Sunday, October 6, 2019

MAJESTIC PURE Natural Nail Treatment - Fights Toenail Fungus with Tea Tree, Clove, and Eucalyptus Oils - Natural Remedy for Damaged Toe Nails and Foot Health - 0.5 fl oz

Information About Nail Fungus and Treatment

MAJESTIC PURE Natural Nail Treatment - Fights Toenail Fungus with Tea Tree, Clove, and Eucalyptus Oils - Natural Remedy for Damaged Toe Nails and Foot Health - 0.5 fl oz

What is Nail Fungus?

Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is an infection that occurs on the lower part of the nail surface and usually has a yellow and white appearance.

Apart from the physical damage it causes, it has a negative effect on the psychology of the patient due to its bad appearance and smell, and may cause loss of self-confidence if left untreated.

Among the most common nail diseases are nail infections caused by fungi. Nail fungus accounts for about 50% of the category of nail diseases.

Dermatophytes, a type of fungus, are found in the skin, hair and nails. When they find suitable conditions, they can cause nail fungal infection called onychomycosis. Patients complain the most, but the main problem is an infection involving the plaque part of the nail. This infection is progressive and contagious.

Causes of Nail Fungus? What are the risk factors?

Nail fungus is an easily transmitted disease, so it is common in the community.

Although a common discomfort, nail fungi can last for years without any pain, so they are often not taken seriously.

According to research, half of people before the age of 70 at least once encountered fungal foot. Athlete's foot infection can also cause nail fungus problem, which is more difficult to treat.

The toenail is more prone to disease than other nails, and the fungus is most commonly seen on the toe.

The following groups are at higher risk of developing nail fungus:

Over 55
Athletes, athletes, swimmers, or more regularly, who use the common shower areas.
Circulatory system disorders
Those with weak immune system
Diabetes patients
Men (at higher risk than women)
Athlete's foot
Excessive sweating
Skin disorders such as psoriasis
Genetic susceptibility to this disease
Foot trauma, especially those with recurrent traumas
- Hot and wet environments are suitable for the development of nail fungus. Boots and shoes that are worn for a long time and make your feet sweat are also suitable conditions for cork.

- Places that everyone can use together, especially humid and hot environments, prepare a suitable ground for this infection.

- Swimming pools, public baths, saunas, showers, bathrooms are places that play a role in the transmission of nail infections.

- Manicure and pedicure with non-sterilized instruments, like other infections, can cause contamination of the nail fungus.

- People with wet hands (dishwashers or regular household cleaning) are more prone to nail fungus.

- Sometimes more than one person in the same family may have nail fungus. This is due to the family's common use of items such as towels.

- The weakening of the immune system and the negative effects of smoking can also be cited as causes of nail fungus.

Symptoms of Nail Fungus

The findings of nail fungus are typical. First of all, the discoloration of yellow-green and brown color changes is a remarkable finding. Separation of the nail from the nail bed, nail thickening, brittleness and dullness of the nails, and flaking on the nails, are called onycholysis. Nail pain is also a common finding.

Briefly summarize the symptoms: treatment of nail fungus with laser

Thickening of the nail
Fragile and delicate nail
Separation of the nail from the bearing
Distortion of the nail
Extremely pale and lifeless nail
Change of color of the nail (take the colors that change to white and yellow)
Pain and pain in the nail
Odor in disturbed area
Is Nail Fungus Infectious?

Nail fungus is contagious. Particularly, people who are in close contact with each other are more likely to become infected.

Sometimes more than one person in the same family may experience nail fungus. This is due to the family's common use of items such as towels.

If the necessary precautions are not taken, the fungus starting on any nail may spread to the nails of the other fingers.

On the other hand, nail fungus is a slow progressive discomfort that needs time to take on a size that will create distress.

The nail fungus can live on the nail plate for months without realizing it, which increases the likelihood of the fungus spreading to other nails.

How to treat nail fungus?

First of all, it should be noted that fungal infections do not heal themselves. In addition, the treatment takes a very long time. If nail fungal infection is suspected, the first step is to confirm the diagnosis. For this purpose, laboratory tests are performed from nail scrap sample.

1- Abrasive or mechanical methods: These methods are intended to remove diseased nail tissue. For this purpose, medication, various methods of pedicure, partial or complete removal of the nail are used. However, besides being very difficult and laborious, patients cannot and cannot apply properly. On the other hand, the remaining nail parts are very likely to remain fungal. Therefore, the risk of recurrence is high.

2- Application of fungicides on nails: This is the most commonly used method. It can be effective when the disease has just begun. However, as the fingernail thickens, it is difficult for the drug to reach the fungus. Treatment ranges from 3 to 6 months. The chance of treatment is low as well as the possibility of recurrence. Combined with the above abrasive method, the chances of treatment increase slightly.

3- Oral fungicides: Firstly, laboratory tests are performed for nail scraping sample. Depending on the healing process of the infection, it is necessary to use antifungals, called fungal infections, orally for a certain time. In addition, in order to accelerate the healing process, the thickened nail should be thinned and treatment should be supported with external medications.

Research shows that one of the most effective methods of treatment is the intake of termafine (Lamisil) and itraconazole (Sporanox). These drugs ensure that the regenerated nail develops without infection, so that the site of infection slowly disappears.

These drugs are mainly taken from 3 to 6 months. However, no immediate effect is seen after drug treatment is completed. It is necessary to wait until the nail is completely renewed for the effect to be seen.

During and after the treatment, it is important to have a dry and clean foot, to wear slippers in common areas, to prefer comfortable shoes, to make sure that socks are made of breathable yarns and to be replaced during the day if necessary.

4- Laser treatment: The aim of this treatment method, which is applied in our clinic, is to support the destruction of fungi with high heat of laser rays.

The use of laser beams in the treatment of fungi gives very successful results. Details on this subject are given below.

What are the advantages of laser treatment in nail fungus treatment?

First of all, it should be stated that the treatment of nail fungus is a long and laborious process by any means. Unless it is paid attention, it is more likely to repeat. Compared to the use of laser therapy alone or oral drug therapy alone, there is generally the same level of efficacy. However, when the first of the above methods is added to laser treatment, the chance of success is higher. Because when the nail is thinned by mechanical methods, the laser beam can go deeper.

Oral fungicides can have significant side effects. It has strong interactions with other drugs, especially the negative effect on liver functions. Advantage of fungal treatment with laser can be used in people who are unfavorable to take oral treatment, elderly, children, liver problems.

What type of lasers are used to treat nail fungus?

The most commonly used laser for the treatment of nail fungus is Nd-Yag type laser devices. Fractional CO2 laser devices are also used for this purpose.

How to treat nail fungus with laser?

All mushroom nail tissue is scanned with laser beam. For the treatment of fungus, 4 sessions of laser application with 1 or 2 week intervals are sufficient. During the application, sometimes a very slight pain can occur. There is no need for local anesthesia. The effectiveness of laser treatment is increased by performing nail thinning procedures while applying laser treatment.

Fungal treatment is continued with local creams between sessions. After a period of about one month, the fungal infection heals. However, the appearance of the nail improves only with the emergence of new intact nail tissue from below. This process therefore takes several months.

How does laser work on nail fungus?

Fungal infection leads to the formation of a dark green color with yellow or black-gray in the nail. In the region where the laser beam absorbed by this color is applied, the temperature rises to 50 ° C. This heat destroys fungal microorganisms without damaging the nail bed and the surrounding soft tissues.

What should be considered after the application of laser nail fungus?

After laser treatment, daily life can be continued easily. Compliance with the following rules is important for the effectiveness of the treatment.

In which cases is nail fungus treated with laser?

Although laser treatment is a very safe treatment for nail fungal infection, it is still not performed in some cases. People who use isotretionin (roaccutane) in the last 6 months of pregnancy or those with psoriasis or lichen disease in the nail bed are not administered. In addition, the presence of permanent or semi-permanent nail polish prevents the passage of laser beam prevents use.

Which Section To Go To Nail Fungus?

Dermatology department should be visited for treatment of nail fungus. The specialists are dermatologists and determine the treatment. In collaboration with podologists, the problem can be solved much faster.

How to Prevent Nail Fungus?

To prevent nail fungus, the most important thing to be considered is the hygiene of the foot. Therefore, the feet should be washed every day before going to bed.
If public showers are used, shower with slippers or sandals is required.
Socks and shoes should be removed after exercising, as sweating may occur on the feet.
Cotton socks should be worn and socks should be changed daily. Shoe should be chosen to fit fully.
If you have sweating problems on your feet or if you live in regions where the climate is hot, such as Antalya, you should be careful to wear air-breathing shoes.
The toenails should be kept short and clean, and should be washed immediately if the hand comes in contact with a toenail.
If a manicure or pedicure is used, make sure that the beauty center is sanitizing the manicure and pedicure instruments and the places of high reputation should be preferred.
Your nail file, scissors, towels, socks should not be shared with others.
If smoking, it should be stopped.
Blood sugar level should be checked
Shoes should be sprayed with antifungal spray.

MAJESTIC PURE Natural Nail Treatment - Fights Toenail Fungus with Tea Tree, Clove, and Eucalyptus Oils - Natural Remedy for Damaged Toe Nails and Foot Health - 0.5 fl oz