Friday, October 25, 2019

Xyzal Allergy 24HR 2 Bottles Of 55 Tablets Each (110 Tablets Total)

Why are you allergic? Causes of allergies in adults, how to identify causes

Xyzal Allergy 24HR 2 Bottles Of 55 Tablets Each (110 Tablets Total)

For the first time, the hypersensitivity of the organism to the stimulus was discovered as early as 1906. Today, allergies are the most common disease, with more than 85% of the world's population suffering from symptoms. Not yet effective treatment This disease can prevent recurrence, if you only know the causes of exacerbation.

How does allergies develop?
The main role in the emergence of these disease symptoms is played by immunity. The mechanism of development of allergies can be divided into 2 stages:

Formation of protective complexes. When an irritant enters the body, the immunity of a person who is allergic, perceives even the most harmless substances as antigens. The protective system produces IgE immunoglobulins - proteins that are designed to eliminate "invaders". They combine with mast cells (mast cells) and basophils that act as support. These "coalitions" circulate in the blood and settle in various organs (nose, lungs, stomach, skin, etc.).
Pathological reaction Actual causes of allergies activation of protective complexes. If the body re-contacts with substances that produce IgE, mast cells and basophils will begin to report it to the immune system that secretes a specific chemical compound, histamine. It responds immediately in the form of characteristic clinical symptoms: capillary dilatation, smooth muscle spasms, blood thickening, edema and inflammation.
Numerous external and internal factors may cause a pathological reaction to the stimuli of the defense system. It is almost impossible to determine the exact causes of a particular case because there are different types of allergens, each of which is assigned a specific IgE protein. Sometimes a person is hypersensitive to several antigens and reacts to them at the same time.

Additional factors leading to pathological immune response:

thermal effects;
emotional distress;
Psychological disorders.
Solar Allergies - Causes
The described form of the disease is called photosensitization. Each person's unique acne, blemishes, swelling, skin thickening and other symptoms may accompany this problem. Ultraviolet radiation itself is not irritating. The cause of this allergy is the presence of photoreactive agents or photo-sensitizers in the body - special substances that trigger pathological immune reactions under the influence of the sun. They are usually found in people with Celtic skin type, Gunter syndrome and pellagras.

Sometimes photosensitive substances enter the body from the outside. They contain the following products and ingredients:

hygienic cosmetics;
household chemicals;
food additives;
tattoo paint;
peeling formulations.

Cat Allergies - Causes
The protein then detects immunity as an antigen. It is found in wool, urine, saliva, skin particles and cats' feces, so any contact with pets causes the protective system to react immediately. It occurs in animals of all species, particularly in susceptible humans, with some patients hypersensitive only to certain breeds or to a particular person. Usually the disease progresses and a person who does not tolerate contact with cats then reacts similarly with dogs, rabbits, horses and other representatives of the fauna.

Food Allergies - Causes
Many people are hypersensitive to certain products or components. This is considered a true allergy, but if pathological symptoms are the reaction of the immune system and the release of IgE, it is extremely rare in about 2% of the world population. In other cases, a diagnosis of intolerance is made against a particular meal.

It has been found that the disease usually has a genetic structure, but all the causes have not yet been elucidated. Any product contains the most powerful stimuli, which can trigger symptoms of hypersensitivity:

cow milk;
the fish;
citrus fruit;
sea ​​products;
red berries.

Causes of Drug Allergy
The main factor causing an inadequate immune response to pharmacological agents is long-term and regular contact with them. Drug allergy has great experience mainly in healthcare workers. Pharmacists are also at risk, especially if they are involved in the production of pharmaceutical preparations. Other causes of drug allergies include:

long-term medication;
progression of other pathological reactions of the immune system;
chronic fungal lesions.
The main antigens in the present case are:

corticosteroid hormones;
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
anesthetics and others.
It is not known exactly why some people are prone to polynosis and react to certain pollen. There is a theory that the causes of seasonal allergies are based on genetic predisposition. Wind-pollinated plants and weeds are considered the most dangerous, emitting high concentrations of stimulants carried over long distances:

meadow grass;
banana and others.
Powder Allergies - Causes
The described pathogen of the immune response corresponds to multi-component stimuli. An allergic reaction to house dust occurs due to the presence of the following components:

dead epidermis of humans and animals;
fungal spores;
wool particles;
microscopic mites;
fabric fibers;
feather and others.
Some people only suffer from symptoms at work. In such cases, the causes of allergy are found in the content of the "professional" powder:

wood waste;
adhesive mixtures;
leather and wool wool particles;
paint and similar components.
Cold allergies - causes
The lowest temperature itself is not an antigen, but acts as an external factor contributing to the activation of protective complexes. The inadequate response of the immune system to freezing, high humidity and wind has not yet been established. There are many expected situations in which the reason is, the reasons for which are:

chronic endocrine pathologies;
viral diseases;
bacterial inflammations;
lupus erythematosus;
autoimmune diseases;
other forms of allergic reactions;
helminthic invasions;
atopic dermatitis;
digestive disorders and other conditions.
Causes of skin allergies
There are several options for the emergence of a dermal immune defense reaction:

Certainly any irritant spots, blisters and rashes may occur. Common causes of allergies on the skin of the face, limbs and trunk:

household chemicals;
hygienic and decorative cosmetics;
food products;
pollen of plants;
animal squirrels and wool;
ultraviolet radiation;
low temperature;
cold wind;
insect bites;

Runny nose, itching and swelling of the nasal sinuses, sneezing are characteristic signs of a pathological immune response. The main causes of allergic rhinitis in adults are house and building dust. If symptoms are seasonal (recurrence in spring and summer), the disease provokes plant pollen. other possible causes rhinitis allergies:

yeast mushrooms;
microscopic mites;
animal fur and protein;
insects, especially cockroach particles and waste products.
Causes of Allergic Bronchitis
The mechanism of specific dry cough in the described disease is to stimulate nerve endings in the lungs and bronchi. This triggers the expansion of blood vessels and spasms of nearby muscles that cause allergic asthma. Refer to chronic pathologies with periodic relapses. So far, it has not been possible to develop an effective treatment that provides full recovery.

Causes of Asthma Allergy:

flowering plants and pollen of plants;
wool particles, epidermis, animal waste products;
microscopic mites;
house, dust building;
viruses and bacteria cells;
cleaning products;
Allergic Conjunctivitis - Causes
Another characteristic clinical manifestation of the disease considered is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes. Allergic photophobia, itching and tearing progress rapidly and flow into purulent conjunctivitis. The main causes of this pathology are:

decorative and hygienic cosmetics;
plant pollen;
solar radiation;
food products;
cold wind and frost;
high humidity;
particles of skin and animal secretions;
pharmacological agents;
household chemicals;
Psychological causes of allergies
Formal medication does not confirm the relationship between a person's emotional state and immune responses. Allergies and psychosomatics in adults are only closely related to the view of esotericists. The inadequate response of the defense system is thought to be triggered by internal rejection of a person or situation. For example, a discharge may be a vegan with pathology and animal protein when in contact with the powder. In such cases, an expert will not confirm the disease in question and will be diagnosed with a so-called allergy.

Redness and rupture to respiratory problems and irritability. According to statistics, about twenty percent of the population is prone ... So, what is an allergy and how does it occur? The body reacts very strongly to an external irritant, which causes patients to feel uncomfortable.

Why do allergies occur? The crime lies with the immune system. There are people at risk who do not monitor their health. But gold averages are required everywhere: abuse, inappropriate use of drugs cause an allergic reaction.

An allergic patient is a person whose body is sensitive to certain stimuli for certain reasons.

Types and causes of allergy
It is recommended to group allergy into:

There are several common reasons that do not depend on a particular species - a genetic factor; acquired (secondary) allergy.

This is important! Adults are less likely to get sick than patients. Mothers often have questions about whether they have allergies from boiling water, because this is a common problem. Most children have poor immunity. The appearance of stains on the reaction skin is manifested by the weakness of the body.

What comes out? The first reason is the use of allergen additives that the body simply cannot detect:

dyes of synthetic (sometimes natural) origin;
baking powder;
flavor enhancers.
But even if the product is harmless, it can still develop a reaction. You can not leave them carelessly because the consequences - problems with the stomach and digestion, breathing (irritant, throat swelling and spasms). Asthma provoked. Ichthyosis food allergies: problems with the skin begin - scales appear, then peel off.

The most common reaction occurs:

eggs for dairy products;
on citrus;
for sweets, chocolate;
In the nuts.

This is important! Most flavors do not benefit the body, only harm. It destroys the liver and other organs and disrupts human health. Rely on naturally derived substances - at home.

This species is common among people who need to breathe many different substances with air - from chemists, pharmacists. Usually respiratory response, food, drug echoes. It is the most common in spring, summer and autumn because plants bloom at this time. A few more reasons:

animal hair (reaction to cats and dogs);
poison mushroom spores.
Respiratory allergy crime - ecological situation, refusing to comply with basic safety rules when working with chemicals. Often, people make trouble for themselves: if you rarely clean the house, a fungus starts in wet places. A hundred percent possibility of dust causes disease.

Only a doctor can provide competent assistance because respiratory allergy symptoms are similar to discharge diseases. These include:

cough, sore throat;
swelling of the mucous membranes, runny nose;
throbbing in the head, temples.

This is important! Possible complications - respiratory problems. In order not to provoke the development of asthma, asthma attacks should be timely contact with a specialist.

Common causes of this type of allergy:

use of low-quality drugs;
antibiotic use, hormones.
The most common drug allergy is treated with antihistamine drugs. What is this? Drugs that reduce the amount of a particular substance quickly eliminate the symptoms of histamine and also disease.

However, any drug should be treated with caution and only with the permission of the doctor, because when it is written on the patient's card, when and when the reaction occurs. Independent use of drugs with prohibited components will lead to terrible complications - until death.


quincke edema (histamine accumulation in the blood);
anaphylactic shock;
rash, itching, redness of the skin, rash.

The body reacts to insect bites and parts of their bodies and to the remains of waste products. During treatment, it is important to follow a special diet that will prevent the further development of insect allergy and its combination with other species, especially food and medicines.

In addition, in the spring and summer, it is forbidden to wear over-smelling perfumes, as well as over-exposed clothing in irritant areas. In the evening and if the land gets wet, it is impossible to leave without protection because some insects (including mosquitoes) are active in such an environment.

Insect sprays should be used with caution, especially in patients with suspected drug allergy.

Preventive measures to help prevent allergies:

Do general cleaning - the house should be cleaned of old things (dust centers) and expired medicines.
If possible, get rid of quilts and pillows - there are ticks.
How often you can hear from friends, relatives and colleagues: “Again, there is an aggravation of allergies! Eveyn Parents also complain that infants cannot tolerate milk well and react acutely to medication and animal hair. Most of the time, people routinely use their antihistaminic name, deliberately talking about symptoms of angioedema, urticaria, atopic dermatitis.

Why do so many children and adults face such misfortunes allergy? What is this disease? What is the reason for the increase in the number of patients with symptoms of acute and chronic allergic diseases? Which diagnostic and treatment methods are effective? different kinds of negative reactions? Answers in the article.

Development mechanism

Allergy is a specific reaction of the body to the production of antibodies and various types of substances. An immune response occurs when fighting a foreign protein. In the first interaction with an unsuitable substance, a negative reaction does not occur, in repeated contact with an irritant, a variable severity response is possible by secreting an active histamine.

A characteristic feature is individual susceptibility to allergies. They are completely safe for the attacker's role. Healthy people. Animal hair with increasing sensitivity of body products, pollen, cosmetics are dangerous irritants.

After contact with the foreign protein, certain processes take place in the body:

mast cells migrate;
have a strong histamine release;
release of inflammatory mediators increases capillary permeability;
smooth muscle spasms develop in the bronchi, vessels, stomach, skin receptors become irritated;
elevated immunoglobulin levels;
antibodies are actively produced to combat antigens;
the association of igE with mast cells and allergens forms complexes that enter the bloodstream and various organs and tissues;
pressure decreases, edema develops, skin occurs, in many diseases itching, severe edema of the larynx occurs, impingement occurs.

Provoking factors
Major allergens:

drugs: group B NSAIDs, sulfonamides, analgesics;
: bright fruits and vegetables. Usually causes allergic reactions, drinks with paints and preservatives;
severe nerve shock, frequent, prolonged stress;
fungal spores;
saliva, dry particles of the epidermis, (develops an allergy to cats and dogs);
pillows, feathers from blankets;
library and;
foreign proteins in vaccines or donated blood;
synthetic fabrics;
poison (stings of stings);
production factors, oils, alkalis, disinfectants, continuous contact with acids;
poplar feather, alder, euphorbia, quinoa;
low quality;

Allergic reactions:

sharp. Signs are pronounced, strong swelling develops, many dangerous reactions occur, organism poisoning is noticed, there is a threat to life;
chronic. Remission periods are characterized by the almost complete absence of allergy symptoms; During exacerbations, the patient's condition and appearance deteriorate (eyelids swell, visible rash, ulcers, shells, leaking on scanned areas, redness of nasolabial triangle), symptoms cause discomfort.
Allergy symptoms disturb the patient:

With proper treatment for several minutes, hours or days, the doctor does not develop compliance with the recommendations of relapse;
seasonal. The body reacts violently to the flowering of some plants. and patients fall from early May;
throughout the year. Negative symptoms develop in contact with domestic irritants that an adult or child encounters on a daily basis. The main allergens are: house dust, saliva, dandruff, animal hair.

Allergies in children and adults are of two types:

true. Response to a foreign protein affects the immune system and the level of immunoglobulins is markedly increased. A strong histamine release provokes obvious symptoms of other inflammatory mediators. At least the cause of the allergen is even hot reaction. With real allergies, it can only stop negative symptoms;
. The body's response is very similar to the immune response, but mast cells are not involved in the fight against irritation. The main cause of false allergies is the excessive consumption of some food types that increase the burden on the digestive system and liver. Most often, symptoms of wrong food allergy cause eggs, citrus, chocolate, honey. In the report card, bloating, nausea, pain, skin, headache, diarrhea is a small redness. A condition for the development of so-called allergy is sought: a large amount of food is eaten in a short time.
Classification of reactions according to allergen type:

Development mechanism classification:

speak cell mediated cell mediated. T-lymphocytes are affected, contact dermatitis develops;
reaginovye, anaphylactic. The affected basophils, mast cells, increase the IGE level. Clinical manifestations: bronchospasm, anaphylaxis, urticaria;
Immun. When a complex of IgM and IgG antibodies is produced, fever develops in a serum-like syndrome;
cytotoxic. Macrophages, monocytes, neutrophils, NK. The formation of IgG and IgM antibodies, nephritis, cytopenia, hemolytic anemia develops.
Allergic diseases
Unfortunately, the list of diseases that develop on the background of the body's increased sensitivity includes more than a dozen articles. Pathologies progress in acute and chronic form, causing seasonal or year-round discomfort.

Common diseases of allergic nature:

general urticaria;
allergic rhinitis;
drug and;
acute stenosis of the larynx;
allergic conjunctivitis.
Hint! With the contact of the allergy, it is easy to determine where the irritant penetrates. Respiratory allergens, medicines, certain products, against the background of action, negative symptoms affect many parts of the body.

How does an allergy manifest itself? When contacted with an allergen, the symptoms are seen not only in the skin but also in the digestive tract, airways, mucous membranes, sinuses and eyes. Depending on the degree of sensitivity of the organism, mild, moderate and severe reactions are possible, such as immune strength, age and general condition of the patient, anaphylactic shock. The longer the body comes into contact with the irritant, the higher the risk of a significant allergy.

The main signs and symptoms of allergies:

nasal congestion, nasal itching, sneezing, burning, discomfort in the nasopharynx, mucus fluid discharge from the nasal passages;
swelling of the face, throat, eyelid, lips, tongue (angioedema);
skin allergy symptoms: redness of the face and body, blisters of various sizes and colors, redness of the epidermis, swelling of tissues, crying, peeling, burning, appearance of ulcers when opening blisters;
hyperemia, conjunctiva, redness, swelling of the eyelids, active lacrimation, dryness of the sclera, sensation of foreign bodies in the eyes, vision problems;
numbness or tingling of the tongue, palms, mouth region;
diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, nausea, abdominal tenderness;
(sputum is not free), shortness of breath, shortness of breath, bronchospasm, choking risk, chest tightness;
headache with nasal congestion.
When anaphylactic shock is life-threatening, the following symptoms develop (all or most):

swelling of the throat, mouth;
active itching of the body, sign of redness of tissues;
pulse felt bad;
a rash occurs suddenly;
difficult to talk, swallow;
there is pressure on his chest, he can hardly breathe;
the pressure drops sharply;
dizziness is seen, a person loses consciousness;
sudden weakness;
Failure to provide assistance disrupts work cardiovascular systemBreathing center can be fatal.
If you suspect any allergies, a comprehensive diagnosis is made:

a blood test to clarify the level of immunoglobulins;
: Scratch and prick test, applications with skin irritant application;
apply the immunostaining method to compare blood test results in a mixed and comparative manner.
Treatment methods
The main drug groups for the treatment of allergies:

Antihistamine tablets for allergies to suppress the inflammation process. Children prescription syrup and drops, adults - pills. It is indicated in severe forms for rapid removal of dangerous signs;
to remove harmful substances and allergens from the body;
non-hormonal and hormonal with severe rashes changing;
topical formulations having antihistamine effect;
sedative drugs. Strong itching, rash, chronic allergy, irritability develops, insomnia, emotional balance deteriorates. Herbal teas and sedatives normalize the state of the nervous system;
With the development of anaphylactic shock, general urticaria, angioedema, unable to do without the help of the doctor. Severe reactions threaten the lives of patients of different ages;
compression of the larynx with severe edema leads to asphyxia, dysfunction of the body during anaphylaxis increases the risk of death;
acute reactions usually occur when bees, hornets, wasps (especially the eye, face, tongue) bites, food and drug allergies;
When there are signs of anaphylactic shock, angioedema, it is important to call an ambulance without delay. An antihistamine tablet that a person should take before the arrival of doctors, reduces the risk of dangerous complications.

Allergy - a versatile concept. Bad ecology, frequent stress, low quality products, high mental, psycho-emotional, physical weakness reduces immunity, weakens the body. It is important to know what an allergy is, how it occurs, what the symptoms of dangerous reactions are, not to disappear, but to act competently without panic. At home, you should always have Suprastin, a drug that quickly corrects acute symptoms. May protect you!

Learn more about what allergies are and why they cause the disease after watching the video below:

Allergy is a response from the body's immune system, causing serious damage to the body's tissues and organs. As a result, under a number of conditions, a person's immune system begins to react to certain substances that are usually harmless to something dangerous and unfamiliar. So, it is a certain way to protect the body. For example, if the human immune system determines that birch pollen is the body's most terrible poison during flowering, then the body actively begins to defend against it. The external symptoms of such a struggle include sneezing, tearing, active nasal discharge, or difficulty in nasal breathing. Allergic conditions are very common nowadays, and according to statistics it occurs in 30% of the total population.

Allergy development mechanisms
Possible allergy to alcohol
The most common provocative for the development of pseudo-allergic reactions is the frequent use of alcoholic beverages. And this is especially true for liquors, wines and vermouths, red wine first. It is known that there will be older and older wine, so many substances that can provoke the development of so-called allergic reactions. In general, it is important and very important to distinguish between body responses incorrectly and correctly, because the treatment tactics of these reactions vary greatly. However, only a physician experienced in working with such diseases can make a differential diagnosis.

Causes of Allergy
Today, there are several main reasons that may lead to the development of various allergic reactions. One of these is heredity, because susceptibility to allergies can be transmitted to children from parents, and these genes are usually transmitted from the maternal line. It was found that 20-70% of the cases had allergy to the mother and 12-40% had allergy to the father. And if both parents are allergic, then the probability of a high development is 80%. Very common infectious diseases are all prerequisites for the emergence of allergies in the future in childhood.

How strange it sounds, but people's very sterile living conditions and rare contact with various infectious pathogens bring some prerequisites for a change in immune reactions, namely allergic inflammation. Therefore, allergy is more common in urban dwellers than in rural areas or in families where only one child is raised. This factor explains the high prevalence of allergies in a population with a higher social level.

The second is environmental factors, because modern advances have led a person to come into contact with multiple aggressive aerosols and various chemicals immediately after birth. In addition, food products contain a large number of biologically active substances, hormones, antibiotics and other substances, and there is a constant effect of electromagnetic radiation from household appliances. This effect does not pass without a trace and the growth of allergic pathologies only confirms this factor. Another impetus for the emergence of allergies may be problems of internal organs, namely the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and endocrine systems. However, these are only the most basic and most popular causes of allergy. In most cases, all these factors are combined.

Allergy symptoms
The main symptoms of an allergy may be general in nature, such as tremors, general agitation, fever, patient drowsiness, falls, pale skin, and disability. more common symptoms may occur in very severe allergic diseases, may be anaphylactic shock or angioedema.

Allergy treatment with immunotherapy
Allergy treatment alleviates the allergic reaction in most cases and relieves painful symptoms. However, there is a way to effectively prevent the reaction - treatment of allergies by the ACID method, allergen-specific immunotherapy. Because it teaches the body, it reduces the sensitivity of the immune system to allergens. Therefore, when the body encounters an allergen in real life, the allergic reaction does not develop. It is important that the course of immunotherapy begins during remission as the results are not immediately seen (within an average of 3-6 months). In addition, symptomatic allergies may be needed if immunotherapy has not yet been completed. This approach helps to “prepare v the body for an exacerbation period and achieve stable remission even when in contact with allergens.

Xyzal Allergy 24HR 2 Bottles Of 55 Tablets Each (110 Tablets Total)