Sunday, October 13, 2019

TUMS Antacid Chewable Tablets for Heartburn Relief, Extra Strength, Assorted Fruit, 48 Tablets

How is the acidity of the stomach found at home? How to determine gastric acidity independently at home How can I find out what my stomach acidity is?

TUMS Antacid Chewable Tablets for Heartburn Relief, Extra Strength, Assorted Fruit, 48 Tablets

The acidity of the stomach is an indicator that characterizes the normal functioning of this digestive organ. The acidity of the stomach can be determined in various ways. These are diagnostic procedures in a medical institution and improvised at home. Regardless of whether any deviation is a pathology and requires correction and treatment, an increase or decrease of the acid level will be determined.

General information
The stomach is the main organ involved in the digestion process. Inside, the food entering the body accumulates and disintegrates. Normal operation is performed. An indication that the stomach is working normally is the acidity level. This indicator indicates the concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. The level of its content is constant and 160 mmol / l.

If the ratio between the alkaline component and the acid changes, then they refer to a decrease or increase in acidity. When the concentration is too high, the acidity increases and accordingly, a decrease in the concentration below the norm indicates a lower acidity. Any shift leads to failure of the normal functioning of the digestive system and causes diseases of the organs of this system.

Instrumental methods
In modern gastroenterology, various instrumental methods are used to determine the acidity of the stomach. Such diagnoses are performed using;

intragastric pH;
fractional drilling;
staining of the stomach walls;
use of ion exchange resins.
Intragastric pH or intragastric measurement is considered the most informative method. The process is carried out using an acidogastrometer. This device is equipped with a probe and a pH sensor. The endoscope is inserted into the stomach by mouth and the indicators immediately go to the connected sensor.

Fractional drilling will help to detect the acidity of the stomach. This procedure involves aspirating the contents of the stomach from a rubber tube. The obtained material was examined in the laboratory. However, it should be borne in mind that the results of this method may be an error, as the material is removed from different parts of the stomach and mixed during the aspiration process.

The organ being studied is known to have 3 sections, each having a different acidity. Determination of acidity by staining the stomach consists of endoscopic entry of the dye into the digestive organ. The indicator is evaluated by visual inspection of the stomach walls by how the color of the dye changes.

The use of ion exchange resins is the easiest way to determine the acidity of gastric juice, but is also considered the least informative. During the procedure, a pigment reagent is injected into the patient. In the stomach, it is released and enters the gastrointestinal tract. It then penetrates into the kidneys and excreted naturally in the urine. The result is made with the color of this biological fluid.

This diagnostic method is used when the patient has contraindications for detection.

Instrumental methods are most accurate

Symptom score
Increased gastric acid production is accompanied by the emergence of some symptoms. The increased acidity can be determined by the following signs:

belching and heartburn;
acid taste in the mouth;
weight and pain in the stomach;
bloating and faecal disorder.
Heartburn always occurs after eating. When reaching out, this symptom intensifies. This manifestation is due to the irritation of the excess produced stomach walls by hydrochloric acid. When acidity is reduced, digestion is impaired, food intake is poorly impaired and absorption of vitamins and microelements worsens.

A decrease in gastric juice concentration, similar to the increase, has similar symptoms with a slight difference. Symptoms of a lack of gastric juice include belching with a rotten odor, sustained collision in the stomach, and a decrease in hemoglobin level. If we talk about the general reaction of the body, immunity is reduced, the person becomes susceptible to infection with various viruses and bacteria. In addition, decreased hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach may cause cancer of this organ.

A decrease in the acidity of the stomach will be indicated by external symptoms such as:

helminth infestation;
nail fungus;
nail and hair fragility;
transillumination of blood vessels on the face;
the presence of undigested food debris in the faeces;
Acne on the body and face.
Which methods are suitable for home conditions?
Although the acidity of the stomach is determined with reliable accuracy, you can check this indicator at home even if it is determined only under medical conditions. One of these methods is a special test strip. The action is based on determining the PH level. In contact with acid, a special indicator is applied to the litus strip which undergoes a chemical reaction.

The result is determined by the color of the strip, it changes. If the acidity increases, the indicator turns red. With a low indicator, the litmus strip turns blue. It is recommended to perform the test on an empty stomach between 9 and 11 hours in the morning. It is recommended that you repeat the test after a few days to obtain the most accurate data. By comparing these indicators, you can obtain more or less reliable information about the subject of interest.

Determine the acidity of gastric juice using ordinary soda. To do this, you need to drink a soda solution: half teaspoon dissolve in cold water. If there is air disintegration or excessive wear thereafter, acidity is considered to be increased. You can check the pH of the stomach with lemon. Just cut a thin slice of citrus and eat it.

If you feel a highly acidic taste, then a person's acidity is increased. If the indicator is actually reduced, the taste of the lemon is not perceived as sour.

Regular apple juice will help to question the acidity of the stomach. You should drink the drink on an empty stomach and watch your own reaction. With increasing pH in the digestive organ, the person will begin to experience painful cramps in the abdomen, heartburn will appear and a metallic taste will be felt in the mouth. Low acidity, there is no such symptom.

Stomach acidity - acid concentration in the gastric juice produced. The value is measured in pH units and is normally at a pH of 1.5-2 with an empty stomach. Normal acid content creates conditions for food processing and further movement, and deviations create significant problems in the digestive process. Specific studies at the hospital are needed to determine the pH of the gastric juice, but you can talk about increased or decreased indicators based on typical symptoms you may recognize yourself.

We determine increased acidity
Long-term over-secretion of acid and consequently increased acidity of gastric juice may cause acid-related diseases (ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease). Increased acidity is manifested by these symptoms:

heartburn after eating or lying down. This phenomenon causes the contents of the stomach to be thrown into the esophagus and causes this irritation and a significant burning sensation;
belching after eating with a sour or bitter taste;
painful senses (the character depends on the current disease, can be painkiller, sharp cut, paroxysmal);
bloating and feeling of heaviness even after a small snack;
discomfort in the stomach - various tingling, sipping, weight, etc.;
fecal disorders and serious diarrhea which may be difficult to correct even in some patients with medications and some long-term constipation.
Monitoring your diet will help you monitor your diet. The presence of a problem can be understood by the increased interest in meat products, the reduced desire to eat vegetables and fruits, and the rejection of fresh milk. At the sight of a lemon, increased salivation should occur. If you suspect a problem, you should go to the hospital because it is impossible to measure acidity without proper analysis, and there is a risk of starting the condition and developing a chronic acid-related disease.

Low stomach acid
At home, you may notice low acidity, the symptoms of such a deviation will be:

frequent nausea;
bouts of vomiting after meals or medications;
activation of food allergies;
feelings of weight and fullness in the stomach;
belching with an unpleasant smell of smell or a rotten egg smell;
metallic taste in the mouth;
pain after eating after one-third of an hour;
bloating constantly booming in the abdomen;
Increased brittleness of nails and hair.
Severe cases are accompanied by weight loss, sedentary lifestyle, weakness, lowering blood pressure and desire for hemoglobin. As for food preferences, the tendency to products with a sour taste will help to distinguish low acidity - so an edible lemon slice will taste good. You can do a test with baking soda - after drinking 100 ml of water with 2 grams of soda, a spill should appear, if not, it means there is a problem with acid.

Test on litmus paper
With the help of a litmus test purchased from a pharmacy, the acidity of the digestive tract can be approximate without gastroscopy. To test one hour before a meal, place a piece on the tongue, soak it with saliva, and compare the color obtained with the kit-dependent scale.

Ribbon results can be as follows:

the unchanged color or slight change of the paper (on a scale of 6.6 to 7) indicates normal acidity;
staining in pink or red (less than 6 in scale) - an increase in hydrochloric acid content;
blue staining (on the scale - more than 7) - low acidity.
Without a doctor, you should not make any decisions on your own to correct the condition, you should go to the hospital for a clear diagnosis.

In the composition of gastric juice, hydrochloric acid plays an important role. The main component. The acid assists in the proper processing of food and provides gradual movement from the stomach through the pyloric sphincter to the duodenum.

It performs other functions that are less important to the human body:

Promotes protein processing and denaturation in the gastric space. This greatly simplifies the subsequent division.
It promotes the activation of pepsinogens converted into pepsins.
It forms an acidic environment in which the effect of enzymes in gastric juice is impossible.
Causes pancreatic secretion.
It increases the antibacterial effect of gastric juice.
It is almost impossible for a modern person to protect himself from tension, to manage stress-free, to bring trivial or very big problems to life. Accelerated life course, fast rhythm often leave no time to observe the principles of proper and regular nutrition. These overloads are reflected in the acidity level of gastric juice, varying in one direction or another. So it is almost impossible to protect yourself from gastrointestinal diseases without changing anything in your way of life. A decreased or increased acidity of the stomach indicates that gastritis, a chronic disease, may have occurred.

Determination of acidity
You can identify and determine a certain degree of acidity in a medical institution. Modern research methods give very accurate results. However, it is possible at home to determine whether the acidity is reduced.

How to predetermine what is the tendency (increase or decrease) without leaving home? You don't have to spend money on expensive reagents, swallow probes and run tests. At first, it is enough to take a closer look at your own body and pay attention to the symptoms that were not present before. After all, if the acidity fluctuates in the direction of increase or decrease, it cannot affect the state of health, but it changes.

Acidity increased: determined independently
Increasing the acidity level is a pathology that adversely affects the general condition of the body. Since the walls of the digestive tract are irritated by excess acid, the following symptoms appear:

Heartburn - burning in the throat and esophagus, which is very sharp. Its appearance is due to the release of excess hydrochloric acid into the esophagus. Heartburn can occur at any time, for no apparent reason. However, it often provokes acidic fruit juices and products containing many spices and spices. For example, they include tomatoes, plums, peach juice, smoked meat, mustard, ketchup. With acidic acid, heartburn will certainly occur after eating lemon, grapefruit, kiwi, green apple.
Alkaline mineral water, sunflower seeds, baking soda solution will help you get rid of this discomfort quickly.

Copper and sour taste in the mouth. It occurs in the sight and smell of acidic foods. Apples, even pickled or pickled cucumbers, pickled cabbage, pickle, produce a significant amount of saliva in the mouth.
Spraying may occur regardless of the type of food. However, as usual, fried, fatty and spicy foods like heartburn seem to be dominant in the diet. Sweet juices, canned foods, ice creams, cakes and cookies also cause this unpleasant event.
Pain in the stomach, opacity and suffering pain. It intensifies when a feeling of hunger occurs. It usually occurs in the morning. These are “hunger pains”. They are almost always reduced when a fresh portion of food enters the stomach.
Weight in the stomach and after each snack, even a little bloating.
Violation of bowel movement: constipation or diarrhea. Both symptoms can cause reluctance to eat. After all, sometimes you just have to eat - your stomach is instantly short and frequent trips to the toilet are organized.
Taking anti-inflammatory drugs causes nausea or pain in the stomach. These symptoms occur immediately after taking the drug.
In addition to the above problems, it is also possible that such signs of acid increase occur:

Headache after eating fatty, fried or smoked food.
Decreased or complete loss of appetite.
Mood decreases, there is a deterioration and apathy.
It does not cause discomfort in the stomach, but does not cause irritability.
Nausea and vomiting attacks. They come almost at the same time as the meal ends or soon after. However, this symptom is less common than before.
Problems with the stomach and digestion cover the tongue with whitish-gray and yellow plaque.
If none of the symptoms described are present, the acidity of the stomach is within normal limits. However, the sensation of at least one of them should serve as a reason to communicate with a gastroenterologist.

How to determine if acidity is reduced
If the acidity is reduced, there is a desire to eat something sour: cabbage, cucumber, even lemon. Rye bread, spices and spices, ketchup, apple and grapefruit juices are appetizing.

A decrease in the hydrochloric acid content is also an increase as well as a deviation from the norm. Solyanka in gastric juice neutralizes food products entering the esophagus from pathogenic microorganisms and harmful bacteria. When the acidity is reduced, that is, the specific gravity of hydrochloric acid in the juice drops, the disinfection fails. As a result, various undesirable bacteria enter the stomach with an increasing number.

The process of inflammation of the mucous membranes occurs and a person has symptoms, the most obvious of which are:

With the smell of rotten eggs burp or with the taste of a decay. Very unpleasant and smelly smell that triggers the appearance of halitosis.
Does present a feeling of bloating, rumbling. In the digestive system, fermentation processes occur. They cause them to suffer from the accumulated gases.
Burning in the throat (heartburn).
A feeling of heaviness in the hypochondrium.
dull belly pain After each cookie or shortly after.
Feeling like something's exploding from the inside.
Stool disorders are another symptom of low acidity. Inadequate amount of acid in gastric juice significantly reduces its antibacterial effect. Microorganisms that enter the human intestines freely and alter their microflora disrupt the balance. A person suffers from constipation or diarrhea. Difficult defecation is caused by motor disorders in the intestine, which is due to insufficient acidity.
Low levels lead to incomplete absorption of proteins. As a result, decay products accumulate in the stomach, which poison the entire body. Immunity is reduced and the door opens for the development of pathological processes. Above all, various mycoses are possible: fungal lesions cover the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, skin and nails. The body becomes more susceptible to viruses and various infections.

Inadequate assimilation of vitamins and minerals in foods. As a result, it is easy to notice:

Skin on hands and face becomes dry.
Nails grow slowly, break and exfoliate.
Hair thins, turns brittle and dry. Their growth is slowing down.
Acne and vasodilatation on the nose and cheeks are another prominent sign of reduced acidity.
If the acidity decreased for a very long time, then the person feels:

Overall weakness
Weight loss.
Drowsiness and malfunction.
A built-in lifestyle and tendency to hypotension.
To suspect the presence of low acidity, you should carefully consider your stool. If there are residues of undigested food in them, the pieces - doubts are justified.

Symptoms of low or high acidity do not occur together. As a rule, there are only one or two symptoms.

In the case of the emergence of such features and a mild discomfort in goodness, of course, you can try to adjust the acidity of the stomach yourself. To do this, you must first adjust your diet.

However, if the condition does not improve and the discomfort increases, you should ask the doctor for help. Special examination methods will help you accurately identify the acidity of the stomach and the causes of possible deviations. The sooner you are diagnosed and treated, the fewer health problems in the future.

The acidity of the stomach may be normal, increased or decreased. In the last two cases, your well-being can be significantly worse. Therefore, you will learn from the article how to determine the acidity of the stomach and how to customize the operation of this organ.

What can affect the change in acidity?
The reasons for the change in the condition of the microflora of the stomach may be different:



Eat spicy and very fatty foods;


Inflammatory diseases of the internal organs, as well as the gastrointestinal tract itself;

Stress and neural stress;

Long-term drug therapy.

Types of acidity
If this indicator changes, then it should be noted that your health and body's working capacity is reduced. You cannot ignore the symptoms, because changes in acidity can have serious consequences: the occurrence of gastritis, ulcers and even cancer.

There are only two types of acidity:

1. Stimulated. Indicates how much hydrochloric acid is released during stomach work or after taking certain medications.

2. Basal. It is only determined when the gastrointestinal tract does not work, ie when a person is hungry.

Each species has its own norm indicators, the deviation of which is a pathology. Now, we will consider how stomach acid is determined using modern tools and at home.

Diagnostic Features

There are several ways to determine the condition of gastric juice. Moreover, it is possible to diagnose both at a medical institution and at home. Among the specific methods, we can distinguish gastric juice uptake by subsequent examination using various catalysts in the laboratory.

In addition, the doctor may also make the stomach sound. For quick detection, quick tests are available from the pharmacy. However, their reliability is questionable. More precisely, it is the endoscopy method.

And you should guide some of the symptoms that we'll discuss below. Now you know how to determine the acidity of your stomach.

Pathology symptoms

Now you have to think about how the disease manifests itself. If you have high stomach acidity, the symptoms may be:

Acute burning and pain in the stomach;

Feeling of weight;

Inability to consume acidic foods.

It should be noted that insufficient amounts of protein are observed in such patients. They chew gum, drink alcohol and eat junk food.

If you have high acidity, it is easy to identify the symptoms yourself. In contrast, it's a little more complicated. Symptoms of low acidity:

Nausea and stomach often booming;


Bad metallic taste and bad breath;

Burping with putty smell;

vitamin deficiencies;

Digestive disorder, as well as an overall deterioration in appearance and health.

Decreasing acidity is more dangerous than increasing acidity. The truth is, in this case, the body is poorly digesting food and absorbing the necessary substances in very small amounts.

How is home pathology diagnosed?

You will now understand how to learn the acidity of your stomach without going to the doctor. Naturally, these methods cannot guarantee 100%, but they clarify the situation. For example, use plain soda. To test, you need to do the following:

1. One quarter of the raw material should be dissolved in a glass of cold water and drunk. You should use the mixture on an empty stomach in the morning.

2. Track whether you are burp. Just wait a few minutes.

3. If an erection appears, there is no pathology. If not, then the acidity can be reduced.

In case of the opposite, no special tests are required. In case of increased acidity of the stomach, it helps you identify the symptoms very accurately. Naturally, after a home inspection, a visit to a specialist is not appropriate.

How can I avoid high acidity?

You've already learned how to determine the acidity of your stomach. Now consider the question of how to treat a pathology. This question is very interested. In this article you will learn how to reduce the acidity of the stomach. First of all, change the mode and power type. Try not to eat acidic foods, spicy and fatty foods, except alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. You should also stop smoking. Fresh fruit and vegetables, fruit juices, plain water, dried fruit compote are preferred. The use of cereals obtained from cereals is highly desirable.

In this case, honey, green tea, light soups are useful. They do not squeeze the stomach and are normally digested without splashing juice. In addition, the doctor may prescribe medications to help relieve burning sensation and pain, and may also make heartburn attacks rare and short-lived. For example, you can take Mezim, Pancreatinum and others. They contribute to the proper digestion of food and prevent over-secretion of gastric juice.

Try to eat according to the regimen, so that the acid is released at a certain time. As for folk recipes, a nettle juice, crushed egg shells will be useful. If you obey all preventive measures and maintain a healthy lifestyle, heartburn rarely disturbs you.

How to increase low acidity?

In this case, you should also pay attention to nutrition. However, this is not enough. To increase acidity, you will need to take medications to stimulate the release of a higher amount of gastric juice (Fezam).

Also, grapes eaten 20 minutes before the main meal are very helpful. Apricots will be useful both fresh and dried. Eat lemons and other acidic foods. Try not to overload the stomach and not eat too much. The fact is that your gastrointestinal tract cannot cope with large amounts of food, which will lead to an increase in the above symptoms.

Traditional medicine also successfully copes with this pathology. We recommend you to boil blueberry leaves, bananas, laxative buckthorn branches. Rosehip, rowan and blueberry tea will also be useful. Boiling yarrow, John's wort, sandy indoors interior. However, be careful when consuming plants, as you may have intolerance to some components that make up the plants. Now you know how to increase and decrease the acidity of the stomach. However, it is more important to prevent the development of pathology.

Preventive measures
The most important factor that will not allow the disease to manifest itself is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Give up bad habits, go on a healthy diet, love yourself and your body. Start doing gymnastics or sports. Walking in the fresh air is very useful.

Limit your trips to fast food establishments. To avoid, you can use infusions and tea from medicinal plants. However, do not overdo it. When you feel some discomfort in the stomach, you should drink them. Spend your fasting days from time to time.

Now you understand how to control the acidity of the stomach and how to remove all diseases of the digestive tract. Be healthy!

It is important to determine the acidity of the stomach for proper nutrition. Eating food can reduce or increase the secretion of digestive juices that can improve the condition and the well-being of the patient. You should eat foods that normalize the PH level and are rich in nutrients. The acidity is determined independently at home and can be subjected to a special examination.

How is the increased or decreased acidity of the stomach determined?
How are symptoms identified?
Stomach pH norm is measured depending on the section:

Symptoms of high and low acidity:

High PH:
severe burning in Adam's apple;
belching with bitter or sour taste;
weight in the stomach;
constipation or diarrhea;
a feeling of overcrowding;
Reduced stomach acid:
After eating start nausea and vomiting;
attacks of pain in the intestine;
putrid belching
How are diagnostics and tests performed?

Control of the pH in the digestive organ can be done by blood test for hormones.
The acidity of the stomach can be determined by blood testing for hormones and other laboratory tests. The examination will be given by a specialist. You can get advice from a gastroenterologist, endoscopist, nutritionist. Control of the functioning of the digestive system is carried out in the following ways:

x-ray diffraction;
morphological examination of biopsy specimens;
pH meter
blood test for pepsinogen and antibodies;
helicobacter test
IFA stool;
h. diagnosis of pylori.
To understand the difference between high and low acidity in the stomach, you need to go through a series of tests. In case of peptic ulcer and gastritis, intragastric pH measurement is recommended. Acidotest helps to get results quickly for daily, short-term or quick examination. The fastest control is performed using a litmus strip within 15 minutes.

Litmus strip under the influence of digestive water gains a certain color.
Tests can also be performed during endoscopy. Under the influence of gastric juice, a strip is used which is a dye reagent that achieves a certain color. Ion exchange resins may also be used. This is the easiest way to measure acidity, but the test requires approval by other methods. After drinking a special solution, a pigment reacts with hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Everything is excreted in the urine and the color is determined

TUMS Antacid Chewable Tablets for Heartburn Relief, Extra Strength, Assorted Fruit, 48 Tablets