Thursday, October 17, 2019

Motherlove - Sitz Bath Spray, Convenient Cooling Herbal Mist for Postpartum Vaginal Care, Soothes Sore Perineal Muscles and Eases Discomfort After Birth, USDA Certified Organic, 2 oz Bottle

Hemorrhoids Treatment

Motherlove - Sitz Bath Spray, Convenient Cooling Herbal Mist for Postpartum Vaginal Care, Soothes Sore Perineal Muscles and Eases Discomfort After Birth, USDA Certified Organic, 2 oz Bottle

What is Hemorrhoids? Types of Hemorrhoids and Treatment Methods

What is Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids; anus and rectum diseases.

Anus and rectum; is the exit gate of the excretory system and is an area where approximately twenty kinds of diseases can be seen.

Hemorrhoids, hemorrhoidal balls within the anus, the vessels expand abnormally over time, hang out in the form of red and purple bags (breasts), or wear and puncture, often causing dark and bright bleeding during defecation; sometimes the breasts are suddenly filled with clots, causing severe pain, edema, inflammation, injury and pain.

What Causes Hemorrhoids?

- The first cause of hemorrhoids is constipation.

- Intestinal infections such as colitis, proctitis, enteritis.

- Alcohol consumption, Irritant consumption of excessive bitter foods.

- Poor hygiene.

- Inborn hemorrhoidal vascular wall structure is inherently weak or subsequently weakened and bagged.

- Prostate enlargement.

- Excessive pushing.

- Sitting or standing all day.

- Excessive fatigue, large abdominal cavity, chronic cough and obesity.

Hemorrhoids and Nutrition

Regular breakfast and toilet habit should be gained.

2. At every meal, including breakfast, be sure to eat a plate of shepherd salad.

3. In your meals, especially spinach, okra, leek, purslane, try to eat vegetable dishes such as green beans.

4. Eat a plateful of compote or plum, figs, grapes, apricots at each meal.

5. Consume fiber foods and whole products such as cereals, corn and legumes.

6. Drink plenty of warm water at room temperature after each meal.

7. For herbal teas between meals.

8. When there is active, rapid bleeding in the toilet, get up immediately and lie down for 10 minutes.

Foods that should never be consumed

- Tea, cola, banana, white bread, sandwich, cookies, wafer, chocolate, rice pilaf, pasta, water pastry and so on. Restrict products such as pulp. If you eat them, necessarily eat plenty of vegetables, fruit and plenty of water.

- Avoid cold drinks; ensure that your drinks are at room temperature.

Early Hemorrhoid Treatment Methods

1 - Warm Water Sitting Bath

If there is any surgical or medical pathology in the anal area, the first principle of treatment is to apply regular warm water sitting bath hot bag. Depending on the pain, 3 to 6 times a day for about one week, 20 - 30 min. it should sit in warm water and always be treated with warm water and then sit on the hot water bag. Thus, pain, edema, swelling and inflammatory image regresses a lot.

2 - Pain Relievers

Pain relief is essential. Painkillers may be in the form of tablets, needles or creams. These soften anal spasm; relieves edema, swelling and pain. If necessary, a single dose of painkiller should be given daily for a day or two to completely relieve the pain. Pain should never be allowed, otherwise pain, spasm and ischemia, which again brings hemorrhoidal swelling.

3- Hemorrhoids Creams

These creams have antiseptic, vasoconstrictor, pain, edema and itching relieving, softening effects.

Cream selection; it varies according to the type of complaints, the degree of the disease, examination findings.

It causes serious complications with wrong cream usage. Acute, especially flaming conditions, especially; in all hemorrhoids; recovery may be delayed even after intervention.

For example, cortisone creams may adversely affect treatment or some of the creams in patients with damaged and bleeding fistula disease; If used for more than 2 weeks, it causes allergic itching and inflammation in the environment.

Again, if you need to use cream for a long time, no side effects, vaseline, cortisons-free creams should be preferred. In acute, thrombosed and intervening hemorrhoids, antibiotic creams should also be added to the treatment as they are usually infected.

4- Stool softening
The softening of the stool and the reduction of the number of defecation, the formation or exacerbation of hemorrhoids and fissures, the type of foods, stiffness or stickiness of the feces, constipation or frequent defecation and sometimes diarrhea has negative effects; diarrhea and especially constipation should be corrected; the exit to the toilet must be programmed and the layout determined.

Types of Hemorrhoids and Treatment Methods

1st Degree Hemorrhoids: If the hemorrhoid nozzle can be seen in an upward position and not coming out of the anus but entering through an anoscope, it is a 1st degree hemorrhoid.

It manifests itself only by bleeding. These nozzles are generally painless and are less than 1 cm in size, stretched and thin-walled, ready to bleed internal nozzles and do not handle.

Treatment: 1st degree hemorrhoids can be treated by medical methods such as rubber banding, sclerosing drug injection and laser treatment, and surgery is not required. Sometimes only ointment, proper diet, warm water sitting bath and rest can be enough. However, preparatory reasons should be investigated and treated separately.

2nd degree Hemorrhoids: These are painless, 1 - 3 cm diameter Hemorrhoidal breasts that come out of the anus when they are pushed to the toilet during the defecation and disappear into the anal canal when they stand up, usually bleeding in the form of sprayed or rapid drops. Bleeds can sometimes take a break for a month or two, sometimes for months, with a small amount of time at each toilet exit. And in time, it surely causes anemia, and sometimes it may flare up and grow and become locked out of the anus and become urgent.

Treatment: Second degree hemorrhoids do not require surgical treatment. Binding is treated with sclerosing drug injection. In addition, appropriate diet, astringent and antibiotic ointments, warm water sitting baths and painkillers should be added to the treatment.

3rd Degree Hemorrhoids: Internal hemorrhoid breasts easily go out of the anus, often cause pain with clots and edema, wounds and bloody discharge in the form of inflammation and aphthae; unless it is pushed in.

Treatment: Depending on the situation, treatment is started by medical and conservative methods; very few cases require surgical excision. The most ideal method is rubber band or laser application.

4th degree Hemorrhoids: For years of chronic constipation in cases of old internal and external hemorrhoids hanging down collectively, as a result of sitting in the toilet or seat, breast, large, painless, watery, wet masses outside the anus is to settle around all around. Chronic 4th degree patients have poor cleansing and persistent mucus and inflamed rashes, pruritus, and minor but frequent bleeding problems. Pain is felt when sitting on the breasts.

Treatment: Most of them benefit from medical and hygienic measures such as good medical treatment, constipation-free diet, regular toilet habits. In some, rubber band or sclerotherapy, laser application may be sufficient; however, surgical treatment is required in most cases. If there is an obstacle to surgery, it will continue the lifelong, conservative medical methods and it is always necessary to consume plenty of water, plenty of vegetables and fruits.

Questions and Answers about Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids)

Why are painful / painless swelling of the anus diagnosed with hemorrhoids or fistulas?

The reason is that almost all anus and rectum diseases, including rectal cancers, hemorrhoids, fissures and fistulas, have common complaints and symptoms, such as bleeding, discharge, itching, pain, swelling, constipation or frequent toilet failure.

However, examinations and findings may indicate 20 different kinds of errors. Symptoms of a wide range of diseases are observed, from rectal cancer to colitis. Hemorrhoids are only one of these diseases, but they are the most common.

What is a proctologist?

He is a general surgery specialist who is interested in diseases of the large intestine, anus and the region, who has received special training and has the medical equipment and equipments.

How are hemorrhoids and anus cancer differentiated?

It is almost impossible for anus cancers and other diseases to be recognized by the patient or family, especially in the early period. The correct interpretation of the complaints and symptoms can only be achieved with special tools and after some analysis and examinations; a proctology or general surgery or a gastroenterology specialist. There may be similar methods in diagnosis, but there are many differences that require expertise in treatment.

Is surgery risky in the treatment of hemorrhoids?

In fact, there is no risk to be considered. However, psychological aspect, price, pain, and rarely bleeding surgery.

Is there a risk of death in hemorrhoid disease? Does he have cancer?

No, he won't. However, hemorrhoids and fissures and all other anorectal diseases and hair-related diseases, in competent hands, are very high chances of treatment.

Hemorrhoids do not cause cancer, but are very confused with cancer and other diseases.

Motherlove - Sitz Bath Spray, Convenient Cooling Herbal Mist for Postpartum Vaginal Care, Soothes Sore Perineal Muscles and Eases Discomfort After Birth, USDA Certified Organic, 2 oz Bottle