Wednesday, October 2, 2019

PREGMATE 20 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (20 HCG)

How do you know that you are pregnant

PREGMATE 20 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (20 HCG)

The suspicion of pregnancy is not difficult for women with regular menstruation. A delay of 3 days or more of the expected menstrual period brings to mind the pregnancy first. However, other causes of menstrual delay should be kept in mind. Pregnancy is the most unprotected and occurs as a result of sexual relations planned pregnancy, even after the use of birth control methods, may occur due to failure of the method.

Ultrasonography is the most accurate method in the diagnosis of pregnancy. Pregnancy can be detected by ultrasonography from the 10th day of menstrual delay but in some cases deviations may occur on these days. Before the diagnosis of pregnancy by ultrasonography, the diagnosis of pregnancy can be made by looking at the values ​​of the hormone called Beta-Hcg by urine or blood tests. However, positive pregnancy test in blood or urine should be confirmed by ultrasonography because of the risks of pregnancy which cannot be obtained from healthy infants such as ectopic pregnancy.

What are the Symptoms of Pregnancy?

Some symptoms other than pregnancy test or ultrasonography are also important in suspicion of pregnancy. Although these symptoms are more subjective, it can be quite apparent in the expectant mother's suspicion of pregnancy. With menstrual delay, nausea and vomiting, swelling of the breasts, fullness, tenderness, feeling unwell, fatigue and fatigue, headache, weight loss or increase, frequent urination may be seen in one or more, or none may be seen.

Nausea and vomiting are more intense in the morning. One of the organs most rapidly affected by hormonal changes is the udder. Breasts may become tender from the early stages of pregnancy. Bloating and nipple color changes are normal. Even a small amount of milk-like fluid comes from the breasts later in pregnancy. Apart from these, some cases that are not very specific to pregnancy and whose incidence increases are pain in the groin, pain, changes in toilet habits, groin and lower abdomen swelling, low back pain, stomach burning, increased vaginal discharge and thickening of the consistency.

In some women, a small amount of brown or coffee grounds like stains are seen in the early stages of pregnancy and it is called u implantation of the order ’bleeding. Mixing this stain with menstrual bleeding can often lead to misconceptions about pregnancy.

How is pregnancy calculated?

The gestation period is 40 weeks. This period is calculated by counting from the first day of the last period. The Naegele formula is used for this calculation. According to this formula, the expected date of birth is calculated by going back 3 months from the first day of the last menstrual date and moving forward 7 days from the date of departure. For example, a woman whose 40th day is the first day of her last menstrual period is calculated as 24 June 2017. In cases where the last menstrual date cannot be remembered or unknown, the measurement of the embryo or fetus detected by ultrasonography performed in the first trimester, ie the first trimester, is helpful. With this measurement, the first day of the last menstrual date is calculated and possible birth date is determined.

How to follow pregnancy?

Pregnancy is monitored by gynecology and obstetrician. These controls start with the diagnosis of pregnancy and follow-up of gestational weeks, determination and planning of screening tests, monitoring of blood pressure and blood sugar levels, nutrition, fluid intake, vitamin supplementation, drug use, monitoring and regulation of vaccines, travel, sports and other physical activities. reviews.

Pregnancy follow-ups, screening tests, examinations and birth planning are examined in 3 equal periods. Each of these periods is called trimester and the first trimester is 0-14 weeks, the second trimester is 15-28 weeks, the third trimester is 29 weeks and after.

With the diagnosis of pregnancy, the location of the embryo is evaluated first. Although the placement of the embryo in the uterus is important in terms of not having ectopic pregnancy, not every pregnancy in the uterus may be healthy. Cervical pregnancy, pregnancy placed on the old cesarean scar, pregnancy located in the part of the tube extending into the uterus, empty pregnancy, mole pregnancy, miscarriage, multiple pregnancies, both intrauterine and intrauterine pregnancy, such as heterotopic pregnancy can threaten the mother's life. For this reason, the diagnosis of pregnancy should be evaluated by ultrasonography in order to diagnose the pregnancy and rule out the risks that may endanger the life of the mother or fetus.

Diagnosis of pregnancy by ultrasonography is approximately 5-6. weeks. The heartbeat of the embryo can also be detected during these weeks. The mother is first evaluated with the diagnosis of pregnancy. Negative conditions such as number of pregnancies, fate of previous pregnancies, number of births, type of births, health conditions of newborns, genetic or familial diseases, chronic diseases, bleeding during pregnancy, placental placement disorders, high blood pressure and high blood sugar are questioned. As soon as the heartbeat of the embryo is detected, the laboratory tests of the expectant mother are evaluated. Laboratory tests include blood count, determination of blood group, liver and kidney function tests, thyroid function tests, hepatitis B markers and urine tests. Early measures are taken according to their results. Afterwards, the pregnant woman is called for control between 11-14 weeks.

Pregnant women who have reached the 11th week are advised to perform a double screening test. This test is performed between 11-14 weeks. The dual screening test is performed by ultrasonographic measurement of the head-butt length and nuchal thickness of the fetus and determining the risk ratio of PAPP-A and Free Beta Hcg values ​​in the blood with the physical characteristics of the mother such as age, weight and race. This rate provides guidance for the application of advanced diagnostic methods for Down syndrome or some similar trisomies in the newborn. It should be noted that the dual screening test never diagnoses. In case of high risk of double screening test, advanced diagnosis method called CVS (chorionic villus biopsy) is used to make definite diagnosis of Down syndrome or other trisomies after chromosome examination of fetus. The chorionic villus biopsy is based on the examination of some tissue from the placenta of the fetus through a very thin needle called the Chiba needle.

The triple screening test is recommended for pregnant women who have passed the time of the double screening test. Triple screening tests are in principle similar to double screening tests, with slight differences. The triple screening test is performed by determining the age, gestational age, fetal fetus measurements, Alpha Feto Protein, Hcg, estriol test values ​​and maternal age, weight and race, as well as a risk ratio. This rate provides guidance for the application of advanced diagnostic methods for neural tube defects with Down syndrome or some similar trisomies in the newborn. It should be noted that the triple scan test, like the double scan test, never makes a diagnosis. In case of high risk of triple screening test, chromosomal examination of fetus is made by advanced diagnosis method called amniocentesis and definitive diagnosis of Down syndrome or other trisomies is made. The amniocentesis is based on the introduction of a small amount of amniotic fluid around the fetus through a very thin needle called the Chiba needle.

The quaternary screening test is a test made with the addition of inhibin A to the triple screening test, which increases the sensitivity of the triple screening test. The quadruple screening test does not make the diagnosis like the double and triple screening tests.

Fetal DNA test

In the blood of the pregnant woman, some cells of the fetus circulate throughout her pregnancy. Genetik fetal DNA fet, the genetic material belonging to the fetus in these cells, is separated from the cell by specific technologies in specific laboratories and a certain amount can be analyzed. In this case, the DNA analyzed is called “free fetal DNA.. Fetal DNA tests allow the detection of aneuploidy states characterized by abnormal numbers of chromosomes in cells. Although there is no definitive diagnostic test, fetal DNA tests are very reliable screening tests.

Who can perform fetal DNA testing? It may be optional or a good option for families who do not want to risk losing the baby due to the amniocentesis procedure. fetal DNA analysis can be performed in both single and twin pregnancies. It can also be performed in pregnancies with IVF or donation. Although it is not accepted as a diagnostic test because it is expensive and new, it has been offered to pregnant women as an alternative to amniocentesis. It can be recommended for pregnant women over 35 years of age at birth and for mothers with increased risk in screening tests.

The prospective mothers recommended by the US Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology:

- Being 35 years or older at birth

Increased risk of aneuploidy detected by fetal USG

- Having a baby with trisomy before

Increased risk for aneuploidy in screening tests

- Presence of balanced robertsonian translocation in parents with increased risk of fetal trisomy 13 or 21

How and when can the test be performed?

The test can be performed after the 10th week of pregnancy by taking blood from the expectant mother.

What is the duration of the test?

If sufficient fetal DNA is detected in maternal blood, the study can be started and results can be obtained within two weeks.

What are the limitations of the test?

With the current technology, the rate of fetal DNA in the mother's blood must be above 4% for the test to function correctly. Free fetal DNA tests may not give 100% results. Down syndrome can be detected in over 99% and trisomy 18 in over 98%, while trisomy 13 can detect 65%.

The sex of the fetus can be determined precisely from approximately 14 weeks. However, in the determination of gender, the position of the fetus, posture, position, movements, the structure of the mother's abdominal skin, obesity, previous operations such as cesarean section may cause difficulty in determining the sex.

Fetus movements felt by the mother 16-18. weeks. During these weeks, the pregnant woman can lie in the supine position and the fetus movements can be felt when the palms of both hands are placed in the lower abdomen in the resting position. If it cannot be felt, the possibility that the fetus is asleep should be remembered.

18-20. All organs of the fetus are now formed and can be seen by ultrasonography. During these weeks, an organ scan called anomaly screening of the fetus is performed by experienced physicians performing ultrasound. With the organ screening, both the major organs of the fetus and the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus are evaluated with the placenta. As a result of organ screening performed during these weeks, some diseases in the fetus can be diagnosed and treated in the womb and further evaluations can be made in this week.

Sugar screening during pregnancy is recommended by the World Health Organization to pregnant women with risk factors. Sugar loading test 24-28. weeks. Sugar screening can be done at any time of the day by mixing 50 g of glucose into half a liter of water. If the screening test is high, a sugar loading test is performed to make a definite diagnosis with 100 g glucose. With the sugar loading test, it is aimed to prevent the effect of pregnancy-related diabetes on the fetus and control the sugar levels. The sugar loading test has no harm to the mother or the fetus.

Blood incompatibility vaccine is given to pregnant women whose spouse is found to have blood incompatibility at 28th week. However, a test called indirect coombs is required for this vaccine.

This test is performed in the mother's blood. When the indirect coombs test is negative, the blood mismatch vaccine is administered.

32-34. Fetal heart beat and amniotic fluid amount of the pregnant woman who reaches the first week starts to be monitored. Fetal movements are now apparent during these weeks and can also be seen from the outside of the abdomen. During these weeks, fetus NST is taken and the NST is evaluated every 2 weeks until the 36th week. After 36 weeks, NST shots are repeated weekly until delivery. In addition, blood pressure is measured at each examination of the pregnant woman and 36-38. blood count and urine tests are done to the pregnant woman. 38-39 pregnant women who had previously delivered by cesarean section. planned cesarean delivery is planned in weeks. It is expected that pregnant women who have given birth normally will start to have pains until 41 weeks. After 41 weeks, either labor is given by artificial pain or close until 42 weeks. Pregnant women who cannot have normal births are delivered by cesarean section.

PREGMATE 20 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (20 HCG)