Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Basic Care Stool Softener, Docusate Sodium, 100 Count, 100 mg

What good is constipation? How does constipation go? What are the natural constipation solutions?

Basic Care Stool Softener, Docusate Sodium, 100 Count, 100 mg

Constipation is a condition that people of all ages can live with. Constipation, which cannot meet the daily needs of man, can cause other problems. There are many causes of constipation. However, the natural methods you can do at home, some medicines and some nutrients recommended by doctors are good for constipation and can help relieve constipation. In our article, we have examined the causes of constipation, natural remedies that are good for constipation and help pass constipation.

Constipation is the most common and non-age related disorder among the digestive problems. Constipation causes the question with what constipation is good and how constipation passes questions so the search rates are high. In fact, constipation may be the reason why you cannot weaken even if you are on a regimen. It is possible to produce natural solutions in your home with foods that are good for constipation. At the same time, your doctor will answer your question about how constipation passes with medications recommended by you. We examined the causes of constipation, nutrients that are good for constipation and natural constipation remedies on our page one by one.

Constipation, insufficient bowel movements (three times a week or less), or difficulty defecating in more than 25% of bowel movements are called constipation. There are many causes of constipation, which can be seen in 20% to 30% of the general population.

The causes of constipation depend more on the diet. Constipation problems, insufficient fluid consumption, pulp foods are not eaten, not enough exercise or long-term lean diets can occur in cases of frequent diets. In particular, fluid intake is important for body health. Decrease in body water by 10 percent can cause many problems such as constipation.

Among the causes of constipation; bowel cancer, excessive consumption of milk, restless bowel syndrome, pregnancy, consumption of refined sugar, excessive laxative use, hemorrhoids, stress, eating disorders.

Postponing the need for toilets is also one of the reasons for constipation. This causes the bowel movements to be reversed. When the feces remain in the large intestine for a long time, the amount of water decreases and solidifies, causing it not to pass through the rectum. Therefore, as long as possible to go to the toilet should not be postponed.

If constipation lasts long, it may be caused by serious discomfort. Seeing a doctor for constipation, which is listed among the symptoms of diseases such as colon and rectal cancers, will also help in early diagnosis.

What are the symptoms of constipation?
Knowing the symptoms of constipation helps us get rid of this condition that disturbs and reduces our quality of life. Stiffness during defecation, toilets less than usual, bloating and nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, gas, abdominal cramps, stools in the form of hard and lumps are symptoms of constipation. In these cases, it will be the healthiest move to see a physician.

Constipation, natural methods you can prepare at home is a discomfort that can pass. It is also necessary to stay away from things that can cause constipation. Increasing fiber foods, habit of drinking water and exercising can even prevent constipation. The following foods prevent us from gaining immunity due to over consumption and seeing the benefits we want. Excessive consumption can also cause constipation.

Nutrition experts, the best solution against constipation is to eat dry fruit, stating that should be done against constipation as follows:

1) Drink plenty of water and herbal tea. Water is a very important component for the body. Especially water that helps digestion should be drunk at least 6-8 glasses a day. Thus, bowel movements are accelerated and help relieve constipation.

2) Stop constipation with the palm formula. For this, you put half a bowl of paste into the pastry after you mix it with milk every night before bed to drink your constipation would be good. Persimmon will help reduce constipation as it is a fibrous food.

3) In the morning after eating a few dried prunes, dried figs and dried apricots on an empty stomach, if you drink warm water on it, your bowel movements will accelerate. Or drinking apricots and plum plums left in a glass of water from the night on an empty stomach in the morning will help to eliminate constipation.

4) Vegetables are also good for constipation because they contain high amounts of fiber. Therefore, consumption of carrots, celery and radish, arugula, cabbage, spinach, parsley, dill and lettuce will help to eliminate constipation.

5) Do not forget the group of cereals and legumes as foods that will be considered as good for constipation.

6) Increase fruit consumption. Fruits help eliminate constipation due to the high fiber content. Regularly consumed fruit also helps to prevent constipation. For example, fruits such as apples, oranges, apricots, strawberries, dates, pears are good for constipation.

7) Probiotic yogurts are good for constipation due to their intestinal activity. Yogurt revitalizes intestinal work and helps to regulate. It also destroys harmful intestinal fungi and bacteria.

8) You can consume flax seed in your salads or yoghurt to make your constipation pass. Flaxseed prevents the development of irritable bowel syndrome that may occur with this condition together with the relief of constipation.

9) Consume nuts, walnuts and almonds to pass your constipation. At the same time, drinking 2 glasses of almond oil with milk is effective in relieving constipation.

10) Castor oil helps to eliminate constipation because it regulates large bowel movements, shows laxative effect and prevents water absorption in small intestines.

11) Figs, because it contains fiber content helps in digestion and collected in the intestine and constipation causing feces, makes it easier to pass to the excretory system.


1) Herbal tea formula for constipation of Taylan Kmeli

Boil a handful of parsley, a handful of cherry stalk, three sachets of green tea, three apricots and one lemon in five glasses of water. Drink this tea intermittently from morning to evening.

2) Constipation remedies from Ender Saraç

• Dried apricots and dried plum plum in a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach in the morning for this juice. After drinking the juice, eat apricots and plums. Repeat this every morning.

• Beat the flax seeds in the mortar a little in the mornings and mix them with low-fat yogurt.

• Put one kilo of barley in the water in the evening and cover it until morning. Boil in the morning and cook by adding two pieces of pumpkin, a little leek, spinach, celery stalk, a tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of salt. You prepare this soup on an empty stomach in the morning.

• Beat the two yolks well in the cake cup. Add cinnamon into a cup of oil, whisk in a separate bowl and fold into the egg. Add 50 gr of low ground flax seeds, 50 gr of oatmeal, some plum plum, 1-1.5 coffee cups sugar, whole wheat flour and get a normal cake dough. Cook the dough at 150-160 degrees. Do not eat more than two thin slices of cake.

3) Citrus leaf cure recommended by İbrahim Saraçoğlu for severe constipation:

The ingredients for this cure are 6 citrus leaves and 1 cup of water. All you have to do is add 6-7 orange leaves in a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. After boiling, take it from the stove and let it warm.

Drink this mixture at least 1 hour before breakfast. Finish this cure once for 4 days, at the end of day 4.

4) Recipe that is good for constipation

One dried fig, 2 dried apricots and 2 prunes are finely chopped and boiled in 1.5 tea glasses of water. 1 teaspoon of flax seed and 1 teaspoon of olive oil are added and mixed. You can divide this mixture into three and consume 2 glasses of water each morning.

Basic Care Stool Softener, Docusate Sodium, 100 Count, 100 mg