Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Sof Sole Airr Insole, Black, Men's 7-8.5

Shoe tension to the size of the sole. All the secrets of how you might need your shoes when they squeeze you

Sof Sole Airr Insole, Black, Men's 7-8.5

Everyone faces the problem of narrow shoes and boots on their toes, heels and boots. Unfortunately, custom-made products are very expensive and it is difficult and almost impossible to get one to stand up right away.

Many need to look for ways to extend their shoes at home, because you don't want to turn your favorite thing back, but you also don't want to go with bubbles. Can I need shoes or sneakers by size? If you experience such a problem, use household methods to distribute narrow shoes.

Water Bags
If the couple is tight, try to cut another interesting life - freezing.

Fluid volume increases during freezing, allowing new shoes to be transported faster.

You'll need clean, distilled water and tight bags to stretch your shoes.

How to extend rubber boots, shoes or sneakers:

Fill 2 large or medium (see size) zip-L lock bags with water. The liquid should be sufficient to stretch well when frozen. Squeeze and close all air in the bags.
Put them in the boots and put them in the freezer for 4-8 hours. During this time, there is time for the liquid to freeze.
When the water turns to ice (sometimes look in the fridge, maybe everything is much sooner), take it out of the freezer, remove the bags and put on your boots.
Repeat if necessary to expand to another dimension.

Medical alcohol
Online shops have many special sprays that help stretch if shoes are tight. So why put a lot of money when you are able to get the same results with cheap medical alcohol?

Can also be used to remove stains.

Alcohol works best in natural tissues. If you're wondering how to stretch leather shoes at home, you know this method is one of the best.

Check alcohol in an inconspicuous area to see if the paint will peel off. This method is used only once, so re-applying this method is not recommended.

You need narrow shoes or alcohol, a spray bottle or a cotton pad to stretch.

How to extend new shoes:

Since the product is easier to spray, transfer to another bottle. If there is no spray, use a cotton swab or white cotton swab (do not use a colored swab, it may fade).
Spray medical alcohol on tight parts of shoes. Do not save money, generously pour leather shoes where tightly pressed. The fabric needs to be wetted, so the shoes are well stretched.
Put it on your feet and try to crush it. Walk until the alcohol is dry. The tool works when wet.
If the shoes are small after manipulations, how are the shoes distributed? Solving the problem. Soak thick socks in alcohol and put them back in the product. Walk with shoes until the alcohol is completely out of the stocking.
After such manipulations, he no longer puts pressure.

Please note that alcohol cannot be used if the legs are injured. Or first cover them with a bactericide adhesive plaster.

If they tighten the shoes, how to stretch them? This question is really relevant. And after purchase, it occurs when the first fungi form on the heels and toes.

Stretching the shoes using this method cannot be successful, but expanding the material will work.

This method is suitable if the fabric is not natural, but replaces leather. It is also recommended if you need to carry sneakers or use stretch suede.

How to quickly distribute new shoes:

Take a large number of newspapers and preferably blank paper so that the dye does not penetrate the fabric. Smash them and soak them in water.
Squeeze the leaves thoroughly and fill them with shoes.
Allow the paper to dry completely. It will take the shape of a boot and stretch it evenly.
Do not overdo this method. Even on plain paper, new shoes may become deformed, lose their appearance, or be left behind.

How to increase the size of the shoe is not a problem, but it will not be possible to reduce it.

Hair dryer
Time to use chemistry lessons and learn to stretch leather or suede shoes. The thermal method can only be used for such products. Another fabric may not tolerate heat and will ultimately be your favorite piece in the trash.

You will need to wash the products, prepare your hair dryer and clean socks.

How to distribute new shoes:

Wear thick socks. If you think it's not busy enough, use a second pair. The products must fit firmly on the leg. You should also know that the density of the material and the stockings should be thick.
Wear tight shoes. If the leg is firmly applied, use a special spoon.
Turn on the hair dryer for maximum airflow and direct the hot air flow to where the shoes are pressed.
Keep blowing warm air for a few minutes in the shoes where the shoes are small. Try moving your toes while you blow. Shoes grow faster than this.
Turn off the hair dryer and continue wearing.
Take off your socks and try barefoot.
As a result, the foot should shift inward, not bloody corn.

If you need to extend the shoes further, the process can be repeated.

How to extend sneakers? These products are always durable and made of good breathable material. The hair dryer is ideal for stretching sneakers, only the inside and outside need to be heated.

Soap and paraffin
How to carry tight shoes at home?

Quickly increase products with paraffin or normal soap. Only this method is not suitable for how to carry sneakers or for stretching shoes that are larger than one size of rubber.

This method can be used for leather, patent leather or suede.

How to stretch tight shoes:

Take a regular candle or baby soap.
Rub the product from the inside, do not save money.
Leave it overnight.
In the morning, wipe off any remaining paraffin with a damp cloth and try on the shoes.
Paraffin does not harm natural and artificial skin. This tool is harmless.

The next method of stretching shoes is to use steam. Artificial leather cannot be treated.

How are the rocking and rubbing shoes distributed?

Use the method for a boot first, if you can expand it, it can vaporize the second.

Wear clean, dust-free shoes. Otherwise, it would be unpleasant to walk around the house with them.

Boil the water and bring the items to steam. Keep shoes steamed for a few minutes.

Then put your socks on and walk around for a while. Under the influence of heat, the skin will grow. If your shoes are tight, wear thicker socks and steer a little more.

It is not difficult to carry shoes at home. Just give it some time.

Do not use this method many times, otherwise the shoes will be trample too much.

This way you can quickly dispense and clean sneakers.

Custom Stretcher
If none of the above methods work, do you want to take a look at the new shoes in the evening anyway because if you don't want to stretch your tight shoes and give up?

Use a stretcher. However, it can stretch the length of sneakers, it is perfect if you want to press the toe of the shoes or to increase the size of the shoes.

Stretchers are different. They are available on the Internet and include boots, high-heeled shoes and even sneakers, ballet shoes and so on. They are produced for.

How to stretch sneakers at home:

Spray them with a special tool. Pay particular attention to denser areas. If you only push leather products down, spray them on.
Place the stretchers in and turn the knob to increase or expand shoe size at home.
Leave him alone for a while. Then remove the stretcher and put it on your feet. If he gave up squeezing sneakers, it made sense to stretch and manipulation was successful.
This procedure can be repeated as necessary. If new shoes are tight, use a stretcher at least 10 times, most importantly, achieve the desired result.

Oil cream
Do not try to spread your shoes as soon as you wear them with your bare feet. Thus, you cannot increase them in height or width, they are still heavily recovered and only harm themselves. This method is incorrect.

What to do? There is always a way out and this is a normal oily cream for hands or feet.

How to move shoes at home? The algorithm of actions is the simplest and takes only half an hour or less. So, take an oil cream or oil gel, rub the inner surface.

Apply more to dense areas such as socks and heels.

Take special pad or homemade and place it. An alternative is to wear tight socks and walk around the house.

After this, the shoes are absolutely crushed.

Warm Socks
Now, this is perhaps the least painful way to stretch artificial leather shoes. It is also recommended if you need to increase products from leather, suede or other materials.

It does not require the use of ice or plastic bags, only a pair of thick old socks and a pair of crushing shoes should be used.

All you have to do is grab your socks and turn them into a little ball. Put them on the edge of the socks. This way you can extend your sneakers at home.

This method is ideal if the tips of your boots pinch your toes.

Before leaving the product in this position overnight, make sure that there is no deterioration. The next morning, notice that they're widening.

This method of stretching tight shoes can be used as long as necessary without fear of damaging the material.

To avoid answering the question of how to quickly distribute shoes or make shoes wider, do not take them one size smaller.

Girls always prefer small products, so the leg looks more elegant and beautiful, but it's not good for health, and you still need to look at how to stretch the shoes.

Greetings, dears!

We girls have weaknesses. One of them may be the desire to be beautiful no matter what. You have bought a beautiful dress that is nice to lose a few kilograms, but can not refuse it and buy a nice house? In order to secure yourself, ensure that you will continue a diet from tomorrow. If you really lose what is unnecessary and you do things that glow well in this outfit, otherwise it usually remains intact in the wardrobe.

The same thing happens with shoes. I have a friend who makes weakness shoes. If he sees something interesting in a shoe store, at least seven people holding it will not help! It will take what is necessary and what is not. And if coveted shoes are sold with an attractive discount, then everything is clear, surely they will not pass by.

This is characteristic of most of us, with one more, less one. And it's easy to get a pair that doesn't “lightly belong to you usunda just to smell such consumer excitement.

Come home and see the shoes rub! Good news! Of course, if you didn't buy this on your 39th out of 36, it's usually pretty fixable. And we're just going to argue today, if they press their shoes, to stretch them? I'm going to tell you all the secrets I know myself and that friend has shared!

If tight, how is the shoe distributed? There are several methods, let's consider them according to the material.

Pull the skin.
Genuine leather is perhaps the best material for shoes. Nice, soft, easy to fit leg products. Yes, and stretching such shoes is not even difficult at home. Approximately half of the size can be safely added. Lightly moisten your leather shoes and wear them indoors for a while.

Please do not soak shoes or water from the spray bottle - this may degrade the paint or insole and the product itself may be “lead..

A good way: take socks that are not too thick, moisten them with vodka or dilute 2 to 1 alcohol. Put on these wet socks and put on your shoes. A few hours walk around the house. Steam after drying.

If the result does not fit you well, repeat the process, but with less alcohol, ie make a vodka solution.

Warning! Shoes should not be rubbed with alcohol from above!

You can use water, but for a better effect, the temperature of the liquid wetted by the socks must also be high. as tolerant as possible. Boil the product with boiling water from the inside first. Or blow them through the hair dryer in hot air mode. Then put shoes on your toes. Be careful and don't burn yourself!

A good result can be obtained with vinegar. Wipe the inside of the product with a 3% solution and mix for a while. He must help!

What about suede?
Now, think about what to do with suede shoes if rubbed. In general, this material itself is well worn, it only walks around for a few days, and the shoes sit comfortably on your feet. But if you need to increase their size quickly, choose the same "vodka" method offered for leather products.

Do not use water for these purposes, so that the product does not fade and is not covered with stains!

Nuance: Take a thin sock to wear, otherwise suede shoes can become very large and then hang on your leg.

If the shoes are tightened too hard, it is best to use a special foam tensioner for suede. It was only sprayed into the product, the most rubbed places, and then shoes should be worn with socks.

Important: do not use oily products for suede; it stains and ruins things!

Even varnish is invincible!
Maybe this is the hardest material to wear. First, such shoes are hard and difficult to deform in itself, and second, if you overdo it with funds, varnish can crack. When deciding to buy such products, choose a pair of the appropriate length and your fingers are completely free.

If you still have to stretch your new patented leather shoes, fat comes to the rescue. What you need to do: use castor oil, petroleum jelly or glycerin, lubricate shoes both inside and outside and wear your toes. The material softens and the product can be stretched.

Leather, fabric and linoleum - what to do with them?
Obviously, it is almost impossible to carry shoes made of such a material. The truth is that cheap artificial materials do not simply withstand deformation and explosion. Of course, you can try stretching these shoes with water, but there is a high risk of discoloration and staining. It is best to use the “freeze” method, but it is slightly lower.

These are probably the main ways of transport, but not the whole list. What are you doing? In the comments, tell us how you can increase your size?

Contactless methods

I have mentioned above how to quickly distribute the shoes on your own, but there are methods to stretch the shoes without wearing wet or alcoholic socks.

Keep your shoes on the steam, and then place the stacks of newspapers in it. Lay them as firmly as possible and further, but try not to distort the shape. Then we leave the shoes to dry in a dry place (but not near the battery!) About a day.

The disadvantage of this method is that there may be a risk of divorce. In addition, after a while there is a possibility that the product will dry out and begin to collect more.

Unusual, but effective way to expand shoes. Pour water into plastic bags (preferably with a special traveler) and place them in the socks of the shoes. We're cleaning this couple in the freezer for a day. Freezing, water begins to expand and pressure the walls of the shoe, so it is stretched. After the set time, we remove a pair, remove the bags, and allow the shoes to “feel“ in a dry place.

Partial wearing

Usually the length of the product fits well and remains comfortable on the fingers, but presses from behind. How to handle this:

Rub the back of the shoe with paraffin. You can forget about this in a day.
Crush the fund with a hammer. Touch this area very carefully to make it soft.
Before you buy a new couple, it's worth remembering that you can't move:

Shoes for 2 or more sizes.
If the shoes are tight on the slopes.
Some artificial materials.
How a shoe workshop can help

There's another way. Practically, in any shoe workshop there is a service for stretching shoes. Everything is simple, you tell me how much you need to increase, expand your shoes. Then the master looks at both the material and the quality, and if everything is real, he puts them in special things. After a day or two, you will collect them and you will get the desired size.

This method helps someone, but does not. I have applied for such a service several times, but I was not satisfied. In the first case, my shoes were tense and I didn't feel any change in the second, and I still had to use my grandmother's writing (in thick socks).

When buying new shoes, it's best to close your eyes and listen to sensations - you're comfortable enough in length, width and height. The product should only be suitable, otherwise it may worsen not only mood but also health.

Just wear the right shoes and don't forget to share your methods of how to put the shoe on your leg quickly!

See you again on my blog,

Anastasia Smolinets

Which of us did not experience a similar problem: the size of the shoes or shoes purchased did not exist. If the shoe puts pressure on you and you don't know how to expand it, we offer you some proven methods you can use at home. How to stretch shoes at home without applying to workshop services? Answers in our article.

Is it possible to stretch self-tight shoes
Before you resort to any method that is fast, efficient, and non-destructive, you need to find out which material it is made of, increase or slightly extend new narrow shoes. This will help you choose the right paths and tools for stretching, and secondly, not to completely ruin your favorite shoes or shoes.

The answer to the question of direct stretching of the shoe depends on the quality of the shoe and the material of the upper part. For example, genuine leather shoes, nubuck and suede are the easiest to stretch. Shoes made of artificial leather and other synthetic synthetic materials can be stretched in problematic areas. Here, you need to warn in advance that many methods will not be effective at best, and at worst you can deform or tear your shoes without strong tension.

IMPORTANT! Do not stretch low quality and well-worn shoes. The fragile upper part of the sprain can be easily torn.

If your shoe has a varnished surface, the varnished top can easily crack if not carefully worn. However, boots made of durable rubber, whichever method you use, usually cannot extend.

How to stretch real leather shoes
You can expand small leather or suede shoes in different shapes, but only to a maximum size of a few millimeters. The most common method often used at home is to use alcohol or vodka. Moisten the inside of the shoe with plenty of this product, put on tight socks. Walk for as long as you can. If you press the legs firmly, do this in several steps. For example, wear shoes for 10 minutes, but at least 5 times a day.

IMPORTANT! This method may not be suitable for bright colored leather. To avoid the appearance of shoes or shoes, do a small test in an inconspicuous place, moistening the inside of the skin with alcohol. If the skin does not change color and glow, you can safely use this method.

Genuine leather is a highly flexible material, so it has been previously heat-treated, easy to stretch. To do this, pour boiling water over the inside surface of the shoe, drain off excess water and wipe with a dry cloth. Wear a pair of socks (it is recommended to wrap your legs in a bag on top of each other) and walk for a while.

Meanwhile, the shoes can not get wet, pour boiling water into a previously enclosed plastic bag. Another way is to moisten tight socks, spray them with excess water, wear shoes, and preferably wander for so long until the socks dry.

Sometimes you can read on the internet a way to completely fill the shoes with hot water. In no case can this be done and not just because your couple can go out. Genuine leather doesn't really like getting wet. After such treatment, the skin begins to deform and crack.

If you are bored by tight suede shoes or boots, try to steam them in hot steam. To do this, you can boil the kettle and keep the shoes on the tap where the steam comes out, or you can do it on a bowl of boiling water. Be careful not to scald your hands! With this method you can expand the shoe and give the suede material an updated look.

A sufficiently effective "dry" thermal method that can stretch narrow shoes is to use a household hairdryer. Put the pair on thick socks and heat them with a warm air stream from the hair dryer. Warm air will help make the leather material softer and more elastic. When the shoes are completely warm, walk for a while.

With the help of special branded sprays and foams sold in shoe stores, you may need genuine leather soft shoes. Ask the seller, you will find what you need. Such skin softening agents are applied to the inside and outside of the shoe, that is, to the places which are firmly pressed. The exception is varnished and suede material. They are only processed from the inside.

Then follow the same pattern: put on thick socks and put your shoes on them. You should wear it until the product is completely dry. They tried similar drugs to expand their tight shoes, and saw their effectiveness and ease of use. For everything about everything, it takes about an hour, but you can repeat the process several times if necessary.

You can increase the volume of narrow boots by applying ice. To do this, filled bags are partially filled with water and tightly tied with a rope. The shoes are wrapped in a common plastic bag and placed in the freezer for a while until the water is completely frozen. They then take it out of the freezer and wait for the ice to melt slightly, and the bags are removed.

IMPORTANT! In the freezing method, the expansion law of water is triggered upon the transition to the ice state. However, we recommend that you use only on solid shoes made of thick, rough leather. The delicate fine leather material (also varnished) cannot withstand such processing, tearing or cracking.

As you can see, there are many ways and now you know how to put your shoes at home. It is difficult to choose the most effective of all the above methods, so the choice is yours. Nevertheless, it can be considered one of the best used in professional shoe shops. So, using special pads. They are not only good at expanding or extending shoes effectively, but also good at increasing lifts. To give the skin softness and elasticity, it must be pre-lubricated from the inside with petroleum jelly or oily cream.

IMPORTANT! Nubuck cannot be treated with alcohol and oil-containing substances, otherwise stains may appear on it. However, natural suede is good not to get wet in order not to disturb its texture.

Artificial Leather and Artificial Leather Shoes Close
Dermantine, leather and eco-leather - all of these are synthetic materials, practically not stretchable. Moreover, with a careless and coarse stretching, you can easily break these shoes. Therefore, if it does not suit you, it is better not to experiment. In some places, you can use the following suggestions in situations where you only need to slightly expand narrow crush shoes.

IMPORTANT! Do not dry wet shoes with hot batteries and near radiators.

Stretching of narrow textile and PVC shoes
Some shoes are sewn from dense textiles such as velvet or denim. You won't be able to magnify too much, but you can distribute it gently.

Sometimes, just put a wet insole inside and wear tight socks wandering for a while. Another way is to moisten the shoes with alcohol and wear them to dry.

Textiles are also stretched using 9% table vinegar. Note, however, that you should only wear light, white socks and wet cloth shoes to prevent mold.

If your shoes or boots are sewn from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), you should first moisten them with boiled water, and when they are softer, wipe them with a dry towel and put on thick socks. As a result, it is desirable to treat the PVC material cold to fix the required size. You may have cold water, ice or put your shoes in the open cold air for a few minutes.

As you can see, there are many recipes to increase the volume of shoes, so there is no need to pay extra money for the services of a shoe workshop. In some cases, for example, if you bought expensive leather branded shoes, the issue of savings is not appropriate. You should also be aware that newly purchased shoes that are not suitable for you can of course be returned to the store unless you have a receipt and the products remain clean unchanged.

Several times in my life, I've come across a situation where the purchased shoe is stuck and doesn't sit on its leg, although everything is good in the store. I think many women are familiar with this unpleasant situation. And to solve it as soon as possible, today we will tell you how to stretch genuine leather shoes, leather and patent leather models.

Stretch Specifications
Even if you notice new shoes squeeze you, don't despair - you can increase to at least one size. But before you take action, you need to know yourself with a few nuances:

Sabri. If you want to stretch your shoes quickly at home, you have to take action slowly. If you do not want to break the product, you need to install it a little.

For example, you should not do this in the evening - maybe one day your legs are swollen, so shoes or shoes are tightened. Try them in the morning.

Preventing the formation of corn In uncomfortable shoes, pre-seal all problem areas on the feet with tape.
Be careful with the material. Be very careful if you want to stretch the tight shoes made of textiles. Otherwise, you may damage the fibers and permanently damage the product.

After placing the shoes wide or long, be sure to treat the product with a special polish. This procedure allows you to define a new dimension and prevent the material from stretching further.

How to stretch shoes: 8 proven ways
The method of directly resizing shoes depends on the material from which it is made. Natural leather shoes are the easiest to stretch - almost every method described below is suitable for this. However, for varnished products or accessories made of leather, it can be used away from all methods. But first things first.

Imitation leather: 3 options
It is much more difficult to stretch non-leather shoes with your own hands - it will easily crack and lose shape. But don't despair, there are a few safe ways.

Unnatural skin is more difficult to stretch than natural analogues - it can easily crack and lose shape
Sampling Action instructions

Oil gel
Lubricate the inside of a pair of shoes with Vaseline.
Wait a few hours until the material is absorbed.
Shoes and shoes 20-40 minutes walk.

Fill your shoes or shoes firmly with wet newspapers. But do not overdo it, it will not work to compress the skin back.
Leave the product until the material is completely dry.
No need to speed up the drying process with a hair dryer or battery - the material may deteriorate from extreme heat.

An option for those who want to stretch their high boots.

Place in boots with a normal plastic bag.
Pour small grains into each, fill with water.
Leave the shoes for 8-10 hours - during which time the croup swells and the shaft is stretched.
Lake: 2 methods
Perhaps patented leather shoes are the most difficult to stretch. There is always a risk of coating deterioration: it may lose its gloss or cracking. So you need to be extremely careful.

Sampling Action instructions

Dilute the alcohol with water in a 2: 1 ratio.
The resulting solution is wet tight socks.
Put them on, and then put on your patent leather shoes.
Walk this way for 1-2 hours until the socks are completely dry.
Oil cream
Apply a greasy cream into the shoe. Particular attention to the most problematic tight spaces - socks and heels.
Place the shoes in the shoes as in the photo (approximate price is 350 rubles).
Leave the shoes for a few hours, but don't overdo it.
I told you a few ways to stretch your skin at home. Choose the one that suits your situation and try it out. Also don't forget to watch the video in this article, which clearly shows you how to change the shoe size.

Universal options for stretched shoes

There are several ways to influence tight shoes that are suitable for products of different materials (real leather, rather than suede). These stretch methods are the safest for all possible models except for fur boots.

Special softeners for shoes. Applies to problem areas from inside of shoe. (If the shoes are made of real leather, they can be applied outside). Immediately after the procedure, the shoes should be worn with a tight toe until the desired areas dry. This stretching option can be repeated several times for a better result.

Casting with castor oil is a universal way to hit narrow shoes. After treating the oil from the inside, you should walk in the shoes for a few hours. The oil softens the problem areas, so the shoes take the exact shape of the foot. This method is inconvenient as the oily shoes inside need to be thoroughly cleaned after treatment. You can replace the oil with an alcohol solution (one-to-one water), cologne and even kerosene. However, this method is even more disadvantageous, since the odor will remain for a long time after the treatment.

How to stretch leather shoes

Genuine leather products are the most durable and durable. Therefore, they will be able to withstand more aggressive exposure methods. For example, high and low temperatures.

With the effect of high temperature, genuine leather can expand and become softer. You can heat shoes with a hairdryer or keep them on the boiling water for a while. Heated shoes should be worn until completely cool and dry. Warm skin immediately takes the desired shape and maintains for a long time. After the procedure, you should treat it with a nourishing shoe cream so that the skin does not dry out.

You can also stretch genuine leather shoes under the influence of low temperature by freezing. First, plastic bags are placed on the shoes (each one at 2 if the bag breaks). Then water is poured into the inner bag. It is necessary to ensure that large plies do not form inside the shoe, because the bags should be flattened to the maximum. The water must fill the space inside the shoe completely. A bag of water is connected while the others remain open. In this position, the shoes are placed in the freezer for at least overnight. During freezing, water increases in volume while the shoe is stretched.

After processing the shoes in one way or another, you should always wear cream.

As a rule, genuine leather shoes can be worn independently after a few weeks. Therefore, perhaps you should not rush with such radical stretching measures.

Stretching of artificial leather or spare shoes

These shoes are more difficult to stretch than the natural ones. When exposed to high temperatures, such products become unusable. Therefore, you must be careful. The most effective and safe way to stretch is to fill it with wet paper or cloth. The fabric (paper) needs to be moistened with hot water, squeezed quickly, and filling the inside of the shoe. When filling the shoes, you should carefully design the form so that there is no distortion or deformation. Printed shoes should be completely dry and away from heat sources. It'il take a lot of time. However, after drying, the shoes will retain their desired shape.

Fake shoes If heels scrub, you can rub the inside of the floor with paraffin or laundry soap.

How to stretch boots

For non-fur lined boots, you can apply stretching methods just as you would with shoes.

And lined boots can only be treated with skin softeners or oil on the outer surface. The safest method is to wear a few pairs of socks (for more efficiency you can moisten them in hot water) and wear for several hours. The procedure should be repeated several times because it is impossible to wear a fur lining with wet winter boots until it is completely dry. After removing the boots, you should immediately fill them with paper or a soft cloth. Dry boots should be natural, away from heat.

Stretching of suede and patent leather shoes

Such products can only be processed internally. Exposure to the outside may damage the shoes.

You can use the stretching methods with a slight soft effect without the heat load. It is best to attach the shoes to warm, damp socks (previously soaked in hot water) and dry completely. It can also be used with wet paper or cloth.

Suede shoes are highly elastic, so they can often be worn at home. After a while it ideally "sits" in the form of legs.

How to buy shoes

How to avoid unwanted surprises when buying new shoes:

In the morning, almost everyone has a more refined pillar than in the afternoon. Tired legs swell slightly throughout the day. Therefore it is better to buy new shoes in the afternoon. Shoes purchased in the morning can be very cramped in the evening.

When choosing a new pair of shoes, you also need to pay attention to its integrity, width and increase. Maybe your favorite model to the right size does not match the other parameters. If the shoes are too narrow, do not buy a larger size. After sliding back and forth, the legs form corn on the leg.

Do not go out immediately after buying a new pair of shoes. Before that, you need to walk around in the house for a while. If you feel uncomfortable, non-street shoes can be returned or exchanged for a more suitable model.

When stretching the shoes, you must be very careful. Stretch shoes do not harm them, but you can only be half the size.

Genuine leather shoes are very suitable for stretching. It is almost impossible to stretch shoes or sandals made of textile fabric, a strong effect will only disrupt the structure of the material.

After freezing or only after wet treatment, cracks may occur in shoes used in place of leather. When dried, shoes made of poor quality, poorly treated leather harden and dissolve after wet treatment.

Very expensive shoes should not be stretched on their own.

Sof Sole Airr Insole, Black, Men's 7-8.5