Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Wondfo Pregnancy Test Strips Early Detection 25 Pack - Extra Sensitive HCG Urine Test Strip 10 MIU

Which Tests and Examinations Are Performed During Pregnancy?

Wondfo Pregnancy Test Strips Early Detection 25 Pack - Extra Sensitive HCG Urine Test Strip 10 MIU

What are the examinations during pregnancy?
Low-risk pregnancies are the ones that do not have any disease before and / or during pregnancy, have not given birth before, or have given one or more healthy births, have no family disease, and have no problems with her baby or herself during pregnancy. It is given. The course of these pregnancies is unlikely to be abnormal during and after delivery. In the follow-up of these pregnancies, the same basic examinations and tests are generally applied. These examinations are called routine examinations during pregnancy.

For risk factors that exist before and / or occur during pregnancy, in addition to routine examinations, some different examinations are performed. These are also called advanced investigations.

Gynecological (pelvic) examination
In general, pelvic examination is performed during the first antenatal examination and possible genital mass, infection, congenital genital anomalies, cancer and pre-cancerous lesions that may adversely affect pregnancy are revealed. Ultrasound and papsmear examination is added to the examination to complete the evaluation.

Recently, gynecological examination has become increasingly neglected. One reason for this is the kork fear of miscarriage due to gynecological examination ında in mothers, and the other reason is the güv trust doktor given to doctors by the increasing use of ultrasound. First of all, the error that needs to be corrected is the idea that gynecological examination is a low risk. Medically, there is no information to support the view that gynecological examination leads to miscarriage.

Although the first antenatal examination has been replaced by ultrasound in most cases, pathologies such as infection and cervical changes cannot be understood on ultrasound. Therefore, ultrasound should never be seen as an alternative to examination. It is especially important for mothers who have complaints indicating a gynecological pathology to accept the gynecological examination recommended by their doctor.

Vaginal examination is performed in case of suspicion of preterm birth in the later stages of pregnancy, in order to reveal the stage of the mother's labor at birth when the pain starts, to obtain information about the part of the baby entering the pelvis or to learn about the maturation of the cervix when the birth should be started with artificial pain.

System examinations
These examinations may not always be performed. In general, the first antenatal examination is performed by a gynecologist about the complaints and general examination of the digestive system, heart and circulatory system, respiratory system, locomotor system (muscles and joints) and nervous system and mental state. In case of pathological finding, the obstetrician will consult the specialist.

In the first examination, breast examination is performed when necessary, and a possible mass, congenital breast anomalies and abnormal conditions that may prevent postnatal breastfeeding are detected and necessary precautions are taken.

Blood pressure measurement
By using a suitable cuff length from the right arm of the expectant mother, the blood pressure value obtained while sitting in a calm state is recorded on the tracking card. Blood pressure measurement is repeated at each pregnancy examination. Blood pressure value is the most important criterion in the early diagnosis of preeclampsia.

Weight measurement
It is more appropriate for the expectant mother to make her own weight measurement at home on an empty stomach in the morning and to inform her doctor at the examination.

Excess weight gain, especially in a short time, may be a precursor to preeclampsia. Excessive weight gain over the long term (weeks) may be due to unnecessary intake of carbohydrate and fat-rich foods or may be a precursor to diabetes. Of course, a large baby that grows very fast can cause the mother to gain weight fast.

Some doctors believe that it is not necessary to closely monitor weight gain during pregnancy follow-up. According to my opinion, the weight gain criterion in the health of the expectant mother and the baby is in the last place. What is in the foreground are the development of the baby and the blood pressure and general health status of the expectant mother. Since the doctor following the pregnancy sees the expectant mother at regular intervals, she easily recognizes weight changes that may cause problems from one examination to another.

Weight monitoring in this way "doctor's eye", "gram gram" weight tracking is likely to occur in mothers who are likely to occur psychological problems and unnecessary worries.

Evaluation of abdominal growth
At the beginning of the second half of the pregnancy, the uterus is exactly at the level of the navel and can be felt by hand. Then, the measurements made when the bladder is empty, the distance between the pubis bone and the highest height of the uterus is measured in centimeters and gives the gestational week with little margin of error. Factors such as twin pregnancy, overweight, bladder overload, inexperienced person contributing to misleading results.

Today, this evaluation is increasingly being abandoned because most of the physicians perform ultrasound at each antenatal evaluation.

Mapping the baby in the abdomen
With special examination methods called Leopold maneuvers, the doctor determines the position of the baby's head, back and legs. These methods determine how the baby enters into the pelvis towards the end of pregnancy.

Note: Ultrasound gives much more accurate information than the measurement obtained by measuring the abdomen with tape measure and Leopold maneuvers.

Pregnancy tests
Tests based on the detection of HCG, a pregnancy-specific hormone in urine or blood. They can determine pregnancy without delay in menstrual period and delays between three and ten days depending on the sensitivity of the test in urine.

Determination of blood groups
Blood groups of the mother and father candidates can be determined in the blood taken from the finger. Rh incompatibility is mentioned when the blood type of the mother is Rh (-) and the father is Rh (+).

Complete blood count
A wide range of parameters are determined by the instruments that automatically count the blood taken from the vein. Leukocytes (white blood cells), the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells), the average hemoglobin content of erythrocytes, size, platelet count, hemoglobin and hematocrit value is determined more than a number of parameters. The diagnosis of anemia is a general idea of ​​whether it is due to iron deficiency, B12 and / or folic acid deficiency or an inherited disease.

When the leukocyte count increases above the physiological increase (12,000 or more), it may indicate infection and, in the case of overdose, a disease that disrupts white blood cell production. When the platelet count is found to have fallen below the physiological decline in pregnancy, a disease is suspected which causes unnecessary consumption of these cells responsible for stopping bleeding.

Wondfo Pregnancy Test Strips Early Detection 25 Pack - Extra Sensitive HCG Urine Test Strip 10 MIU