Wednesday, October 2, 2019

PREGMATE 10 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (10 HCG)

Week Week Pregnancy

PREGMATE 10 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (10 HCG)

Pregnancy is perhaps the most important process in a woman's life. Therefore, it is a matter of curiosity about how new moms have gone through week by week. How will you experience changes during your pregnancy? You've come to the right place! You will be able to follow the progress of all the changes in your baby and you from our article. Every week of pregnancy you will find an explanation of your baby's development and a description of the changes that have taken place in your body. You will also be able to learn important medical information to help keep you and your baby healthy.

When is the birth ?
After explaining your pregnancy, the first question that will probably be asked is ne When is the birth?.. On your first prenatal visit, your doctor will help you determine the expected date of birth. Your delivery time is 40 weeks from the first day of your last period.

It is important to remember that your time of birth is only an estimate - most babies are born 38-42 weeks after the first day of their last menstrual period, and only a small percentage of women actually give birth on their own date.

What is Trimester?

Another common term you will hear during your pregnancy is trimester. A pregnancy is divided into trimesters:

first trimester (quarter), from week 1 to week 12
second tremester (quarterly), from week 13 to week 26
the third tremester (quarter) is from week 27 until the end of pregnancy.

Week Week Pregnancy

1 Week Pregnancy

Your Baby's Development

This first week is actually your period. Since your expected birth is calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period, this week is counted as part of your 40-week pregnancy, even if you have not yet become pregnant with your baby.
Week Week Pregnancy

This first week is actually your period.

Your Change

Your healthy habits and your baby's health go hand in hand during pregnancy. When planning to conceive, take time to prepare your body for motherhood. Before getting pregnant:

Avoid alcohol, drugs and tobacco products. These substances can cause birth defects, fetal alcohol syndrome, respiratory problems, low birth weight and other health problems.
Talk to your doctor about prescription and over-the-counter medications you take. As most prescription and over-the-counter medications can adversely affect the fetus, you need to take special precautions for the medication. However, do not stop taking your prescription medication without consulting your doctor; this will help you reduce the potential benefits and risks of stopping your medication.
Follow a diet that contains sufficient vitamins, especially folic acid. Women trying to get pregnant should take 400 micrograms of folic acid a day. Adequate folic acid intake reduces the risk of neural tube defects (birth defects caused by incomplete development of the brain or spinal cord), such as spina bifida. Talk to your doctor about taking folic acid supplements while trying to conceive.

2 Week Pregnancy

Your Baby's Development

This may sound weird, but you're still not pregnant! Your egg will be fertilized by sperm only until the end of this week.
Week Week Pregnancy

This may sound weird, but you're still not pregnant!

Your Change

Your uterine lining develops to feed the baby and your body secretes the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which encourages it to ripen the egg. At the end of this week, you will be at the midpoint of your menstrual cycle (if you have a regular 28-day cycle) and ovulation will occur. If you have unprotected sexual intercourse during your ovulation, you may become pregnant. Usually a sperm is successful in penetrating the egg and fertilization occurs. When this happens, you will get pregnant, even if you don't feel any body changes yet.
3 Week Pregnancy

3 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

Even if you haven't felt you're pregnant yet, you've got a baby growing inside!

You have just conceived your baby. The fertilized egg undergoes cell division. About 30 hours after fertilization, it is divided into two cells, then into four cells, then into eight cells and continues to divide as it moves from the fallopian tube to the uterus. When it reaches the uterus, this group of cells looks like a small ball and is called morula.

Morula is hollowed out and filled with liquid - later known as a blastocyst. As we approach the end of this week, the blastocyst will attach itself to the endometrium, the lining of the uterus. This is called implantation. Implantation in the uterus is an important link - the endometrium provides nutrients and debris to the developing embryo. Over time, this implantation will develop in the placenta.

Your Change in 3 Week Pregnancy

Getting enough of certain foods such as folic acid, protein, calcium and iron is very important for the development of your baby. Folic acid supplementation is particularly important because folic acid helps prevent defects in the neural tube (the structure that causes the brain and spinal cord) that develops very early in pregnancy.

The consumption of protein used to create new tissue increases during pregnancy. Calcium helps bones and teeth grow, so be sure to eat good dairy products, green leafy vegetables and legumes (peas, lentils, etc.). Iron is necessary because you support your baby's increased blood volume during pregnancy. Good sources of iron include red meat, legumes, eggs, and green leafy vegetables.
4 Week Pregnancy

4 Week Development of Your Baby

When your pregnancy is four weeks old, your baby (now an embryo!) Consists of two cell layers - epiblast and hypoplast. They eventually turn into all the organs and body parts of your baby.
The other two structures that are now developing are the amnion and egg yolk sac. Filled with amniotic fluid, the amniotic will envelop and protect the growing embryo. The pouch will produce blood and help feed the embryo until the placenta takes on this role.

Week Week Pregnancy

When your pregnancy is four weeks old, your baby is now an embryo!

Your Change in 4 Week Pregnancy

The embryo continues to be inserted into the uterus and is buried deep inside the endometrium. Some women may have mild cramping and spotting during this week while implantation occurs. When implanted, the embryo begins to make a hormone called hCG, which helps protect the lining of the uterus. It also sends a signal to the ovary to stop laying eggs every month, which stops your monthly menstrual cycle.

hCG is the hormone measured in pregnancy tests. This week, a pregnancy test can possibly detect your pregnancy. hCG also causes signs of pregnancy that may begin now. Menstrual symptoms (PMS) may also include fatigue, tingling or aching breasts or nausea. But at the end of this week, your menstrual period will not occur. Instead, your pregnancy continues!
5 Week Pregnancy

5 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

Your 5-week-old baby is now tall!

So far, the embryo has been a cell mass. But now a separate shape begins to form. The neural tube (which will be the spinal cord and brain) extends from the top of the embryo to the bottom. A swelling in the middle of the embryo will turn into your baby's heart. At this time, the placenta develops. Placenta and finger-like protrusions are formed where an embryo is fed from its mother.

Your Change in 5 Week Pregnancy

Even if nausea hasn't reached you yet, you want to stay away from some food. Foodborne diseases such as listeriasis and toxoplasmosis can cause birth defects and even miscarriages.
Here are some foods to avoid:

unpasteurized cheeses (usually reported as “fresh))
unpasteurized milk, fruit juices and cider
raw eggs or foods containing raw eggs, including foam and tiramisu
raw or undercooked meats, fish or shellfish
processed meats such as hot dogs and deli meats (if you eat them, they must be well cooked)
mercury-high fish including shark, swordfish, king mackerel or diamond fish

6 Week Pregnancy

6 Week Development of Your Baby

By the 6th week, your baby's brain and nervous system are developing rapidly. The optical vesicles, which subsequently form the eyes, begin to develop on the sides of the head, such as the passages forming the inner ear.
Week Week Pregnancy

At week 6 your baby is now a pea.

Babies are usually measured from head to toe (from the top of the head to the hip) as their legs are curled up towards the trunk during most of the pregnancy and make full-length measurement difficult. . This week, your baby is measured only 2 to 5 millimeters!

Your baby's heart will start beating this time and can even be detected during an ultrasound examination. The beginning of the digestive and respiratory systems is also taking shape. Small buds that will grow on your baby's arms and legs appear this week.

Change in Your 6 Week Pregnancy

Common pregnancy complaints can hit with full force this week. You may feel very tired because your body adapts to your pregnancy demands. And aching breasts, nausea and vomiting (morning sickness) may bother you more than usual. Despite its name, morning sickness can happen any time or all day, so don't be surprised if your stomach doesn't go by noon.
Nausea isn't the only thing that can get you into the bath - other things like your kidneys that work too hard to remove hormonal changes and waste from your body can cause you to urinate more often.
7 Week Pregnancy

7 Week Development of Your Baby

This week, umbilical cord occurred. Your baby will contact you during your pregnancy, provide oxygen and nutrition for your baby and eliminate waste. Your baby's digestive system and lungs continue to form.

Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is the size of a blueberry! Measured in dimensions of approximately 9-11 mm .

The baby's face is shaping up. Mouth, nostrils, ears and eyes are some of the facial features that have become more pronounced this week.
Do you imagine a son or a girl to play ball? He has a hand that looks like a small shovel at the tip of his arm bud that developed last week!

Change in Your 7 Week Pregnancy

Pregnancy causes many changes in your uterus. This week, you will develop a mucus plug that opens at the opening of the cervical canal and closes the uterus to protect it from infection. (You will lose this plug later because your cervix is ​​enlarged during childbirth preparation.)
8 Week Pregnancy

8 Week Development of Your Baby

Seeing a baby's tiny fingers and toes is one of the pleasures of the first day of life. These fingers and toes are just beginning to form this week, and the arms can flex at the elbows and wrists. The eyes become more pronounced because they began to develop pigment (color) in the retina (behind the eye).

Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is a blackberry size every 8 weeks.

The baby is 10-13 mm long and weighs 1 g.
In addition, the intestines grow and there is not enough room for them in the baby's belly, so they enter the umbilical cord for up to 12 weeks.
So far, the beginning of the buds that will turn into your baby's genitals have emerged, but they have not developed enough to reveal whether your baby is a boy or a girl.

Your Change in 8-Week Pregnancy

Pregnancy symptoms such as menstrual delay, nausea and excessive fatigue have probably made you wonder if you are pregnant. Plan your first prenatal visit to your doctor after confirming your pregnancy through a home pregnancy test or a blood or urine test at the doctor or office.

Good prenatal care is essential for your baby's health and safe delivery, so be sure to prioritize prenatal appointments. If your pregnancy is considered high risk (for example, if you have had multiple miscarriages, you are over 35 years of age, or if you have a history of pregnancy complications), your doctor may want to see you as early and as often as possible during appointments.
9 Week Pregnancy

9 Week Development of Your Baby

The tail at the bottom of your baby's spinal cord is almost gone this week. In contrast, your baby's head is growing - it's big and curls up in the chest compared to the rest of the body.
This week, your baby is 16-25 millimeters and weighs about 2 grams. The tip of the nose has developed and can be seen from the profile, and the skin flaps in the eyes have begun to become prominent eyelids in a few weeks.

Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is the size of a grape grain!

The digestive system continues to develop. Anus forms and intestines grow. Internal reproductive properties such as the testes and ovaries begin to form this week.
Your baby can make the first movements this week as the muscles develop. If you have an ultrasound now, even these movements can be seen, but you cannot feel it for several weeks.

Your Change in 9 Weeks Pregnancy

When going to the first prenatal medical examination, take the time to get to know your family's health history and review your medical records. Have you had any chronic illnesses, allergies or surgery? Do you use any prescription medication? Do you know about genetic diseases in your family? Were your menstrual cycles regular and did you have previous pregnancies? What are your exercise habits? These are some things your doctor would like to discuss with you, so having this information ready when you go will help.
10 Week Pregnancy

10 Week Development of Your Baby

By the 10th week, all vital organs of your baby have been formed and started to work together.
The length of your baby is 22-35 mm and weighs 2-4 g.

Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is the size of a prune!

When external changes occur (such as the separation of fingers and toes and the loss of the tail), internal improvements also occur. Tooth buds form in the mouth, and if your child is a male, his testicles begin to produce the male hormone testosterone.
Congenital abnormalities are unlikely to develop after 10 weeks. This also indicates the end of the embryonic period - in general the embryo now has a distinctly human appearance. From next week, your baby will be officially considered a fetus.

Change in Your 10 Week Pregnancy

During this period, your prenatal visit will be a must. A number of tests and checks are performed at the doctor's office, including having your weight and blood pressure checked. You may also have an external abdominal examination to check the size and position of your baby and have your urine tested.
During your visit, your healthcare professional (a gynecologist, family doctor, midwife or nurse doctor) will conduct a thorough examination. Your healthcare provider will ask you many questions about your medical history and family health issues. This can help determine if your baby is at risk for genetic diseases.
Another thing your doctor will check is your baby's heartbeat! Using a Doppler stethoscope, you should hear your baby's heart beat for the first time.
Your doctor will probably give you a blood test to find out if you have been vaccinated against chickenpox, measles, mumps and rubella. You can also test for some infections, such as syphilis or hepatitis B, and have an HIV test. For some genetic disorders, blood testing is also common - the type of tests offered will depend on your situation and preferences.

11 Week Pregnancy

11 Week Development of Your Baby

When you reach the 11th week of your pregnancy, your baby is about 50 mm long and weighs 6-8 grams this week . Its size is about one strawberry.

Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is the size of a strawberry at week 11.

From this week to the 20th week your baby will grow rapidly. To manage all this growth, the blood vessels in the placenta are increasing in size and number to provide more nutrients for your baby.
The facial development continues as the ears move to their final position on the head. If you see a picture of your baby now, you think you have a genius in your hand - the baby's head makes up half the body length!
Although your baby's reproductive organs are developing rapidly, the external genitalia of girls and boys looks somewhat similar until the end of the 11th week. They will be clearly on week 14.

Your Change in 11-Week Pregnancy

Feeding your baby usually requires weight gain - and in most cases, the recommended weight gain is between 11.33 and 15.87 kg during pregnancy. If you have overweight or overweight before pregnancy, your health care professional can make different recommendations for weight gain.

Your doctor may recommend a trim first trimester screening test.. This combines an ultrasound with a blood test to see if your baby is at risk for a chromosomal abnormality (regardless of whether it is in your baby). An abnormal result does not necessarily mean that your baby has a troubled condition - but more tests may be needed. Talk to your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of this test.
12 Week Pregnancy

12 Week Development of Your Baby

Your baby's brain continues to develop and small nails and toenails begin to form. Watch Your Baby Grow.

Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is about the size of a lime!

Your baby's kidneys are working! After swallowing the amniotic fluid, your baby will now be able to remove it from the body as urine. And the intestines will go into your belly because there's room for them now.

Your Change in 12 Weeks Pregnancy

Did someone tell you it's a pregnancy flare? It's not just the joy you can feel, because you have a baby - there's a physical reason for smooth, brighter skin during pregnancy. Increased blood volume and pregnancy hormones work together to give you this glow. A higher blood volume brings more blood to the blood vessels and hormones increase sebaceous gland secretion, making the skin flush, fuller and smoother. In some cases, increased sebaceous gland secretion may cause temporary acne.
13 Week Pregnancy

13 Week Development of Your Baby

Welcome to the second trimester of pregnancy! Your placenta has developed and provides your baby with oxygen, nutrients and waste disposal. The placenta also makes progesterone and estrogen hormones that help protect pregnancy.

Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is as big as a lemon.

So far, the baby's eyelids have joined together to protect their eyes as they develop. You may want these eyes to close once in a while, so you can rest a bit!
Your baby may put a thumb in his mouth this week, but the sucking muscles may not be fully developed yet.

Change in Your 13 Week Pregnancy

At your first prenatal appointment, your health care professional probably gave you a prescription for prenatal vitamins. Taking these supplements allows you to take vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid, zinc, iron, and calcium, which will help your baby grow and develop, as well as a healthy diet.
14 Week Pregnancy

14 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is about the size of an orange!

This week, your baby's face has developed some fine hairs. This soft colorless hair is called lanugo and covers most of your baby's body until it flows just before birth.
So far, your baby's genitals are fully developed, but they can be difficult to detect on ultrasound. Your thyroid gland matured because your baby also starts to produce thyroid hormones.
Your baby now weighs about 45 grams and is 8 cm long.

Your Change in 14 Week Pregnancy

If your healthcare professional is over 35 years of age or if your screening tests have indicated that there may be a fetal problem, amniocentesis can discuss this with you. Amniocentesis is a test that can detect abnormalities in a fetus, such as Down's syndrome, usually between 15 and 18 weeks.
During this test, a very fine needle is inserted into the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby to obtain a fluid sample for analysis. Amniocentesis carries a low risk, so talk to your healthcare professional about your concerns and the risks and advantages of the test.

15 Week Pregnancy

15 Week Development of Your Baby

Parents are often surprised by the softness of newborn skin. Your baby's skin is constantly developing and so thin and translucent that blood vessels can be seen. Hair continues on the eyebrows and heads. Although your baby's ears are almost in place now, they are still a little low in his head.

Week Week Pregnancy

At 15 weeks your baby is as long as a pear.

Your baby's skeletal system continues to evolve. Muscle development continues and your baby probably makes too much movement with the head, mouth, arms, wrists, hands, legs and feet.

Your Change in 15 Weeks Pregnancy

It's normal to feel like you're on an emotional roller coaster (you have hormones to thank). Is there anything else you can feel? Even the most organized women reported that the pregnancy somehow made them forgetful and clumsy, that they could not concentrate. Try to keep the stress in your life to a minimum and take your “mental breakthroughs” step by step - they are only temporary.
16 Week Pregnancy

16 Week Development of Your Baby

Your baby now weighs about 110 grams and measures about 11-12 cm in length. Your baby can hold her head upright and allows various expressions such as the development of facial muscles, itching and frowning.
Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is about an avocado!

Your Change in 16 Week Pregnancy

Between 16 and 18 weeks of gestation, your health care provider may recommend a second trimester screening test (known as a multi-marker test or triple display). This test measures alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), a protein produced by the fetus, and pregnancy hormones hCG and estriol in the mother's blood. When the level of an additional substance called inhibin-A is measured, it is called a quad screen (or quad screen).
If you have already performed a blood test and / or ultrasound in the first trimester (first trimester screening test), the results of the two tests are called an integrated screening test. The results of these tests can tell mothers whether their babies are at risk for neural tube defects such as chromosomal abnormalities such as spina bifida or Down's syndrome.
An abnormal result does not necessarily mean that your baby has a problem - but it may mean that more tests are needed. Talk to your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of these tests.

17 Week Pregnancy

17 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is still too small! About 13 cm tall and 140 grams in weight!

The placenta, which feeds the fetus with nutrients and oxygen and removes waste, grows to adapt to your baby. It now contains thousands of blood vessels that bring nutrients and oxygen to your baby's developing body.

Change in Your 17 Week Pregnancy

You may notice that your breasts have changed significantly since your pregnancy began. Hormones prepare your breasts for milk production - more blood flows to the breasts and the milk-producing glands grow to prepare for breastfeeding. This can increase your breast size (increases one to two sizes in most women) and makes the veins visible. Buy supportive bras in several different sizes to manage your breast growth during pregnancy.
18 Week Pregnancy

18 Week Development of Your Baby

The ears move to their final position and peel off. And start refreshing your lullabies - your baby will probably hear you in the coming weeks! The bones of the middle ear and the nerve endings in the brain develop, so your baby will hear sounds like blood that moves through your heartbeat and umbilical cord. He may even be afraid of loud sounds!
In this period, our baby is approximately 14 cm and weighs 200 grams.

Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is now a cucumber!

Your baby's eyes are also developing - they are now looking forward rather than from the sides, and the retinas may be able to detect if you hold the rays of the flashlight on your stomach.
So far, your baby's bones were developing, but still soft. They start to harden or ossify this week. Some of the first bones that appear are bones in the clavicle and legs.

Your Change in 18-Week Pregnancy

You're probably getting ready to live with the baby. This is a good week to start looking for a pediatrician or other health care provider for your child. Plan visits to meet with potential doctors to discuss appointment availability and emergency availability.
You will also want to learn as much as possible about your applications and procedures. Some good questions to ask: How many doctors are there? Does it include nights and weekends? What are their policies on phone calls? Which hospitals? Which insurance do they accept? Which experts do they work with? How to handle emergencies?
It is important that you feel comfortable with your child's doctor, so do your homework and make your decision carefully.

19 Week Pregnancy

19 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

At week 19 your baby is a big mango!

In this period, your baby measures 14 cm and weighs 250 grams .
Your baby is now covered with a white, waxy substance called vernix caseosa, which helps prevent delicate, skin cracking or scratching. Premature babies can be born with this cheese coating during childbirth.
Your baby is still small, but this week provides the development of brown oil that will help keep your baby warm after birth. Over the past three months your baby will add more layers of oil for warmth and protection.

Change in Your 19 Week Pregnancy

You can feel the first movements of your baby. This usually occurs between the 18th and 20th weeks. These early movements are known as quickening and may make you feel like you are experiencing aching butterflies or stomach in your stomach. Later in your pregnancy, you will feel kicks, punches and possibly hiccups! Each baby has different forms of movement, but if you are worried or if movements have decreased in frequency or intensity, talk to your doctor.

Many women wonder whether having sex during this time will harm their developing babies and the answer is no! As long as your pregnancy is normal, sexual intercourse is considered safe at every stage of pregnancy. But that doesn't necessarily mean you want to do it. Many pregnant women notice that their sexual desire fluctuates at various stages of pregnancy due to their pregnancy, increasing size, concerns at birth and other body changes. Keep these lines open while your problems arise. Even if you both are busy with the baby, it is also important that you spend time together.
20 Week Pregnancy

20 Week Development of Your Baby

Now you're halfway! Twenty weeks before your pregnancy, your baby has grown significantly the first cell, and now weighs about 290-310 grams and measures about 16 cm. The baby takes up the increased room in your womb and its constant growth will put pressure on your lungs, stomach, bladder and kidneys.

Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby was up to a carrot!

Under Vernix caseosa (a protective, wax coating), your baby's skin thickens and layers are formed. Hair and nail growth continues.

Change in Your 20 Week Pregnancy

If you have not already received one, your doctor may recommend that you take ultrasound, a diagnostic test that uses sound waves to produce an image. An ultrasound can determine the size and position of the fetus and the structural abnormalities of the bones and organs that have been seen so far. Depending on the location of the fetus, sex can usually be determined so far. During ultrasound, umbilical cord, placenta and amniotic fluid can also be examined. Talk to your healthcare professional about whether you need to pass this test.
21 Week Pregnancy

21 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

At 21 weeks your baby's length is as much as a banana!

Your baby measures 24-27 cm and weighs 320-400 grams.

The amniotic fluid that holds and supports your baby now serves another purpose. Intestines are sufficiently developed to absorb a small amount of sugar from the amniotic fluid your baby swallows and passes from the digestive tract to the large intestines. However, almost all of your baby's feeding still comes from the placenta.

Watch your baby grow! Until now, your baby's liver and spleen were responsible for making blood cells. However, now the bone marrow cavities have developed enough to contribute to blood cell formation. Bone marrow will be the main region of this production after birth in the third trimester. (The spleen will stop producing blood cells until 30 weeks)

Change in Your 21 Week Pregnancy

Is exercise safe during pregnancy? Exercise can be a great way to keep fit during pregnancy and even keep some problems such as varicose veins, excess weight gain and back pain to a minimum.

But pregnancy is not the time to start training for a triathlon - the name of the game is to advance slowly. Because attachments become more comfortable during pregnancy, your risk of injury is higher, so low or no-impact exercise such as yoga, swimming and walking are your best bet. Talk to your healthcare professional before starting any exercise program while pregnant.
22 Week Pregnancy

22-Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby size is about a pepper up!

During this period, your baby measures 26–28 cm and weighs 500 grams .
The senses your baby will use to learn the world develop every day. Flavor buds began to form on the tongue and the brain and nerve endings were sufficiently formed to allow the fetus to feel the touch. Your baby can try this new feeling by caressing his face or sucking his thumb, feeling other body parts and seeing how they move.
Your baby's reproductive system continues to evolve. In boys, the testes begin to descend through the abdomen, and in girls, the uterus and ovaries are in place and the vagina develops.

Your Change in 22 Weeks Pregnancy

If you haven't felt them before, you may soon discover that your uterus is practicing for childbirth with irregular, painless contractions called Braxton Hicks contractions. You may feel a squeeze in your stomach. Don't worry though: Your baby may feel contraction while squeezing the uterus, but they are not dangerous or harmful.

However, if contractions become more intense, painful or frequent, consult your healthcare provider immediately because painful, regular contractions may be a sign of preterm labor.
23 Week Pregnancy

23 Week Development of Your Baby

Although the fat begins to build up in your baby's body, the skin hangs loosely and gives your baby a wrinkled appearance. Your baby's daily exercise routine involves moving the muscles on the fingers, toes, arms and legs regularly. As a result, you may feel stronger movements.
Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is the size of a grapefruit this week!

So far your baby is slightly heavier than 500 grams and is about 26-28 cm tall. If birth occurs this week, a baby may survive specialist medical care, but may have mild or severe disability. With increasing research and knowledge in the field of fetal medicine, the long-term prognosis for premature babies (preemies) is improving each year.

Your Change in 23-Week Pregnancy

The closer you get to birth, the more trouble you can have in sleeping. Worry can mean a short night's sleep, getting up to pee, heartburn, leg cramps and general discomfort. But the health of your baby and yourself depends on enough rest. Try a warm bath, relaxing music, a relaxing book or a cup of herbal tea.

Most doctors recommend that pregnant women sleep next to them, not on their back or stomach, so blood flow to the placenta is not restricted. If you cannot feel comfortable in this way, try placing a pillow on your knees to lean on your side and relieve the pressure in your weight.
24 Week Pregnancy

24-Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

At 24 weeks your baby is the size of a pomegranate.

During this period, your baby measures 30 cm and weighs 600 grams .
Since the inner ear, which controls the balance, is now fully developed, your baby can tell when the upside down or flat side is in the amniotic fluid while swimming and moving.

Your Change in 24-Week Pregnancy

Glucose screening, an important prenatal test, is usually 24-28. between weeks. This test checks for gestational diabetes, a transient type of diabetes that can cause problems in neonates such as low blood sugar during pregnancy.

You will drink a sugary solution for your glucose screening test and then draw your blood. If your blood sugar levels are too high, more tests will be conducted with your healthcare professional to see you. Pregnancy diabetes can often be controlled by a well-planned diet and regular exercise, but some pregnant women will need medications such as daily insulin during pregnancy.
25 Week Pregnancy

25-Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is about an eggplant this week!

In this period, your baby measures 35 cm and weighs 650-750 gr .

You may notice that your baby has rest and alarm times. Watch Your Baby Grow! You will notice fetal activity more easily while relaxing. Your baby's hearing continued to improve - he can hear you now!

Your Change in 25-Week Pregnancy

When it comes to digestion, pregnancy can cause some unwanted side effects. The hormone progesterone not only slows the emptying of the stomach, but also loosens the valve at the inlet of the stomach and thus does not close properly. This allows the acidic stomach contents to move up the esophagus. Conclusion: Reflux (also known as heartburn) can make your favorite food a nightmare.

The enlarged uterus exerts additional pressure on the stomach during the last few months of pregnancy. Try eating smaller, more frequent meals and avoid spicy, fatty foods.
26 Week Pregnancy

26 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby weighs less than about 850 grams and still looks wrinkled!

Your baby's eyes have been closed for the last few months, but they'll soon open and blink. Depending on ethnicity, some babies are born with blue or gray-blue eyes (which may change color in the first year of life), and some are born with brown or dark eyes. Eyelashes are growing as there is more hair on the head.

Your baby, weighing less than 907 grams, still looks wrinkled, but will continue to gain weight continuously for 14 weeks after birth.

Your Change in 26-Week Pregnancy

Your uterus provides a safe haven for your baby before birth. But what happens after birth? Your baby will move in your home that seems to have no time. Take the time to make your home safe. Closing electrical outlets, eliminating the danger of suffocation, setting up a smoke alarm and closing stairs are just some of the steps you need to take to keep your child safe. Take any precautions you can think of, but remember: no baby protection can be used for the careful supervision of your child.
27 Week Pregnancy

27 Week Development of Your Baby

This first week of the third trimester looks like what your baby looks like at birth, just thinner and smaller. The lungs, liver and immune system still need to mature completely, but if you deliver now, your baby's chances of survival are very high.
Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is now the size of a cabbage and weighs about 1 kg!

As your hearing continues to develop, your baby may also recognize your partner's voice. However, since the ears are still covered with vernix, the sounds may be silenced (thick wax coating that prevents the skin from impacting the amniotic fluid).

Change in Your 27-Week Pregnancy

Your body continues to protect and feed your baby. But what happens when it's time to meet your little boy? Consider enrolling in childbirth classes through your local community center or hospital to learn about pain relief options and what happens after delivery. You will also learn about common newborn problems, baby protection, breastfeeding and formula feeding. Learning everything you can learn about births and babies will help you feel more secure, especially if you are your first time parent.
28 Week Pregnancy

28 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

At 28 weeks, your baby has reached the size of a lettuce!

Your baby is now about 1,000 grams and measures around 35–40 cm . The curves and cavities of your baby's brain are still developing and expanding, and your baby's fat layers are added.

At your next prenatal appointment, your doctor can tell you which position your baby is in the womb. Babies in scissors position may need to be delivered by cesarean section. Your baby still has 2 months to change position, so don't worry if your baby is currently in breech position. Most babies change their positions on their own.

Change in Your 28 Week Pregnancy

Your doctor probably sent you some blood tests early in your pregnancy. One of the things that blood tests measure is the Rh factor, a substance found in most people's red blood cells. If you do not have (Rh negative) but your baby (Rh positive), your baby has the potential to experience health problems such as jaundice and anemia. Your doctor can prevent these problems by giving you Rh immune globulin shots this week and after birth.
29 Week Pregnancy

29 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is now up to a cauliflower!

Your baby continues to be active! The first few palpitations of movement can cause severe blisters and punches that may interrupt your breath. If you notice reduced movement, take a fetal kick count: your baby should move at least 10 times within 2 hours. If your baby moves less, contact your doctor.

Change in Your 29-Week Pregnancy

Iron during pregnancy is important for regeneration of red blood cell supply. You should take at least 30 milligrams of iron to your body every day. Since iron deficiency is common during pregnancy, your health care professional may recommend that you take a blood test to check your iron level. If low, you may be given an iron supplement.
30 Week Pregnancy

30 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is now about the size of a ball broccoli!

Now your baby weighs about 1,400 grams and measures 40 cm and continues to gain weight and add fat layers. This oil makes the baby look less wrinkled and helps maintain heat after birth.

To prepare for breathing after birth, your baby mimics breathing movements by repeatedly moving the diaphragm. Your baby may even have hiccups in your womb that you may feel like rhythmic twitching.

Your Change in 30 Week Pregnancy

Constipation is a common complaint of pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones significantly slow down the digestive process. Exercising regularly, eating high-fiber foods such as vegetables and whole grains is a great way to keep everything tidy.
31 Week Pregnancy

31 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is a coconut size at 31 weeks.

Your baby's weight has approached 1500 grams .
Your baby pours a few glasses of urine daily into the amniotic fluid. It also swallows amniotic fluid, which is completely displaced several times a day.

Too much fluid in the amniotic sac (polyhydramnios) may mean that the baby does not normally swallow or has a gastrointestinal obstruction. Having enough fluid in the amniotic sac (oligohydramnios) may mean that the baby is not functioning properly, indicating a problem with the kidneys or urinary tract. Your doctor will measure your amniotic fluid levels as part of your routine ultrasound.

Your Change in 31 Weeks Pregnancy

Have you decided to breastfeed or formulate food to feed your baby? Experts recommend breastmilk as the best form of baby feeding, but the decision on how to feed your baby is personal. If you need more information before making your choice, talk to your doctor or breastfeeding counselor.

The milk glands in your breasts may have started to form colostrum by now. Colostrum is the pre-milk that provides calories and nutrients for the first few days (if you plan to breastfeed) before your baby gets milk. Slim and juicy for some women. For others it is thick and yellowish. If you notice that your breasts are leaking colostrum, you can purchase disposable or washable breast pads to protect your clothes.
32 Week Pregnancy

32 Week Development of Your Baby

The final touches are placed in your baby's masterpiece. Eyelashes, eyebrows and hair on your baby's head are prominent. Since the beginning of the second trimester, lanugo hairs covering your baby have been shed, but some remain on their shoulders and can return at birth.

Approximately 1,700 gr and measures 42-45 cm . If your baby was born now, he would have a perfect chance of survival outside the womb.
Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is approximately 1,700 gr and measures 42-45 cm.

Your Change in 32-Week Pregnancy

During your prenatal visits, your doctor will monitor your blood pressure, urine and any swelling that may develop. However, sudden weight gain, swelling of the hands or face, headache, or changes in vision may be symptoms of preeclampsia. This causes high blood pressure and protein in the urine. If you have any of these symptoms, notify your healthcare professional immediately.
33 Week Pregnancy

33 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

At 33 weeks, your baby is the size of a gourd.

In these last few weeks before birth, billions of advanced neurons in your baby's brain help learn about the utero environment - your baby can listen, feel, and even see a little. Your baby's eyes can detect light.
Like newborns, your baby sleeps most of the time and even has a fast eye movement (REM) sleep, the sleep stage where our most vivid dreams come true!
Your baby's lungs mature almost completely. The fat will continue to build for protection and warmth in your baby's body. Babies gain a significant portion of their weight in the last few weeks before birth.

Your Change in 33-Week Pregnancy

Have you decided how to give birth? You can learn how to cope with pain during normal birth. Commonly used methods of managing pain include respiratory techniques such as those taught in Lamaze classes; pain medications given by injection; and epidurals through which doctors can provide anesthesia via a soft, thin catheter placed on the back.

No matter what your choice is, the more you know, the better your decision will be informed. You don't have to decide yet, but discuss your choices with your doctor soon.
34 Week Pregnancy

34 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby has now reached the size of a pineapple!

The mother's calcium intake is very important during pregnancy. A developing baby draws calcium from the mother to make and harden the bone. Since your growing baby's calcium demands are high, make sure you get enough of this mineral to prevent calcium loss from your bones. Your prenatal vitamin contains extra calcium, but make sure you also eat calcium-rich foods such as milk and other dairy products, bean curd, broccoli and calcium-fortified juices and foods.

So far, most babies are approaching their position for childbirth. Your doctor will tell you whether your baby is up or down. Babies born at 34 weeks of age usually have well developed lungs and average 2,250 grams. Doctors ensure that they survive outside the uterus without extensive medical intervention during births.

Your Change in 34-Week Pregnancy

Tiredness is a common complaint in the late stages of pregnancy. Difficulties in sleeping, pains, gaining weight, worries about birth and taking care of a newborn may contribute to your fatigue. Rest as much as possible and take a nap if possible.
35 Week Pregnancy

35 Week Development of Your Baby

This week, your baby begins the fastest weight gain - 226 to 340 grams each week! The average weight of the baby is 2500 grams . Fat is accumulated all over your baby's body, especially around the shoulders. The vernix coating on the baby's skin thickens, while the lanugo hairs are almost completely gone.
Week Week Pregnancy

This week, your baby begins the fastest weight gain.

This increased size means that your baby is now cramped and restricted in the uterus; you may feel less movement, but they can be stronger. If you are in the headscarf position, your baby's head will rest against your pubic bone for childbirth preparation.

Change in Your 35 Week Pregnancy

Your bond with your baby will be even stronger when your little child is here. Attachment does not happen just after birth. It can be later or develop over time. Attachment creates parental protection of the infant and a sense of safety of the infant.
36 Week Pregnancy

36 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

At 36 weeks your baby has reached a bicep size!

The small wrinkled fetus you see on previous ultrasounds quickly becomes a full-bodied baby. Oils on the cheeks and strong suction muscles contribute to your baby's fuller face. Your baby now weighs about 2,700 grams.

The bones that make up your baby's skull can be moved on top of each other and overlapping. This is called molding and helps the baby to pass through the birth canal. Don't be surprised when your little child comes with a pointed or shapeless head! After a few hours or days, your baby's head will turn round.

Your Change in 36 Weeks Pregnancy

Now you can see your doctor every week. Your doctor or midwife can perform an internal examination to see if cervical yield (thinning of the cervix) or expansion (opening of the cervix) has begun. The baby may fall into your pelvis for childbirth preparation.

Your appetite may increase if you don't put too much pressure on your baby's stomach and intestines, and if you have had heartburn.
37 Week Pregnancy

37 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby continues to gain weight at the rate of 14 grams per day.

The expected birth is between 38 and 42 weeks of gestation.
So far your baby has developed enough coordination to grasp with your fingers. If it shows a bright light, your baby may turn towards it in your womb.
14 grams per day continues to gain weight. In general, boys are heavier at birth than girls. Our baby 50 cm, 3000 grams is around.

Change in Your 37-Week Pregnancy

After this week, you may lose mucus plugs that cover your uterus to prevent infection. The mucus plug (which may be lost for several weeks, days or hours after birth) may be clear, pink, yellowish or mixed with blood. The cervix expands as it prepares for delivery, and the spigot is evacuated. Be sure to talk to your doctor about any discharge.
38 Week Pregnancy

38 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is now the size of a watermelon!

Your baby now weighs about 2,900 grams. Although the growth is slow, the oil is still rising. You may notice that your weight gain has slowed down or stopped.

Since your baby can absorb and swallow amniotic fluid, waste material has accumulated in the intestines. Cells from the intestines, dead skin cells and lanugo hairs are some of the waste products that make meconium, a greenish black substance that is your baby's first bowel movement.

If you're going to have a boy, his testicles have fallen to the scrotum. If you have a daughter, the labia is now fully developed.

Change in Your 38 Week Pregnancy

Since your baby is busy with your pelvis, your bladder will become very tight, so you may need to go to the bathroom frequently.
If you are going to have a son, have you and your partner made a decision about circumcision? This surgical procedure cleanses the foreskin of the penis in male infants.For some parents, it is easy to decide whether or not to circumcise; not for others. Talk to your doctor about circumcision-related issues, including pain relief options for your baby.

39 Week Pregnancy

39 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

Your baby is now ready for delivery!

The umbilical cords are usually about 55 cm long and 1-2 cm thick. Sometimes the cord can wrap around the baby's neck. This is usually not a problem unless pressure is applied to the cable during delivery. A true node on the umbilical cord occurs much less (about 1% of pregnancies).

As with Lanugoda, most of the varnish covering your baby's skin has disappeared. Your body provides antibodies that help your baby's immune system fight the infection for the first 6-12 months through your baby's placenta.

Change in Your 39 Week Pregnancy

Braxton Hicks contractions may become more pronounced. These contractions can be as painful and strong as actual birth contractions, but they are not regular or do not increase as often as real contractions do.

Another sign of birth, the rupture of the membranes of the amniotic sac (unuz water coming in gel), can now be every day. Some women gush out lots of water, while others feel a steady trickle. In general, a woman's water does not break until it is time for a good birth.

If you think your water is coming in or you have regular contractions, call your healthcare professional.
40 Week Pregnancy

40 Week Development of Your Baby
Week Week Pregnancy

A baby born in 40 weeks weighs approximately 3,000 grams on average.

After months of expectation and preparation, your baby is here! Or maybe not - most women don't justify their estimated deadlines. For the first time, many mothers find themselves waiting for up to 2 weeks for their baby to arrive.
A baby born at 40 weeks weighs approximately 3,300 grams on average and is measured at about 51 cm.
Don't expect your baby to look perfect in pictures right away - the newborn's head usually remains shapeless for passage through the birth canal and may be covered with blood with varnix. Your baby's skin may have color changes, dry spots and rashes. This is all normal.
Immediately after birth, you will hear the first long-awaited cry with the help of your health care professional. Your baby can then be placed on your stomach.
A series of rapid screening tests will assess your baby's vital signs and sensitivity. Your child will then be weighed and measured.
If you have a high-risk pregnancy or cesarean section, a doctor who specializes in neonatal intensive care will be at your birth to take care of your baby immediately. Your baby receives all the care necessary to adapt to life outside the uterus - and then it is placed in your arms.

Your Change in 40 Weeks Pregnancy

The moment you expect this week - meet your baby! You may have learned three stages of birth in your prenatal classes. The first stage of labor works to thin and stretch the cervix by contracting your uterus at regular intervals. The second step is to push your baby into the vaginal canal and out of your body. The third and final stage of labor is when you deliver the placenta.

Some women know that they will give birth prematurely by caesarean section so that they can plan and prepare the birthdays of their babies in advance. This can help alleviate the feelings of frustration sometimes experienced by mothers who cannot deliver vaginally.

If you have an unscheduled cesarean section, you may feel a little upset. Keep in mind that having a cesarean section makes your baby's birth less special or makes your efforts less surprising. After all, you had a great surgery to have your baby!

Congratulations and good luck to your baby!

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