Saturday, October 5, 2019

Infants’ Advil Concentrated Drops (.5 fl. oz., White Grape) 50mg Ibuprofen Fever Reducer/Pain Reliever, Dye-Free, Alcohol-Free, Liquid Pain Medicine, Ages 6 – 23 Months (2 Pack)

How does the flu pass? What good is the flu?

Infants’ Advil Concentrated Drops (.5 fl. oz., White Grape) 50mg Ibuprofen Fever Reducer/Pain Reliever, Dye-Free, Alcohol-Free, Liquid Pain Medicine, Ages 6 – 23 Months (2 Pack)

With the cold weather, flu again became the main agenda item. How does the flu pass? What is best for the flu, one of the most curious questions? is coming.

Flu autumn is one of the most curious subjects in these days. Climatic changes and sudden weather changes are frequently seen, while intermediate seasons are replaced by sharp transitions from summer to winter. These sudden changes almost invoke influenza. How to treat flu by citizens? What is good for flu? How does the flu pass? such questions are quite curious. Here are the answers to your questions about the flu ...


Influenza is an infectious viral infection caused by a virus called influenza, with symptoms such as fever, weakness, severe muscle and joint pain, tremor, headache and dry cough that suddenly begin at 39 ° C. Especially in people with weak immune system; in children, the elderly, and people with chronic diseases such as heart, lung disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and so on. Influenza is often mistaken for the common cold, but both are very different. The flu becomes contagious during the first 24-72 hours and in some cases may become fatal. Therefore, if the symptoms are severe, if the condition is getting worse, if your fever does not drop (or if you have difficulty breathing, persistent fever, vomiting, painful swallowing, persistent cough, persistent congestion and headache), you should consult your physician. Patients should definitely not use antipyretics or antibiotics without consulting a physician.
Cold, unlike the flu, high fever, mild malaise, symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing, which does not lead to fatigue is a disease that does not require bed rest and should not be compared with the flu. Here are all the details you want to know about the flu ...

What is flu?

Flu is an infectious viral disease spread by cough and sneezing, usually accompanied by high fever and pain. It usually passes within a week, but in some cases it can be dangerous to the extent that it can be fatal. Influenza is caused by the influenza virus, and the most effective prevention method is to have the vaccine. Influenza can cause serious problems, especially in the elderly and at risk, so vaccination is recommended. See: >>>

Main symptoms of influenza
high fever (38C and above),
fatigue and weakness
general pain and pain
dry and painful cough
also runny, sneezing and sore throat may be seen

What is the difference between cold and flu?

Cold Flu
Fever Rare 38-39
Headache Rare Continuous
General pain and pain
Fatigue Mild 2-3 weeks
Clogged nose Usually Sometimes
Sneezing Usually Sometimes
Sore Throat Usually Sometimes
Cough Rare Usually
Complications Sinusitis and ear pain Bronchitis, pneumonia
Immunization and antiviral drugs
Both are respiratory diseases; however, these are caused by different viruses. The flu disrupts the respiratory system, including the nose, throat, bronchus and possibly the lungs. The cold affects only the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, the symptoms of flu like fever, body aches and fatigue are more severe than colds. The main symptoms of flu are fever, fatigue, body aches, chills, headache, sore throat and cough.

Cough is not intense enough to irritate the bronchi. The worst days of the disease are the first 3-4 days. Resting passes between 7-10 days. However, you may feel tired for several weeks after the illness. Flu becomes contagious between the first 24-72 hours. Therefore, even if you are sick, you cannot spread the virus to other people. If you have flu, please do not use antipyretics or antibiotics without consulting your doctor. Rest when you are fired; so you can heal faster.

How does the flu pass? Does antibiotics work?

There is no single “best” treatment for influenza, but there are many methods that can reduce symptoms. There are a number of highly effective anti-viral drugs currently available for the treatment of influenza, but these should only be used with the advice of a doctor. Again, some prescription medications can shorten the duration of the disease when taken when the flu symptoms first appear. Drugs prevent progression, especially when taken within the first 48 hours. Cold and flu medications can help you with fever, pain, nasal congestion, cough reduction; however, they do not completely cure the flu; it can only help you get through this process more comfortably. Decongestants help you breathe by shrinking the swollen mucosa of the nose.

Saline nasal sprays can also help open airways. Cough preparations, along with water and juices, can help soothe cough. Cough and cold medicines should not be used in children under 4 years of age unless compulsory. If your child is between 4 and 6 years old, consult your doctor before giving any medication. You can use the medications prescribed by your doctor to relieve symptoms in children over 6 years of age. Consume plenty of fluids to prevent water loss from your body. This also relaxes your nasal mucosa. Limit drinks containing caffeine such as coffee, tea, cola. Act according to the state of your appetite.

If you're not really hungry, try eating simple foods like white rice or gravy. Antibiotics will not help treat flu or colds. Antibiotics kill bacteria, but have no effect on viruses that cause flu or colds. Flu can weaken your immune system and open the door for bacterial infections. Therefore, if your flu is getting worse, contact a physician. You may have a bacterial infection. However, antibiotic therapy may be necessary in such a case.

When should I see a doctor about the flu?

If the symptoms are severe, if you are getting worse rather than recovering, if your temperature does not fall, always consult a physician. You may have entered a condition that begins like flu and turns into another disease. If you have any of these symptoms, see a doctor immediately:

Difficulty breathing
Permanent Fire
Painful swallowing
Persistent cough
Persistent congestion and headache

Can the flu vaccine cause flu?

The flu vaccine is made from dead viruses and does not make you flu. However, the vaccine can trigger the body's immune response, so there may be a few mild symptoms such as muscle pain or low-grade fever.

Why are people so worried about the flu?

The flu virus can spread to the lungs and cause a serious infection, such as pneumonia. If the flu begins to develop pneumonia, this hospital may require treatment. People with allergies are not susceptible to influenza. However, allergies can trigger the development of influenza into diseases such as asthma and pneumonia. Therefore, elderly people, pregnant women, infants and those with chronic health problems should act more carefully.

Influenza and cold-causing viruses are spread through droplets caused by an infected person coughing or sneezing. If you want to be protected from flu and colds;

Cover your face with the inside of your arm while coughing or sneezing.
When you sneeze or cough, not your mouth with your hand; Cover with a paper handkerchief and discard the tissue immediately.

Do not put your hands in your eyes, nose and mouth. This prevents microbes entering the body.
Wash your hands frequently. If you do not have access to water, use an alcohol-based disinfectant.
Do not cough towards others, but turn your head away.
Disinfect common surfaces such as telephone, keyboard. Viruses can survive on these surfaces for 8 hours.

Stay away from the crowd during the cold and flu season.

You get a flu shot every year. Vaccines do not give you 100% protection; however, it is the best way to prevent the disease.
Eat dark green, red, yellow vegetables and fruits that feed the immune system.
Exercise regularly. You may be sick while exercising; but the disease shows less severe symptoms
and heal faster. Regular exercises such as aerobics and walking strengthen the immune system.

What is good for flu pains?

One of the worst side effects of flu is muscle pain. Your body fights the virus while you grapple with pain. These pains also prevent you from doing your movements easily. The severity of pain depends on factors such as age and the severity of the flu. Many people experience symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and fatigue, as well as muscle pain.

Symptoms of influenza persist for 7-10 days. During this time, many people experience muscle pain in the whole body, ranging in severity from moderate to severe. These pains occur because your body is constantly fighting the virus. This process not only causes pain but also makes you feel exhausted.

How does the flu pass and what is good for the flu?

It is as important to avoid flu as quickly as possible after getting sick. After catching the flu with 5 simple applications can get rid of the disease in the most healthy way quickly.

1. Never interrupt your treatment to avoid the flu quickly:

Treat your doctor without interruption. Do not make your own diagnosis and use random drugs. Especially the antibiotics taken for treatment are more harmful than the benefits. Drugs prescribed for influenza; it is not intended for direct infection, but is intended to help relieve symptoms, ease the disease and prevent complications. Not antibiotics; antipyretics to be prescribed by the doctor, sprays that relieve nasal breathing, mouthwashes and lozenges for sore throat and burning, vitamins should be used to increase body resistance.

2. Rest to get rid of the flu:

During this period, even if the patient is not in bed, his / her body should stay away from exhausting exercise and movements and rest for a few days. Influenza causes severe labor loss and loss of lessons in school-age children.

If not, both the treatment process is prolonged and the risk of side effects of the disease is increased. Another advantage of resting sick people is that they will not make other people sick and spread the disease in the institutions where they work.

3. Sleep for sufficient time:

Sleep pattern is one of the most important details for the health of the body. During sleep, especially in children, the cells are renewed and the hormone melatonin is secreted. 7 hours of daily compliance will strengthen the organism's defense system.

4. Do not reduce your fluid consumption:

Drink plenty of water. Especially mixed herbal teas (linden, rosehip, raspberry, jasmine, chamomile, blackberry tük) can consume. Of course, you should avoid excessive fluid consumption, as everything is harmful.

5. Feed well:

Since vitamin C strengthens the body's defense system, consume fruits, especially citrus fruits. Frequent consumption of fresh vegetables with dark green leaves will also increase your body resistance.

Herbal teas and foods that are good for influenza

Although good flu tea contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that strengthen the body, the active ingredients it contains can cause some side effects. Therefore, do not consume high doses of herbal teas that are good for influenza. If you regularly take medication for your flu treatment, or if you are breastfeeding, consult your doctor before using any herbal supplements. Herbal teas are primarily used to relieve the symptoms of influenza. Ginger, eucalyptus, mint and mate teas have active ingredients that are effective in relieving the symptoms of influenza.

Herbal tea from influenza: ginger tea

Using fresh or dry ginger, the ginger tea is the ideal tea to open up chest congestion and relieve flu-related nasal discharge. Ginger tea also: reduces chronic pain, opens the respiratory tract, reduces allergic reactions, strengthens blood circulation, good for sore throat, reduces sweating by increasing sweating.

Herbal tea from influenza: eucalyptus

You can use the eucalyptus plant to alleviate many symptoms of influenza, especially chest and nasal congestion. Eucalyptus tea also: good for cough, used to treat bronchitis, good for flu and flu, good for sore throat, prevents bad breath, externally used for the treatment of wounds on the skin.

Other influenza teas and medicinal herbs

Mate tea with high vitamin C content can be used to revive the weak body due to influenza and strengthen the immune system. Echinacea tea used in the treatment of viral infections softens the swollen throat and alleviates dry cough. Again, high amounts of vitamin C lemon tea and rosehip tea can be consumed in a shorter time to get rid of the flu.

Peppermint tea (with lemon), also used in our country for flu and flu, alleviates cough and softens irritated throat. Mint, which is also used as an active ingredient in many commercially produced nose and cough medicines, has antiviral properties that prevent the spread of flu-causing viruses.

Good Food for Flu

It is generally recommended to consume foods and beverages rich in vitamin C that strengthen the body in order to eliminate flu from the system faster. The best foods for flu are: Boiled fish, chicken broth, freshly squeezed fruit juices, boiled chicken, chicken and vegetable soups, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, lemon tea, ginger tea, echinacea tea, rosehip tea, sage, chamomile tea, eucalyptus. tea I.

Infants’ Advil Concentrated Drops (.5 fl. oz., White Grape) 50mg Ibuprofen Fever Reducer/Pain Reliever, Dye-Free, Alcohol-Free, Liquid Pain Medicine, Ages 6 – 23 Months (2 Pack)