Wednesday, October 2, 2019

AccuMed Pregnancy (HCG) Test Strips Kit, Clear and Accurate Results, 99% Accurate, 50 Count - Expire 01/2021

Frequently Asked Questions About IVF Treatment

AccuMed Pregnancy (HCG) Test Strips Kit, Clear and Accurate Results, 99% Accurate, 50 Count - Expire 01/2021

The success of IVF treatment is closely related to the selection of the right center and doctor, and then to fulfill all the requirements of the process. There are many questions that couples who want to have babies wonder in this process. Acting in line with the recommendations of the IVF team and disregarding the practices that are common among the people but not known directly affect the success of the treatment.

Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital IVF Center Department Op. Dr. Ali Enver Kurt, IVF treatment frequently asked questions answered.

What is infertility?

Failure to achieve pregnancy despite regular sexual intercourse without applying any protection method for at least 1 year is called infertility. In addition, this definition also includes couples who cannot lead a pregnancy to the end, that is, those who lose their pregnancy.

What is IVF & Microinjection? What are the differences?

The process of fertilization by bringing the sperm cell and the egg cell together in the laboratory is called “in vitro fertilization method”.

When microinjection technique is applied, a single sperm cell taken from the candidate is placed into the egg cell obtained from the candidate with a thin needle under the microscope and thus fertilization occurs. Therefore, especially in male-originated infertility, the chance of fertilization and pregnancy by microinjection method increases.

What are the factors affecting the fertility of women?

Genetics, age of marriage and maternal age, regular menstruation, sexually transmitted diseases, excessive weight and insulin resistance, non-alcohol-excessive caffeine consumption and stress can be counted as factors affecting fertility.

What are the stages of IVF treatment?

After the pre-interview, examination of the assays and decision-making process, your medication use process will begin according to the protocol determined by your doctor. Medications are usually started on the 2nd or 3rd day of menstruation (short preparation). Your doctor will determine the frequency of your egg follow-up. The ultrasound controls will check the size and number of your eggs, as well as the thickness of the inner layer of the uterus. This period is the process of ovulation follow-up and will last for an average of 10 days.

The next stage is the egg collection process. Occurs 2 days after the eggs mature. Under general anesthesia, vaginal and ultrasound-guided eggs are collected from your partner during the sperm collection and fertilization is provided by microinjection. In the most recent process, embryos of the best quality are selected, followed by embryo transfer after 2-3 or 5 days.

Will women's egg reserve be depleted as a result of IVF treatment?

No, a baby girl is born with a certain reserve of eggs during a 4-month pregnancy in the womb. Some parts of this reserve are lost until puberty, then every month from the time of puberty, the ovaries select and set the eggs that will grow in the next period in the week before menstruation begins. Only 1 or 2 of them develop and crack and prepare the ground suitable for pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, the same cycle starts again in the next period. The eggs obtained in the IVF treatment are the eggs prepared for that month and the next month new eggs will develop from the egg reserve.

Do women with IVF enter menopause at an early age?

No, women are born with a certain reserve of eggs. In women with IVF treatment that month, the eggs in the ovary are developed and taken. The woman will undergo menopause at the genetically determined time with or without IVF treatment.

Is every egg that develops fertilized?

No, the eggs do not all show the same growth rate when medications for egg development are started. In addition, fertilization and division development after egg collection and microinjection do not go the same. Some may even show no improvement or stop at any stage of development. Studies so far have shown that the most important factor under these differences in development of embryos may be related to egg-sperm and naturally the genetic structure of the embryo.

Is there an age limit for IVF treatment? Does age affect chances of pregnancy?

Any woman with egg can have IVF treatment. After the age of 40, pregnancy, continuation of pregnancy and taking home baby rates decrease. After the age of 45, even if there are eggs, pregnancy rates are around 1% - 5%. Pregnancy decreases with age. In our experience so far, we have achieved pregnancy with our own eggs and delivered healthy births from our 45 and 46 year old patients.

Does obstruction of the tubes prevent pregnancy? Does obstruction in tubes reduce the success of IVF ?

Obstruction in the tubes adversely affects the normal pregnancy process. Because the normal way to meet the eggs and sperm in pregnancy, the first 5 days of life and then the delivery of the embryo into the uterus, the woman's tube takes place. Since the fertilization process takes place outside in the IVF treatment, the chance of pregnancy does not change if the tubes are clogged. In some cases, however, the likelihood of embryo adherence is reduced due to fluid accumulating in the tubes, and LS or the tube or tubes may need to be closed or removed. In such a case, your doctor will give you detailed information.

Does the presence of fibroids reduce the chance of pregnancy?

Fibroids extending into the uterine cavity may interfere with the development of the embryo or cause miscarriage or premature labor. If the embryo is located in or close to the location of the uterine fibroids, it may cause miscarriages as blood supply may deteriorate. Again, when the advanced stages of pregnancy are reached, fibroids can cause pain, sometimes premature labor, by degenerating or rotating around itself. The simplest test for the presence of uterine fibroids is the uterine film called hysterosalpingography. Further examination is a small operation called hysteroscopy which allows an examination by entering into the uterus with an optical instrument.

Does the presence of fibroids reduce egg reserve?

No, the presence of uterine fibroids does not reduce egg reserve. Ovaries and uterine fibroids are separate from each other. Fibroids are found in the uterus, if pregnancy is desired and if fibroids are present, the patient can be informed about whether uterine fibroids may interfere with pregnancy after a specialist examination and treatment options, including surgical intervention, are brought to the agenda.

Do hormone drugs increase the risk of cancer?

No, there is no evidence that drugs used in IVF increase the risk of cancer. Much research has been done on this subject and no direct relationship between these drugs and ovarian, uterine and breast cancer has been demonstrated.

Do hormone drugs used to lose weight?

Drugs used in IVF treatment may cause some weight gain due to edema in the body and appetite. Since these drugs are able to produce normal hormonal effects in the body, side effects related to weight gain can be seen. These medications do not cause an unacceptable weight gain. Also, depression-like behaviors and changes in eating and drinking habits and weight changes may be seen due to the psychological condition that this period imposes on the patient.

Are there any side effects of the hormone drugs used?

Depending on the sensitivity of the women in the areas where the needles were shot; Itching, mild pain, burning and irritation, as well as bruise-like bruise at the injection site may be complaints. Conditions such as breast tenderness, hot flashes, excessive sensuality, and inguinal pain, bloating, constipation, and frequent urination are also observed during IVF treatment.

Can hair be dyed during the treatment period?

Hair dyes are not dangerously toxic, so dye can be applied to your hair during IVF treatment and while pregnant. During the dyeing process, a small amount of hair dye may enter your skin. This is a small amount, so the chemical has no harmful effect on your baby's developing body. Only organic-based, ammonia-free hair dyes should be preferred during pregnancy.

When can I get back to work?

Resting after IVF treatment is not recommended. After embryo transfer, you can return to work the next day. Resting does not increase the pregnancy rate. During the treatment period, our patients can only get permission from the workplace (2 days in total) on egg collection and embryo transfer days.

What are the factors affecting the success of IVF?

Factors affecting success in IVF; age, egg reserve and quality, avoiding stress, keeping weight gain under control - starting treatment at ideal weight, presence of some structural problems (such as uterine fibroids, uterine anomalies), sperm count and quality, smoking and alcohol use, uterine lining factors such as insufficient thickness and structure, genetic problems of the couple are the factors affecting the success of IVF treatment.

Is it okay to travel by car and plane after embryo transfer and during treatment?

No, you do not mind traveling after the treatment of vehicles and aircraft.

How many embryos can be transferred in one trial?

The number of embryos to be transferred to patients is limited by the Ministry of Health in order to prevent multiple pregnancies. A maximum of 2 transfers are required for women over the age of 35 and 1 transfer is required under the age of 35. Under the age of 35, 2 transfers are allowed after the first 2 unsuccessful attempts.

What happens to the growing embryos?

Increased embryos can be frozen after obtaining the consent of the pairs. Frozen embryos can be thawed if a negative result is obtained after IVF treatment or if the second child wishes. There is no difference in pregnancy rates between the transfer of frozen embryos and the initial transfer.

What is the procedure for couples where there is no problem and pregnancy cannot be achieved?

Although there is no obvious cause of couples in unexplained infertility, pregnancy does not occur. The highest rate of pregnancy was achieved in IVF treatment. Sometimes the problem is revealed during treatment. Poor quality eggs, fertilization problems can only occur during and after the microinjection process.

Does IVF treatment take longer?

The treatment started on the 2nd or 3rd day of the menstrual period ends after 16 - 17 days. After embryo transfer, the pregnancy test is performed in blood for 10-12 days.

Is the risk of miscarriage higher after in vitro fertilization than in normal pregnancy?

Pregnancies performed by IVF are followed as normal pregnancies. This can be considered as a risk only if there is multiple pregnancy. In addition, as a general information, infertile couples have a higher risk of genetic anomalies compared to other members of the population. Therefore, the genetic problems and of course the risk of miscarriage in these pregnancies will be relatively high in any way.

Should rest after transfer?

A solid rest after embryo transfer is not recommended. There is no evidence that resting increases the pregnancy rate. Resting for 20 minutes after embryo transfer can return to normal daily work. It would be appropriate to impose restrictions on performing sexual intercourse and high effort.

Is ectopic pregnancy seen after IVF treatment?

The risk of ectopic pregnancy is seen in 2 out of 100 pregnancies in normal pregnancies. In IVF treatments, this risk increases slightly. The risk of ectopic pregnancy is slightly higher in these couples due to the presence of causes of infertility, such as damaged tubes in women.

Is sex selection made with IVF treatment?

Yes, a genetic examination is normally performed after IVF treatment. However, it is legally prohibited as specified in the Regulation do gender selection IVF in Turkey. For this reason, genetic analysis is not performed for gender selection. Gender selection in our country can only be made in the presence of genetic diseases carried by sex chromosome.

Who is recommended for genetic analysis?

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a recommended method for couples who are at risk of developing a serious genetic disease for their children. In the embryos of couples carrying some genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis and thalassemia, the disease can be diagnosed and eliminated without PGT, without the need for termination of pregnancy. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis offers an alternative way not only for couples with such genetic disease risks, but also for couples who cannot achieve a healthy pregnancy due to recurrent miscarriages caused by structural chromosomal disorders (eg translocation, inversion, etc.).

Is there a difference between babies born from in vitro fertilization and normal born babies?

No, there is no difference between normal pregnancy and pregnancy after IVF.

When can I have a test in urine after IVF treatment ?

Because urine pregnancy tests are sensitive to a certain hormone level, they may give false negative results in early pregnancy. (For example, if the test is sensitive up to a value of 100, it will give a negative result with inaccuracy when the value is more than 25 in the early period). For these reasons, pregnancy test in blood will be performed 10-12 days after embryo transfer according to the habits of the physician in IVF treatment. In pregnancy, detection of pregnancy hormone in the blood can be as early as 2 weeks after intercourse.

It is also important to know that the blood pregnancy test will increase approximately twice when it is followed up with a 2-day interval in a healthy pregnancy. Then, when this value reaches a value of 2000, for us, pregnancy has become visible on ultrasonography.

Should a special diet be applied before IVF treatment?

In IVF assisted reproduction method, nutrition is very important. This is because a healthy body is essential for successful treatment. Quitting smoking should be the primary precaution. Again, being at ideal weight before pregnancy is one of the factors affecting the success rate. Care should be taken to consume protein-rich food regularly (3 times a week). Daily water consumption is recommended to be around 2-3 liters. Consumption amount of dried legumes such as chickpeas, beans and red beans should be increased. Restrictions can be imposed if tea and coffee consumption is very high (2-3 cups per day). Avoid acidic beverages. Folic acid supplementation and foods rich in folic acid should be consumed.

In addition, treatment of other metabolic problems (thyroid, insulin resistance, diabetes, etc.) before IVF treatment can affect both the chance of success and the chance of healthy pregnancy.

Will pregnancy losses and abortion reduce my chances of pregnancy in subsequent IVF trials?

Termination of pregnancy by abortion is not a problem in terms of getting pregnant again if there is no complication during or after the procedure (such as fragmentation, infection, adhesion).

However, it may sometimes be necessary to investigate whether the couple is genetically normal, especially in early pregnancy losses. It should be kept in mind that the result can be obtained in 2-3 weeks when the couple requests genetic testing.

Is there a specific day for the tests required before IVF treatment?

Some hormone tests (such as FSH, LH, estrogen, progesterone) should be performed on certain days of menstruation (2nd, 3rd or 21st day). Others do not have day restrictions. Only some may need hunger.

Does the duration of treatment change according to the protocol chosen for IVF treatment?

The first step in IVF treatment is to prepare the woman. Women's preparation can take two forms; the first one starts on the 21st day of the period, approximately 3-3.5 weeks long egg collection process (long) or direct menstruation 2-3. A short (antagonist) protocol with egg collection about 10-12 days starting on the day of the day.

The embryos obtained in this way are transferred to the uterus depending on the patient's special conditions, the physician's habits, either fresh (at the same time as egg collection) or freezing-thawing (embryos are first frozen and stored and then placed at another time the physician deems appropriate).

What should be done if semen count is too low or not at all?

In such a case, no single decision should be made with a single analysis. Confirmation should be provided by a second analysis after 3 weeks. If the same or close results are obtained, genetic and hormone tests or testis ultrasonography should be used to obtain the necessary information. The patient should then be consulted with an androlog-urologist if necessary.

If there is no sperm in the sample, it is possible to obtain sperm from the testis by a surgical method called Micro TESE. Preferably, when the woman is ready to have her eggs simultaneously, TESE is planned first, and after the sperm is obtained, egg collection is performed and in vitro fertilization is performed. However, sometimes microTESE operation can be performed for diagnostic purposes before the female partner is prepared, if sperm is found, frozen and stored, then the female can be prepared.

My customs are painful and I want to have children. What should I do?

Menstrual pain is associated with a disease called endometriosis, especially in women. If your menstruation is painful and painful and you have the desire of a child, we recommend that you check with a specialist for egg reserve and endometriosis problems immediately.

How is embryo transfer performed?

Speculum is placed on the gynecological examination table after the patient is prepared as in the same examination position. The cervix is ​​cleaned. Afterwards, embryos brought from the laboratory by the embryologist are placed into the uterus with the help of a thin catheter. The procedure is painless. In order to monitor the progress of the catheter in the uterus by ultrasound from the abdomen only during insertion, the woman must be slightly squeezed into the urine.

How is egg collection?

Egg collection is usually performed vaginally under mild general anesthesia (sedation). First the vagina is cleared from secretions. Then, a needle is placed on the probe that we perform vaginal ultrasonography and the eggs are obtained by entering the follicles as aspirating from the vagina and aspirating the fluids. There may be slight pain and vaginal bleeding after the procedure.

When does adherence occur after embryo transfer?

Adhesion to the uterine wall after embryo transfer, especially on the 5th day (blastocyst) transfer will take place within 1-5 days. Considering the day of egg collection; It can be said that it will be in the next 6-10 days. In other words, the embryo will be clinged on the 10th day after egg collection, if successful.

Can bleeding occur after embryo transfer?

Vaginal hemorrhage may be the two main reasons after embryo transfer; the first of these may be trauma during embryo transfer, ie bleeding due to irritation of the catheter (especially in difficult transfers) through the cervix. The second is the so-called implantation hemorrhage during the full embryo attachment and in medicine. However, both of these are short-term, small amount of swab-staining bleeding.

Is there a difference in pregnancy rates between frozen embryo transfer and fresh transfer?

There was no difference in pregnancy rate between frozen embryo transfer and fresh transfer. In some cases, embryo transfer with freeze-thaw may positively affect pregnancy attainment rates.

What are the risks of IVF treatment?

At every stage of IVF treatment, there are some risks and side effects, albeit with minor probability. The side effects of the administered drugs are tolerable and transient. Although rare, pelvic infection may develop after egg collection. This problem can also be corrected with antibiotic treatments. Bleeding may occur in the ovaries. These bleeding is not much. In very rare cases, it may be necessary to intervene for bleeding. However, it is not a serious risk.

Hyperstimulation, which is the most important risk known, is almost never seen with new treatment protocols and experienced physicians.

What is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a common ovulation problem. These patients can consult a physician with a wide range of complaints. In the lightest forms, the patient may present with the complaint of not being able to conceive without any menstrual problems or cosmetic-metabolic problems. At the other end of the spectrum, there are women who are overweight, with male pattern excessive pubescence, and sometimes have menstruation for years. These women are usually the only problem, and this is the group of patients with the most successful treatments.

The most important conditions to be considered in PCOS patients; insulin resistance, if any, is directly related to the correction of diabetes and other metabolic problems before treatment, the chances of success and the health of the woman-pregnancy. In addition, the physician should follow the patient very carefully in terms of the risk of hyperstimulation.

How should the treatment plan be made in case of malfunction of men?

In vitro fertilization-IVF, in which sperms with a certain number and motility can be used efficiently in in vitro fertilization applications, that is, in selected cases where motile sperms are placed in the same environment with egg cells and left to natural fertilization process, studies conducted between the success of sperm fertilization and the severity of sperm deformations showed that there is a relationship. Since microinjection, that is, sperms with the best possible shape and structure are selected by the embryologists applying the sperm procedure in ICSI method, morphological evaluation has no negative effect as in vitro fertilization treatment except in some special cases.

It is of course necessary to exclude specific deformities such as Globozoospermia where sperm fertilization is very difficult.

When should I have the AMH (anti-mullerian hormone) test for egg reserve control?

AMH (Anti Müllerien Hormone) test is a blood test to see the reserve of eggs. There is no prerequisite for performing the test, such as a specific time interval or fasting. This test result should still be interpreted by an expert physician after checking the egg reserve under ultrasound guidance, and the test result should not be interpreted alone.

How much break should I take between 2 IVF trials?

If BetaHCG is negative after the first test tube baby, the woman is expected to have menstruation. After the next menstrual period, one month can be interrupted and the next menstruation can be started again. However, the main decision-maker will be the physician.

Is there a method to improve egg quality in the treatment of advanced age IVF?

In older women, the chance of fertilization and pregnancy decreases as egg reserve and quality decrease. Although there are some commercially available vitamin-antioxidant preparations to improve egg quality, there is no clear evidence that they improve quality.

Can IVM be treated without medication?

In the IVF treatment, maturing eggs are collected and fertilization is achieved by microinjection. In IVF treatment, eggs collected before they are fully ripened are matured in the laboratory. The aim of this treatment is to continue the treatment of patients who may be damaged by the drugs used to ripen the eggs without giving them. The eggs that are monitored for growth are collected when they reach the desired size and the eggs are first allowed to mature in the laboratory for 24 hours. The sperm from the patient's spouse is then injected into the eggs by microinjection and the embryos obtained are frozen and then transferred to another month. Nowadays, especially with the new treatment protocols, we need less IVM methods.

How is gestational week calculated according to embryo transfer date?

The date of embryo transfer is reversed 14 days and the last menstrual date is determined as 14 days before embryo transfer. Or the date of embryo transfer is written on the last menstrual section of the ultrasonography device. The gestational week is then calculated by adding 2 weeks to the resulting gestational week.

Can I enter the sea and pool after egg collection and embryo transfer?

It is generally recommended to stay away from extremely hot and humid places such as sauna, Turkish bath and not to enter the pool and sea.

Do I need to make a change in my life during and after treatment?

No, normal business and social life can be continued. Restrictions are required if there is smoking and alcohol use. Apart from this, any restrictive changes are not recommended except for avoiding sexual intercourse and heavy movements after egg collection. However, the most important is to apply the medications recommended by the physician regularly and completely, and should not make any changes in any medication and dosage without asking the physician.

IVF treatment can be tried several times?

It is considered that IVF treatments do not generally increase the pregnancy rates after 5 trials. However, I performed a 16th and 17th trial with a couple of my own patients who came after 15 trials in 11 years. The birth of their twins in the 17th trial was with us. But these are of course extreme figures; a limit of 5 trials is usually pronounced.

Is not always menopausal symptoms of menstruation? Can women who are not menstruated become pregnant?

Menopause is a process. Sometimes sudden mental trauma, excessive stress, diet, physical exercise can be seen in such cases, menopause, such events can not mean menopause. Usually after the age of 40, irregular menstruation, occasional flushing, mental tension, such as signs of pre-menopausal symptoms. Then the findings continue to increase. 6-month period and menstruation again, boredom-sweating-flushing-vaginal dryness may suggest menopause. However, in order to be able to call menopause, if the patient is unable to menstruate for more than 6 months, it is diagnosed by measuring FSH hormone and evaluating other symptoms. Each menstrual discontinuation and irregularity is not menopausal. To diagnose this, it is necessary to talk to a specialist and act on examination and ultrasound data. Sometimes women with PCO (polycystic ovaries) or women secreted from the brain with very low levels of ovulation regulating hormones may also have menstrual irregularities and menstruation. For a definite diagnosis, it is essential to consult a specialist.

Is cancer treatment an obstacle to having children? How can I maintain reproductive health?

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can cause loss of reproductive function in women. Because these treatments can have toxic effects on reproductive cells and ovaries, and women may lose productivity. Cancer treatment is not always an obstacle to becoming a mother. Before cancer treatment, women's eggs can be taken and stored frozen. The same applies to the storage of sperm cells in men. Especially in young men and women after the diagnosis of cancer to be taken before chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy before the storage of reproductive cells is the primary precaution to be taken to become a mother / father.

Are surgical interventions an obstacle to having children? How can I maintain reproductive health?

Because of cancer and cancer in women and men, it is possible to freeze egg / sperm cells before surgery to protect reproductive health. However, if the woman also loses her uterus surgically, only she can have her own child through surrogate motherhood which is still prohibited by law in our country.

I'm single, I don't think of marriage yet. How can I control my reproductive health? Can I keep my eggs and the chance to be a mother?

Single women to freeze their eggs in Turkey legally required ÜYTE regulations are permitted within the framework of the rules set. First of all, a woman should be examined by a specialist for egg reserve control and AMH (Anti Müllerien Hormone) should be examined with these two data to decide whether to freeze the egg. Women who have a legally low ovarian reserve, a family history of early menopause and who have not had children before can freeze their eggs.

What should you bring with you to a center for IVF?

It is very important that you take all your previous examinations and follow-up visits to the IVF units for a pre-interview with your physician and ask for the missing examinations. Especially if there are uterine film, semen analysis, hormone tests have been done, these must be seen and evaluated by the physician you are going to.

Do polyps, septum (curtain), synechia (adhesion) in the uterus prevent pregnancy? Does it reduce pregnancy rate in IVF treatment?

The septum, polyp or adhesions seen in the uterus are evaluated according to their location. Not every polyp, every septum-like formation is an obstacle to pregnancy. Depending on the location and size of the uterus, your doctor will give you detailed information about the hysteroscopy operation to be performed if necessary.

What is laparoscopy and when is it recommended?

Laparoscopy is an endoscopic surgery in which the abdomen can be observed. It is the best method called the gold standard in detecting the damage and problems in the tubes in our patients with tubular problems. It is usually done within one week after the end of menstruation and under general anesthesia. Laparoscopy is recommended if there are serious problems with the tubes, eg hydrosalpenx, where the tube or tubes are obstructed from the tip and filled with fluid.
Laparoscopy can also be performed for problems such as ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids or ectopic pregnancy.

What is vaccination? What is the success rate?

Vaccination or insemination under the name of other drugs (pills or needles) by giving 1-2 eggs in the woman (follicle) to grow, and then just before the cracking of these eggs from the male's sperm is prepared, is based on the principle of a catheter into the uterus. The chance of pregnancy for insemination is about the same as sexual intercourse and is around 15-20%.

Who is recommended for vaccination? How many times can vaccination be tried?

In order for insemination to be performed on a patient, both tubes of the woman should be open, the uterus should be normal and after washing the male semen sample should have at least 5 million motile sperm. This means that insemination cannot be performed with very low sperm counts or clogged tubes. The number of trials of the methods is decided according to the individual characteristics of the couples (eg age, economic status, etc.). However, it can be considered that 2 or 3 attempts are generally sufficient for success evaluation.

How long should the treatment be interrupted after ectopic pregnancy?

If an ectopic pregnancy has occurred, the pregnancy can be tried again after 3 units, considering that it has been diagnosed and treated in the first 2 months. If an operation is planned after ectopic pregnancy (laparoscopy), new treatment can be started after 2 units.

What is the dose of the drug to be used when planning IVF treatment? What days of treatment should I use while being treated?

Patient-friendly treatments are nowadays in IVF treatment. In other words, low-dose, self-administered, long-term treatments that do not harm the health of the woman or her baby are applied.

If the woman is working during the treatment process, she will not need to get permission from her job. You only need to use one day leave on the days of egg collection and embryo transfer. In addition, the patient does not need to get permission after the transfer, since there is nothing he should do except to use his medication regularly. However, sometimes the patient may think that her chances may be higher if the woman is listened psychologically especially after embryo transfer. In the face of such a desire, the patient's comfort and psychology are respected.

What are the success rates of IVF in unexplained infertility?

Men and women are evaluated together in couples presenting for baby desire. Almost 20% of couples admitted to the IVF center cannot detect any problems in men or women; we call this group 'unexplained infertility'. In the unexplained infertility tests and examination, the invisible problem sometimes arises when working with egg and sperm cells in the laboratory stage, although pregnancy is not achieved even though there is no obvious problem. Here, of course, the age of the woman and the ovarian reserve will affect the success of pregnancy.

AccuMed Pregnancy (HCG) Test Strips Kit, Clear and Accurate Results, 99% Accurate, 50 Count - Expire 01/2021