Friday, October 25, 2019

Basic Care Allergy, Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Tablets, 180 mg, 150Count

Disease from spring; allergic rhinitis

Basic Care Allergy, Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Tablets, 180 mg, 150Count

Spring both witnesses the rebirth of nature and we become part of this change. But unfortunately, some uninvited guests can seize our bodies during these flowering periods.

Otorhinolaryngology Specialist Op. Dr. Gökhan Güvener stated that allergic rhinitis should not be neglected especially in these days when spring starts and said: “Spring both witnesses the rebirth of nature and we become a part of this change. But unfortunately, some uninvited guests can seize our bodies during these flowering periods. ”

Austria Sen Jorj Hospital Otorhinolaryngologist Op. Dr. Gokhan Guvener gave important information about allergic rhinitis. Kiss. Dr. Gökhan Güvener,, Allergic rhinitis is a disease with cold-like symptoms. Unlike the common cold, viruses are not the cause. It occurs as an abnormal response of the nasal mucosa to internal or external allergens. The incidence is increasing and varies between 20-30 percent according to the studies. As well as year-round forms, there are also forms that occur only seasonally. Some forms of symptoms persist throughout the year and seasonally aggravated. Year-round allergic rhinitis is usually responsible for allergens such as molds, house dust mites, insects and animal hair. In seasonal allergic rhinitis, allergens such as weeds, grass and tree pollen are responsible. Although it varies according to the region; tree pollen is usually in spring, meadow grass pollen in spring and summer, weed pollen is usually the cause of seasonal rhinitis in autumn. ”

For seasonal allergic rhinitis hay fever, spring fever, summer fever is used in voicing names such as Op. Dr. Gokhan Guvener, then said; “Nasal congestion and discharge; sneeze; itching of the nose, sometimes palate and throat; redness, itching and watery eyes; swelling and bruising under the eyes; pressure sensation in the sinuses and facial pain; cough; Symptoms such as odor and taste disorders may occur.

The same symptoms may occur in the common cold. However, in allergic rhinitis, the runny nose is more watery and colorless, darker in colds and may be white or yellow in color. Symptoms of a common cold appear several days after exposure to the virus and relieve in 5-7 days. In allergic rhinitis, symptoms appear immediately after allergen exposure and symptoms persist as this contact persists.

Allergic rhinitis can begin at any age. However, it is more common in childhood and adolescence.

In this disease, the immune system develops an abnormal immune response and begins to produce antibodies by mistakenly detecting some substances that are inhaled and which are not actually harmful. When contacted with these allergens, a reaction is carried out by means of these antibodies and these allergic symptoms occur with a number of chemicals.

Seasonal allergic rhinitis significantly reduces the quality of life due to the intense course of neighborhood symptoms. It affects work and school performance negatively. By reducing sleep quality, it creates additional problems. It can trigger asthma attacks in patients with asthma. It may pave the way for sinusitis and ear infections, especially in children.

The most valuable criteria for diagnosis are the history of the disease and physical examination findings. If necessary, skin tests or blood allergy tests, especially in children, can be applied. ”

Kiss. Dr. Gökhan Güvener stated that it is very important to avoid allergen exposure in seasonal allergic rhinitis and listed the precautions that can be taken for this purpose:

Kapı Keeping doors and windows closed during pollen seasons; Not hanging the laundry out during these seasons (Pollen can be placed on sheets, towels and clothes); Use of filtered air conditioning and ventilation systems at home, work and car; In the morning when allergens are most common, it is not possible to go out, if necessary, wearing a mask; Avoiding gardening during these periods. Despite all precautions, it may not always be possible to avoid allergens. In this case, various medications in the form of nasal sprays and tablets should be used with the advice of a doctor to reduce symptoms.

Basic Care Allergy, Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Tablets, 180 mg, 150Count