Thursday, October 10, 2019

Mepilex Border Self-Adhesive Foam Dressings 4""x4"", Box of 5

How to Improve Cutouts Easily and Naturally?


A cut on your skin hurts, so you probably want it to heal quickly. Fortunately, you can use natural antiseptics to treat your cut at home in natural ways. In order to support the rapid healing of your incision, you need to clean the wound, dress and care for it. However, if the cut is too deep, long or in a sensitive location, or if you have signs of infection, you should see a doctor. You should also go to the emergency room for a very deep, non-bleeding cut.

Cleaning the Cut

Wash your hands with soap and warm water to prevent infection. You should always wash your hands with soap and water before cleaning the incision. This reduces the chance of infection. [1]
Wash your hands with lukewarm water and allow them to dry spontaneously or dry with a clean towel, preferably a paper towel.
In the hands of the cut, try not to touch the cut with soap because it can irritate the wound. [2]

Wash with mild soap and water to clean the incision. Hold the cut skin under running water of warm water, and then apply some mild soap to the cut to remove the cut. Gently rub the soap around the cut and wash the cut with warm water [3].
When washing the wound, see if there's anything like gravel or splinter in it, and make sure you remove any foreign matter you saw. You can use a pair of tweezers disinfected with toilet spirits to remove impurities.
For many superficial cuts that require only home intervention, natural cleaning is sufficient.
For deep cuts or cuts containing embedded substances, seek medical advice.
If necessary, stop bleeding by applying pressure with gauze. If the cut continues to bleed after washing, apply a piece of sterile gauze and pressure to the cut. When the incision stops bleeding, you can remove the gauze or wrap the incision with a piece of gauze, lint-free wound napkin, or a sterile material. Do not apply a “wipe” gesture on the cut, because this may open the cut further.

If possible, wash the cut with saline. A mild, normal saline solution cleans the cut area and helps prevent infection. Normal salt solution is the safest solution to use. [4] This solution has approximately the same salinity as blood, tears and sweat. In other words, the salinity rate is approximately 0.9%. [5]
To prepare their own normal salt solution, add half a teaspoon of salt to about 250 ml of boiling water and stir until dissolved. [6] Wait for the solution to cool, then pour the solution over the incision and gently wipe off any moisture formed with a piece of sterile gauze.
Use a new salt solution for each rinse. Pour unused solution into the sink. [7] Bacteria can grow in as little as 24 hours in salt solution. [8]
Keep the cuts clean and disinfect the cut at least once a day until it is completely closed. If the cut becomes red or inflamed, see a doctor.

Do not use hydrogen peroxide and iodine as this will slow down the recovery. Although hydrogen peroxide is often recommended for the treatment of wounds, it does not actually kill bacteria effectively. Hydrogen peroxide can slow down the normal healing process and irritate the wound. [9] Iodine may also irritate the incision. [10]
Use pure, tap water or normal saline to wash the wound.

Dressing the Cuticle

Apply colloidal silver ointment to prevent an infection. Silver is a natural antimicrobial agent that has been used for a long time. 0.5 to 1% colloidal silver ointment may reduce the risk of infection. [11] Antibacterial colloidal silver ointments are available in most pharmacies.
Apply a thin layer of antibacterial silver ointment to the incision, then glue the band-aid.
Remember that antibacterial ointments do not accelerate the healing time of cuts. However, it can prevent infection and support the healing process of the body. [12]

Use a natural antiseptic to kill germs and bacteria. Some plants have a natural antimicrobial effect to reduce infection. Herbal treatments may affect other health problems or may interfere with prescription drugs. So consult a doctor or pharmacist before using them.
Calendula. Calendula has antimicrobial properties and has been shown to accelerate healing. [13] Apply an ointment incision containing 5% calendula. In animal studies, this concentration has been shown to accelerate wound healing. [14]
Tea tree oil. Age tree oil is a natural antibacterial and antifungal. Apply a few drops of 100% tea tree oil to the cut with the help of gauze. [15]
Echinacea. Echinacea may help to heal the wound in high-stress processes, but not in low- or moderate-stress processes. [16] Apply a cream or ointment containing echinacea to the cut to aid healing. [17]
Use aloe vera for small wounds. If the wound is a superficial wound, apply pure aloe vera gel several times a day. Apply aloe vera to deep sores, including surgical wounds, because aloe vera can slow healing when applied to deep sores in the body. [18]
Aloe vera can reduce inflammation and moisturize the affected area.
Individuals may occasionally have allergies to aloe vera. If deep redness or irritation occurs, stop using aloe vera and see a doctor.

Try honey to kill the germs and keep the cut moist. Many honey has natural antibacterial properties, and also helps keep small-scale wounds moist and protected from bacteria. [19] Find manuka honey, which has been shown to be one of the most effective in the treatment of wounds. [20]
After cleaning the incision, apply a thin layer of honey. Glue the band-aid. Change the band-aid frequently.
You can also try coconut oil, which has natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. [21] [22]

Protect the cut area with sterile bandage. Put sterile gauze on the incision and cover the area with the bandage of your choice and secure the bandage with a medical tape. Ensure that the dressing is sterile, such as sterile gauze or band-aid. [23] Maintain the incision until the incision is greatly healed and new skin appears.
When you need to replace the dressing, remove the old one and wash the cut with saline, then apply a clean dressing. [24]
Change the dressing every day or when the dressing pad is filled with blood.
Always wash your hands before changing the dressing or touching the cut.

Helping You Heal Faster

Get more protein and vitamins to support healthy skin development. You can take more protein and increase the intake of vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin C, which supports healthy skin formation. Zinc may also aid in wound healing. [26] If you have nutrient deficiency, it takes more time for the skin to heal. Consume plenty of the following foods to get enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals: [27]
Lean meat protein: lean meats such as chicken and turkey, fish, eggs, yogurt, beans
Vitamin C: fruits such as citrus fruits, melon, kiwi, mango, pineapple, strawberry and cherry, broccoli, pepper, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower [28]
Vitamin A: eggs, fortified cereals, orange fruits and vegetables, broccoli, spinach and dark green leafy vegetables, fish oil [29]
Vitamin D: fortified milk or juice, fatty fish, eggs, cheese, liver [30]
Vitamin E: nuts, seeds, peanut butter, spinach, broccoli, kiwi [31] [32]
Zinc: Beef, pork, lamb, black chicken, nuts, whole grains, beans [33]

Apply green tea extract to help heal the wound. Studies have shown that green tea extract can heal wounds faster. [34] [35] Find 0.6% green tea concentrate ointment. Read the instructions on the packaging to apply.
You can also make your own ointment by mixing green tea extract with vaseline. [36]

Apply hamamelis to reduce inflammation. Try using hamamelis to reduce inflammation and redness. [37] Put a small amount of hazelnut into the cut with a clean cotton.
You can find it in almost every pharmacy.

Drink too much water to avoid dehydration. Drink about 250 ml of decaffeinated, soft drink every two hours. In this way, you can recover the water lost in the event of bleeding at the time of injury or sweating at the time of fire. If the body is dehydrated, the following complications may occur:
Skin dryness
Muscle cramps
Low blood pressure

Do low-intensity exercises to improve circulation. When moderate exercises are performed, the body's ability to fight infections may increase, inflammation may decrease and recovery time may be accelerated. [38] Don't use that part of the wound. Exercise at least three days a week for 30-45 minutes each. Consult your doctor to find out which exercise is right for you. Some easy, low intensity exercises include:
Brisk walk
Yoga and stretching
Light weight exercise
8-15 km / h cycling exercise

Use an ice pack to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. If blistering and redness persist or disturbing, apply an ice pack to that area. The cold numb the cut area, prevents further bleeding and reduces pain. [39]
You can also make your own ice bag by moistening a towel and putting it in a locked fridge bag. Freeze this bag in the freezer for 15 minutes.
Wrap a moist towel in an ice bag and apply to the cut area.
Apply ice pack to open or infected wounds.
Apply ice directly to the skin as it may be harmful.

Use moisturizing device to keep skin moist. A moist environment can help the wound heal faster. [40] Use a humidifier to moisten the air of the room and prevent the skin from drying out or cracking. Make sure the humidifier is clean to prevent the spread of bacteria that may cause infection. [41]
If moisture is too high, mold and mite may form.
If the humidity is too low, the skin of the households may dry and throat and sinus disorders may occur.
Measure the amount of moisture with a moisture meter that you can buy from many hardware outlets.

Dealing with a Serious Cut
Take care of the wound to see if you can control the bleeding and close it. You can handle serious cuts at home. If you can stop the bleeding and see that the skin hasn't separated, you can try to care for it yourself. However, it is best to see a doctor if you have a serious incision. [42]
Monitor the incision for the next 24 hours to ensure that you do not need medical attention. If there is any change or if it starts to bleed again, go to the doctor.

Stop the bleeding. No matter how serious the cut is, you should stop the bleeding before you lose more blood. Place a clean piece of sterile gauze over the incision and apply a firm and constant pressure until bleeding stops. [43] When the wound stops bleeding, it may begin to heal.
Multi-pressure application. If you apply too much pressure, you can block circulation. This prevents the blood from clotting, thus causing the incision to bleed longer.
If the blood leaks out of the gauze, place another gauze on top of the gauze to pull it out. Remove the first track. Keep applying pressure to the cut.
If the blood immediately makes the gauze soaked and the pressure does not stop the bleeding, go to the emergency room or a doctor.

Only do tourniquets in very serious situations. The only time you will have a tourniquet at home should be when you lose a significant amount of blood. Improper use of tourniquets can cause serious damage to limbs and blood flow, and may even result in the cutting of a limb.

Knowing When to Get Medical Assistance

Get immediate help for a cut in a long, deep or delicate place. You can usually deal with a cut at home. But sometimes you may need medical treatment. In addition to cleaning the wound, the doctor may decide that sutures are required to close the incision. Sutures may help the incision to heal faster and minimize scarring. [44]
If the cut is on your face, hands, feet, joint or unobstructed area, you probably need medical treatment.
If you see dirt in the cut and cannot clean it, see your doctor for treatment. It will help clean the wound.

Go to an emergency room for a very deep cut or uncontrollable bleeding. You don't have to worry, but if you have a cut that's too deep or doesn't stop bleeding, you might need emergency medical care. Failure to do emergency medical care may cause serious complications. If you notice any of the following serious symptoms, go to the emergency room immediately: [45]
If you still can't stop the bleeding in 20 minutes.
If the blood is bright red and gushing (indicating that the blood may be coming from an artery)
If you see red muscle or yellow fat.
The cut remains open when you try to keep the cut closed.

If fever rises or you notice signs of infection, see a doctor. Your incision will probably heal with proper treatment. However, sometimes a cut infection can get infected, which requires medical care. See your doctor or go to an emergency room if you show the following signs of infection: [46]
Temperature in that area
Increased pain
Pus discharge

Removing the scab from the wound. Wait for it to fall by itself.
Try to keep the cut and the skin around the incision moist. When the skin is dry, the scab is exfoliated, preventing the skin from healing effectively, resulting in scarring.
If he's home, put some petrolatum.
Don't hit the incision or touch the incision. The skin or the shell of the wound may tear.
If you're a self-destructive person, make sure that your wounds are in a prime position for you and that they are well healed because self-harm causes stress in the body and mind. Please share this with someone and keep yourself safe.
To find out if you have an allergic reaction that could make the wound worse, try a small part of your skin before applying any natural treatment.

For severe, infectious burns or cuts, follow these instructions to treat them. Get medical attention instead of applying them.

Mepilex Border Self-Adhesive Foam Dressings 4""x4"", Box of 5