Thursday, October 17, 2019

Tucks Medicated Cooling Pads 100 Pads Per Pack (Pack of 2)

What is hemorrhoids? How is hemorrhoids treated?

Tucks Medicated Cooling Pads 100 Pads Per Pack (Pack of 2)

Hemorrhoids, which are known as hemorrhoids, decrease our quality of life

What is Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids, also known as hemorrhoids, are caused by the dilation of the veins and submucosens.

One of the most common diseases in general surgery outpatient clinics stating that General Surgery Specialist Op Dr Muharrem Kuzkaya, in the examination of healthy people without any complaints in two of every three people said that hemorrhoids are detected.

Hemorrhoids are divided into two as internal and external. Of these, internal hemorrhoids usually do not cause much pain and itching. It only presents as intermittent rectal bleeding unless it is in very advanced stages. Op DrMuharrem Kuzkaya, advanced stages of the breech out of the breech and spontaneous or normal return with the finger said that the breasts can occur. He said that while external hemorrhoids usually manifests themselves with pain and burning.

1- External Hemorrhoids: They usually do not disturb the patient except the skin puffs. However, sometimes with enlarged veins, clot sitting can cause severe, thorn-like pain and subsequent swelling, redness. This condition is called thrombosiseksternalhemoroid.

2. Internal Hemorrhoids: Internal hemorrhoids are classified into four groups according to the stage of disease progression;

• Stage-I Internal Hemorrhoids: Clinic manifests itself only by bleeding. These bleeds can often be soiled or sometimes dripping during toilet or after major ablution.

• Stage-II Internal Hemorrhoids: During large ablutions, it is indicated by straining the breast outside the anus and bleeding. Bleeding is a bit more frequent and more frequent.

• Stage III Internal Hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids are now easily projected out of the anus and can only be pushed by a finger into the anus. They often get stuck outside, causing edema, swelling and pain. In this case, bleeding is also severe.

• Stage IV Internal Hemorrhoids: In this case, usually caused by constipations that have been going on for years, internal and external hemorrhoids hang out collectively from the rectum. The breasts are painless, wet and large. Often, a slimy discharge, complete ablution after great ablution, dirty underwear and sitting pain are among the complaints.

Clinic of Hemorrhoidal Disease

General Surgery Specialist Op Dr Muharrem Kuzkaya, Itching in the clinic, hand, breast, pain or bleeding complaints, said the doctor applied. Unfortunately hemorrhoidal disease tends to worsen gradually over the years; they will never be better and therefore need to be treated reliably, precisely and effectively as soon as they emerge.

In this benign disease, whose main symptom is bleeding, colonoscopic procedures should be performed before starting treatment, especially after 40 years of age. Hemorrhoidal disease should not be focused until cancer of the colon is ruled out. Colonoscopy should be performed in young patients to avoid inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulceratic colitis and crohn.

In cases where there is no serious bleeding complaint in hemorrhoidal diseases, first and second degree hemorrhoidal diseases may not be accepted as disease.

What can be done to prevent hemorrhoids?

• It should be fed with foods rich in fiber and fiber should be added to the diet if necessary.

• Strain should be avoided during defecation.

• Constipation should be protected.

• In addition, long-term coughing and heavy lifting should be eliminated as it may cause hemorrhoids.

• Alcohol, hot pepper and spicy foods should be avoided.

• Do not sit or stand still for long periods of time.

• Regular exercise should be done. You should walk 5 minutes per hour passing out of sleep per day. Prolonged sitting has to do with hemorrhoid formation.

• Drink enough water. Water, tea, coffee, such as drinks should not be met.

• If there is discomfort after the big ablution, a sitting bath should be done with warm water.

4- Infrared Photocoagulation:

It is a method of achieving minor tissue damage in the hemorrhoid cells with infrared rays. Infra-red light leads to tissue nagrosis. It is applied in early stage small hemorrhoids. May cause pain and bleeding.

5- Surgical Treatment: 3.4. Surgical treatment is applied in the degree of hemorrhoidal diseases.

Classical surgical treatment:

It is still one of the most common methods in the world. The aim is to remove all of the hemorrhoids (hemorrhoidectomy). Open and closed methods are applied. The probability of recurrence after hemorrhoidectomy is less than 5%.

Postoperative pain, bleeding, urinary retention and Treatment of Hemorrhoidal Disease

1st and 2nd degree hemorrhoids may not be considered as a disease in the absence of clinical complaints such as bleeding. Therefore, conservative, medical treatments and small interventions (sclerotherapy, rubber banding) can be performed in first and second degree hemorrhoids.

1- Medical treatment:

Drugs that relieve constipation are also recommended for medical treatment. Antiinflamatuartopical agents (cream, pomade), suppositories and tablets are used systemically. Medical treatment should not be expected to eliminate and completely recover hemorrhoids. This treatment is mostly applied to eliminate complaints.

2- Sclerotherapy:

A special solution is injected into the soft tissue around the internal hemorrhoids and the vessels are contracted. The injected substance will stick to the tissues under the mucosa. Thus, prolapse is prevented. It is an appropriate treatment option for first and second degree hemorrhoids. It may need to be repeated many times.

3- Rubber Band Ligation:

In this method applied to 2nd and 3rd degree hemorrhoids, a rubber band is passed to the base of the hemorrhoids with a special tool. The bound hemorrhoid tissue drops within three to five days and the bands must be placed on the toothed line that is insensitive to pain. No more than two bands should be applied in the first session. Therefore, a few sessions of treatment may be required at intervals of three to four weeks. Late complications of open hemorrhoid surgery include anal fissure, anal stenosis, anal incontinence and perianal fistula risk.

Longo staplerhemorrhoidopexy:

A new concept for pain, infection and late complications after open surgical hemorrhoid surgery It was implemented by AntonioLongo. The most important advantage of this new surgical technique is minimal postoperative pain and a relatively short healing process.

Indeed, in the third and fourth degree hemorrhoidal disease, the ligaments that normally support the anal mucosa firmly to the internalsphinus are enlarged and relaxed. Anal mucosa prolapses.This method uses a special disposable instrument called stapler. Approximately 2 cm of mucous membranes are cut with stapler. Thus, the hemorrhoid nozzles which are disrupted by feeding are extinguished and the nozzles disappear. It is usually applied under general anesthesia. The mean operation time was 20 minutes.

Advantages of longohemoroid surgery:

Less painful: 80 percent of patients require much less painkillers than the conventional surgical method. The patient makes his stool even the next day and does not feel pain. The patient makes his stool even the next day.

Prevent sagging from the rectum: As the hemorrhoids are pulled upwards, they all enter into the intestine.

Short operation time: The average operative time is approximately 15 minutes in the Longo method, which is 30 minutes in conventional methods.

Ensuring earlier return to work: Most patients can return to active life and work after 3-4 days.

Tucks Medicated Cooling Pads 100 Pads Per Pack (Pack of 2)