Wednesday, October 2, 2019

PREGMATE 30 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (30 Tests)

Ways to determine pregnancy without testing. Early signs of pregnancy

PREGMATE 30 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (30 Tests)

Pregnancy test - a modern medical tool, safe and most importantly accurate. However, even today, if you need to check in immediately without testing a pregnancy, a situation is possible - well, you won't have it at the right time! A holiday away from civilization, traveling to a foreign country with a foreign language, but you never know the conditions in which pharmacies have not yet opened in the early morning hours. You just need to determine yourself without having a pregnancy test and without ultrasound. Our grandmothers took care of it, which means we can do it.

No doctor can give such a careless attitude to the condition of the female body. But the thing is, there's no doctor nearby - or you'il get in touch with him, right? And you certainly will, but until then, there is nothing wrong with controlling pregnancy using folk methods. Checking in the early stages of pregnancy will only give an approximate, very conditional and unreliable result, but more importantly, it will be something else. Alternative methods to determine pregnancy will take time and will disturb you. They will not cancel the visit to the doctor, but they will allow you to check at home without checking the pregnancy.

Is it possible to determine pregnancy independently without testing and ultrasound?
Pregnancy is accompanied by a deep restructuring of the female body. First of all, in turn, it affects the production of hormones that regulate the workings of all systems and organs. Regardless of pregnancy, the male and female bodies have sex hormones of different concentrations, but after fertilization, their levels change, and this is the way in which the effect of rapid pregnancy tests is built up quite quickly and strongly. Particularly important is the level of hormone placenta: chorionic gonadotropin, shortened hCG. Urine concentration already increases several times in the first few weeks of pregnancy, and this is reflected in the composition of urine and blood serum.

It is clear that we can only use these fluids for analysis in a chemical laboratory environment and carry out a reliable study of their composition. In an extreme case, use the pregnancy test purchased at the pharmacy at home and the sensitivity of this test allows you to use it no later than 7-10 days after fertilization. And even then, a 1% error will remain. But other methods are even more likely to error! In terms of qualifications, you can focus on them:

Breast enhancement under the influence of sex hormones. In this case, the nipples can be brighter and delicate until the pain. Activation of the mammary glands for upcoming lactation is a natural phenomenon during pregnancy, but also the breast also sheds before menstruation and becomes sensitive, so you can not rely solely on this symptom, especially in the early stages.
Painful sensations and not only in the chest, but also in the lower abdomen, lower back, is seen at the beginning of pregnancy and shows an increase in the uterus. True, in the early days and even weeks, this growth is still insignificant, and seriousness stems from fluid retention rather than the actual size of the internal organs.
Weight gain is due to fluid retention in the early stages of pregnancy as well as visible edema. Weights in the legs, swollen ankles, pouches under the eye are typical signs of edema, but they also occur after eating salty foods and / or sweets.

nausea is specific to pregnant women in the first trimester of the morning, but it is not something that not everyone has. Although used with other signs listed above, it is the urge to vomit before pregnancy, ie as early as possible, to show pregnancy.
The change in perception and preferences of the smell exacerbated by satat was the town's speech to describe the signs of pregnancy. These procedures are based directly on the hormonal background, so they deserve attention. However, this form of toxicosis is not evident in every pregnant woman, so you should not expect these symptoms and ignore others.
Mood jumps: irritability, resentment, gözler eyes in a wet place abilir can result from a change in the level of sex hormones even in a calm, balanced woman. Although fatigue is accumulated stress, if you focus only on emotions, it is difficult to distinguish a bad mood from pregnancy. In addition, similar symptoms occur during PMS.
Weakness, dizziness and drowsiness are specific to pregnant women who experience an increased burden on their body and spend power and resources in the formation of a growing fetus. During pregnancy, a woman wants to lie down, doing things that are easy to use, for example, when climbing stairs, the power leaves her. However, it also has similar characteristics, such as vitamin deficiency in the spring and overwork in the workplace, as well as over-sports.

Appetite concentrates during pregnancy, it is not surprising. Pregnant women eat for two people, but also exotic desires in food, salty sweet, sour bitter, and so on. However, the suspicion of pregnancy is not a reason to eat more than sugars and appetite may be the result of a strict diet or a phase of the menstrual cycle.
Pigmentation, rash on the face and body: provokes changes in the hormonal background, including spots, freckles, pimples, the onset of pregnancy. Some women even notice changes in hair color, and in some rare cases, a new structure (straight hair begins to curl, on the contrary it is curled). However, such changes take time, so it is not possible for them to evaluate the onset of pregnancy in the first days or even weeks.
Rapid urination During pregnancy, it can easily be explained by the pressure of the enlarged uterus in the bladder. Pregnant women really run to the toilet often, but in the first days after conception, the uterus cannot yet grow that large, so it doesn't hurt to make sure you're not sick with cystitis or other urinary tract diseases.

As you can see, all the symptoms of pregnancy are fair in their own way, but they can say very little definitively as an individual. Their coincidence should not be ignored and may assume that you are really pregnant, but be sure to check this assumption more accurately, by medical means. These include the same rapid test in the form of a strip or container for collection of urine, as well as ultrasound in the clinic. Ultrasound, among other things, allows you to determine the state of pregnancy, but it is not recommended to do it frequently, especially as it may damage the fetus at an early stage.
How to control pregnancy without testing with folk methods?
Laboratory diagnosis of pregnancy has literally been available in recent years, and before that, women had to invent and rely on home methods to determine pregnancy. From the standpoint of modern science, the folk methods used to control pregnancy are based on simple chemical reactions of substances with components in the urine composition. You can do them yourself at home:

These methods may seem pure, but are still popular among modern women even today. They do not do any harm, so only suggestions for avoiding strict attention to them and conducting independent tests at home and taking into account the conditions for pregnancy remain. In particular, diet, health, stage of the menstrual cycle and other conditions affect the chemical composition of tissues and fluids in the body. For this reason, ensure that pregnancy is determined by public methods in the morning, before breakfast, in a healthy state and after eating excessive food and / or drinking alcohol the day before.

How is it checked in the early stages of pregnancy without testing?
Determination of pregnancy according to basal temperature takes an intermediate position between medical and public methods. On the one hand, the basal temperature, the body temperature in the rectum, varies according to the different days of the menstrual cycle, which may give an idea of ​​the state of the internal reproductive organs. On the other hand, independent measurement of basal temperature at home requires strict adherence to the rules, since it does not show a real picture:

The basal temperature should be measured at the same time for several days, more precisely in the same direction in the morning, with a difference of no more than half an hour in one direction.
Immediately after waking, measure the basal temperature correctly to stay in the horizontal position, not to get out of bed.
You can use a traditional home thermometer: place it at a depth of about 2 cm into the rectum and wait 5-7 minutes, not less.
Immediately after removing the thermometer, take the temperature values and record them without relying on memory.
An increase in the basal temperature increases from the beginning of the menstrual cycle (about 36.6 ° C) to the middle of the cycle, ie ovulation (about 37 ° C). If ovulation passes fertilization, the temperature drops again, if pregnancy occurs - the basal temperature remains around 37 ° C and does not fall.

The basal temperature is not only affected by a possible pregnancy, but also by other internal processes, particularly those with inflammation. Therefore, relying on basal temperature measurements to verify pregnancy without testing should be very careful, taking into account all possible side conditions and exposure to absolute health.
If you set a goal, you can find unusual ways to determine pregnancy without testing it. For example, the interpretation of dreams. According to the dream books, seas, rivers and other bodies of water, live and cooked fish, as well as literally kittens, kittens and children dream of pregnancy. In the expectation of conception that only wants to conceive, you can program yourself because you want to become pregnant, so all these phenomena appear to you not only in a dream, but in reality. Online pregnancy tests are even hilarious. At best, they consist of questions about health and well-being, and worst of all, they offer to put a finger on the computer screen and focus on your question. As a modern and sensible woman, we hope that you will not believe in such tricks and that you will decide to control your pregnancy objectively. Be healthy and take care!

A woman who dreams of motherhood wants to find approval for her position at an early date. Today, there are many scientific medical methods to diagnose the reality of conception in the first weeks. However, folk methods for determining pregnancy are actively used with them.

Why is “his grandmother's methods popüler so popular in the era of modern technology? Is such a diagnosis reliable? How to determine pregnancy by the public is learned from this article.

Most often, the onset of pregnancy is indicated by a change in taste, nausea, and the absence of secretions with an increase in oily skin. However, these are only indirect signs. Even their existence does not guarantee that the reason for everything is a woman's interesting position.

If it is not possible to go to a doctor, do the necessary work to verify this, you can try to determine the pregnancy using alternative methods. Think of the most famous.

How is urine pregnancy determined? Most effective iodine tests. They are based on determining the level of alkali in it. To do this, add a drop of iodine very carefully in a small container with urine. Food should be on a flat surface. If iodine remains a drop or stain on the surface, then the woman will soon become a mother. If it spread all over the surface, pregnancy didn't happen.

You can do another test. To do this, take a sheet of paper moistened with urine and iodine is dripped on it. If the paper turns blue - pregnancy becomes blue or brown - there is no pregnancy. Of course, the use of modern urine, purchased from a pharmacy is more convenient and more informative.

At an early stage, you can heat the urine vigorously and pour it into a glass container. It is thought that a pregnant woman will have scales and deposits in her urine. Despite the strong, sharp and unpleasant odor, it is characteristic that the method of determining pregnancy at home remains popular.

Another folk medicine soda to determine pregnancy. If a small amount of soda is poured into a glass with urine, if bubbles form, you can expect the baby. If the soda sinks to the bottom, the test result is negative.

Spring use
One of the strange folk ways of determining pregnancy is the prophecy bulb. Take two onions to do this, one positive result, one negative. The bulbs are then planted in containers with water and see which has previously grown to a height of 4 cm.

Obviously, this technique has no medical justification and is thought to be more fun than a real method of determining pregnancy.

With pulse
Alternative methods for determining pregnancy may include measuring the pulse in the stomach 7-8 cm below the umbilicus. Having a pulse in this place means that a baby will soon appear in the family. The method has no scientific justification, its reliability is highly doubtful.

in dreams
Our ancestors believed in dreams. They thought that the fish appearing in dreams indicated that a woman would become a mother in the near future. In this case, it does not matter what to do with the fish in a dream - to catch, to hold, to buy, to eat or to eat.

In addition, a child's early conception is cleared by swimming in a puddle of his dream.

With allocation
If you believe in traditional methods of determining pregnancy, the nature of the vaginal discharge changes at an early stage. They are plentiful and can be pink or brownish.

Discharge usually occurs on the 5th day after conception. At this point, a fertilized egg can damage the small blood vessels of the endometrium. Therefore, the mixture of blood in the discharge.

This phenomenon is called implantation bleeding. It is completely safe in itself, provided that the impurity of the blood is negligible. If bleeding is palpable, emergency medical attention is required.

Metal taste in the mouth
According to the supporters of folk methods for determining pregnancy, there may be a metallic taste in the mouth of a future mother. These phenomena occur with a woman in the first weeks of pregnancy. This allows you to determine the fact of getting pregnant at a very early date.

Using colors
Pregnancy can be determined using folk remedies by watering the flowers on a bed with morning urine. This method is based on saturating the urine of the future mother with hormones. You can reliably evaluate test results only after a period of time, at the earliest - after 3 days. If the flowers start to look better after this time, the test result can be considered positive.

The effectiveness of folk methods
Not all the folk methods listed in determining pregnancy are based on criticism and have no scientific justification. However, they have many addicts who claim to have learned about their condition long before going to the doctor with the help of folk remedies.

The description is very simple. Each option has a very high probability of 50%. As a result, only two events can occur - pregnancy will be approved or not. It is up to the woman to decide whether or not she believes in folk methods for determining pregnancy at an early stage.

All the instruments are completely safe and positive, with a satisfying curiosity of the pregnant mother until the pregnancy can be confirmed at a medical facility. Furthermore, folk methods for determining the presence of pregnancy are carried out with available materials. They do not require financial investment and do not make trips to a pharmacy, clinic or shop.

Popular pregnancy symptoms
There are many signs of pregnancy. However, they are all indirect and can show not only the completed understanding but also other changes in the woman's body, and unfortunately it is not always harmless. Alternative methods of determining pregnancy will be more effective when these symptoms are combined.

The most common symptoms are:

Change in basal temperature. Many women use this method as a tool. We immediately explain that this method is not effective. However, to determine the onset of conception, it is very convenient to measure the basal temperature. The indicator is 37 ° C during the period. A week before critical days, a non-pregnant woman's basal temperature decreases. However, if there is less than a week before menstruation and the thermometer stubbornly shows 37 ° C in the morning, the likelihood of conception is very high. This applies in particular to other signs.
Breast augmentation and pain. On its own, such a sign does not mean that a woman will soon become a mother. Many women notice the same changes before the onset of menstruation. However, in addition, if the lower abdomen periodically hurts, if the basal temperature is high, then it is likely to become pregnant.
Changes in taste preferences, nausea. And this is not a definite pregnancy guarantee. It may only be good to show the appearance of pathology in the body. However, it is important to pay attention to the signs listed.
Increased sense of smell. Changing odor preferences. Suddenly, a woman may have nausea until recently because of the scents she really likes.
Sudden changes in mood, increased sensuality, frequent tears.
Increase in abdominal circumference. In fact, the fetus develops slowly, and at the end of the first month of fetal development, the uterus will be approximately the size of a chicken egg. However, hormonal and physiological changes occur in the pregnant mother's body immediately after birth. This also applies to the digestive system. Intestinal walls are slightly swollen, blood flow increases, peristalsis and gas formation is reduced. Therefore, the abdomen almost increases in size. Visually, most likely, it is imperceptible. However, a woman may see her favorite skirt or pants tightened in the belt.
Frequent urination. This is due to relaxation of the bladder caused by ongoing hormonal changes in the body of the future mother.
Pregnancy can be determined by cervical density. Before the beginning of menstruation, the cervix becomes brittle. It opens slightly and prepares to release the menstrual flow. As soon as pregnancy arrives, the cervix is ​​tightened and closed, preventing infection from entering the fetus.
The change in a woman's sexual appetite. They also appear immediately after birth. Libido can both increase and fall. And again, hormones are “charged” for it.
Fatigue and constant drowsiness.
Changes in appearance. If a woman suddenly becomes beautiful for no reason, or her face, skin or hair has changed inexplicably, maybe she soon knows the joy of motherhood. Changes in the hormone system can cause redness of the face, increased oily hair, excessive skin pigmentation, or vice versa.
Morning sickness

Every pharmacy has special express tests available today, they are cheap and the results are reliable. But a woman finds herself in a situation where she cannot achieve this remedy (living in a remote village, money without disasters, etc.). How to determine pregnancy without testing? There are household methods for detection, but doctors recommend that the reliability of results should be confirmed by medical methods.

It is not necessary to perform complex research to determine pregnancy without testing it. First of all, it is recommended that you take a closer look at your own body and pay attention to the senses, because it is very realistic to recognize pregnancy in certain manifestations.

Delay. Often, doubts about a possible understanding arise after a menstrual delay. From this time on, women begin to think about a possible pregnancy. In rare cases, menstruation occurs in women a few months after birth, but they are not as abundant as traditional discharge.
Chest swelling. Perhaps the most proven sign of successful understanding. The breast grows, the nipples grow and change the shadow, pain is felt during palpation - all of which indicate that the baby has started preparing the body for future feeding. Occasionally, some milk iron swelling occurs during the PMS period, which should be considered when diagnosing pregnancy at home.
Clouding and dizziness. Blurred consciousness and mild dizziness often help to suspect the onset of pregnancy unless diagnosed. A woman seems to have some kind of veil in her eyes, associated with hormonal changes and correction of hormonal levels. However, sometimes these symptoms are observed due to stress or overwork.
Toshnotno-vomiting symptoms. Early detection of pregnancy is often based on this symptom, which characterizes the onset of toxicosis in pregnant women. However, a woman may be nauseous due to mild intoxications caused by low-quality foods to consider.
Hyperthermia. If a woman has a regular rise in temperature for several days, these changes can be considered early signs of pregnancy. Gynecologists explain this phenomenon by the fact that, when implanted in an egg fertilized into the uterine endometrium, the immune structures perceive it as a foreign organism, thus the protection system activates an increase in temperature to destroy it. A similar symptom may indicate the development of an infectious and inflammatory process, this factor needs to be understood.
Pain in the abdomen and belly. When the embryo comes out of the tubes and is implanted in the uterine endometrium, the girl suffers abdominal weight and pain. Bloody spotting may occur, the general condition may worsen and weakness occurs. It is quite possible to recognize pregnancy with these symptoms.

PREGMATE 30 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (30 Tests)