Tuesday, October 1, 2019

PrettyCare 3D Sleep Mask (Black and Grey with 2 Pack) Eye Mask for Sleeping - Contoured Night Blindfold for Airplane with EarPlugs & Yoga Silk Eye Bags for Travel, Best for Men Women

What is Sleep Hygiene? How Sleep Hygiene is Provided?

PrettyCare 3D Sleep Mask (Black and Grey with 2 Pack) Eye Mask for Sleeping - Contoured Night Blindfold for Airplane with EarPlugs & Yoga Silk Eye Bags for Travel, Best for Men Women

We spend almost a third of our lives asleep. Sleep is necessary for the rest of life. During sleep, consciousness is suspended but brain activity continues. During this time, both body and brain renewal occurs.

Sleep does not continue uniformly, it consists of different periods. Different stages of sleep follow each other in a certain order and order during the night. Sleep duration, sleep onset time, wake-up threshold and wake-up speed are the characteristics of sleep. These features vary from person to person. Every individual's sleep is personal, like a fingerprint, unlike any other. It is necessary to know the characteristics of sleep in order to conclude that the person's sleep is normal.

Normal and healthy sleep is essential for maintaining normal brain and body functions during wakefulness. Prolongation of insomnia causes tension, irritability and excessive mobility. Following long periods of sleep deprivation, attention and learning develop first and forgetfulness develops later. In sleep, the body is also repaired with hormonal systems and effects on the immune system.

Sleep hygiene should be considered for quality sleep. Sleep hygiene is a medical term given to the ground needed to provide a quality sleep which is indispensable for the protection of body and mind health. It should be administered according to one's own sleep type. The person should follow the sleep hygiene rules listed below, especially according to the time of sleep onset and night sleep.

1- Waking up at the same time every day
Delay in the morning waking time makes it difficult to fall asleep at night. If this condition persists, diseases caused by insomnia may occur. However, people who wake up very early in the week and have to sleep less than normal sleep time can sleep until late in the morning on weekends in order to overcome their sleep deprivation.

2- Getting out of bed when you wake up in the morning
After waking up in the morning, the prolongation of the period of getting out of bed causes sleep to resume. This, in fact, suffers from morning sleepiness and difficulty falling asleep that night, even if the night's sleep is sufficient.

Some people are slow to wake up in the morning. Even if these people wake up, it takes minutes or even hours for some people to get to full alert. If these people do not come out of bed as soon as they are succumbed to this situation, it is more difficult for them to go to full awakening to perform their daily activities, and the longer they fall asleep that night.

3- Making short-term “candies Öğ at noon

Between 12.00 and 14.00 during the day, short-term sleep not exceeding thirty minutes may be important for a normal sleep-wake rhythm. Sleeping for no more than 30 minutes can be beneficial for both mental and physical health. However, noon sleep should never be left until after 14.00. If left, it may be difficult to fall asleep that night. In addition, short sleeps during the day or in the evening are times that are stolen from your night's sleep.

4- Normal physical and mental activity during the day
Not doing any physical or mental activity during the day, being constantly immobile or little active and not being involved in any work seriously disrupts sleep quality at night. From the moment we wake up, thanks to our body movements and mental activity, substances that accumulate gradually in the nervous system, which will deepen the night's sleep as required.

These substances, which determine the depth of sleep, cannot occur sufficiently when there is not enough physical and mental activity. As a result, sleep becomes superficial and of poor quality. However, excessive physical activity after sunset also delayed the onset of sleep. At night, sports, excessive exercise, body fatigue disrupt both falling asleep and deepening of sleep-wells. Therefore, strict exercise should be discontinued at least 6 hours before bedtime.

5- Setting a threshold time to sleep

The constant fluctuation of the bed time disrupts the sleep-wake cycle. It causes inability to sleep at the desired time or waking up at the desired time. Knowing sleep characteristics, one should determine a bedtime that is real. For example, it is not realistic that a person who shows a late sleep feature, ie who does not sleep before 00.00, sleeps at 22.00. In the long term it can also cause insomnia.

Or, a person who has the feature of early sleep should not set the bedtime to 00.00 for different reasons. The bedtime does not have to be the same hours and minutes every night. The person should determine a realistic bed time in accordance with the time of sleep onset, taking into account the sufficient sleep time for himself. This time may show one hour forward and backward shift between nights.

6- Go to bed when ready to sleep

While setting a threshold time to sleep, in some cases the person may not want to sleep at that time. After a very tiring or very tense day or when an unexpected and emotionally affected condition is encountered, the onset of sleep may be delayed. In this case, you should be flexible and go to bed when you want to sleep at night or at night.

7- Pay attention to coffee, tea, alcohol, smoking

Foods such as tea, coffee, chocolate and cola activate the alertness systems in the brain, making it difficult to fall asleep and prevent deepening of sleep. For a healthy sleep, their consumption must be discontinued before sunset. Alcohol is a substance that is known to accelerate sleep but also reduces deep sleep and REM sleep.

It accelerates brain activity during sleep. The result is poor quality and non-relaxing sleep. Waking up early in the morning following alcohol intake occurs. Smoking also activates the bein regions that provide wakefulness, causing sleep to be superficial and of poor quality. People who smoke should at least reduce their smoking in the evening, preferably not.

8- Optimizing the physical properties of the bedroom

The physical characteristics of the bedroom are very important for a good quality sleep. The room should not contain very vivid and bright colors that trigger alertness. Pastel tones, yellow, blue and green colors provide a calm and calm effect on the transition to sleep positively. Having a window in the bedroom is important for the brain to sense the sunrise and accelerate the transition to wakefulness. However, if leaving the curtains open causes too much light to leak into the room at night, it is recommended to close the curtains before sleeping.

Too hot or too cold environment disturbs the structure of sleep. Regardless of the seasonal changes, the room temperature must be kept at a constant room temperature. Air conditioning or ventilation systems are not recommended because they cause dryness or allergic reactions to the upper respiratory tract during sleep. In the bedroom, devices such as televisions and musical instruments should not be kept. Because the bedroom should only be used for sleeping.

9- Termination of physical and mental activities before and immediately after entering bed

Reducing physical activity in the evening and mental relaxation are important for healthy sleep. He should stay away from situations that are very busy, especially after dinner. These situations include different behaviors or attitudes, such as telephone conversations that create distress and stress, and spending a lot of time at the computer. These activities should be discontinued at least two hours before the specified sleep time. The lights used in the evening should not be too bright and intense. Too hot or too cold shower during night hours disrupts sleep.

However, if the need for relaxation is felt, a warm shower helps to start sleep. Turning off the lights after bedtime is the first rule for starting sleep. Besides, avoiding activities such as reading books in bed, watching TV, eating and listening to music will start the normal course of sleep. However, if reading makes it easier to sleep, books can be read for a short period of time, which do not stimulate the mind too much, that is, very exciting, fearful or non-emotional.

10- When you can not fall asleep

When all the conditions are met, the effort to fall asleep should be avoided if it cannot fall asleep. In a healthy person without any sleep disorder, sleep starts 20-30 minutes after bedtime. In case of prolongation of this period, staying in bed to sleep and the effort to sleep slows the onset of sleep even further. In this case, it is necessary to leave the bedroom together with the activities that are desired but do not stimulate the mind.

For example, by switching to the lounge, you can try to watch programs that do not stimulate the mind, or to mix magazines that do not stimulate the mind, without turning on the light. Care must be taken to ensure physical and mental relaxation and never to stimulate the mind. When sleeping comes back to the bedroom
PrettyCare 3D Sleep Mask (Black and Grey with 2 Pack) Eye Mask for Sleeping - Contoured Night Blindfold for Airplane with EarPlugs & Yoga Silk Eye Bags for Travel, Best for Men Women