Monday, October 21, 2019

Squip Kyrosol-All Natural Ear Wax Removal Kit

How to Remove Earwax?

Squip Kyrosol-All Natural Ear Wax Removal Kit

Although earwax is a natural substance that protects the ear and ear canal, it sometimes accumulates and causes hearing difficulties and discomfort. Earwax can be removed from the ear, but be careful not to damage the sensitive areas of the ear. The purpose of this article is to help you remove earwax safely and effectively and to avoid more dangerous and inconvenient methods.

Before You Begin

First of all, make sure there's no ear infection. Cleaning earwax in the presence of ear infection can cause perforation of the eardrum. [1] (The odd thing is, earwax actually protects against infections.) If you have any of the following, apply any of the ear cleaning methods, especially ear irrigation (earwashing):
If you've had problems with earwashing in the past
If your eardrum has been pierced in the past year
A mucus-like fluid flows from your ear

If in doubt, go to the doctor. Drain or clean earwax from the ear canal may not seem like a risky procedure, but there is a risk of poor outcome if you don't know what to do. Don't risk it if your ear hurts. Instead, go to the doctor and ask him about the following procedures.

Salt Solution

In a glass, cup or saucepan, mix 1 teaspoon of salt and half a glass of warm water. Continue stirring until the salt dissolves.

Dip a piece of cotton into the salt solution.

Tilt your head so that your ear is facing the air. Your head must be tilted. If you do this while sitting, it will be easier to apply the salt solution.

Take the wet cotton and squeeze some salt water into your ear. A few drops is enough. Drowning the ear canal into the water.
Wait for the salt solution to pass between gravity and earwax.

Tilt your head in the other direction and wait for the brine to flow out.

Hydrogen peroxide

Mix equal amounts of water and hydrogen peroxide (3%) in a glass or cup. Some more powerful hydrogen peroxide solutions are also available (6% +), but these may not be sold over the counter. You use 3% or less.

Dip a piece of cotton into the peroxide solution.

If the ear suffers from the accumulation of wax, lay the head on its side with the ear facing the air. Your head must be tilted to the side. If you do this while sitting, it will be easier to apply the solution.

Take the wet cotton and squeeze some of the peroxide solution into your ear. A few drops is enough.
Wait for peroxide to go through gravity by earwax. You will feel tickling when blisters appear in your ear.

Tilt your head in the other direction and wait for the solution to flow out.
Vinegar and Alcohol

Mix equal amounts of white vinegar and toilet spirits (isopropyl alcohol) in a cup or mug. This mixture is particularly good for the swimmer's ear (external ear infection caused by the residual water trapped in the ear after swimming). [2] This is because alcohol helps evaporate water.

Dip a piece of cotton into vinegar solution.

If the ear suffers from the accumulation of wax, lay the head on its side with the ear facing the air. Your head must be tilted to the side. If you do this while sitting, it will be easier to apply the solution.

Take the wet cotton and squeeze some of the vinegar solution into your ear. A few drops is enough.
Wait for the vinegar to pass between gravity and earwax. Alcohol, when you touch the skin and dissolve you will feel a warmth.

Tilt your head in the other direction and wait for the remaining solution to flow out if necessary.

Baby Oil or Mineral Oil

Apply baby oil or mineral oil directly into the ears. Fill a dropper with as many drops as you want.

If the ear suffers from the accumulation of wax, lay the head on its side with the ear facing the air. Your head must be tilted to the side. If you do this while sitting, it will be easier to apply the solution.

Drop two to five drops of oil into your ear.

Place a piece of cotton into your ear to prevent the oil from flowing back out. Let the oil penetrate for a few minutes.

Take off the cotton. Tilt your head and let the oil run out of your ear.

Remove ear impurities using saline spray or saline at room temperature.
This can be done every two weeks to clean the canal and prevent earwax from accumulating. Earwax provides natural protection, so you don't need to clean it every day.

What should not be done?

Use the ear cleaning stick for thorough cleaning. Ear cleaning sticks can be used on the outer ear to remove earwax from the surface, but you should never insert it into the ear canal. The tissue in the ear canal is very sensitive; infection can easily occur if tissues near the tympanic membrane, ie, the tympanic membrane, are crushed.
Another reason why physicians oppose the use of ear cleaning sticks to remove large amounts of earwax is probably because you will push the earwax out into the canal. If that's the case, why would you use the swab?

Using ear cleaning wax. When the wax is removed by wax, a cone-shaped instrument is inserted into the ear, the wax at the other end is burned and the wax creates pressure to pull the wax out. At least, in theory. Cleaning ear wax with a candle is useless and dangerous for the following reasons:
Ear wax is sticky. Unfortunately, the pressure required to çekmek pull kir the earwax out of the ear canal explodes the eardrum. This is because the earwax is sticky and does not move easily.
Ear cleaning wax leaves wax deposits in the ear. Instead of removing earwax from your ear, it leaves sediment in your ear because you're burning candles on a device that's in your ear, dangerously close to your ear.
Ear cleaning wax can be dangerous. When you decide to use ear candles, there are a number of health problems: [3]
The air inside the ear can become very hot and burn the inner ear.
Failure to observe may cause an accidental fire.
This may cause perforation of the eardrum.

Squeezing no liquid with pressure into the ear. Doctors can do this, but you shouldn't. Fluids squeezed into the ear can cross the tympanic membrane and cause ear infection. Liquids sprayed on the tympanic membrane can damage the inner ear.

Inserting the ear cleaning sticks beyond the narrow opening of the ear canal. If you accidentally insert the earwax or the swab itself into the eardrum, the eardrum will probably be damaged.
Do not use any type of ear swab to remove earwax from the inner ear. This may cause irreparable damage to the ear.
Regular vitamin C in your diet can eliminate earwax naturally.
Use ear drops written by your doctor.
If you feel that your ears are still full of earwax after a week of home treatments, consult your doctor.
Do not mix your ears because they may have bacteria on their hands, which can increase the risk of infection.

Use an ear cleaning stick or other object to clean your ear. The object you use can penetrate deeper than you wish and damage the ear canal. Plus, it can cause earwax to bury more than the beginning.
Ear candles have injured many people. Not recommended to clean earwax.
If your ear is aching, you have fever, hearing loss or ringing in your ears, try to clean earwax with household methods. Instead, consult your doctor.
Be careful when using hydrogen peroxide for your ears. This is a very effective solution and may cause undesirable effects.

Squip Kyrosol-All Natural Ear Wax Removal Kit