Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Unimi Lavender Eye Pillow, Aromatherapy Eye Mask for Dry Eyes, Weighted Sleep Mask for Men & Women, Hot Therapy Eye Cover for Yoga, Headache, Puffy Eyes, Migraine Relief, Sinus Pain

Don't worry, it 'goes to sleep'; the only formula is to lie on the left

Unimi Lavender Eye Pillow, Aromatherapy Eye Mask for Dry Eyes, Weighted Sleep Mask for Men & Women, Hot Therapy Eye Cover for Yoga, Headache, Puffy Eyes, Migraine Relief, Sinus Pain

No matter how you sleep; According to experts sleep position determines the quality of sleep.

A good night's sleep is very important for one's energy during the day. In addition, the ability of a healthy sleep to perform the functions of organs, healing and helps to improve mood; makes you feel fit and dynamic during the day.
The best way to postpone thoughts and even many bad emotions is geçer asleep "and true… Everything goes asleep. The best way to get rid of stress and a lot of bad thoughts is to sleep. You shouldn't miss the point, it's important not to sleep much, but to sleep correctly Did you know that sleeping positions affect sleep quality and health?
If you don't have snoring, you can lie on your back.

If you don't have health problems like snoring and sleep apnea, lying on your back is a healthy position. In the supine position, your spine alignment is smooth and your neck is also comfortable. If you have sleep apnea and snoring, it is much better to lie on your left.

Prone sleep makes breathing difficult.
Although it feels good to lie on your stomach and chest, experts do not recommend. In this way, your spine cannot be aligned correctly, it puts pressure on your body and this causes muscle pain. Moreover, this way of sleeping, makes it difficult to breathe.

The right side causes stomach diseases.
Sleeping on the right side can cause digestive problems such as heartburn.

The left side is the ideal.
The form of hospitalization recommended by the experts is the left side; good for many health and digestive problems.

Experts, especially during pregnancy to sleep on the left side is recommended.
Lying on the left side is especially recommended for pregnant women; because this way more blood is pumped into the fetus and kidneys. Besides, in this position, the nutrients reach the placenta at the maximum rate and make the kidneys work better. Thus, mothers are more easily purified from toxins. When you lie on your left side, the swelling of your knees and hands will also decrease.

Facilitates the operation of the spleen
The spleen on the left side of the body works more easily with the effect of gravity when placed on the left side.

Supports the lymph system
Since the lymph system is on the left side of the body, sleeping on the left side better filters the lymph fluid and waste. Thus, the waste removal process proceeds much faster.

Freedom to the spleen and lymph nodes…
When you sleep to the left, the spleen and lymph glands perform their functions more comfortably; better working organs provide much more comfortable sleep.

Keep your heart, sleep on the left.
Sleeping on your left side will keep your heartbeat under control and keep your heart pumping rate regularly.

Support to the left dan
Sleeping on the left side allows the heart to pump blood more efficiently into the body, which means that the blood flows through the body more easily and fluently.

Freedom to the liver!
Since the liver is on the right side of the body, lying on the right side can crush it and put pressure on it. So it would be much better to lie on the left.

Get rid of stomach problems
If you often suffer from heartburn at night, sleeping on the left side will relax you.

Facilitates bowel regulation
The intersection of the small and large intestine is located on the left side of the body; again, gravity can be carried more easily from the large intestine to the small intestine.

Say goodbye to the toxins.
It is one of the effects of lying on the left side to make the toxins in the body easier to be removed. A non-toxic body, a peaceful sleep… Or you may have to sleep standing.

Sleep well, wake up vigorously.
A sleep that has slept unhealthy for many hours does not help you; The important thing is to sleep correctly. Otherwise you will have an alarm nightmare ringing in the morning.

Lie on your left, sleep soundly.
In a clean, oxygen-filled room, you turn to your left and sleep. Just like a baby, you can't wake up peacefully and vigorously.

It won't be easy to get used to.
We know that it is not easy to change your sleeping position habits that you have acquired at a young age; but it is worth trying.

We have little tips for you to get used to sleeping on your left.
If you put a dim light on your right side, you will involuntarily turn your back to the light while you sleep while you turn to the left.

You can put a pillow at the back of your back while you sleep and prevent you from turning around.
You can try changing your bed or your bed.

Your left side, your health.
In the meantime, while reading a book and watching movies, it is useful to lie on your left side.

Unimi Lavender Eye Pillow, Aromatherapy Eye Mask for Dry Eyes, Weighted Sleep Mask for Men & Women, Hot Therapy Eye Cover for Yoga, Headache, Puffy Eyes, Migraine Relief, Sinus Pain