Friday, October 25, 2019

Zyrtec 24 Hour Allergy Relief Tablets, 10 mg Cetirizine HCl Antihistamine Allergy Medicine, 45 ct

Allergy Symptoms Types Test and Treatment

Zyrtec 24 Hour Allergy Relief Tablets, 10 mg Cetirizine HCl Antihistamine Allergy Medicine, 45 ct

Allergy Questions
The human body is very sensitive and can react immediately to its environment. It sometimes reflects these reactions spiritually and sometimes it expresses them physically. Spiritual reactions are often reflected in tension and happiness. If it is to react with the body in question, this situation sometimes occurs with various diseases.

When you want to establish a healthy communication with your body, you should listen to it. As soon as you feel uncomfortable with the food you eat, you should take a break. When you are overwhelmed by your environment, you should support your body's relief by moving away from that environment. One of the most common symptoms of allergies and itching in your body. We have prepared for you the allergy disturbance that annoys the person in every season. All your questions are answered here.

You can see the ones who live their eyes when they go to the sun, those who have sneezing crises, those who have itchy when they touch cotton products and who have complaints in many ways. What to do in case of allergy and every detail you wonder is explained for you in this article.

What is Allergy?
In the most understandable form; allergy is the reaction of the person's immune system to the surrounding foreign substances. These foreign substances are conditions that the immune system cannot accept. These conditions are sometimes weather conditions and sometimes nutrients. In our country, the allergy season is known as spring. It is more common during this time due to airborne pollen and small dust flying.

As soon as your sensitive immune system comes into contact with foreign matter, a reaction occurs in your body. Your body responds to various discomforts. Tear, redness, itching, vomiting, coughing, fainting and changes in the skin are examples of this.

What are Allergy Types?
Allergies can occur in people in different ways and with different consequences. The most common allergy names and characteristics can be categorized as follows:

Allergic Rhinitis: It is the name of medicine in the eyes and nose when spring comes. It is popularly known as hay fever or summer flu. Affected by airborne dust, the body will react with nasal congestion, cough, itching, and spills.
Allergic Asthma: Genetically susceptible to allergies in the body is a species. Highly sensitive to dust and odors. Reactions such as shortness of breath, dry cough and chest tightness are seen in people who have this condition.
Allergic conjunctivitis: There is a membrane that surrounds the white part of the eye. The name of this membrane is conjunctiva. The membrane's response to allergens causes this condition. Watering and burning is the most prominent feature in the eye.
Urticaria: This type of allergy is usually seen in the skin. Cow milk, nuts, tomatoes, various medicines, pollen, house dust and insect bites cause this condition. Allergy introduces itself with itching and redness.
Food Allergy: Some people's reactions to protein in some foods. When this happens, it is seen as nausea, dizziness and diarrhea.
Atopic Dermatitis: An allergic reaction in children. It is known as child eczema. It can occur at 6 months of age and is likely to occur until 2 years of age. Allergic rhinitis may develop if not treated early.
Bee Sting: This allergy in bee sting situations can have dangerous consequences. Suddenly redness and swelling occur in the area stung by the bee. Risk of death if not immediately intervened. People with allergies also experience fainting in case of bee stings.
Anaphylaxis: An allergy with the most dangerous and fatal consequences. Difficulties in breathing and loss of consciousness are seen. Symptoms may occur immediately after a few hours. After treatment, the patient is given cortisone drugs.

Allergy Causes
Almost 30% of people today have allergic reactions. The question mi Is allergic genetics? Dür suggests people. It should be noted that environmental factors can cause allergies, as well as genetic factors. It will be clear from the mother whether a baby is allergic. If the mother is very sensitive to environmental factors, this can also be passed on to the baby.

Antibodies in the body serve to protect the person from harmful substances. Sometimes they try to remove non-harmful substances from the body. This occurs as an allergy. The state of the immune system's immediate removal of harmful substances from the body is known as allergies.

allergy cough
Allergy Symptom: How to Understand Allergy?
Redness, itching, vomiting, dizziness and diarrhea in the body after food intake are included in the list of allergy symptoms.
Itching, sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath and tears appearing in the body after some time in open and dusty weather are among the reasons. If a person starts coughing from pollen and dust in the spring, an allergy diagnosis can be made.
If the same reactions are repeated after a food, you can say that you are allergic to the food.
Seasonal allergy may trigger further coughing. This can be alleviated by the necessary medicines.
allergy test

Allergy Test How?
Allergy tests are performed in hospital conditions for healthy and permanent solutions. The person's immune system is examined by skin and blood tests. Skin tests can be performed in a shorter period of time, while blood tests may take a little longer. 3 types of tests are commonly applied:

Prick Test: A solution of allergen substances is applied to the skin drawn with this test. If skin rash occurs during the waiting period, the diagnosis of allergy is seen.
Patch Test: It is used in the diagnosis of eczema-causing allergies. A tape containing chemical substances is prepared. This band waits for 24 hours on the patient's back. The tape is then removed and the reddening sites are examined to determine which substances have an allergic reaction.
Blood Test: Blood is taken from the person suspected of allergies. IgE antibody in the blood is measured. The amount of this antibody is more intense in people with allergies.
allergy treatment

Allergy Treatment How?
Allergy treatment starts with the simplest method. The patient will stop contact with allergy-causing foods. Bitter, sour, fibrous or raw foods may cause allergies in some people.
For short-term reactions, the allergy cream recommended by the doctor for redness and itching is applied to the skin. If the symptoms do not go away after the cream, going to the hospital will be the most appropriate allergy remedy.
The best response to treatment will be the allergy vaccine. The patient is given low doses of the allergen substance. Gradually the dose of this substance increases. When the vaccination period ends, the person's sensitivity disappears and no allergies are seen. Vaccine treatment may continue for up to 12 months, depending on the patient's resistance.
For seasonal allergies in children, allergy syrups are administered by a doctor.
In case of any allergy, your doctor will start treatment with allergy medication at the first visit to the doctor. If the drugs are not effective after a certain period of time, either a dose change or vaccination is administered. Drugs are used to minimize the effects of allergies on you.
People with allergic asthma experience shortness of breath. Allergy sprays are given to prevent this and to make the patient feel better. Doctors recommend sprays according to the patient's characteristics.

Allergy Doctor: Which Allergy Section?
Every disease in humans can be prevented by early diagnosis and brings healthy days. With early detection, allergy damage can be minimized and eliminated. This requires a little more attention in nutrition and outdoor activities.

Treatment of allergies that bothers you and threatens your health is available at the hospital and your doctor. No disease can be cured with ear-filled information. In order to take more informed steps, you should first make an appointment with the “Internal Medicine” department and have a blood test. Internal medicine will refer you to the ild Skin ”section if it deems appropriate. If there are hospitals with şehir Allergy and Immunology ”departments in your city, you should go and raise your complaints. When you start with a conscious and trained allergy specialist, you can get rid of these diseases more easily.

Zyrtec 24 Hour Allergy Relief Tablets, 10 mg Cetirizine HCl Antihistamine Allergy Medicine, 45 ct