Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Easy@Home Pregnancy Test Strips Kit, Powered by Premom Ovulation Predictor iOS and Android APP, 20 HCG Tests

Don't be shy, these things happen in pregnancy

Easy@Home Pregnancy Test Strips Kit, Powered by Premom Ovulation Predictor iOS and Android APP, 20 HCG Tests

In pregnancy, mild or moderate nausea and vomiting are considered physiological and normal

Pregnancy is a period when there are many physical and psychological changes in the mother. While there is usually no major problem, sometimes these changes can be so disturbing that the mother-in-law can remain in a difficult situation in the community because of a situation she cannot control.

Dr. Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of the American Hospital. Ebru Alper, listed the ailments during pregnancy:

Frequent Urination and Urinary Incontinence

Frequent urination (pollakiuria) is a major complaint during pregnancy. Hormonal changes and vascular enlargement affect the bladder function and cause this complaint. As the gestational week progresses, the complaints of frequent urination and incontinence increase, especially in the last three months due to the enlarged uterine mass and the decrease in the capacity of the bladder trapped between the incoming part of the fetus (mostly the head) and the symphysis pubis. Conditions that increase intra-abdominal pressure, such as laughing, sneezing, and coughing, cause loosening of the bladder sphincter, causing urinary incontinence.

In addition to all these physiological changes, increased daily water intake will increase the frequency of urination.

Pregnant women with burning and pain complaints should be examined for urinary tract infection. Regular toileting at frequent intervals will reduce the likelihood of an unwanted situation.

Excessive Salivation

This condition, called ptyalism or sialism, is seen in very few pregnant women but it is quite uncomfortable. The cause and mechanism of formation are not fully understood; in fact, it is thought that the amount of saliva is not increased only because of the difficulty in swallowing because of nausea.

Reducing starch in the diet and drinking more water can improve the situation. Yellow chickpeas, sugar-free chewing gum can be helpful. Medication may be used, provided that it is limited to very severe conditions.

Vaginal discharge, genital odors

Vaginal discharge (leukorrhea), irritation and infections are common in pregnant women. Adhesive, white or pale yellow discharge may persist during pregnancy. The most common problem is candida albicans, that is, fungal infections. Burning, itching, precipitate cheese style is manifested by discharge. It is seen as a severe inflammation in the vagina and inside the vagina and causes extreme discomfort during sexual contact. Such infections should be treated promptly in consultation with a doctor.

In addition, bacterial vaginal infections such as trichomonas and gardnerella may cause odor. Trichomonas vaginalis usually causes a sparkling green color and a smelly discharge. Vagina and cervix ((cervical) mucosa in the form of strawberries and petechia appear in the form.
In addition, personal care will be difficult especially in the following weeks of gestation, which may cause odor in the genital area. Shampoos with a pH of 4.5 or less, specially prepared for the genital area, can be cleaned from the external genital area provided that it is not excessive. Vaginal showers are not recommended.

Excessive Gas Formation

During pregnancy, changes in the placement of the intestines and stomach occur due to the growing uterus. The stomach is pushed upwards, the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus loosens and reflux occurs due to reduced motility.

The intestines are pushed upwards and sideways. In addition, the intestinal passage slows down due to both pressure and progesterone hormone reduction in bowel movements. The time of passage through the small intestine is prolonged and constipation is seen with increased absorption from the colon. Decreased motility also triggers gas formation, causing bloating and distension. Excessive gas formation with increased intra-abdominal pressure may cause unintentional gas release during pregnancy.

In order to prevent this situation, it is useful to consume as little gas as possible, to consume as much fluids, to consume plenty of pulp foods and to act abundantly.

Changes in the function of the large intestine (colon) also occur during pregnancy. Normally, the liquid material from the proximal colon ileum concentrates and this region is the most important part of the electrolyte and water absorption. It has been shown in animal experiments that colon motility decreases in pregnancy and colon transition time is prolonged. During pregnancy, water absorption in colon increases by 59% and sodium absorption increases by 45%. Decrease in motility was attributed to the increase in endogenous opioids in pregnancy with progesterone.

Sudden Vomiting

In the first trimester of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting occur in 70 to 90% of pregnant women. Mild or moderate nausea and vomiting are considered physiological and normal. It is more common in young, obese pregnant women, those who have had their first pregnancy, who have nausea while using birth control pills, who have excessive nausea in their previous pregnancies or who have a history of nausea and vomiting in their mother. Low levels of prolactin and high levels of estrogen increase nausea even if there is no vomiting. Usually 4-8 of pregnancy. weeks, 14-16. week ends. It has no negative effect on the baby's development. Especially seen in the morning. It is therefore referred to as morning morning sickness..
Sometimes the smell of a food or an item can trigger vomiting. To avoid this, it may be advisable to be in a well-ventilated, odorless environment, and to take frequent and small amounts of dry food. To prevent vomiting in the morning, it will be effective to get up after defeating a cracker on the bedside. It may be useful to consult with a doctor if necessary to use anti-nausea drugs.

In severe cases such as weight loss (loss of more than 5% of body weight), fluid-electrolyte loss or acidosis, when oral food intake is not possible, hospitalization and intravenous fluid treatment are required. In such cases, differential diagnosis of gastroenteritis, gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis), pancreatitis, pyelonephritis, liver diseases, hepatitis and thyroid diseases should be made.

Excessive Sweating

Sweating in the body during pregnancy and secretion of sebaceous glands increases. In pregnant women, there is an increase in blood volume and basal metabolic rate. The minute volume of the heart (Cardiac Output) increases by 30-50% with advancing gestational week and reaches its highest level at 28-32 gestational week. Since increased blood volume causes heat increase, the increase in sweat secretion is activated as a protection mechanism. Sweating is the method of cooling the body. Wearing thin and light clothes, taking a warm shower and using antiperspirant deodorant can be mentioned as a cure.


In pregnancy, the nasal mucosa becomes edematous with the effect of increasing estrogen hormone and mucus secretion increases. Excessive mucus secretion in the nose causes obstruction and may force the pregnant woman to breathe by mouth. Although polyps may form in the nasal mucosa or sinuses in some pregnant women, they usually regress after birth.

Drinking more water, especially before bedtime saline, or saline lavage in the nostrils with saline, lie in the left side position and with a high pillow, it is useful to operate a humidifier in the room when necessary.

Anger and Crying Bouts, Forgetfulness

Pregnancy and birth are important turning points in woman's life. Pregnancy itself is a stress factor in itself, a process of questioning and uncertainty for the mother. It is inevitable that higher levels of anxiety are inevitable especially in pregnant women who have had problems in their previous pregnancy or whose previous pregnancy has resulted negatively.

As the birth approaches, concerns about how the birth will be, whether the child will be healthy or not, whether maternal roles and functions after birth can be carried out adequately are also common. However, in some pregnant women, these reactions may be high enough to disrupt compliance. In addition, the rapid development of the mother's body can cause great anxiety, which may be manifested by discontent, impatience, mood changes, crying and anger attacks. This type of reaction is more common especially in pregnant women with severe nausea and vomiting. This is a temporary process and can be easily solved with the support of the family and the spouse. In case of unresolved cases, it will be appropriate to get professional support.

With the effect of progesterone, especially in the first three months of continuous desire to sleep, thoughtfulness, is manifested by forgetfulness. In order not to cause problems in daily life, taking small notes will provide convenience.

Easy@Home Pregnancy Test Strips Kit, Powered by Premom Ovulation Predictor iOS and Android APP, 20 HCG Tests