Thursday, October 17, 2019

Tucks Md Cool Hemorrhoid Pad, 100 Count

14 Healing Tips for Relieving Unbearable Pain of Hemorrhoids

Tucks Md Cool Hemorrhoid Pad, 100 Count

It is not easy to live with a throbbing that necessitates sitting, standing, and unbearable pain. This pain and suffering can affect your entire day and can cool you out of life. If you have been diagnosed with hemorrhoids by your doctor, there are some methods that you can take at home to consult the hemorrhoid.

Why does hemorrhoids occur?

It can be caused by an increase in pressure on veins, such as strain or pregnancy. In general, anything that presses on the veins in the lower part of the body can lead to hemorrhoids.


Sitting in the toilet for a long time

Constipation or diarrhea

Excess weight



Tightening during toilet

What are the symptoms?
What are the symptoms?

Feeling uncomfortable


Pain in the toilet

Red blood drops on toilet paper or toilet

Swelling in the breech

Pain in the anal area while sitting

1. Consult a doctor first.
If you have strong symptoms that don't go away, put your concerns aside and see a doctor.

2. Seating bath
Living room
A hot water pool covering your hips can help relieve your pain. You can apply this sitting bath 2 or 3 times a day. You can use special bathtubs suitable for your toilet seat. A 20-minute sitting bath is also recommended immediately after a bowel movement. Be sure not to wipe it hard afterwards. Instead, dry the area gently to avoid irritating hemorrhoids.

3. Try glycerin and epsom salts
Try glycerin and epsom salts
These two commonly available components can help you cope with painful hemorrhoids, fight inflammation and a burning sensation. Mix equal amounts of glycerin and Epsom salts and apply to the affected area with a gauze pad. Leave for about 15-20 minutes to ease the pain. Repeat this process every 4-6 hours if necessary. You can also add this mixture to the living room.

4. Ice application can be effective:
Ice application can be effective:
Placing an ice pack on the affected area for a few minutes can help reduce swelling and pain.

5. Wear cotton underwear
Cotton underwear can prevent moisture build-up and irritation of hemorrhoids. You should also wear loose clothing that allows easy movement to relieve pressure in your anal area.

6. Vaseline
Vaseline can help soften hemorrhoids by creating a protective barrier. Apply over the anal area to prevent further damage and reduce itching. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor before applying.

7. A support can help you.
If hemorrhoids are present, it is a good idea to avoid applying pressure to the affected area. For example, if you need to sit for a while, you may try to sit on a cushion or an inflatable ring. In addition, it is best to avoid stresses caused by lifting heavy objects.

8. Do not sit on the toilet for a long time.
Prolonged sitting in the toilet can cause the blood to enter the pool and enlarge the vessels. As soon as you're done, get out of the bathroom. If you have habits like reading in the toilet or taking care of the phone, it's time to give up.

9. Change the way you sit.
When you go to the toilet, try to sit with your feet at a height. This change in position can help you remove feces easily.

10. Set out as soon as you feel.
As soon as you feel your toilet is coming, start to step towards the toilet. Stopping a bowel movement can worsen constipation and increase your hemorrhoids.

11. Keeping clean is important.
Keep your anal area clean.

12. Fiber + water + probiotic
Unnecessary compulsion during intestinal movements can exacerbate hemorrhoids. Proper nutrition and exercise can prevent constipation.

13. Exercise is also effective.
Regular exercise can help prevent constipation. It is recommended that you engage in moderate physical activity for at least 2.5 hours per week. But you don't have to spend a lot of time for that. Even a 10-minute exercise can be helpful.

14. You can try herbal solutions recommended by your doctor.
You can try herbal solutions recommended by your doctor.
Many herbal remedies have traditionally been used to treat hemorrhoids. And although scientific studies specific to the use of these plants are limited, their widespread use has shown that it can be effective in some individuals. But first make sure you have a test to make sure you don't have allergies to herbal remedies.

Tucks Md Cool Hemorrhoid Pad, 100 Count