Friday, October 25, 2019

Claritin Children's 24-Hour Non-Drowsy Allergy Grape Chewable Tablet, Antihistamine, 40 Count

What You Need to Know About Allergy in Children

Claritin Children's 24-Hour Non-Drowsy Allergy Grape Chewable Tablet, Antihistamine, 40 Count

Allergy in children has recently become a topic we have often heard about. Allergic diseases that are manifested by symptoms such as persistent nasal discharge, persistent cough, and sensitivity to food deteriorate the quality of life of your child and become an even bigger problem in older ages. Therefore, if you think your child has an allergy, you should start by identifying what you are allergic to and start treatment that your doctor recommends. Treatment of allergic diseases is long and tiring. However, you are very likely to have successful results when you continue treatment.

What is Allergy? Will it pass as I grow up?
Allergy; in fact, the harmless substances enter the body in any way as a result of the immune system overreacts against these substances.

When properly treated, allergic disorders diminish over time and even their symptoms may disappear completely. However, the biggest mistake of the families is that the drugs used with the advice of the doctor should not be discontinued when allergy symptoms disappear. Families often discontinue treatment with the idea that they use unnecessary medication when symptoms disappear. However, allergy is a stubborn disease and medications should not be stopped unless your doctor tells you to. It is inevitable that allergic problems will reappear in a short time if you stop before completing the medication. The likelihood of success from repeated treatment will also decrease each time. For this reason, it is extremely important that you stick to your doctor's treatment map.

Allergic asthma is one of the most common allergies in children
Common Allergic Diseases in Children
Allergic asthma bronchitis
Food allergy
Allergic rhinitis / rhinitis
Allergic dermatitis is a common form of allergy in children.
Does Baby Have Allergies?
Allergic diseases are also seen in babies since the newborn period. Allergic dermatitis and food allergy are the most common allergies in infancy. In case of allergic dermatitis, redness, dryness, flaking of the skin and rash-like rashes occur on the baby's body. Allergic dermatitis can be a symptom of food allergy. Symptoms of food allergy:

Frequent and gushing vomiting of the baby
Anorexia, weight loss
The baby is restless, cries very often
Sleep problems
Excess gas and colic of the baby
Frequent and prolonged hiccups
Bloody or slimy stool
If your baby has some of these symptoms, you should consider the possibility of allergies. In the newborn period, your baby, which is exclusively breastfed, may be reacting to a food that you probably ate and passed on to it. If a food allergy has been detected, the reaction to the food should be determined by allergy testing and your nutrition program should be adjusted accordingly.

Food allergy is common, especially in infancy
How Allergies in Children Symptoms?
Each of the allergies in children has different characteristic symptoms. Observing these symptoms and informing your doctor accurately and in detail will be effective in applying the correct treatment.

Allergic Asthma and Symptoms
Allergic asthma is manifested by recurrent cough, wheezing and wheezing and shortness of breath during childhood. Allergic children are more vulnerable to infections and frequent recurrent upper respiratory infections, especially in winter, trigger allergic asthma symptoms. Upper respiratory tract infections take longer to heal in these children. Therefore, if your child has factors such as house dust mite, cigarette smoke that trigger allergic asthma, you should eliminate them and keep your child away from sick people.

Food Allergy and Symptoms
Food allergy is a type of allergy seen from infancy. Sometimes an allergy to a single food develops, sometimes your child's body can react to many foods. Many symptoms, such as rash-like rashes in the body, diarrhea, excess gas, bloody or slimy stools, can be a precursor to allergies. In this case, the identification of the foods responsible for the allergy test and the proper diet will eliminate the symptoms. If you are breastfeeding, you will need to diet and prevent breast milk from reaching the baby. With the right treatment, many food allergies will disappear as your child grows.

Allergic diseases can be minimized with healthy and balanced nutrition
Allergic Dermatitis and Symptoms
Allergic dermatitis, which is frequently seen especially in infancy, may be a precursor of another allergy. Skin dryness, flaking, redness and rash are among the symptoms of allergic dermatitis. These symptoms can be alleviated with moisturizing lotions. However, it should be investigated whether there is any other underlying allergy.

Allergic Rhinitis / Flu and Symptoms
Allergic rhinitis manifests in children with frequent recurrent runny nose, sneezing, nasal itching and congestion. It is often seen with eye allergy. Eyes may show redness, stinging and watering. Depending on dust, sun and pollen, this type of allergy may occur in your child. If left untreated, an increase in infection-related diseases and an increase in nasal flesh may occur.

What Triggers Allergy?
Allergic diseases in children have increased in recent years. There are many causes of allergies in children. Many of these causes can be eliminated by your control. In this way, allergic symptoms seen in your child are minimized.

1-Environmental Factors
The most important factor that triggers allergic disorders in your child is the inadequate environmental conditions. Especially in big cities, air pollution, excessive traffic and industrial areas are the causes of allergies. In addition, the house you live in not sufficiently ventilated, humid, smoking at home, cleaning with excess chemicals can cause your child allergy. Many of these causes can be corrected by your control and the risk of allergies can be reduced.

2-Hereditary Factors
Research has revealed that allergy is linked to hereditary susceptibility. If the mother or father has allergic diseases, the child will also be susceptible to allergies. However, this tendency can be minimized by regulating the environmental conditions and simple measures to be taken.

3-Cesarean section
Cesarean delivery is the way in which the baby is born in a sterile environment and is therefore introduced to the germ at a later stage. However, it is important for the baby to be introduced to healthy germs during birth and to develop immunity and be strong against allergy. Therefore, children born with cesarean section are more likely to have allergies.

The lack of a healthy and regular diet in children is among the reasons that increase the susceptibility to allergies. Allergic disorders are more common in children who are fed with ready-to-eat food. Consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits will be effective in protecting your child from allergic disorders.

Applying the treatment that your pediatrician determines is the most effective way to completely cure allergy.
What can be done to prevent allergy in children?
You should pay attention to your child's nutrition and encourage him to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables every day will help you avoid allergies.
House dust mites are among the main causes of allergies. Attention to the cleanliness and ventilation of your home will reduce your child's allergies. However, it is important that you prefer antiallergic natural products instead of using chemicals for house cleaning in order to prevent the formation of a new allergy.
Not having carpets in your child's room, removing dust from the room and adjusting the humidity of your home will make your job easier in the fight against allergies.
Keep your child away from toxic fumes such as cigarettes and exhaust. You should ensure that you spend regular time outdoors.
In order to protect against infectious diseases, you should pay attention to hand hygiene, especially in winter, and avoid contact with sick people.
If you have an allergy-prone child; at an early age, you should not send it to kindergarten.
Vitamin D is a vitamin that enhances immunity and plays a role in coping with allergies. For this reason, it is very important that you follow your child's vitamin D and use supplementary medication under the supervision of a doctor if necessary.

Get Support From Your Caregiver to Help Your Child Fight Allergy
If you have an allergic child, you need to cooperate with all the people around you who share your child's care. Allergy treatment is a long and tiring process. For this reason, it is very important that you share your child's special situation with your caregiver who is taking care of your child and give information about the points that should be considered. The biggest treatment of allergy is the cause of allergy; away from the environment and your child. It is important that your caregiver be careful about this, take the necessary precautions and share the same sensitivity with you as well as your child's health and your comfort.

At homeBakicim family, we will be happy to be with you with our expert staff who will be your partner in your sensitivities.

Claritin Children's 24-Hour Non-Drowsy Allergy Grape Chewable Tablet, Antihistamine, 40 Count