Sunday, October 6, 2019

Nail Fungus Soak (.65 oz)

How to treat nail fungus on the legs at home

Nail Fungus Soak (.65 oz)

Fungal nail lesions of the feet (onychomycosis) is a common infectious disease caused by pathogens known as epidermophytes. Men with this disease, women of all ages. The presence of fungi is indicated by severe itching, a change in the structure of the nail plate, yellowing, the appearance of scaly spots. It is difficult to get rid of the disease. Fungal treatment involves the use of a range of drugs for internal and external use.

Where does mushroom come from and how is it noticed?
The appearance of onychomycosis comes into contact with a sick person or his shoe. Infection occurs in places suitable for the development of congestion, pathogens, saunas, bathrooms, swimming pools, sports complexes in humans. However, not everyone who visits these places is sick with mycosis. Epidermophytes settle on the feet of those who wear tight-fitting shoes and those who are prone to sweating. According to experts, these fungi prefer a slightly alkaline or neutral moist environment.

According to statistics, sometimes employees occur in halls that provide nail treatment services that do not follow compliance with hygienic and hygienic standards. Fungus "clings" more often in adults, mycosis in children is rare. Doctors explain this with age-related changes in skin pH and weakened immunity against a background of various diseases. Sometimes the causes of yeast infection are:

thyroid disease;
endocrine disorders;
gastrointestinal diseases;
Violation of the adrenal glands.
Physicians at risk include alcohol and cigarette abuse. The recognition of the disease helps because of the strange changes in the nail and color structure. When the mushroom is introduced, it is painted white, yellow, brown and black. The color of the patient nail depends on the type of pathogen (mold, yeast or dermatophytes).

The nail plate itself begins to separate and disintegrate. Over time, keratinization occurs. To recognize fungal infections, the nodules on the nail aid become longer and intervene in the treatment. However, these symptoms do not appear immediately. Some people do not suspect the presence of the disease, so the fungus takes a serious path through which the layer is destroyed. Initiated disease can be treated with great difficulty.

More dangerous
In addition to unpleasant external manifestations, the fungus damages the entire organism. The main danger is that chronic fungus causes a complex pathway of other serious diseases (diabetes, allergies, bronchial asthma). Gradually, it fully affects the nail plate and extends to the tissues in contact with the nail. According to experts, it is a guide for other infections.

Sometimes, against a background of reduced immunity, the pathogen can penetrate internal organs and cause their defeat. The last place on this list is not the drunkenness of the body. During the course of their lives, some fungal species emit poisons that slowly poison the sick body. Onychomycosis also affects people's mental well-being. Behind physical ailments, the patient develops a meticulous attitude towards himself, negative emotions, experiences about the development of the disease.

Pharmaceutical products overview - list of tablets, creams and ointments
Traditional medicine offers a variety of means to combat these unpleasant conditions. These are antifungal preparations for oral and external use. Each of these leads to the elimination of pathogens, but due to the presence of a wide variety of drugs and individual characteristics, the choice of drugs and determining the course of treatment should be merely a qualified expert. In the initial stage of the disease, the following external pathways help to cope with the disease:

Batrafen - medical varnish. 30-day courses assigned by the program. The therapy provides a first time lacquer treatment every two days. In the second month, batrafen is applied every three days. In addition, the drug is administered every 7 days until the nail plate is completely restored.
Cyclopyroxolamine is an antimycotic polish. Apply the affected nails one day at a time. Before using the varnish, remove the affected part of the nail plate with the help of the file provided with the preparation. The duration of therapy depends on the degree of development of the disease.
Lacer Laceril. The agent should be administered every three days, every six months to a year.
Serum Mycosis causes death of pathogenic microorganisms and creates unfavorable conditions for the development of onychomycosis. Used for a long time. The duration of therapy depends on the characteristics of nail growth and the area of ​​the lesion. The minimum treatment period is 28 days. Apply varnish twice a day to a clean nail plate. Then the nail surface is coated with decorative manicure varnish if desired.
Tools for removing the nail plate Nogtevit provides painless removal of growth and painful nails. Substances that are a part of the drug, nails and ensures healthy growth is provided. The agent is applied in a thick layer, without rubbing, onto prepared, well-steamed nail plates, avoiding penetration of healthy tissues. The top was closed with a patch for 4 days. Then, after pre-steaming, the separated layer is scraped off. This procedure is performed until the nail is completely cleaned.
Lamisil (spray, gel, cream) is resistant to a wide variety of fungi. Recommended for large lesions. Do not administer the drug more than two times a day. Prior to use, the affected areas are cleaned and dried. The drug is sprayed or applied before moistened nails and adjacent skin areas are thoroughly moistened.
Terbinafine (cream, ointment) is an antimycotic agent for external use. Apply 1-2 times a day. The drug accumulates in the tissues at the concentration required for decontamination. The duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks.
Lamellar (spray) - a tool that covers a wide range of pathogens. Apply to infected areas (until fully wetted) no more than twice a day for one week.
Mycosoril (ointment) has a fungicidal effect. Facilitates the appearance of symptoms. Used twice a day. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor, it may take 2 to 4 weeks.
Exoderyl (cream) is an effective drug for onychomycosis. The cream has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the disappearance of itching. The throat is lubricated once a day. The duration of treatment depends on the type of disease (14 days to 6 months).
If medications used for external use do not have an appropriate effect on the fungus or the disease has started badly, experts prescribe oral medications. Tablets, gels, ointments, sprays, have the effect of destroying a fungus and hinder their ability to multiply. The most effective ones for molds and yeasts are:

Orungal. Helps cure mushrooms. Depending on the characteristics of the disease, either according to the scheme or long, continuous course (3 months) is applied. According to the scheme: the first week drunk 1-2 capsules 2 times a day. The second lesson takes place in three weeks. Courses are repeated several times until recovery. With long-term course therapy, the drug is prescribed to drink once a day for 2 capsules.
Diflucan (fluconazole). Effective drug to help remove old fungus. Use a capsule every 7 days prescribed. The course is 30-36 weeks.

Treatment without drugs - folk methods
Nail fungus may be folk remedies in addition to medical treatment. Their use is not a panacea for infection, but folk remedies effectively alleviate the symptoms of the disease and support the effect of the drugs. If additional treatment methods are used, consult a physician. The most common way of mycoses used in non-traditional medicine is iodine, garlic, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, celandine, lemon, propolis.

Iodine. Iodine alcohol solution has disinfectant and antiseptic effect. It directly affects the pathogen, destroys it. In the absence of allergy, the use of iodine is permitted. For this apply a drop to a patient nail twice: morning and evening 5% iodine solution. As prevention, iodine processed and healthy nails. In one week, the number of treatments should be reduced. The course of treatment lasts from twenty days to a month.
Garlic. On the basis of this spice, many methods for treating fungi have been developed. One of the most popular is the damage of the fungal nail plate with alcoholic garlic tincture. For the preparation of an equal rate take alcohol and mashed garlic mashed state. The resulting drug is diluted with a small amount of distilled water. This mass is lubricated by the nail plates. On the basis of garlic, the ointment of the fungus is also made. To do this, take an equal amount of butter and grated garlic. It compresses the affected nails all night with the help of ointment.
Vinegar. An effective tool for the treatment of onychomycosis in the early stages is washed with vinegar. You should warm your feet just before the procedure. In a small basin, prepare a solution of 9% warm acetic extract. Place the pelvis against the bottom of the legs. Keep the feet in solution for about 15 minutes. Wipe them down after, but do not wash with water. During the week, check these trays twice. The duration of treatment depends on the size of the affected area.
Hydrogen peroxide. The agent is known for its disinfecting properties. Treatment of onychomycosis with hydrogen peroxide is effective in the early stages of the disease. It is used to create a special solution for hot baths. Pour warm water in the basin and add a little 3% peroxide. In the resulting solution, lower the feet for 15 minutes. Do not wash with clean water afterwards.
Swallow grass. To treat fungus, use celandine juice. The patient nail is lubricated every 6 hours. The effective tool is a celandin medical solution. For cooking you need: 5 tablespoons. 1 cup of celandine leaves in boiling water. The raw materials are poured with boiling water and insisted for 60-70 minutes. The resulting product is used for steaming legs held for 15 minutes every 6 hours. The duration of treatment with celandine depends on the degree of the disease.
Lemon. To treat the fungus with a lemon, the fetus is cut into thin slices applied to the throat area. Put gauze over lemon, wrap with cellophane tape and straighten with a bandage. The procedure is recommended for 12 consecutive days. According to reviews, this remedy is one of the most effective, helping quickly to escape the fungus of the nails.
Propolic. Fungus is a fast and effective remedy for nail plate damage. Propolis has a bactericidal, fungicidal and bacteriostatic effect. Itching, inflammation, resolves healing of wounds. For treatment use tampons with propolis of 20% alcohol tincture (sold in any pharmacy, do not have to search for a long time, the price varies from 20 to 30 rubles for a jar of 25 ml). When treating fungal diseases with this tincture, the patient nails fall, which allows the renewal of nail nails.

Fungal treatment is not a long and always successful procedure. To protect yourself from infection, the use of a range of preventive measures is crucial to hygiene. Dermatologists recommend daily treatment of shoes with vinegar or formalin, and only wear flip-flops when visiting the bathroom, pool or sauna. A list of fungal protective measures includes the following tips:

Regularly organizes vitamin therapy courses.
Wear quality shoes made of natural materials.
Try putting the socks in the salons.
Don't give your shoes to anyone, change them more often.
Fight with sweating feet.
If you have to walk barefoot in a public place, treat the legs with a special antifungal agent.
Use deodorant for shoes.
Do it regularly.
Treat chronic infectious diseases over time - gastritis, tonsillitis, etc.
Follow the rules of healthy eating.
Video: expert advice
According to experts, onychomycosis or fungal nails are caused by foot sweating. To prevent the disease, you need to monitor the condition of your feet. If moisture appears on the shoes, take precautions to get rid of moisture. To do this, experts recommend wiping the skin between your fingers with a regular towel or drying your feet with a hairdryer. If infection occurs, don't despair. There are several ways to combat mycosis that you can meet by watching this video story:

How to Cure Onychomycosis at Home
Elena Malysheva in one of her "Health" programs described how to treat nail fungus in the legs under ordinary home conditions. Explaining the danger of this disease, he demonstrated the principle of the presence of fungal pathogens and the principle of survival activity in an artificial device. In his words, he swallows the "master", eating skin and other tissues. Getting rid of the fungus will help to use two types of drugs - for external administration and for internal use. He tells Elena what treatment means and methods:

Ilya, 34 years old: Terbinafine helped me cure a powerful fungus. Dermatologist from outpatient clinic assigned me this agent. The drug was in the form of tablets and ointments. I've been treated for a long time and according to the doctor's chart. Before that, I tried to get rid of this infection, but I didn't succeed.

Sergei, 25 years old: I had yeast in my legs. In the hospital, difflucan was prescribed in capsules. I took the pills once a week. He mixed his feet with exoteric every day. Nevertheless, they made tincture celandine baths under the recipe from the internet. Half a year tortured and all passed.

Vika, 38 years old: I don't know where I keep this mushroom. It took him a long time to heal. He drank three months. Everything seems to be past, but it started again two months later. It turned out - a secondary infection. I lubricated my nails with iodine. Dermatologist appointed Terbinafine. He drank six months. Now it's okay.

The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not require independent treatment. Only a qualified physician can advise and advise on treatment based on the individual characteristics of the individual patient.

Treatment of nail fungus on legs can be quick
Nail fungus, appearance of cracks, peeling, jaundice nails - an infectious disease can be infected regardless of your age, sex and condition. Fungal diseases for various reasons are subject to the nails of the legs. Quick curing of nail fungus on legs - not too difficult thanks to proven medications and various prescriptions for traditional medicine.

Depending on the method you choose, treatment may be rapid and insecure or long-term, but may be more effective in affecting the fungus.

Causes of infection
Fungus and causes of infection:

harmful production conditions (forestry, chemical, metallurgical risk);
the presence of diabetes mellitus;
malignant and benign neoplasms in the body (usually prescribed for the treatment of oncology chemotherapy that kills living cells in the body and attracts fungi);
the presence of chronic diseases;
immunosuppressive infections;
when trauma is not treated in the feet;
Non-compliance with hygiene rules, constantly wet shoes and feet.
Eliminating the cause of the disease and long-term treatment may not save you from the disease itself. Mostly the fungus returns, the same symptoms initially appear as:

The nail on the leg turns yellow, begins to separate, disintegrates and is odorless;
Skin around the legs is peeling, cracking, itching and burning sensation.
But if the doctor diagnoses the nail fungus, despair is not necessary. There are many ways and options to improve the fungal lesion quickly. The list of drugs is great, you can choose your cream, tablets or a special varnish.

Treatment with drugs
Lamisil - the first substance to aid in the treatment of fungi is available in the form of spray, gel or ointment. It is recommended for external use, it is recommended to apply to people of advanced age, in the presence of renal or hepatic insufficiency, with careful metabolism, chronic alcoholics.
Betrafen - a special lacquer, fungal treatment is carried out with courses for 1 month. The application scheme in each lesson may be different from the previous one.
Lotseril. The varnish, which is applied to the feet that harm the fungi several times a week until the disappearance of the fungus, is produced in the form of a medical solution.
Mycosanum - a special ointment serum for external use, applied to legs free from creams and varnishes. The package includes a mini diary to monitor the condition of the fungus and the effectiveness of the treatment.
Exoderm is released in the form of a drug that kills a fungus, an ointment or solution. Contraindications.
Lacquer Batrofen - effectively affects bacteria caused by fungi.
Mycospor - ointment, nail files, special waterproof plaster set will allow several weeks of aggressive treatment to completely cure the fungus.
Clotrimazole - ointment or cream - super economical replacement of many drugs. It is used in therapeutic dermatology and gynecology and strongly affects fungi and infections. Care - treatment of bleeding and in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Introconazole and Terbinafine - will help to heal damaged tissue, promote healthy nail growth, and effectively affect fungus.
Candida is a powder or ointment based on clotrimazole and the treatment will be effective if the infectious agent is Candida fungus, Torulopsis or mold.
If external ointments, creams and medical varnishes do not help to remove the fungus, you can use tablets - orally. They have the same properties as ointments and do not allow the fungi to spread and proliferate.

Orungal - used in 1-2 capsules per day, 2-3 weeks break. The treatment process should be repeated until complete treatment.
Diflucan - once a week, even allows for the treatment of stagnant fungi.
Fucis, Flucostat and Fluconozol - once a week, in tablets or solutions, kill bacteria until a healthy nail appears, causing infections in the fungus that cause the body.
Mycoflucan - get rid of fungi, cryptococci, microspores and other manifestations of fungi, take the drug for several weeks and until the healthy nail plate on the legs grows.
Ketoconazole tablets will help with severe mycosis of tissues, but the effects on fungi will begin within 2-3 months, the admission process will be quite long.
How to get rid of mushrooms at home
Numerous reviews will help treat nail fungus on the leg at home using proven folk remedies.

Medical iodine solution
The most popular and simple treatment - a 5% iodine solution is required every day to treat affected areas of the nails. Treatment process - up to two weeks, will help remove the fungus. It is recommended to discontinue if there is a burning sensation and pain sensation.

The iodine solution can be mixed with dry celandine powder and daily compresses. The mushroom will completely disappear after 4-6 days and a healthy nail will begin to grow.

To accelerate the nail that destroys the fungus, the appearance of a new healthy nail plate and the final death of the fungus, the use of alcoholic tincture of propolis is recommended.

For faster and better movement of the product, apply to thoroughly steamed legs, after application - wear warm socks.

tar soap in the form of tar, nail and skin areas are applied, which causes fungal damage, a small amount of salt, bandages and leaves during the night is recommended to be treated.
After a period of fifteen minutes, a warm soapy tray with soap and soap is applied to the cleaned skin and nail fungus in a birch layer that damages the nails. Wait 1.5 hours, then remove an extra layer of tar with cotton wool, feet wrapped in a warm blanket or socks for three hours. You can then repeat a warm bath with laundry soap to wash the tar thoroughly.

Compresses with the use of a tea mushroom
Large plates of mushrooms are applied to the nails, wrapped with bandages and cellophane (to prevent leakage), wear warm socks and leave for the night. In the morning, the fungus is washed with warm water, the fungus is treated with iodine solution.

Baths with vinegar and potassium permanganate
Clean skin and remove fungus. 3 liters of water is diluted with a tube of potassium permanganate and a liter of 9% vinegar. Everything is thoroughly mixed. A week before bedtime, it is recommended to take a bath.

Salt of mint
A lotion with salt and green mint leaves is applied to the patient nail fungus between the toes, after removing the lotion one hour later, washing the feet with warm water.

Homemade eucalyptus ointment
It is easy to prepare by mixing one teaspoon of essential oil of eucalyptus, honey and apple cider vinegar. The resulting mixture is refrigerated for 2-3 days before use. Until the development of a new healthy plate, ready-made ointment is applied to the fungus that damages the fungi every day.

Spiritual tincture based on a golden mustache
Approximately 50 segments of the plant, the mixture insist in a closed container for a week - to 0.5 liters of vodka. Every day, use in diluted form - add the same amount of water.

Tincture of lilac flowers
Pour 2 tablespoons of flower sauce, 0.5 cups of vodka, insist for 2 weeks and rub it on the patient's nail until the emergence of a new healthy plate and the final removal of the fungus.

Flowers Compositions Kalanchoe
Apply to Kalanchoe at night to affected places. Wrap with a bandage or attach with an antiseptic patch.

It is not only effective in the treatment of colds. Helps cure fungus both inside and outside the human body.

applied into a decoction of tea or garlic;
Grated fresh garlic is applied to the affected areas of the nails as a compress for 1 hour, washed with warm water;
Prepare equal parts of two ingredients, apply better every day before bedtime - garlic and vodka tincture.
Cured with wine or cider vinegar
The usual vinegar in the kitchen of every meter of the meter can beat the fungal infection. Wear simple cotton socks, thoroughly soaked in 9-10% vinegar solution overnight. Within one week, concrete changes will be noticeable in the affected nail fungus.

You can mix vinegar and glycerol solution in a 1: 1 ratio and apply to affected nails and legs.

Poplar kidney tin
Poplar buds and insist 10-12 days, stir half a glass of vodka in half a glass. The resulting substance should be applied to the fungus-affected feet and nails. After a few days the nails will become softer, and a week later a healthy nail plate will begin to grow.

Herbal decoction
Heal mushrooms from the inside, you can get tea with natural herbs - oak, calendula, chamomile, blackberry leaves and common horsetail bark. Fresh or dried herbs are mixed in equal parts.

A glass of boiling water requires a spoonful of the resulting mixture, everything is mixed and boiled for 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to drink or lotion from cold boiling.

Freshly brewed coffee trays
It turns out that coffee houses can eat mushrooms because of the caffeine and acids they contain. For effective treatment, 10-15 minutes is enough to make coffee trays with your toes.

Garden compresses from horseradish
The finely chopped horseradish layer may be applied as a compress to the patient nails daily, preferably for 20-30 minutes in the evening. When the healthy nail begins to grow - the procedure may be interrupted.

Salt and soda water baths
Daily water and soda baths will be diluted with warm water in equal proportions and will help to regenerate the nail plate, disinfect the skin and improve the fungus.

Recipe of seasoned hunters - sour cream and gunpowder
According to them, if clean feet compress smokeless powder and sour cream once every three days, after a while there will be no sign of any yeast infection.

Simple prevention measures
You can combine traditional and traditional medicine methods to cure the fungus quickly, and a few simple measures are needed to prevent future disease.

Wash your feet thoroughly after visiting public pools, baths or saunas. Do not use common slippers in such places, do not give someone a towel. Before choosing a sauna, swimming pool or bathroom, carefully approach the selection of common areas - make a test visit, ensure the quality of the cleanliness of the facility, follow the disinfection rules. If possible, make sure that the participants follow the hygiene rules and undergo medical examinations on time.
Carefully wipe your feet after a shower or bath, especially between your fingers.
Wear socks and stockings made of cotton or other natural materials, they do not allow excessive sweating of the feet.
Follow the hygiene rules - just put on your underwear, don't rent it to anyone. Get a special antibacterial soap to wash your feet and body.
Keep your feet dry - warm your shoes if you get wet.
Do not use tight shoes or socks - they are more likely to cause microtrauma and ingrown nails, which may provoke the development of fungal infection.
Always use disposable footprints or socks to wear shoes in the store.
If you are going to visit - bring your change shoes.
Watch the skin of the legs and nails. When visiting pedicure rooms, do not be lazy to ask the master how often the equipment is disinfected and the quality of the materials.
In summer, walk barefoot. The procedure will allow me to get rid of corn, heaps, and stiffen the body.
Support treatment - strengthen the immune system with vitamins, exercise and eat well.
If you have a fungal infection carrier at home
clean public areas carefully, clean shower, sink and detergent;
Wash or boil dirty laundry at maximum temperature;
after washing your feet, lubricate with hydrogen peroxide or a special cream for prevention;
After each use, the total wool should be soaked in a chloramine solution;
treat sweaty feet with special creams and powders;
daily change socks and underwear;
If the leg, leg or legs are injured by the skin, treat the legs with anti-fungal agents.
Fungal inflammation of the nails, especially in the feet treatment can take you from one week to several months.

Try to detect the disease over time, do not run an infected nail treatment on the leg, any inflammation reduces the immune level, puts you at risk of other, more serious diseases.

Which folk remedies can be treated nail fungus
Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is an infectious infection. One out of every five inhabitants of our planet hit it. You can catch mushrooms while walking barefoot in the water park, swimming pool or along the beach. In addition, onychomycosis is transmitted during the shoes of a sick person and when using non-sterile accessories for manicure and pedicure.

Nail fungus can be removed in many ways, but the body is the safest for folk remedies. Unlike pharmaceutical antimycotics, they have no toxic effects and do not disrupt the functioning of vital organs.

Today, we will talk about how folk remedies can be cured and how to make nail fungus at home.

General recommendations for folk treatment of fungi
When onychomycosis affects the nails on the hands or feet, it is important to be able to organize the healing process properly.

For the treatment of affected areas it is better to buy cuticles, disposable. If this is not possible, all instruments must be thoroughly disinfected after each use. Before the beginning of the procedure, it is recommended that steam, cut and sandblast to remove thickened areas, scales and loose tissue.

Hot baths take 20 minutes. In the softened state of the nails, the selected folk remedies are better perceived. Fungal strains are lethal to be ordinary soda because they do not like the alkaline environment. It is put in the bath at the rate of 1 tablespoon. l. x 2 - 3 liters of liquid. A higher concentration of soda helps soften the nails and surrounding skin.

When fighting fungus, you should pay more attention to the hygiene of the feet. Since moisture and friction cause onychomycosis spreads, sweat and smeared shoes should not be legs. In the process of treating nail fungus in the legs, it is often necessary to replace socks with folk remedies, and after healing everything that comes into contact with hands and feet should be boiled in a special disinfectant.

If the onychomycosis patient lives in an apartment in a family, he / she should pay attention to the safety of household members and allocate individual towels, slippers and other accessories for him / her. Before and after the water procedures, the shower and bath should be washed with aggressive means, because the fungi do not detect the boiling water of the accessories with boiling water. It is recommended to separate a tar soap mold to prevent fungal family members.

The first signs of nail fungus are peeling, brittleness and discoloration. Skin flakes around the plates, redness and itching. Onychomycosis treatment with folk remedies is effective in the early stages of the disease until the strains enter the active developmental phase.

Folk remedies effective against nail fungus
It is permitted to combine folk remedies with dermatologically prescribed pharmacy drugs for nail fungus in the legs. In this case, treatment results will be higher.

At home, onychomycosis is treated with herbs, foods and substances:

Tar birch tree.
Essential oils.
Hydrogen peroxide.
Tincture of apricot resin.
Consider the most effective measures in the treatment of nail fungus folk remedies.

The use of vinegar against the fungus means creating an acidic environment that prevents the spread of spores. As a result, the causal agent loses access to new charges and mold sources. The absence of hard parasitic cells prevents recurrence of the disease.

To effectively treat onychomycosis vinegar, use the product of the correct concentration.

If folk recipes of nails from cork are mentioned in the vinegar extract, the patient should apply a 70% solution. When table vinegar is used, it is necessary to take a product containing 6% or 9% acid. More saturated compounds cause chemical burns.

Vegetable juices
Corrosive juices in onions and garlic get rid of many infectious diseases. The wizards know how to get rid of the fungus on the nails with the help of onions and garlic and how to pass on generational work recipes.

The easiest way is to lubricate the affected areas with fresh onion juice. More complicated recipe - Dissolve in 1 tsp of 1 liter of water. Sodium chloride and oatmeal are squeezed from 1 clove of garlic. The drug is administered as a compress.

Garlic juice is mixed with water and clean medical alcohol (1: 1: 1) and the product taken in the morning and evening is treated with the patient plate. Combined with garlic butter butter for a variety of therapies, apply the medicine to the spoiled nails at night and wrap your fingers until morning.

Treatment of a fungus, a horse-radish root nail:

An unusual recipe with resin tree: remove "glue" from apricot peel and pour vodka (1 tablespoon x 1 glass). After 3 days, the patient's fingernails are lubricated with a solution of shaking liquid previously. Treatment with apricot resin will help you get rid of nail fungus for 1 month.

Essential Oils
Folk remedies based on essential oils are easy to apply and effective in fighting fungi. Pharmacy behave like expensive antimycotics. Herbal esters are equipped with various medicinal properties - cleanser, bactericide, anti-inflammatory and regenerating skin and nail tissue.

Essential oils destroy the fungal flora and return the affected plate to its normal state.

Use essential oils in different ways as folk remedies against nail fungus in the legs:

Bathrooms. Capacitance fill with 3 warm liters of water and 10 drops of pipette applied to any essential oil (ylang-ylang, lavender, rosemary, tea tree or the like) .. The extremity is rinsed with clean water and placed in a basin with fragrant content for 20 minutes. The procedure wraps the feet in a warm towel for 15 minutes.
Compress. A little essential oil is heated to 30 ° C and 1-2 spoons of water are added. The composition is impregnated with a cotton swab and attached to the cork nail with a bandage or plaster for 1 hour. Thanks to the compressor, the plate becomes soft and elastic. In this form, it is easier to cut and clean with a saw blade.
In the absence of allergy to undiluted tea tree oil, a patient previously steamed with a hot soapy solution is applied to the nail. A piece of laundry soap is grated and thrown into hot water. The oil product is removed with a cotton swab and applied to a 2 pl plate. Daily Agent is indestructible.

Essential oils for the treatment of onychomycosis are used daily until fully healthy nails grow. The effectiveness of aromatherapy is enhanced by careful body hygiene.

How to quickly treat fungi
To rapidly suppress the activity of the fungus that occupy the nail plates, the Neumyvakin method permits the external application of hydrogen peroxide.

For the treatment of onychomycosis, the professor recommends that you steam your feet in a soda solution (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) and remove a small portion of the affected nails with a nail clipper. A piece of cotton wool should then be impregnated with a 3% solution of peroxide and applied to the fingernail area.

With a fungus on the hands, this application is kept in the legs for 10 to 15 minutes - 40 to 60 minutes. The frequency of sessions is 2 per day until full recovery is achieved.

Onychomycosis hand baths and feet with hydrogen peroxide are made with water heated to 50 ° C and 3% peroxide. The ratio is 2 tablespoons. l. x 1 liter of water. Limbs rises 2 r. 15 minutes a day. for one week.

In addition, peroxide can be mixed with other substances and effective folk remedies for the treatment of nail fungus can be obtained:

Half a cup of hydrated soda is dissolved in 4 cups of water and poured into a quarter of a 3% cup of hydrogen peroxide. In the mixture, add half a cup of magnesium sulfate and a quarter cup of vinegar. The preparation is poured with a cotton swab and the lotion on the affected plate is fixed with adhesive tape. Change the bandage every 10 hours. General treatment course - 1 month.
Vinegar is mixed equally with peroxide (concentration of both substances - 3%). Her feet are submerged in water while hissing. Further, the fingertips are placed on a bleach diluted in water for half a minute and the limbs are washed rapidly under a flowing jet. The procedure is completed by treating the fingernails with a mixture of oil gel and tea tree oil (1: 1) and putting on warm socks. Treatment lasts 1 week.
Fast and effective withdrawal of nail fungus will help lotions with Novokainom. A piece of cotton wool is impregnated with a liquid drug and attached to the affected plate. Only 2 lotions - and the fungi on the nails heal forever.

Propolis is a universal treatment for many diseases. The product destroys the fungal flora because of its fungicidal, bacteriostatic and wound healing properties.

The use of propolis in mycosis and onychomycosis prevents the development and spread of pathogens. The patient notes that itching and inflammation have disappeared. The injured nail is quickly replaced with a healthy plate.

Consider a treatment for a nail fungus, propolis in the legs (arm or hand):

The spiritual tincture of propolis impregnates 20% with cotton wool and is applied to the plate. Top put finger on dry cotton wool and bandage. One day later the bandage is removed, the softened layer of the nail is removed with a nail file and the manipulation is repeated.
A piece of propolis is applied to a problem area by steaming the first hand or feet and scraping the top layer. Propolis is kept for half an hour. Procedures 2 s. per day for a month.
The solid form of propolis is ground and mixed with an antifungal cream from a pharmacy. Lubrication of the nail with an improved drug enhances the therapeutic effect of both agents.
Propolis tincture is added to the foot baths with 3 drops of water to 15 liters of water. The bath is taken for 20 minutes, then the arms and legs are wiped, and the skin around the diseased plate is wiped with hydrogen peroxide.
Onychomycosis with the help of propolis is treated for 2-3 months. Interruptions are not to prevent recurrences. With all therapy rules, the fungus heals completely.

In summer, celandine will quickly cure fungus on the nails. The juice of the plant has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and cauterizing effect. Mushrooms in poisonous fruit juice die immediately.

Obtain a useful liquid by grinding the meat grinder over the air portion of the plant and squeezing the water from the gauze. The second option - in place to tear a branch of the pintail and lubricate the nail with a pronounced juice.

Boiling of mushrooms for foot baths is done using dry raw materials:

The water is poured into water and the bath is taken for 15 minutes. Frequency of operations - 2 s. diary

If folk remedies against nail fungus do not produce any results for 1 to 2 weeks of use, consult your doctor to clarify the diagnosis and prescription of the drug.

I do not recommend the tea tree, I have been infected for prophylaxis or as a result the fungi have recovered. And expensive, proprietary, I've already regretted hundreds of times - the same microspray would be cheaper from time to time and I'll be sure, but I wanted something natural. This is not the way, perhaps it is better to try celandine or vinegar.

I helped iodinol, it only took 5 days and the nails stopped separating. Although I'm not sure it's a fungus, I didn't go to the doctor. Now for the prevention of my nails with tar soap, they were only treated.

This is not true. Tea tree oil greatly helps in the treatment of nail fungus. This helped me and my friend. And the microspray you type is more suitable for treatment, not prevention.

One day in the woods, I noticed that there was nothing, even though there was algae and lichens around, there was a bald patch. He came closer and saw many building beams poured years ago. At home I wrote on the internet that there are algae - the symbiosis of plants and fungi appeared. Fungi never settle near a highly alkaline environment, they are dangerous to them.

Thus, the output of a strong antifungal agent (calcium hydroxide solution or the national "gaschona lime") property is brought to IPC according to the invention (International Patent Classification as an antifungal drug). This is an already existing fact.

As a microorganism to a pH of "sour cream" with a high pH (consistency) equal to 12.8 equal to a solution ten times more (equal = 11.0- scientifically proven, pH logarithmic scale, the dose of each integer). Also in the air known hydroxide programs immediately nail school.Adamage of carbon dioxide reacts with the solution of carbonic acid-CaCo3- ct at the bottom to be in carbon dioxide and turn air for twenty minutes, and react no longer dangerous to the skin 8.0 (alkalinity) 8.0, loses-gets a slight burn.

The fungus was killed, left with it to remove necrotic nail tissue, and the procedures were repeated by resting the tissues for healing.

The treatment algorithm, in combination with all the produced drugs among them, in the tissue repair, for example, to be in the form that is allowed to take the systemic drug, remove the nail by known methods of solution, and will make in connection with the hydroxide as a topically used non-razreshat-topical preparation.

I'm looking for small pharmaceutical companies that will pay for research at the Pharmaceutical Research Institute in Moscow and I will produce this powerful drug. This should be done with CI and CI. PLEASE CONNECT this task to finish (mushrooms) as with lice and scabies.

Nature has allowed us to leave millions of pieces - this drug in powder form (in toilet soap packs), most in paste form (in yogurt packs). The raw material will be lime paste (1 kg, 8-10 rubles and hundreds of operating costs of manufacturers) according to GOST.

I am waiting for an answer. It is possible in the search engine to look at the patent - Open registration Pips - inventions - to call the number in a window-2609017.

The mushroom is not nice, but from my experience, I will say that it is possible to defeat it in the first stage. The main thing is to remove steam in the soda, add laundry soap, disinfect and soften thoroughly, then I applied nailimycin 911 cream on a dry nail for three days. The procedure was repeated several times and the nail was removed by the patient, so softened that it was painless to remove it at home.

The toenails of his big toes for 30 years went with toadstool. I've tried too many drugs and methods. Finally, by accident, he made a mixture where the fungus died for the first time. And the procedure is simple and painless. Dripped and all. After 2 months, he's not grown up and handsome. Now I'm testing the mixture on psoriasis. Like the previous author, I want to introduce it to production. But this, of course, is from the fantasy world. He won't just give me a prescription. Already gave enough other wounds. Virtues are not rewarded. To whom interesting, summer

Hello, please give me a recipe for mushrooms.

Treatment of foot nail fungus at home
Toenail fungus is an unpleasant phenomenon that can disrupt the appearance of beautiful legs. Unfortunately, the disease is common. In most cases, fungal leg injuries do not pose a threat to human health, but can cause considerable discomfort. Every five people on the planet suffer from mushrooms in the legs.

The disease is caused by "red trichophy", the pathogenic bacteria affecting the skin of the feet and nail plate. Sometimes other molds and fungi are susceptible to bacteria. As a result of the disease shortage, the person's resistance to external negative factors decreases, metabolism worsens. Timely treatment at home will help you cope effectively with the disease, especially at an early stage.

Folk remedies
Treatment of infection is quite possible folk remedies. These are simple and affordable methods that you can easily use at home.

Detergents from pathogenic bacteria living in the nails will help. For parasites and in large quantities it contains dangerous alkali. Dilute 100 g powder in hot water, soak your feet. The procedure should be performed within ten days.
Hydrogen peroxide helps with disease. Moisten the feet with baking soda (1 liter of water = 1 hour spoon of soda) with water before starting the procedure. Then moisten the sprayed disk with peroxide and insert it into the patient nail, rewind the foot with a film and towel. The procedure takes up to an hour. The method should be used twice a day for two weeks.
Garlic at home is useful. It is necessary to cut a clove of garlic, dip it in half salt and rub the affected nails.
Effective home treatment recipes
It is necessary to carefully treat the nail fungus in order to approach the substance seriously. A very popular effective recipe that requires patient persistence and patience is described.

Take a chicken egg and put it in a glass. Slowly pour vinegar until the liquid completely covers the egg. Leave the glass with eggs in a dark place for a while. When the eggshell is thawed, it should be completely removed, the eggs are crushed with butter. Place the resulting mixture on a cotton pad or gauze, attach to the patient nail. Secure the bandage with a towel or film. When the nail is soft, stop it. The process is performed until fully recovered. If you are massaging your legs before each procedure, the treatment will be effective.
Onychomycosis treatment at home is a responsible exercise. To achieve the result, you must perform the selected procedure or combination of methods on a daily basis. Before you start, you need to dry and dry the feet. This is a prerequisite.

Hydrogen peroxide is a home remedy
Hydrogen peroxide is not a means to kill microorganisms. The nail solution hydrogen solution can be suspended and its development can be prevented. Peroxide has deodorizing properties and is recommended for the treatment of damaged areas. If you regularly use a solution of hydrogen peroxide, the infection of your legs will pass quickly. The composition of the solution is toxic to pathogenic microorganisms. It is important to use the antiseptic correctly.

Take a hot foot bath, add copper sulfate. Rasparete feet carefully.
Clean the skin with a clean towel. Especially between the fingers.
Wet cotton wool or disc in hydrogen peroxide and apply to infected nail areas. Fix the cotton wool with a plaster, rewind with a towel. Leave for 45-60 minutes. The procedure should be performed twice a day, with a break at twelve o'clock.
When the nails on the legs become light, you should cut the soft areas of the nail plate and apply an antifungal cream to them.
An additional way. If you use a bath based on hydrogen peroxide, nail disease goes faster. Take two liters of water to dissolve one hundred million liters of hydrogen peroxide. Occurred in the bathroom stole his legs for 20 minutes. Then dry your feet 'skin, clean the nail file with a softened area of ​​the nail. Then use an antifungal cream. The procedure is performed once a day.

The benefit of peroxide is that the substance can accelerate the healing process. Microorganisms that cause disease in the feet stop spreading. In addition, hydrogen peroxide saves a person from relapse. The advantage of using a hydrogen peroxide solution in case of the possibility of using pregnant women and children.

Self-treatment of nail fungus legs
If you follow the advice of a doctor, treating the fungus at home will be beneficial. As a rule, the infection is treated at home, the main thing is to regularly apply the procedures and take the medication (if the doctor has prescribed) strictly according to the prescription prescribed. Nowadays, a method for pulse treatment is recommended to patients. Treatment requires compliance with the rules, a rapid treatment designed for a short time is recommended. Treating an infection according to the described method follows the uptake of antimycotic agents in a strict dosage.

In the conditions of the house the disease is treated with ointment, gel, special lacquer, film wraps. Onychomycosis of the foot and nail skin is effectively eliminated with the help of fungicidal ointment. If the infection is neglected, remove the painful fingernail before using the medication. Different drugs should be combined during therapy. For example, two weeks after the application of the prescribed ointment, the effect of the treatment does not diminish, so that it does not become addictive with a similar effect. If the nail is completely destroyed, the restoration will take up to a year.

Thrown nail fungus form requires preliminary laboratory diagnosis. The dermatologist receives a scraping from the patient to determine the nature of the microorganisms (number and type) that trigger the development of infection. If you combine medicines, ointments, observe hygiene, and use folk methods in addition, it will go into treatment.

Preparations for the treatment of nail fungus
In addition to ointments, creams, lacquers and medical adhesive tapes, medicines are created in the form of tablets that help (and are assigned) to help in neglected cases. Antifungal agents are inexpensive, but effective. Preparations include "Ketakonzal", "Itraconazal", "Futsiz", "Terbinafine" and others. To get rid of a viral infection of the legs for six months or a year with appropriate treatment. It is particularly difficult to pass on the disease to pregnant women. Therapy for them maintains its course and does not include medicines. It is better to postpone treatment before the birth of the child. Pregnant women should remember that independent mothers are not allowed to take independent action, including the use of folk remedies.

During drug treatment, the doctor prescribes a dose of about 150 mg of an antifungal drug. Everything depends on the course of the disease and the overall picture of the state of the organism.

Employee form
It is better to treat a patient nail in neglected form with the help of a laser. The advantages are obvious. If medications and folk remedies do not help, you should use the method. Laser treatment is prescribed and carried out by a doctor.

Under the influence of the laser beam, the source of infection of the skin of the legs and nails is immediately destroyed.
Laser does not harm healthy tissues.
Four laser treatment procedures are sufficient to completely remove germs.
Treatment with laser therapy is the most effective, does not involve the complex use of drugs and the use of ointments.

Results of toenail fungus
The disease can have unpleasant consequences for the human body. Treatment of nail fungus leads to dangerous complications.

Immunity worsens.
The body's resistance to viral and infectious diseases is reduced, frequent colds are seen.
Infection of nail fungus can penetrate the bloodstream and damage internal organs.
Eczema and dermatitis may occur on the skin.
There is exacerbation of chronic diseases.
Pain, skin inflammation, asthma may develop.
Such results await a person in the case of a fungus running on his legs. Infection at the filled stage is dangerous and may adversely affect the functioning of vital organs. The risk group includes older people who find it harder to look after them as they age.

Prevention of nail fungus legs
Prevention is an effective way to combat a viral infection of the legs.

Use only individual tools for pedicure.
It is always necessary to have a personal towel.
Do not wear someone else's shoes.
It is much more difficult to treat a fungus at home, so be sure to disinfect the cleanliness in the common rooms of the house: bathroom, toilet.
You should walk in the pool, sauna, bath with special shoes. It must be individual.
After a bath or shower, it is important to wipe your feet and fingers carefully.
If there is a tendency to diabetes, it becomes a factor in the development of viral infection in the legs. Watch your blood sugar.
Wash your feet daily, dry your shoes and change socks.
Wear high-quality shoes that bypass the air and prevent movement of the legs.
Monitor the quality of products when buying. This is especially true for socks, tights, socks, shoes.
Pay attention to food intake. Due to a lack of vitamins, the body has been exhausted and attacked by the disease. The spring and summer menu includes vegetables, fruits, berries and multivitamins in winter.
Monitor the condition of the nails on your legs daily while disinfecting the instruments.
You should see a doctor at the first signs of the disease. It will help determine the stage of the disease and choose the right method to combat the disease. It is recommended in a complex to treat an infection: combining the doctor with medicines, ointments and household methods helps to have a positive effect.

Nail Fungus Soak (.65 oz)