Friday, October 25, 2019

Claritin Children's Allergy Non-Drowsy Syrup, Grape, 8 oz

What are the symptoms of allergic asthma? How is asthma and allergy treated?

Claritin Children's Allergy Non-Drowsy Syrup, Grape, 8 oz

Allergic asthma is a chronic inflammatory reaction of the body and airways to various microbial agents or toxins. It is the inflammatory reaction of your airways and the associated hypersensitivity of the bronchi. It causes wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and coughing attacks, especially at midnight or morning. These attacks are usually associated with varying degrees of airway obstruction (obstruction or obstruction) and often resolve with treatment or spontaneously. Allergic asthma is a disease that can be controlled with proper treatment. The best clinical indication that asthma is under control is a small number of exacerbations or attacks. If you have a stubborn cough, you hear a wheeze while breathing out; you should read this article.

What is allergic asthma?
Asthma is a serious public health problem that is estimated to affect approximately 300 million people worldwide. It is seen in 5-7 out of every 100 adults and 13-15 out of 100 children in our country. It is a chronic (chronic) disease that can affect individuals of any age, can be controlled with the right treatment and, if not controlled, can severely restrict daily activities.

Asthma is a disease that manifests itself by narrowing of the airways and attacks (crises). Patients feel good between attacks. In asthma there is a side inflammation of the airways being microbial. Therefore, the airway wall is swollen and edematous. This causes the lungs to be hypersensitive to stimuli. Stimulants such as dust, smoke, odor and cough, shortness of breath and chest pressure can occur.

What is allergic asthma? Why? Treatment and recommendations to patients

In crisis, muscles surrounding the airways contract, edema and swelling increase, along with progressive inflammation, the airway wall thickens. A viscous mucus (excretion-sputum) is released from the glands in the airways. All this significantly reduces the airways and
the lungs are prevented from entering and leaving. This situation is manifested by increased cough, shortness of breath, wheezing and wheezing.

Symptoms of allergic asthma
Clogging the chest,
Cough (usually dry and stubborn),
Shortness of breath,
Feeling pressure in the chest and
Wheezing - wheezing
Chest obstruction, cough, wheezing are common symptoms. Sometimes it can only give a stubborn cough or a wheezing sound while breathing. You may be suffering from asthma if these symptoms are to wake you up at night, especially in the morning.

Any or several of these symptoms may coexist. These symptoms are not only specific to asthma, but may also occur in other diseases. However, they are important for asthma when combined with the following features:

Characteristics of symptoms;

They are repetitive and come in seizures,
They usually appear at night or in the morning,
They recover spontaneously or with medications,
They may change seasonally.
Depending on the individual and the situation, various factors may cause symptoms to occur.

Symptoms of allergic asthma in children
Every flu in the child is very severe and has a cough that lasts more than 2 weeks
If breathing jams occur
If you cough too often
Especially when running, coughing, chest tightening or wheezing
Coughing in the morning
If the cough begins 1-2 hours after falling asleep
If he wakes up from sleep due to cough
If these symptoms recur, the child should be examined for asthma. The risk of asthma is very high, especially if the child has allergic diseases such as asthma, eczema and allergic flu in his parents, siblings or close relatives.

Is every child coughing asthma?
It's wrong to diagnose asthma in every coughing child. The diagnosis of asthma should be made by specialist physicians. The diagnosis of asthma should be established by the so-called “pediatric allergy specialist uzmanlık, also known as“ pediatric immunology and allergy diseases specialists bir, which is also a specialty in asthma in children. If the diagnosis is made correctly, it can be treated with minimal treatment and minimal medication without harming the child. Otherwise, we give the child many unnecessary medications because he looks like asthma.

Causes of allergic asthma
The factors that play a role in the emergence of asthma are called risk factors. It can be explained by these risk factors why asthma occurs in some people and not in others. Having the following risk factors increases the likelihood of asthma.

Personal factors
Genetics: There is enough data to suggest that asthma is a genetic disease. If one of the parents has asthma, the risk of asthma in the child increases to 20-30%, and if both parents have asthma, this risk increases to 60-70%. Many genes are thought to play a role in the causes of asthma.

Obesity: Obesity has also been found to be a risk factor for asthma. Certain hormones, such as leptin, may affect airway function and increase the tendency to asthma.

Gender: Male gender is an important risk factor for childhood asthma. In the period before the age of 14, the frequency of asthma was found to be approximately 2 times that of boys. As the age progresses, this difference closes and asthma becomes more common in women when it comes to the adult period.

Environmental factors
Environmental factors that play a role in the development of asthma also lead to an increase in the symptoms of the disease. On the other hand, air pollution and some allergens cause asthma symptoms, but their role in the development of asthma is not clear enough.

Allergens: Although it is well known that allergens indoors and outdoors cause asthma exacerbations, their role in asthma development has not been fully elucidated. Scientific studies suggest that house dust mite allergens and cat and dog hair are risk factors for asthma-like symptoms up to 3 years of age. The relationship between allergen contact and sensitization in children is thought to be related to allergen, dose, period of exposure, age of the child and possibly genetic factors.

Cockroaches have been shown to be an important cause of allergic reactions. Some studies investigating the role of cats and dogs have shown that early exposure to these allergens may be protective against allergic sensitization and asthma development, while other studies have suggested that such exposure may increase the risk of allergic sensitization. However, the prevalence of asthma in rural children was generally low. This is explained by the hygiene hypothesis.

Infections: In infancy, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and parainfluenza virus can cause bronchial diseases and the symptoms may mimic the symptoms of childhood asthma. Scientific studies have shown that approximately 40% of children with RSV virus will continue to wheeze in the long term or will have asthma in advanced childhood.

The “hygiene hypothesis Ast in asthma suggests that exposure to infections in early childhood can strengthen the child's immune system against asthma and reduce the risk of asthma and other allergic diseases. While the accuracy of this hypothesis continues to be explored, this approach may help explain how family size, birth sequencing, and attendance reduce the risk of asthma.

What to do to strengthen the immune system, how to feed?

For example, the risk of infection increases in children who grow up with older siblings or attend nursery, which may be protective against the risk of developing allergic diseases and asthma in the future. On the other hand, the relationship between allergic status and infections due to viruses is quite complex. The allergic state affects the response of the lower respiratory tract to viral infections, which then contribute to the formation of allergic sensitization. This interaction occurs when individuals are exposed to allergens and viral infections simultaneously.

Allergic asthma treatment

The aim of asthma treatment is to eliminate the narrowing of the airways due to non-microbial inflammation and to allow the patient to breathe comfortably. Co-operation between the physician and the patient / family is often achieved through complete control of symptoms (clinical control).

What are the expectations from the treatment?
The goals of successful asthma treatment should be:

To control and maintain symptoms,
Maintain normal activity level including exercise,
To keep lung functions as close to normal as possible,
Prevent asthma attacks,
Prevent the unwanted effects of asthma medications.
In order to achieve these goals;

Improving patient / physician cooperation,
Identification and reduction of exposure to triggering factors,
Good evaluation and treatment of asthma, coexisting diseases and treatment, medical treatment should be well monitored
Drug therapy in allergic asthma
Drugs used in asthma treatment are divided into two as controlling and relieving (relieving symptoms). Controlling medications are often used daily and for a long time to keep asthma under control thanks to their anti-inflammatory effects. Relaxing is a medication that quickly acts to restore bronchoconstriction (narrowing of the bronchial lumen), relieve symptoms, and when necessary.

Asthma treatment can be administered by inhalation, orally or parenterally. The main advantage of inhaled therapy is that it allows drugs to be delivered directly to the airways with a low risk of systemic side effects and enables higher local concentrations (intensity) in these areas.

Inhaled steroids are the most effective controlling drugs available today. Rapid-acting inhaled beta2-agonists are the drugs of choice to relieve bronchoconstriction and to prevent exercise-induced bronchoconstriction.

What triggers allergic asthma?
House dust mites → Mites are small insects that live in house dust and are invisible to the eye. They live in humid, dark and warm environments; people feed on skin rashes. Feces are mainly allergen. These fecal particles adhere to various articles and are constantly dispersed in the air. Most include bedding, duvets, pillows, carpets, fabric-covered furniture and furry toys.

Allergic asthma
Ventilation should be increased, humidity should be prevented (humidity should fall below 40%)
Leather, wood or plastic should be preferred instead of fabric upholstered articles
Mask can be used when doing housework
Cleaning with a strong vacuum cleaner at least once a week
Carpet should not be used especially in the bedroom
Hairy and stuffed toys should be removed
Bed linen should be washed at least once a week and above 60C
attacks, duvets and pillows can be covered with special covers
Pollen → Pollen propagation period for each plant is also different according to climate. Tree pollen usually occurs in February - March, grass pollen from April to mid-July, and weed pollen occurs in late summer and autumn. It is not possible to avoid pollen completely, but exposure can be reduced.

How to Protect?

One should avoid outdoor activities as much as possible during the propagation of pollen, in which he is allergic.
Pollen filter air conditioners are useful for cars
Wear masks and goggles outside during periods of high pollen emission
Doors and windows should be kept closed during periods of intense pollen spread
When it comes to the house from outside, shower and clothes should be changed.
Fungus spores → Ideally they live in temperatures of 20 ° C and 60% humidity. Mushroom growth in one place is called mold. The places they produce the most are basements, dark and poorly ventilated places, window sills, bathroom curtains, cellar, truncheon, barn, field, gardens, leaky wall corners, wallpapers, pots of house plants. Molded density is higher in houses with stoves.

How to Protect?

Reduce the humidity of the house
If possible, all rooms of the house should be heated in winter and the laundry should not be dried in the house.
Discard old carpets, beds, furniture and musty smelling material
There should not be too many potted plants
Mold around the aquarium and bird cages
Water leaks should be repaired
Moldy surfaces should be cleaned with bleach, but this patient should not be made
Animal hair and rash → All hairy animals can cause allergies. Allergens are found in the urine and saliva of animals and adhere to the hair. There is no relationship between the amount and length of hair growth and the level of allergies. There are no significant differences between different species within the same animal genus. For example, if one type of cat allergy is expected to be for another species. Allergy development in susceptible people takes 6–12 months and can last for months after the animal is removed

How to Protect?

If you have an allergic person at home, it is best not to take that animal home
In cases where the animal cannot be sent from home, it is recommended to wash frequently, not to enter the bedroom, and to reduce carpet and fabric covered furniture at home.
Cat and dog allergens should be changed after contact since they can be carried with clothes
No method is as effective as the removal of the animal.
Cockroaches → This is an important problem especially in public housing in cities.

How to Protect?

Under-door gaps, cracks, and perimeter pipelines that may be access points should be reviewed and repaired. Without this action, other measures are not effective.
They can be destroyed by special chemicals, but the patient should not be there.
All mitigation measures in the house and apartment (no open food, no trash, etc.) should be taken.
Air Pollution: Irritants in the air in the home make asthma patients more uncomfortable than normal individuals and facilitate the appearance of asthma symptoms. Cigarette, gas stove and gas heaters, wood stove and fireplace, furniture insulation materials, radon gas leaking from the foundations of buildings can be counted among these irritants.

To prevent air pollution in the domestic environment;

Never smoke in homes,
Paint-varnish-cleaning materials should be applied carefully and then the environment should be well ventilated
Chimney cleaning of the stoves should be paid attention and stoves without flue (gas oil, butane insecticide and gas etc.) should not be used.

Infections: Upper respiratory tract infections in asthmatic patients often cause asthma symptoms. Sensitivity in the airways increases for 2-6 weeks after infections; during this period asthma symptoms may appear or increase.

Therefore, crowded places should be avoided in winter due to the increased risk of transmission of infectious diseases. Every year, in September or October, the flu vaccine should be given once. This is especially important for patients with moderate to severe asthma. Antibiotics should not be used unless deemed necessary by the doctor.

Occupational factors: Metal and wood dust, plant-animal and chemical substances and irritants exposed in workplaces may cause asthma. The symptoms of asthma due to occupational factors are decreased in the weekends and holidays, and when symptoms start again.

Especially in smokers, this situation develops more easily and progresses more severely. People with occupational asthma may need to move away from the workplace; if this cannot be achieved, there must be an effective ventilation system in the workplace, appropriate masks should be used, and persons with known asthma should not be employed in risky jobs (carpentry, painting, hairdressing, bakery, etc.).

Drugs: Drugs play an important role in approximately 10% of asthmatics. Various medications can cause not only coughing but also asthma attacks. For this reason, when the doctor is consulted for any reason, the person should definitely declare that he has asthma. Medications given by another physician should be shown to the physician who regulates and monitors asthma treatment. Random medication should not be taken without consulting a physician.

The main drug groups that pose a risk for the use of asthmatic patients are: high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, heart rhythm disorders, migraine, some drugs used for eye pressure; anesthetic agents used in surgery, aspirin and similar painkillers and rheumatism drugs, drugs used during x-ray examination.

Nutrients and nutritional supplements: In adults, nutrients are more rare to trigger asthma. In allergic individuals, allergenic nutrients (fish, shellfish, nuts, eggs, milk, bananas, etc.) may cause other allergic symptoms as well as trigger asthma attacks.

In extremely sensitive individuals, even the smell of nutrients can stimulate asthma attacks. In addition, additives that are allowed to be added to the foods to give flavor, color or to prevent spoilage may lead to attacks in asthmatics, although they do not harm normal people at high doses.

Beverages prepared by fermentation such as dried and packaged fruit, fruit juices, beer, wine, pickles, brine, sausage, sausages, prepared salads, chips, processed prepared foods are the most important things to be careful about this. Soy products commonly used in Chinese cuisine can also increase asthma symptoms. If the individual is sensitive to any nutrient, he / she should not consume these nutrients.

You Know You Have Asthma. So, do you know the disease?
Cough is an allergic disease and is not lethal.
Asthma is the most common cause of persistent and morning cough.
The disease does not heal completely but can be fully controlled.
Treatment of asthma begins with education.
Treatment of asthma without cortisone is very difficult. Therefore, do not be afraid of cortisone treatment. Adequate and small doses, the necessary time, especially in the form of local inhalers steroids are so small that the side effects are not seen. Rinse your mouth with plenty of water after use, during this period, eat low-salt and have your blood pressure checked frequently.
It is also seen in children.
It may occur suddenly in adults.
Occult asthma can occur during pregnancy and after stress.
You can use any type of asthma medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Occult asthma can only be detected by a breathing function test.
If you have severe asthma, you may need oxygen for air travel.
Reflux often triggers asthma.
If your asthma recurs frequently, you should find out why.
If your asthma is under control, you can do all kinds of sports.

Resistant asthma may develop in those who use continuous and high doses of medication. This form, known as “difficult asthma, sahip has the most severe course.

Asthma is thought to affect approximately 300 million people worldwide. This figure is approximately 3.5 million people for our country.
Asthma is a costly disease for the patient or the community. However, the cost of not treating the disease is higher.

Asthma and Allergy Fellowship

When it comes to allergies, house dust (also known as mite or mite) and pollen are the most common causes of respiratory allergies. Foods, animal epithelium and feathers, mold fungi are less frequently caused by allergies. Pollen-induced asthma is more seasonal (spring), allergic asthma triggered by house dust can occur at any time.

Consequently, in some of the allergic asthmatics, symptoms may increase during certain seasons, even during this period the disease may develop and return to normal completely.

Allergy and asthma are commonly referred to as allergy is the basis of asthma. Both genetic predisposition and environmental factors play a role in the development of the disease. Since allergy is genetically inherited, asthma is among the diseases with inherited characteristics. If the parents have asthma in the family, the incidence increases in children.

In addition, contact with cigarette smoke, respiratory infections, air pollution, certain foods and additives added to them contribute to the development of asthma, especially in early childhood. However, if these factors are removed, some of the children with asthma in childhood can recover completely when they reach adulthood.

The airways of an asthmatic person are more sensitive than those without asthma. This is more pronounced for asthma, especially in childhood. It is the first diagnosis that comes to mind in long-term coughs. Such cases are more easily diagnosed by allergy and pulmonary function tests. This condition called allergic bronchitis or occult asthma is a precursor of asthma in the future.

If you don't want your asthma triggered…
Trigger factors (various heart-blood pressure and rheumatism medications, salt spirit-bleach, alcohol, psychogenic stresses, intense emotional behavior such as crying-laughing, variables such as heavy exercise, substances such as drugs, unfortunately, cause less known but fatal crises detectors and stay away from them.
Sinusitis, polyps in the nose, if you have diseases such as reflux do not interrupt your treatment.
If you have severe asthma, learn how to behave in a crisis.
Take your medicine with you.
Do not neglect your regular checks and treatments.
A simple cold can start asthma!
Due to the highly variable weather conditions in the autumn, an increase in microbial bronchitis, flu and influenza infections occurs. Some viruses, especially in asthmatic patients, are known to cause attacks or worsening of the disease. Sometimes a simple cold or infection can trigger a serious asthma.

Stubborn cough and recurrent sneezing…
Some allergens are present all year round and may cause allergies at any time of the year. Examples include house mites, pets, food allergies. Some allergens appear in certain seasons and cause diseases.

In general, pollen from trees, grass and grasses are known to occur in the spring and trigger asthma, but allergies caused by some plants and animals may also be effective in the autumn season.

For example, weeds and mushrooms and fungi that love the humid environment are in this group. On the other hand, due to the variable weather conditions in autumn, there is an increase in microbial bronchitis, flu and influenza infections. In particular, some viruses are known to cause attacks or worsening of the disease in asthmatic patients.

Thus, a simple cold or infection may initiate a serious picture of asthma. Therefore, it should be kept in mind that complaints such as persistent cough, wheezing, recurrent sneezing, runny nose or congestion during autumn may be related to allergic causes.

Polluted air and cigarette smoke also trigger
The cause of asthma may not always be allergies. However, both allergic asthma and non-allergic asthma viruses, bacteria, dirty air, cigarette smoke, exercise, sudden changes in temperature, sharp odors can cause the disease to attack. It is not difficult to predict that these factors will occur more frequently in autumn. Therefore, it is very important to know that allergic and non-allergic causes triggering asthma in autumn season is smooth.

What should be considered in children with asthma?
Once the asthmatic children are correctly diagnosed, they are no different from normal children with successful treatment. There is no harm in doing sports as well as sport benefits. They just need to know how to exercise and what kind of measures to take. Children with asthma sweating in the house should not be bad in case.

What should children with asthma be protected from?
It is sufficient to protect against allergens with allergies. For example; Children who are allergic to house dust mites should take precautions against mites. If you are allergic to pollen, it should be protected from pollen. In addition, no smoking should be used with them and perfumes with sharp odor should not be used. Operation of steam engines at home can be harmful.

Meadow and grass
The most typical spring allergy is seen as “allergic rhinitis yani, ie halk hay fever arasında among the people. Half of children with allergic fever are accompanied by symptoms of erjik allergic eye fever” (allergic conjunctivitis). In some children, these allergens may also lead to asthma symptoms or allergic reactions to the skin.

In our country, meadow-grass, flowerless tree and herbaceous plants, including the pollen of 3 main plants cause allergic reactions in children with allergic structure. The most common of these is meadow-grass pollen, which evokes an allergic response.

What is allergic rhinitis (hay fever)? Symptoms and treatment

Tree pollen in spring; meadow-grass pollen during spring and summer; grass pollen occurs in the autumn, but if the child is more than one pollen susceptibility to complaints may prolong the duration.

If the treatment is late, the allergy can turn into asthma
If a doctor is not consulted, is not sufficiently protected from allergens, regular medication is not applied and smoking next to the child, negative consequences may occur. Sensitivity that starts in the upper respiratory tract may progress to the lower respiratory tract and become asthma.

In addition, the incidence of sinusitis, which is already increased in allergic structure, nasal flesh growth, accumulation of fluid in the ear are more common.

If these symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks, beware!
The following symptoms typically recur in episodes and last for more than 2 weeks and may be a precursor to spring allergy.

Long-term transparent runny nose,
Nasal congestion,
Itching of the nose, lips, throat and palate,
The formation of a horizontal line called erjik allergic salute iyle by the continuous pushing of the nose due to itching,
Postnasal drip,
Sneezing bouts,
Facial pressure or pain,
Itching of the eyes, transparent watering, redness
Swelling and bluish-purple discoloration in custody
Cough, shortness of breath, wheezing (asthma symptoms)
Impairment of sleep quality.
Do not discontinue medication when your child's symptoms are over
Seasonal allergy treatment is 3-legged. The most basic approach in the treatment of allergy is to stop contact with the sensitive allergen. The second is medication recommended by your doctor. The third leg is desensitization with vaccine. Unfortunately, the treatment cannot completely eliminate the allergic body.

Therefore, the main goal of treatment is to control the disease. The children heal rapidly with the treatment and the frequency and severity of the complaints decrease. However, be sure to use the medications that your doctor recommends to your child during the pollen season, but not for a short time, but at the appropriate time and dosage. It only provides a short-term solution when you stop complaining.

To protect against allergens during the pollen season…
If possible, do not take your child out between 05: 00-10: 00, when the pollens are most intense. Be especially careful not to be in green areas. Ventilate your home outside these hours.
When you go out, you can use a pollen mask that covers your mouth and nose, and you can use sunglasses that cover the eyes.
A thin layer applied to the outside of the nose and around the eyes may cause the petroleum jelly to stick to the pollen and reduce the entry into the body.
Do not dry your laundry outside this season.
Have your child take a shower and change his clothes when he enters the house. Make sure that the clothes she takes off do not remain in the bedroom. If it is not possible to take a shower at this time, it would be beneficial to wash the mouth and nose.
Moisten your home as warm-dry home air will increase your complaints.
Avoid feeding hairy animals and plants in your home.
Make sure that the quilt and blanket are cotton and synthetic instead of wool and wash the bedding at 50-60 C per week.
Sweep your house frequently, wipe, dust.
Never smoke inside the house.
Frequent cleansing of the nose with saline (saline ocean water) can alleviate the symptoms.

Claritin Children's Allergy Non-Drowsy Syrup, Grape, 8 oz