to the liver. If there is a significant local infection, oral antibiotics should be added to the prescription. The chief symptom of infection is fever and chills, peeling wounds and leaks in the hemorrhoids, and severe pain. Ointments are applied 2 to 6 times a day according to the needs of the patients. Administration may be by cannula or finger, as appropriate. The ointments should preferably be applied by finger, into the anus, by massage. Thus, anal expansion is made, ie, the spasm is dissolved. Gradually reduced edema and swelling. When spasm and edema are resolved, the pain is reduced. In particular, the use of ointment after the toilet should not be neglected.

4 - Stool softening

Softening and reducing the number of stools is absolutely necessary. Diarrhea and especially constipation must be corrected in the formation or exacerbation of hemorrhoids and fissures, as the type of foods, the stiffness or stickiness of the stool, the negative effects of constipation or frequent defecation and sometimes diarrhea. The exit to the toilet must be programmed and regulated.

A) PREVENTION OF CONSTITUTION AND DIARRHEA IN EARLY PERIOD: If there is acute flaming hemorrhoids, to prevent pain, edema, spasm and hemorrhage, it should reduce the frequency of stool output and to prevent both constipation and diarrhea completely. For this, food without pulp and spices should be consumed but laxative should not be taken. Each meal should be taken with one slice of whole wheat bread and two or three of these types of food.

Dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, ice cream, custard, rice pudding, yogurt or milk soup and salep: tarhana, rice, flour, wire noodle, soups such as chicken broth soup and strained vegetable soup, tahini halva, revani, molasses, high calorie desserts such as honey, ice cream, chocolate, flour or summer halva; fruit such as bird's nose, cranberry, ahu dudu, Accra mulberry, strawberry peeled peach, orange, tangerine, pear, plum, banana and syrups obtained from marmalade and so on. pulp and non-spicy, juicy foods such as; eat a small amount of oil seeds such as walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts.

At every opportunity, especially when you eat something dry, drink plenty of water or syrup; Furthermore, ointments or hygienic enemas should be given into the anus with the help of cannula if possible and the stool should be softened thoroughly. Diarrhea tendency; tea cola, coffee, salty buttermilk and diarrhea remedy should take. Because diarrhea chemically irritates and provokes all kinds of diseases in the anus, especially surgical wounds, delays healing, prolongs painful and diseased time, prolongs the healing process, causing stenosis, ie anal stenosis. Diarrhea should not be allowed to prolong for more than a day.

B) PREVENTION OF LATE TERM CONSTITUTION: If the acute period, ie pain and bleeding, or if the hemorrhoid becomes chronic or if new hemorrhoids are desired to be prevented, the stool number and stiffness should be reduced again; but this time should be taken abundant pulp food by expanding abstinence; that is, all of the foods and beverages of (A) except tea, coffee and cola are free, especially plums, apricots, figs, pears, grapes; 1 - 2 kg of fruit per day, such as cherry, cherry, bird's nose and peach etc; it should be eaten as fresh, dry, compote or compote without peeling. In addition, herbs such as spinach, chard, labada, purslane; green vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, lettuce, okra, cabbage, leek, green onions, green peppers, green beans, green beans, black-eyed peas, celery, 1 to 2 kg of raw and cooked or eaten in salad form; soups and rice should be abundant with vegetables, or one spoon of bran products per person should be preferred. After each eaten dry food, fruit, vegetable and meal, water or even more beautiful, genuine syrup made of plum or apricot marmalade should be consumed; Red meat, rice should be reduced thoroughly, instead of white meat, bulgur, walnuts, raw or fresh nuts and almonds should be eaten.

C) TOILET LAYER, INTESTINAL EDUCATION AND HYGIENE: In both acute and chronic hemorrhoids and anal fissures, once or twice a day and always at the same time and whether or not needed, toilet exit prevents constipation, anus irritation and exacerbation of the disease. When the intestines work better in the morning when they wake up, they should drink a large glass of plums, apricot marmalade juice, milk or milk honey sherbet or have breakfast or drink water and go to the toilet. Toilet needs and exit times should never be postponed, otherwise constipation can not be resolved. If there is an excessive gas problem, or if there is a multi-gaseous stool, recovery may be delayed, in which case the entercolitis or amoeba infection should be investigated and treated. Using a degasser alone does not correct the problem. Hygiene is essential. Hygiene, anus and surrounding; complete removal of faeces and flocks; otherwise feces and inflammatory currents that are very combative, hemorrhoids, fissures, fistulas and all kinds of discomfort is less. Clean with plenty of warm water until you are sure of anal itching and unexpected pains. If there is no recovery, another cause such as fistula, fissure, proctitis or yeast infection should be investigated.


Ruber band ligation, ie strangling with rubber band.

Infrared radiation cauterization or photocoagulation for short, or LASER in popular terms.

Drying with sclerosing drugs, ie needles.

They are the most fashionable, truly effective, inexpensive, practical, less painful and even completely painless, and give the fastest results. I. - II. degree of hemorrhoids, III. 70% of grade hemorrhoids and 90% of all hemorrhoids can be treated with these methods. However, in order to increase success, 1) substance (a) should be at least 1 week and if there is a tendency to relapse (b), treatment should be added, and if there are other motive and irritating causes, they should be removed as well. The application area and degree of effectiveness of all three methods are the same. However, in the famous phrase, "the best method is the one the person can do best". However, each has superior or superior side to the other. For example infrared coagulation is very practical, least painful or painless; however, it is the most expensive method. All of them may require control and sometimes a second intervention after 1 week.

a-Infrared coagulation: LASER is close to the light group, is a time-adjusted warm light, can be controlled very well; It can stop the bleeding in 1-2 seconds and I - II. and some III. degree hemorrhoids are no problem in 1 week. It is the newest and most expensive method.

b-Sclerotherapy: Acute or non-flaming I. and II. sometimes III. degree of hemorrhoids, especially POLIDOCANOL sclerosing drug injections, creating a scar with the anorectal wall is shrinking, fixing the old place. It takes a week or two for the hemorrhoids to shrink and disappear. However, if there is a bleeding due to hemorrhoids or other reasons, it stops in a few minutes. Topical anesthesia is performed with antisepsis and appropriate ointment before and after the procedure. No further action is taken. Sometimes a small painful swelling may occur at the injection site for several days or there may be a small discharge in the form of broth. In such cases, it is advised to fully or partially comply with the requirements of Article 1 according to the patient's need; For example, it is recommended to eat non-pulp, juicy food for 1 hf. After one week, repeated injections may be performed as needed. In none of the minor interventions, such as sclerotherapy, infrared coagulation, and tape binding in competent hands, stool leakage, etc. such complications will not occur; it does not require hospitalization and hospitalization;

c-Strangulation with rubber band: Non-thrombosed, for example frequent bleeding I degrees and II. sometimes III. and less IV. degree is applied in the practical treatment of internal hemorrhoids. Rubber band should not be applied to external hemorrhoids, otherwise it will cause a lot of pain. The bound hemorrhoid pouch melts off within a day or two and the band falls off. A small scar remains in place. He disappears in a week. During this period, there may be a small discharge in the form of broth, which occasionally contaminates the laundry. In order to avoid further problems, it is recommended to eat watery food for 1 week without pulp. It does not require anesthesia or significant preliminary preparation.


The role of surgery in the treatment of hemorrhoids should be less than 10%. Because in surgical procedures, especially in unqualified hands, there may be severe pain and unexpected complications, usually lasting 1-2 weeks. Surgical interventions require laborious preliminary preparation such as general anesthesia, that is, narcosis and hospitalization, pre-laxative and enema cleaning, and rectosigmoidoscopy for differential diagnosis. Especially if there is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that can involve nearby organs such as regional enteritis (Crohn's disease), the recovery is late and problematic. For example, problems such as stenosis, leakage, abscess, fistula, mucus discharge will not be missing. However, surgery is appropriate or unavoidable.

Heavy IV cannot be pushed into the anus. degree, acute or chronic hemorrhoids.

Thrombosed, painful hemorrhoids seated in the clot.

Fissure, skin tag, rectal polyp, Condyloma accuminatum, which pollute the laundry, makes itching and itching.

etc. Surgical intervention is mandatory as those who already have additional anal disease that require surgical treatment. The advantages of surgical interventions are that they give more effective and lasting results. However, there are more distressing and expensive, more occupying, more painful and unwanted side effects. In experienced and competent hands, both surgical and conservative treatments have a high chance of success and a low complication rate. The main surgical methods in hemorrhoids are as follows.

Complete removal of the anal mucosa as described by Whitehead.

Submucosal removal of hemorrhoids as described by Eisenhammer.

Clear removal of hemorrhoids as described by Milligan and Morgan.

Removal of hemorrhoids half open or half closed.

As described by Parks, hemorrhoids are excised by clamping and suturing the wound closed.


1- After hemorrhoid intervention, pain can occur for a few days if precautions are not taken. To avoid pain, start taking your painkiller with juice every 8 hours for 3-5 days. If pain seems to start, or at night before bed, have your hip painkillers injected. If the pain does not go away after drinking a glass of salty ayran a second needle

2- Another practical method to avoid pain is warm water sitting baths. Sit for 7-10 days, if possible, or 3-6 times a day in lukewarm water for 10 minutes until recovery or threatening pain. While getting out of the water, apply your ointment with your fingers and let the anal muscles squeeze. Because the pain is caused by excessive tightening of the anal muscles, that is to say spasm.

3- To avoid pain, the first 2-3 days, do not go to the toilet IMMEDIATELY when you feel the need. The effect of operation can come from a lying toilet feeling. This feeling may increase when you sit on the toilet, may turn into pain. Therefore, sit in the warm water for the first days of the toilet, wait 10 minutes without straining, loosen yourself out; If you force it, there may be pain or minor bleeding. In case of bleeding, immediately get up when you see the bleeding. If you bleed more than a cup, lie down and lie down, have a glass of salty buttermilk and let us know.

4 - 3 times a day, immediately on a full stomach MELISA or RESENE and FORM TEA start drinking and continue for life. However, if you have diarrhea, reduce Form tea to one day, continue to drink Melisa. You can add other herbal teas to balm and form tea.

5- Chicken, vegetable, rice, noodle, lentil or any kind of soup you like, small amount of bread, yogurt, milk, low salt buttermilk, egg, cheese, butter, honey, jam, open tea, fresh fruit juices, peeled Consume fruits, purees such as puree.

6- POSALI DIET: Begin the fourth day, POSALI DIET to continue for life. All green and dry vegetables; especially spinach, okra, leek, cabbage, celery, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, hot and sweet peppers, onions, fresh and dried beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas, bulgur and bran products. All fresh and dried fruits; especially plums, pears, apricots, figs, dates, apples, tangerines and oranges, as well as compote and compote are pulp.

7- RESTRICT WITHOUT POSAS: Cold beverages such as tea, coffee, cola, alcohol, soda, wafer and chocolate, biscuits, cookies, pastry, cream, white bread, plain pasta, plain pastry, plain red meat restrict plain products such as plain cheddar and banana.

8- Anal painful difficulty in defecation after 2-3 weeks after the intervention, a few drops of bleeding, if there is a delicate nipple that is standing at the edge of the anus, there is anal fissure. In this case, start with warm water sitting baths and start loosening the anus muscles with your fingers.


Without attention, proctological diseases such as hemorrhoids, fissures, proctitis and fistulas may recur. In fact, every disease and every area of ​​life is like this. Another important point is not to age the disease, not chronic. The most sensible way to measure is predisposing, that is to know the real cause, to share this information with the physician immediately and to prevent the event from the beginning. The most important measure is to prevent constipation. If you want to know other precautions, please visit the rules and diet page for protection.

Hemorrhoid Treatment, Homeopathic Relief of Hemorroids, Colds, and Chapped Lips, Hyland's #1 Cell Salt Calcarea Fluorica 6X, 500 Count