Monday, October 21, 2019

ETEREAUTY 6pcs Ear Pick Ear Curette Earwax Removal with Storage Box

What Are the Symptoms of Middle Ear Inflammation? How is it treated?

ETEREAUTY 6pcs Ear Pick Ear Curette Earwax Removal with Storage Box

Ear; outer, inner and middle parts. The middle ear is an air-filled area with tiny bones called hammers, anvils and stirrups that provide hearing behind the eardrum, which opens into the back of the nose and throat through a channel called the eustachian tube. By swallowing, air enters the middle ear through this tube. In some cases, otitis media may occur in both adults and children.

The middle ear may be infected as a result of an allergy, cold, sore throat or respiratory infection. The obstruction of the eustachian tube, which provides the connection with the middle ear, provides the basis for inflammation of the middle ear. Otitis media, also known as otitis media, is also seen in adults, but mostly occurs in children and is painful.

What is middle ear inflammation?
The middle ear is connected to the throat by a channel called the Eustachian tube. Allergy, cold, throat infection or respiratory infection can cause the area around the eustachian tube to swell. This may prevent fluid from draining from the middle ear into the nasal passage. Non-draining fluid is collected behind the eardrum. Bacteria and viruses that grow in this fluid may pave the way for middle ear infection.

What are the causes of otitis media?
The causes of middle ear infection may be of different origin.

Eustachian tube-borne: otitis media, otitis media is mostly seen in children. Although inflammation of the middle ear is less common in adults, it can cause more serious problems. The most common cause of middle ear inflammation in children is due to the eustachian tube. The eustachian duct, which helps regulate air pressure in the middle ear, regenerate air in the ear, and discharge normal secretions from the middle ear, is shorter, more horizontal and wider in children. This increases the likelihood of clogging by making it difficult to remove the accumulated liquid.
Nasal flesh origin: Adenoid, ie, nasal flesh is close to the opening of the Eustachian canal. Swelling of nasal flesh, which is larger in children than adults, increases the risk of ear infection.
Age: middle ear infection is more common between 6 months - 2 years.
Premature birth or low birth weight
Personal risk factors such as cleft palate, head and face abnormalities or Down syndrome
Frequent upper respiratory tract infection in autumn and winter
Exposure to cigarette smoke
Environmental factors such as low breast milk intake or bottle feeding are among the causes of otitis media.
What are the symptoms of otitis media?
Middle ear inflammation is more common in children. Symptoms of otitis media in adults may be different from children. Middle ear inflammation, which is mostly seen in autumn and winter, can heal spontaneously and may follow a bad course.

Symptoms of otitis media in children
Symptoms of otitis media in children are usually sudden onset of ear pain and fever after a cold. Symptoms in infants are mostly restlessness, fever, rubbing your ears on the pillow or putting your hand to your ear.

In general, the symptoms of otitis media in children are as follows;

Sleep problem
Restlessness and crying
Hearing problems
Loss of balance
High fever
Ear discharge
Loss of appetite
In the ear, around itching and irritation
Symptoms of otitis media in adults
Symptoms of otitis media may vary in adults. Usually the first symptom is pain and a feeling of plugged ear. Generally, symptoms of otitis media in adults are as follows;

Clogged ear feeling
Ear discharge
Hearing problems
Which doctor should be consulted for otitis media?
Diagnosis and treatment of otitis media is done by Ear Nose Throat doctors. Symptoms lasting more than one day, a child under 6 months of middle ear inflammation symptoms, severe ear pain, infant or child after the upper respiratory tract infection, restless, fluid or pus from the ear in the ear should immediately consult your ear nose and throat doctor. Since the treatment of otitis media involves surgical methods, the selection of an experienced doctor and a hospital with an infrastructure can prevent further serious problems in the future.

What are the kinds of otitis media?
Acute inflammation of the middle ear: Suddenly occurs. May cause swelling and redness. There may be fever and ear pain.

Infusion (fluid) middle ear inflammation: The presence of fluid in the middle ear cavity. It is usually seen after previous acute otitis media. This is more common in preschool children. Since the symptom is extremely insidious, the disease may not be recognized and is therefore the most common cause of hearing loss. Children with fluid in their middle ears may not be able to hear the sound, as they often have little hearing. These children may turn on the TV or watch it closer, repeat conversations, show behavioral disorders, become withdrawn or fail at school. It is important to correct the underlying risk factors in patients and restore normal eustachian tube functions. Thus, the fluid in the middle ear cavity gradually decreases and the ear can return to normal. These patients spontaneously recover within three months. Surgical options are considered in patients who do not improve after three months and have hearing loss. In this case, the nasal flesh is evaluated and a tube can be placed in the ears if necessary. In cases such as cleft palate, autism, language and speech retardation, intellectual retardation or school retardation, surgical treatments can be considered without waiting. Ventilation tube, nasal flesh surgery or tonsil surgery can be performed as surgical treatment.

Chronic otitis media: The pathological course of chronic otitis media in the ear is different. It is characterized by a permanent hole in the eardrum. Chronic inflammation of the middle ear is a chronic inflammation of the mucosa in the mastoid cell cavities associated with the middle ear cavity, eustachian tube and middle ear. Symptoms of chronic otitis media; discharge from the ears, eardrum, and usually occurs with conductive hearing loss. Ear discharge sometimes improves. Then it starts again. If these symptoms last more than three months, the disease is considered chronic. The disease may progress beyond the mucosa lining the middle ear, causing damage to adjacent tissues and more serious problems. This situation manifests itself mostly with ear pain and fever. Therefore, care must be taken. Chronic middle ear inflammation in itself; collapse of the eardrum, adherence to the middle ear, without cholesteatoma and cholesteatoma.

How to understand inflammation of the middle ear?
Ear Nose Throat doctor can diagnose middle ear infection with symptoms and examination of the disease. During the examination, the doctor will look at the ears, throat and nose with a lighted instrument and check if there is a problem with the passageways. In acute middle ear inflammation, the tympanic membrane usually presents as erythema and bumps. Chronic middle ear inflammation may cause perforation of the eardrum, collapse or adhesion to the middle ear. In cases where there is a perforation and discharge of the eardrum, a culture sample can be taken from the discharge and it can be understood which bacteria cause middle ear inflammation.

A number of additional tests and tests may be performed to confirm the diagnosis of otitis media.

Pneumatic otoscope: A tool used to diagnose inflammation of the middle ear. With a pneumatic otoscope, very light air is blown into the eardrum while the doctor examines the presence of fluid behind the eardrum.
Tympanometer: With this test, the eardrum movement is measured to gain an idea about the pressure in the middle ear.
Acoustic reflectometry: This test measures how much sound is reflected from the eardrum. The eardrum, which should absorb most of the sound, reflects the sound back if there is fluid in the middle ear.
How does middle ear inflammation go away?
Symptoms of middle ear infections usually begin to improve within the first few days. Most middle ear infections can completely disappear in 1-2 weeks without any treatment. Antibiotics are frequently used in the treatment of otitis media. Antibiotics should not be used without consulting a doctor since the frequent and unnecessary use of antibiotics can increase the resistance of bacteria to drugs.

Simple painkillers recommended by the doctor may be used.
A hot press can be applied to the ear to relieve pain.
Cotton swabs should be removed.
The ear cleaning swab or finger should never be inserted into the ear.
Care should be taken to prevent water or shampoo from entering the ear.
How to treat middle ear inflammation?
Middle ear inflammation can usually heal spontaneously. The complaints of the middle ear inflammation continues to increase with the doctor should be consulted. Middle ear inflammation is a common health problem all over the world due to the frequent complications, possible complications and sequelae. Antibiotics are given frequently for acute otitis media, which can also reach economically high figures. The ear tube can be used in cases where the drug treatment is inadequate for otitis media. Middle ear inflammation surgery may vary depending on the condition of the disease.

Which drugs are used to treat middle ear inflammation?
Middle ear inflammation medications are used to relieve pain and relieve infection.
Drugs containing acetaminophen or ibuprofen sold over the counter may be used to relieve the pain.
If there is no hole or tear in the eardrum due to inflammation of the middle ear, anesthetic drops can be used to relieve the pain.
Drops of otitis media may be present or handmade drops prepared in pharmacies may be used.
Antibiotics used orally or as ear drops are among the drugs used to treat middle ear inflammation.
Decongestant used in nasal congestion and antihistaminic drugs used in allergies are controversial in the treatment of otitis media.
Tube Fitting Surgery
The fluid accumulated in the middle ear may not improve despite the medication or antibiotics used. In case of recurrent middle ear infections, middle ear inflammations that do not heal by self or medical treatment, and eardrum collapse, ear middle ear inflammation tube insertion can be performed.

The ear nose throat surgeon makes a small hole in the eardrum while inserting the middle ear tube. A small tube (tympanostomy tube) is placed in the opening to help vent the middle ear and prevent more fluid from accumulating. Some ear tubes are intended to remain in place for six months and then fall off on their own. Other tubes are designed to last longer and may require surgical removal. The eardrum usually closes itself after removal of the tube.

Middle ear inflammation surgery
Surgical treatment is recommended in cases where the drugs used in chronic middle ear inflammation do not respond. Surgical treatment is performed according to the size of the disease.
Tympanoplasty (tympanoplasty) is performed in patients with holes in the eardrum and no other pathology. In these surgeries, ear microscopy is generally used. In the majority of patients, surgery is performed by applying an incision from the back of the ear or the anterior pin.
In cases with more advanced disease, it should be treated in the bone behind the ear.
Cholesteatoma is one of the most important ear diseases and should be treated without delay. Cholesteatoma is the state of our skin, which should not normally be, in the middle ear. In this case, the cholesteatoma gradually grows, damaging all surrounding tissues. Thus, it causes complications ranging from facial paralysis to brain damage.
In the treatment of chronic middle ear inflammation with cholesteatoma, the diseased tissues in the bone should be removed and necessary rehabilitation should be performed without delaying surgery.

Endoscopic surgery for otitis media
Recently, endoscopic instruments are used instead of ear microscopy in appropriate patients. In this case, it is easier to reach the disease.
Endoscopic surgery does not make an incision behind the ear and patients can enter the ear canal with less tissue is removed.
In endoscopic ear surgeries, shorter operation time, less healthy tissue removal and no incision is an advantage in patients.
In these patients, the postoperative period is much more painless and comfortable and the recovery is earlier.
What happens if otitis media is not treated?
Most middle ear infections do not cause any problems. However, frequent recurrent and untreated middle ear infections may cause more serious problems.

Infection in other parts of the head
Tear of the eardrum
Hearing impairment or permanent hearing loss
Delays in speech and social development skills if hearing problems occur in infants or children
Facial nerve palsy, meningitis.
What to do to avoid inflammation of the middle ear?
Middle ear inflammation is usually experienced after upper respiratory tract infections. It is important to take precautions for upper respiratory tract infections in order not to have otitis media.
Exposure to cigarette smoke should be avoided.
Babies should be breastfed as much as possible. Breast milk contains antibodies that can protect against ear infections.
If you are feeding your baby with a bottle, try to keep it as vertical as possible.
Is acute otitis media common?
Inflammation of the middle ear is a very common disorder, especially among children. It is known that up to 80% of children under 3 years of age experience at least one otitis media.

Is inflammation of the middle ear contagious?
Inflammation of the middle ear is not contagious. It is not possible for children or adults to infect each other with otitis media. However, inflammation of the middle ear usually occurs after a viral infection. These viral infections are contagious.

Why do babies and young children have ear infections?
The eustachian tube, a canal extending from the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat, is shorter and horizontal in infants and young children. This makes the Eustachian channel more easily clogged. Young children, however, have low immune systems.

Is there a herbal treatment for otitis media?
There is no herbal treatment for otitis media.

Under the name of herbal treatment of otitis media

Tea tree oil
Olive oil
Apple cider vinegar
Many plants and flowers are used, such as Sarıpapatya.
However, the herbal or natural treatment of middle ear inflammation under the name of such methods that come to the agenda in the treatment of otitis media has no place.

ETEREAUTY 6pcs Ear Pick Ear Curette Earwax Removal with Storage Box