Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Boy or Girl Baby Gender Prediction Test. Pregnancy Gender Predictor Test

Most frequently asked questions during pregnancy

Boy or Girl Baby Gender Prediction Test. Pregnancy Gender Predictor Test

"Most frequently asked questions and answers in quarterly periods during pregnancy"
How does smoking affect my pregnancy? Smoking reduces the oxygenation of the baby and causes growth retardation and premature birth. You must stop smoking during pregnancy for your baby to be healthy. I think I am pregnant, what are the symptoms of pregnancy? The most important symptom of pregnancy is menstrual delay. In addition, nausea, fatigue, tenderness in the breasts, frequent urination in the early stages of pregnancy are common complaints.Although I gave birth six months ago, I realized that I was pregnant again. Is it too early to have a baby again? It takes time for the body to recover after pregnancy and birth. If you do not breastfeed your baby, you can begin your pregnancy 6 weeks after birth and become pregnant again. Getting pregnant again six months after birth does not harm you physically, but psychologically it is recommended to have at least 2 years between pregnancies.

My doctor says I am 8 weeks pregnant despite a delay of three weeks. How does that happen? Your doctor calculates the week of your pregnancy based on the last menstrual date and determines the approximate date of birth.

Fertilization and pregnancy takes place during the ovulation period on the days corresponding to 2 weeks after your last menstrual date. However, in terms of convenience and accuracy, the last menstrual date is used in calculating the gestational week. How is the sex of the baby determined? The sex of the baby is genetically determined during fertilization. Women carry 2 X sex chromosomes and men have one X and Y sex chromosome. If the sperm is able to fertilize the egg X chromosome carries a baby girl, Y chromosome carries a baby boy. I am eight weeks pregnant and headaches very often, what should I do? In the first sixteen weeks of pregnancy, blood vessels dilate and headache occurs. Some of these pains go through the rest. Headache usually disappears in the 3rd and 4th month of pregnancy.

How is the estimated date of birth calculated? Pregnancy calculated from the last menstrual period is 280 days or 40 weeks. If you add 7 days to your last menstrual period and go back 3 months, the estimated date of birth may be found; for example, the estimated date of birth of a pregnant woman whose last menstrual period is March 5, 1999 is December 12, 1999.

I feel very tired and sleepy, why? This is a common condition in the early stages of pregnancy due to hormonal and vascular changes. These complaints are frequently accompanied by headache. When pregnancy progresses, these symptoms go away spontaneously. Pregnancy test is positive, but my periods were very irregular, how do I calculate the approximate date of birth? It is difficult to predict when ovulation and fertilization occurs in patients with irregular menstruation.

The size of the pregnancy and the estimated date of birth are not determined by the last menstrual period but by ultrasonographic measurements. When should the first ultrasonography be performed? Approximately two weeks after the expected menstrual day, pregnancy is detected ultrasonographically and the baby's development is monitored. When will I start hearing my baby's heartbeat? Baby's heartbeat 10-12. between weeks. Your doctor can listen to your baby's heartbeat with a Dopler device or Dopler ultrasound. My first pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage.

What should I do to avoid miscarriage again? 25% of pregnancies end with miscarriage. Abortions seen in the first period of pregnancy are usually due to genetic disorders and it is not possible to prevent them. Also some infections, deficiency of hormone called progesterone, immune system disorders can cause miscarriages

Necessary pregnancies should be done to the people whose previous pregnancy ended with miscarriage and these pregnancies should be under the control of the doctor during their pregnancy. Spotting occurs in almost half of pregnant women in the first 8-12 weeks of pregnancy. Half of the pregnancies end with miscarriage. Vaginal bleeding may also occur in ectopic pregnancy. With the necessary hormone tests and ultrasound examination, the cause of bleeding and whether pregnancy continues.
My blood group is Rh negative, does this create a problem? Blood mismatch can be seen if the woman whose blood type is Rh negative is married to a man whose blood type is Rh positive and carries a Rh positive baby. If Rh positive blood (the blood of the baby) is mixed into the bloodstream of a pregnant woman whose blood type is Rh negative, the immune system is stimulated and the resulting antibodies pass into the placenta. This will harm the baby during pregnancy or subsequent pregnancies.

In order to prevent this condition, pregnant globulin preparation called RhoGAM is administered to pregnant women at 28th week. RhoGAM should be applied in order to ensure the health of subsequent pregnancies in abortions. My stomach is nauseous and how long will these nausea continue? Nausea that starts in the 8th week of pregnancy can last up to 16 weeks. Nausea due to rising bHCG hormone during pregnancy is more common in multiple pregnancies. Nausea, which can be prevented frequently and with little food, is an indicator of a healthy pregnancy.

The vitamins I take make me vomit, is that normal? If you take vitamins on a full stomach or before bedtime, you can avoid nausea. What does trimester mean? Pregnancy is divided into three periods as first, second, and third (or first, middle and last) trimesters. First trimester first 12 weeks, second trimester 12-24. between weeks and up to delivery in the third trimester.

Is vaginal pressure and frequent urination normal? During pregnancy, the uterus grows and compresses the bladder. This causes a feeling of pressure and frequent urination. This is the first 12 weeks after the disappearance of the uterus with the rise, but the last period of pregnancy is seen again. I am constantly constipated what should I do? Increased blood levels of pregnancy hormones and your diet may cause it.

Constipation can be prevented by taking plenty of fluids and feeding rich in fiber. How much weight should I gain in the first trimester? It is healthy to take 8-10 kg during the whole pregnancy. The first trimester of this is about 2 kg. Women who gain excess weight in the first trimester of pregnancy usually gain more than the desired weight until the end of pregnancy. I am a healthy person. What should I do to have a healthy baby?

A healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy helps to avoid smoking, alcohol and other harmful substances, go to a doctor's supervision regularly, have a healthy pregnancy and have a healthy baby. Are all mothers worried that their babies will be abnormal? Usually, most pregnant women are concerned about having an abnormal baby from time to time until birth.

The incidence of major birth anomalies is 3%. I became pregnant while using birth control pills.

Is there any harm to the child? Pregnancy does not occur when birth control pills are used regularly, although there are some risks to the baby in this rare case, studies have shown that these pregnancies do not result in a higher rate of abnormal birth or miscarriage than other pregnancies. When pregnancy is noticed, the birth control pill should be discontinued immediately.

I took some alcohol without noticing that I was pregnant. Is there any harm to the baby? Pregnancy does not harm the baby taken before the baby is not noticed, but the use of alcohol during pregnancy should definitely stop. Severe cough. My doctor asked me to get a chest X-ray.

Can I have it? During pregnancy, chest X-rays can be taken, protecting the abdomen with a steel vest if necessary. I am pregnant and having severe flu. What should I do? Cold bed by resting, taking plenty of hot fluids, and if you need to consult your doctor, paracetamol derivative painkillers, antipyretic drugs can spend more mildly using. When can I feel my baby moving? You can feel your baby's movements around the 20th week.

If you do not feel the movements of the baby until the 24th week of pregnancy, consult your physician. When will my baby's gender be determined by ultrasound? The sex of your baby can be determined from the 12th week by experienced doctors and an advanced ultrasound device. After the 20th week you can learn more precisely the sex of your baby. Is it inconvenient to travel while pregnant? There is no harm in traveling until the last month of your pregnancy, but on long-term trips it is often useful to get up and walk around and take plenty of fluids. Should I stop drinking coffee while pregnant?

There are studies showing that drinking too much coffee causes miscarriages, preterm labor and low weight babies. It is recommended not to drink more than one cup of coffee a day during pregnancy. Should I change my daily routine exercises while pregnant? You can continue your daily exercise program unless you do heavy and dangerous exercises.

You should stop exercising when you feel tired. You should avoid exercises that may harm your stomach and balance is necessary. Can I have my hair permed while pregnant? The effects of the substances used for perming and dyeing during pregnancy are not known. Although no anomaly increase is detected in animal experiments, there are no studies on humans. When using a computer, it is necessary to sit 50 cm away from the computer to avoid being affected by the radiating rays. Since these devices emit more beams from the back and sides, make sure to sit 1 meter away from other devices that you do not use. Can I have it during pregnancy?

If necessary from the medical point of view, there is no harm in filling, the local anesthetic substances used in this time do not harm the baby. But cosmetic procedures are recommended to be done after pregnancy. I see changes in my hair since I got pregnant. Will my hair become the same again after pregnancy? Hair loss may occur due to increased hormones during pregnancy. This condition improves after the end of pregnancy and hair regains its old health. What is AFP test? Alphabetoprotein (AFP) is a protein that is secreted from the baby's liver and passes into the mother's circulatory system. If this protein level is below or above normal, it may be indicative of some anomalies in the baby.

This test is for 16-18 of pregnancy. What is amniocentesis? Amniocentesis is a procedure for the examination of the baby by taking a sample of the liquid that it is swimming in. If the results of the AFP test are not normal in pregnancies over 35 years of age and at risk, this procedure is applied and the genetic defects in the baby are detected by liquid examinations.

What should I do when I got pregnant with an intrauterine device? When pregnancy is detected, the spiral can be removed if it is located down in the uterus. I have a friend with tubal pregnancy. I occasionally have pain in my right groin. Ectopic pregnancy? Ectopic pregnancy occurs in 1-2% of all pregnancies.

The risk increases to 5-10% if there is a history of ectopic pregnancy, previous infection or surgical procedure. If you have groin pain and bleeding, you should consult your doctor. Do I need AIDS and hepatitis (jaundice) test? Since it is not an easily transmitted disease, you do not need to have an AIDS test if there are no risk factors such as blood transfusion, suspicious sexual intercourse and drug addiction. However, in our country, which is very common in pregnancy and infecting the baby during pregnancy for hepatitis B tests should be done, and the mother carrier to prevent infection in the baby should be given the necessary serum and vaccine.

Which laboratory tests must be done? Urine test during pregnancy, blood group determination, blood count for the detection of anemia, Hepatitis B, Rubella (rubella), syphilis (syphilis), Toxoplasma, Herpes and so on. Tests investigating certain infections should be performed. What should I do? In the first period of pregnancy, the skin changes due to rising hormones. After your body gets used to these hormones, your skin will recover. What should I do to avoid stretch marks during my pregnancy? Depending on the structure of your skin, stretch cracks may occur. There are no products that precisely prevent the formation of stretch marks on your skin.

Creams that keep the skin moisturized can be helpful in preventing crack formation. Second quarter: Is the dark line formed in the middle of my stomach permanent? Especially in light-skinned women, increased hormones during pregnancy cause darkening of the nipple, a dark line in the middle of the abdomen, and spots on the face. These sun spots and darkening cannot be prevented when exposed to the sun. Usually disappear after childbirth. What should I do if my vaginal discharge increased? Vaginal discharge is one of the most common complaints during pregnancy. The color and smell of the vaginal discharge are important. If the discharge is transparent, it is not smelly and itching is not considered infection. This discharge is due to rising hormones.

It is recommended to use cotton underwear and pay attention to cleanliness. If the discharge is yellow and fragrant and itching is accompanied, it is recommended to consult the physician considering the infection and make the necessary treatment. When will my stomach grow? Swelling in the lower abdomen begins to appear from the 16th week of the first pregnancy. A little earlier in subsequent pregnancies due to separation of the abdominal muscles 12-14. swelling in the abdomen in weeks to become evident. It is not harmful if the house is well ventilated after painting. This also applies to household chemicals.

If you are constantly exposed to these substances because of your profession during pregnancy, you should avoid them to protect yourself and your baby. I have two cats in my home.

Does it cause problems during my pregnancy? Cats carry a parasite called toxoplasma gondi that causes toxoplasmosis disease. If this parasite is taken during pregnancy and the baby develops infection, it leads to mental retardation, blindness and some other abnormalities. This parasite is transmitted by cat droppings and uncooked meats. People who encounter this parasite usually survive without a realization of the infection, like a mild flu. Avoiding raw meat, avoiding mouth and eyes after contact with raw meat, washing vegetables and fruits very well, using gloves when in contact with cat faeces can be protected from these infections by simple measures. Can I use Nutrasweet? It is considered not harmful when taken in low doses. Dietary carbonated drinks containing nutrasweet once a day to consume is not harmful. Hot bath is objectionable? Hot water can be harmful by increasing body temperature. There is no harm to the bathroom to be taken with warm water. Is it OK to wear a seat belt in the car? You must always use a seat belt in the car.

If you do not use a seat belt in case of an accident, your stomach will hit the steering wheel and fracture of the pelvis bones, placenta (the baby's wife) may leave the uterus may cause the loss of the baby. After your abdomen grows, you should use the belt below the uterus, just above the pelvic bones. Can I sunbathe during my pregnancy? It can be sunbathed very carefully and for a short time and using protective creams. It should be remembered that the sun's rays increase the staining on the skin. Are there spores that are inconvenient during my pregnancy? Gymnastics, mountaineering and similar sports where balance is important should be avoided. Depending on the growth of your uterus, your body's center of gravity changes and you may lose your balance. Every sport at risk of collision should also be avoided. Is this normal? This condition, called phthalism, may be caused by increased salivation, decreased stomach movements and nausea due to nausea. It occurs more frequently in the first period of pregnancy and decreases as the pregnancy progresses. When should I go to doctor control more often? After twenty-eight weeks, the doctor checks frequently. You should go for a check every 2-3 weeks. Every week from the sixteenth week you should go to the doctor's check. Sometimes I feel very severe pain in my groin, why? When there is no possibility of ectopic pregnancy, these pains are thought to result from the stretching of the ligament called round ligament. The pain is usually on the left side because the uterus moves to the right and causes the ligament on the left to stretch. The pain is reduced when you rest. The cause of pain during pregnancy should be investigated by the physician. Appendicitis, ovarian rotation and separation of the placenta also cause pain.I am a kindergarten teacher, is it harmful to have a fifth disease during pregnancy? The fifth disease, an infection caused by the virus called Parvo virus, can be harmful to the baby when passed during pregnancy.

This virus breaks down red blood cells and damages them and can cause miscarriage when passed during the first period of pregnancy. It does not cause congenital anomalies. If infection is taken later in the pregnancy, the baby is evaluated by ultrasonographic follow-up every week for 6-8 weeks to determine whether the baby is affected. Cases where the baby is infected can also be treated by blood transfusion. Can I get a vaccine during pregnancy? All vaccinations should be avoided, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Live virus vaccines such as measles, rubella and mumps should be avoided from three months before pregnancy and during pregnancy. Dead bacterial vaccines can be administered in outbreaks and when necessary. Pregnants should also be vaccinated in cases of rabies risk or hepatitis risk. In developing countries it is recommended to use the tetanus vaccine. Is it normal to feel occasional palpitations and shortness of breath? The growing uterus makes deep breathing difficult. Heart rate also increases during pregnancy. Drinking coffee, changes in position and fatigue can cause palpitations. These complaints are usually relieved in a short time after rest. There are several reasons for high blood pressure during pregnancy. In addition to high blood pressure, there is also edema (swelling) in the hands, legs and face. Protein can be detected in the urine.

This situation improves after birth. If pre-arthritis developed during your first pregnancy, the risk of developing in subsequent pregnancies is 10-15%. What are the purple lines on my legs? Purple spots in the appearance of spiders. It is due to increased estrogen levels and increased intravenous pressure increase. It occurs in most pregnant women. Swelling and pain in the veins in the feet and legs of some women occur. Swelling and tingling in my hands is normal? Tingling is felt depending on the payment in the hands (water collection). These complaints can be reduced by raising the hands and putting them in the water. Can I apply nail polish to my nails during my pregnancy? Formaldehyde is used as a fixative in the nail polish chemical, this substance is not much absorption of nails, but it is recommended to apply the nail polish in a well-ventilated room. These occur due to increased vascularity and increased blood volume. It is not important in patients without bleeding disorders.It is natural, at night I often dream and have nightmares? It is normal to have nightmares due to increased hormone levels and concerns about the baby during pregnancy. Which side of my sleep is important? It is recommended to lay on the left side during pregnancy. Many women wake up in the morning, lying on their back and wonder if it is harmful to the baby. Supporting your back with a pillow while lying down prevents you from reaching your back. When women lie in a supine position, they feel like they will faint with sudden blood pressure drop due to compression of abdominal vessels. These complaints go away when I lay sideways. My doctor asked me to count my baby's movements. Should I count the baby's movements every hour? No, each baby has its own daily rhythm, which can be more active at certain times of the day. Pregnants know when their babies move more. At this time, the baby's movements should be paid attention to the doctor if there is a difference from the usual. Last quarter: I have difficulty sleeping, what should I do? Especially after 36 weeks of pregnancy it is very difficult to sleep comfortably. Consecutive sleepless nights can make you feel increasingly tired. If you do not sleep during the day, early dinner, a warm bath and warm milk can help you sleep more comfortably. The use of sleep medications during pregnancy is absolutely unsuitable.

Even though I'm only 28 weeks pregnant, milk comes from my breasts. Is this normal? This is a common condition in pregnancy, breast milk to prepare the breast before breast feeding and breast milk can cause the release of breast. This can only happen during sexual intercourse first. Liquid white color and clean looking. Bloody and dark currents should be evaluated immediately. Pregnant women who have breast milk before birth should not express this milk because this may cause premature labor. You can protect your clothes with pads to put on the nipple. Does my sexual relationship harm the baby? In late pregnancy, 50% of couples stop having sexual intercourse. If your partner does not carry an infection, sexual intercourse will not cause the baby to become infected and will not harm the baby. Pregnant women with premature birth threat should not have sexual intercourse.28 weeks pregnant and spotting, is it normal? No, it's not normal. This is a condition that requires you to inform the doctor immediately. It may be due to the anterior placement of the placenta (the partner of the infant) or the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall if staining is accompanied by pain. Decrease in baby's movements and spotting during the last months of pregnancy are the most important warning signs. I feel my baby occasionally jumps rhythmically, is it normal? These are hiccups. Hiccups due to contraction of the diaphragm may be important for the development of the lungs. After a while, it disappears spontaneously. Should I attend birth classes? This could be a good idea. You will feel easier to give birth as knowledge and experiences will be shared during such lessons. What is a non-stress test? The non-stress test is a test that lasts up to half an hour and examines the baby. During this test, the baby's heartbeat and uterine tone are recorded. The reactive test indicates that the baby is in good health. This test is repeated frequently in mothers with hypertension or diabetes, in cases of growth retardation in the infant and in pregnancies beyond the term. How many babies born after weeks can survive? 10% of pregnancies end with premature birth. Babies born at 26 weeks of age can live in centers with intensive care units for newborns. Babies born after 28 weeks have a higher chance of survival. How do I know when an early birth starts? If you have more than four contractions within one hour and this continues for more than one hour, preterm labor is suspected. An increase in the amount of vaginal discharge and back pain may also herald premature birth. In the presence of these findings, you should immediately consult your doctor.

What can I do for hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids increase during pregnancy, can cause severe pain and bleeding. Hemorrhoids grow during pregnancy due to pooling of blood in the pelvic region. Drinking excess water, taking juicy foods such as plum juice, eating rich in fiber foods, eating plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits can reduce complaints. Very severe pain in cases where pain relief can be used pomades. I have never had chickenpox until this day. I've been in the same place with a kid in chickenpox. What can I do? Since varicella infections can be passed without any signs, many women do not know that they have had previous infections. 95% of the pregnant women were immunized naturally through previous infection. There is a risk for the 5% group that has not been infected. In case of contact with a chickenpox, a blood test should be carried out immediately to confirm whether the infection has already been passed. These tests give results within 24 hours. If it is found that you have not had an infection before, you should be given immunoglobulin (antibodies) against this virus to help you pass the disease mildly. If you have the disease, your baby has a 2% chance of being affected. The most common problem is the normal development of the baby's arms and legs.34 weeks pregnant. I have severe back pain. What should I do? Healthy posture during pregnancy is very important. Improper posture causes back pain by increasing the burden on the back due to pregnancy. Siatic pain may also begin with the infant settling down during the late pregnancy. Healthy posture and lying on hard ground can reduce pain. Back pain is reduced after birth. Suddenly I felt my baby coming down. Although I breathe more comfortably, I feel pressure in my groin. Is it normal? This is seen in many pregnant women after 36 weeks. Placing the baby down allows you to breathe more comfortably, but you need to urinate more often. In infants who have already given birth, infant placement may not occur until delivery. Does my baby need to be monitored during delivery? You need to be monitored to verify that the baby is healthy. Monitoring during delivery does not need to be continuous. However, in cases where the pregnant woman has diabetes or heart disease and the baby develops retardation, monitoring should be continuous. If any deterioration is detected in the baby's heartbeat, monitoring is continued continuously. How do I feel the engagement is thrown? The secretion accumulated in the cervix during pregnancy is discarded when the cervix begins to soften and dilate. Pregnant women experience slight contractions followed by gelatinous and bloody fluid coming from the vagina. In some pregnant women, vaginal discharge increases during the last two weeks of pregnancy, which is due to the gradual loosening of the engagement of secretions in the cervix. How do I distinguish between real birth pains and false birth pains? Braxton-Hicks contractions are commonly called painless contractions that are felt in the lower abdomen. These are not accompanied by the removal of the engagement and back pain. The labor pains are pain that lasts for one to two minutes with less frequent intervals, exacerbated and regular.

When these pains start to come every five minutes, you should go to the hospital. Why should I take the stress test? This test examines how the baby responds to the contractions by providing contraction of the uterus. Stimulation of the uterus by stimulating the nipple or medication is provided. With each contraction of the uterus, there is some decrease in the blood flow to the baby. Healthy babies tolerate it well. If the baby's heart rate slows down after contraction, the test is considered positive, indicating that the baby is under stress. In this case, the baby should be delivered immediately. What is amniotic fluid and what does it do? The fluid in which the baby floats is called amniotic fluid, and the majority of this fluid is the urine of the baby. When the baby breathes, it swallows it and it is important for the development of the lungs. In babies with kidney problems, the amount of this fluid may be small. The amount of amniotic fluid gives information about the state of the placenta. When the placenta gets old and cannot feed the baby, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases. It is normal for most pregnant women to have a small amount of sugar in the urine, especially 1-2 hours after meals. However, this condition is also seen in pregnancy-related diabetes. 24-28. Pregnancy-related diabetes can be detected by performing an oral glucose tolerance test between 2 weeks of gestation. If pregnancy-related diabetes is detected, a special diet is applied. What can I do if my leg is cramping? It is a very common complaint in the last period of pregnancy. Make sure you get enough calcium and potassium. Calcium is found in milk and dairy products, while potassium is found in bananas and citrus fruits. Stretching your legs 10-15 minutes before bedtime can reduce cramps. Very often my stomach is sour, what can I do? Due to the decrease in tone in the lower part of the esophagus, the acid in the stomach escapes back into the esophagus. Eating less often, avoiding bitter and spicy foods and not eating before bedtime can alleviate your complaint a bit. Antacid drugs can be used. When should I go to the hospital for birth? Pregnant women who have not delivered before are advised to go to hospital when their pains begin to arrive at regular intervals of 5-10 minutes. In pregnant women who have already given birth, birth occurs faster. When the pain begins to come to the hospital with a 10-minute interval, what should be the removal of the cervix? In the last period of pregnancy the cervix begins to soften, this is called cervical wiping. The cervix becomes suitable for opening. What is the opening of the pouch (membranes) at birth? The pouch can be opened to initiate labor. However, contractions begin or intensify with the release of substances called prostaglandins. Contractions can be initiated with intravenous medications. Drug-induced births usually last longer. Vaginally administered prostaglandin-containing gels also allow the cervix to be wiped and birth to begin. These gels are usually administered before intravenous medication. What to do when the baby cord is wrapped around the baby's neck? This can be seen in 15% of newborns. It is usually corrected when the baby's head is removed or the cord is immediately cut off. If the cord becomes too tight during birth, it causes irregularities in the baby's heartbeat. What is meconium? Before birth, the baby's digestive system is filled with meconium. The baby's bowel movements are mixed with meconium amniotic fluid. This is especially seen in past pregnant women. When the baby breathes, meconium can go to the lungs and a dangerous condition called meconium aspiration occurs.

How do I know if I can give birth vaginally? Usually, it is not clear whether vaginal delivery can be performed until delivery starts. Today, 20% of deliveries are performed by cesarean section. What can I do to reduce the pain during delivery? Narcotic drugs can be used intravenously to relieve pain and allow the pregnant woman to rest between contractions. They do not cause prolongation of labor because they are generally used at low doses. Epidural anesthesia can also be used to reduce pain at birth. An anesthetic given through a thin catheter placed on the back reduces pain. This type of anesthesia can sometimes slow delivery. If epidural anesthesia is given more than 4 cm of cervix and after the baby is placed in the pelvis, labor will not prolong. What is episiotomy? Episiotomy is the incision in the lower part of the vaginal canal to facilitate the birth of the baby's head and birth. When episiotomy is not opened, tears may occur especially if delivery is fast. Are forceps and vacuum applications harmful? Not harmful in experienced hands. Both are applied to facilitate the exit of the baby. It leaves traces in the baby's head after a while. Postpartum period: How long should I stay in the hospital after birth? The length of hospital stay after birth is gradually shortening. Thirty years ago, one week in hospital after birth, while the maximum number of days is 2-3 days. For the health of the baby and the mother, it is usually sufficient to stay in the hospital for 48 hours after delivery. Should I breastfeed my baby? Breastfeeding is the best way to feed the newborn. Breast milk is both cheap, nutritious and important in establishing the close connection between mother and baby. Antibacterial substances in the mother's milk are passed to the baby to protect the baby from diseases. Many women want to breastfeed immediately after birth, but it may take a few days or longer before the mother and the baby get used to breastfeeding. Many mothers are worried that their baby may not get enough nutrients in the first days and that they are hungry. Soaking the baby 8-12 times a day indicates that the baby has had enough fluid. After the first 10-14 days, most of the problems associated with breastfeeding disappear and breastfeeding becomes enjoyable. Women with small breasts do not need to worry. Milk production is not related to the size of the breasts. Hormonal stimuli and your baby's sucking often produce enough milk. How should I prepare my breasts for breastfeeding? It is debatable that breasts are necessary and useful for breastfeeding. It may be useful if the nipples are inward. When 6-8 weeks to delivery, it is useful to rotate the nipples between the fingers for a few minutes and repeat this procedure 4-6 times a day. Drying the nipples with a hard towel after each bath will also make the nipples more resistant to cracking in the early stages of breastfeeding. Can I connect my tubes during delivery? Couples who have as many children as they want can be recommended for surgical sterilization. In developed countries, approximately 17% of couples of reproductive age choose tubal sterilization as the contraceptive method. Tubal sterilization, which has a reliability of 99.8%, has no negative effect on the sexual life and mental health of the woman. If delivery occurs by caesarean section, it can be performed at the same time, if it occurs normally, by a simple surgical procedure. Which activities should I restrict after leaving the hospital? Avoiding certain activities without limiting your daily life is enough. You should avoid heavy lifting until you recover. During pregnancy, the posture and back strength of the woman is reduced, and when you lift heavily, it is very easy to damage your back. Sexual intercourse should also be avoided for 4-6 weeks. When your genital organs are completely healed, you can have sexual intercourse. Six weeks after birth you should go for a checkup. During this period, your genital organs return to pre-pregnancy conditions. When can I start using birth control pills?

If you are not breastfeeding your baby, you can start two weeks after birth. Many women begin to have sexual intercourse 4 weeks after birth and can immediately conceive again. You should be protected from the moment you start having sexual intercourse. It is thought that breastfeeding mothers should not use any contraceptive pill. However, birth control pills may reduce or even stop milk due to the estrogen they contain.

Boy or Girl Baby Gender Prediction Test. Pregnancy Gender Predictor Test