Sunday, October 13, 2019

Gaviscon Antacid, Extra Strength, Cherry, Chewable Tablets, 100 chewable tablets

Category Archives: Healthy Living

Gaviscon Antacid, Extra Strength, Cherry, Chewable Tablets, 100 chewable tablets

Ulcer is caused by abrasion of the digestive tract, esophagus, stomach and duodenum and becomes a wound. The disease caused by the breakdown of the inner stomach with gastric acid is known as gastric ulcer. The production and amount of gastric acid varies in each body, but overproduction occurs in some people.

What are the symptoms of ulcer?

Abdominal discomfort, pain and nausea are among the main symptoms of ulcers. This feeling of pain and discomfort is described by patients in different ways, such as scraping, burning and feeling of hunger. Stomach acid remedies give a temporary relief.

Symptoms of stomach ulcers worsen with food. Pain starts when food is in the stomach. Especially spicy foods can be touched. Since eating causes pain, people with stomach ulcers avoid eating, lose appetite and lose weight.
In duodenal ulcer, eating food relieves the patient and reduces symptoms. The pain starts a few hours after eating, when the stomach is empty, or it can wake up from sleep in the middle of the night. Patients with duodenal ulcers tend to gain weight.
Symptoms may last for a few minutes or hours, or the pain may first disappear and then spread to days or weeks.

If similar symptoms disappear for a short period of time with stomach medications, but persistently recur and do not go away, you should consult a doctor.

What are the causes of the disease?

Inside the stomach, there is a solid layer that protects the stomach and prevents deterioration of its structure. The biggest cause of ulcer disease is bak Helicobacter Pylori bak. The stomach becomes vulnerable and injuries occur due to perforation of the solid layer and the excessive production of gastric acid associated therewith. Excessive nerve, stress, irregular and excessive production of gastric acid, gastritis, liver failure, heart problems, excessive consumption of nutrients that are difficult to digest, excessive intake of harmful substances such as cigarettes, tea and alcohol or the drugs you use. Timely consumption before or after the stomach ulcers are among the biggest causes.

What is Helicobacter pylori?

Many ulcers occur with the presence of helicobacter pylori. The presence of Helicobacter pylori in duodenal ulcers was found to be nearly 100% higher. Due to the presence of people with Helicobacter pylori but no ulcers, other factors (such as heredity) should be present besides helicobacter pylori. The presence of Helicobacter pylori is certain to cause involuntary gastritis except that it does ulcers. It is also claimed to cause stomach cancers.

Can ulcers be prevented?

Ulcers caused by bacterial infection are difficult to prevent, but there are a few things you can be careful about to prevent ulcers: Pay attention to which painkillers you are taking. Long-term use of pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs called NSAIDs can lead to ulcers. Do not smoke. Smoking not only increases the risk of ulcers but also delays the healing of an existing ulcer. Do not drink too much alcohol. Excess alcohol can cause inflammation of the stomach and intestinal wall

What are the dangerous consequences of ulcer?

Ulcers are the major cause of upper digestive system bleeding. Sometimes it can be seen even in people who have never had a stomach pain before. They vomit “coffee grounds” colored material or “tar-colored” black stool stools. Persons who notice that their stool is black in color without further symptoms must contact an emergency health center immediately. Sudden malaise before vomiting and black-colored stools, suspected upper gastrointestinal bleeding in case of cold cold sweating.

It is an increase in the depth of the existing ulcer and perforation through all the stomach-duodenum layers. Sudden and severe pain occurs when the stomach acid-pepsin content passes through the abdominal cavity. The abdomen hardens like wood, it becomes difficult to move and walk because of pain. Treatment is usually by surgery.

Acute ulcers in the duodenum and pylor can cause tissue edema (swelling), resulting in the formation of scar tissue as a result of deep ulcers for a long time. The patient vomits the material that he eats and accumulates in the stomach as a result of the continuous secretion of gastric juice. Vomiting is abundant and continuous. Even if the patient eats, the food cannot pass to the organs without digestion (digestion - absorption - not in the stomach but in the duodenum and small intestine). Continuous weight loss is available. Diagnosis should be made as soon as possible and operated.

How is ulcer diagnosed?

With physical examination and ultrasound, the ulcer does not show any signs. But it gives us a chance to rule out other diseases. Many doctors prescribe an acid-blocking medication, suggesting that after 2 weeks of medication, the symptoms do not improve, with no ulcers (from treatment to diagnosis). There is practically no other diagnosis. For the diagnosis of ulcers, radiological examination of the upper digestive system or endoscopy of the upper digestive system (esophagogastroduedenoscopy) is required.

Stomach - Duodenum X - ray: Anarium of the stomach and duodenum line is observed during the passage of barium through the stomach.

Endoscopy (Gastroscopy): It is the direct observation of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum with a small, light, curable tube. Approximately anywhere in the organs to be seen can be observed clearly. The procedure is usually performed by administering a medication to calm the patient. During the procedure, biopsy can be taken for pathological examination and urease test. Biopsy does not cause any discomfort or pain.

How is ulcer treatment?

This disease does not cause much difficulty in treatment. Especially if the diagnosis is made in the first stage and treatment is started early, the treatment of the disease is carried out early and easily. First, drug treatment is applied. Drugs are used to destroy the bacteria that cause disease and to regulate stomach acid. Surgery is rarely performed in this disease. Stress is a danger to this disease, so your treatment and motivation should be high.

Diet: In the past, spicy, bitter, sour, pickles, fatty and acidic foods should be avoided, milk treatment was said. Today, there is no special diet for ulcers, or even the damage of milk before bedtime. Experiments have shown that special diet does not contribute to ulcer healing. It is said that the food that is currently thought to cause a personal complaint should be restricted. (For example, if a person with an ulcer does not touch an onion, it is OK to eat it). However, patients with ulcers should stop smoking (if they smoke too much). Smoking has been shown to delay ulcer healing. Usually, patients with ulcers should not take aspirin or similar rheumatism medication. Alcohol intake may impair superficial mucosal resistance, resulting in delayed gastritis and ulcer healing. In acute ulcers, it is beneficial not to take them.

Drugs: The drugs used in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux and ulcers are H2 receptor blockers (Ranitidine, Famotidine, Nizatidine) and proton pump inhibitors (omeprozole, lansoprol). They relieve symptoms by reducing stomach acids. In addition, stomach stomach ulcers by eliminating the effect of ulcers, provide healing. Protein pump inhibitors are more potent in reducing acidity than H2 receptor blockers. But they are more expensive. In patients with helicobacter pylori, protein pump inhibitors are effective in eradicating helicobacter pylori in combination with antibiotics used.

Surgery: Many ulcers heal with medication. If bleeding, stenosis (puncture), puncture occurs and does not respond to medical treatment, urgent surgery is necessary.

Ulcer is a wound that occurs in the part of the digestive tract that comes into contact with the gastric juice. It can be seen in the junction of the esophagus and the stomach, in the stomach and in the duodenum immediately after the stomach. The most common duodenum is ulcer. However, the frequency of gastric ulcer has increased in recent years due to the widespread use of pain medications.

5 to 10 percent of all people develop ulcers in a period of their lives. Although it is common, it is not a common cause of death. The incidence of males is higher than females.

There are multiple factors in ulcer formation. The most important factor; stomach juice and the substances it contains (acid-pepsin) increase the damage to the stomach wall. In addition, a decrease in the compounds that protect the stomach (mucus, PG) against these factors may lead to ulcers, leaving the stomach wall vulnerable to the action of acid. There are also some external factors that cause ulcer formation. Among these reasons; Helicobacter pylori infection, smoking, pain medication, genetic predisposition and stress are the most common.

Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that has recently been found to be highly effective in ulcer formation. Drug treatments for the removal of this bacterium from the stomach both accelerate the healing of ulcer disease and greatly prevent its recurrence.

Symptoms and Side Effects

The most common symptom of ulcer is pain. Pain, burning and scratching may occur. Pain is seen in the majority of patients. In addition, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, bloating and early feeling of saturation may also be signs of ulcers. Four major complications may develop in ulcer disease, especially if treatment is not given due attention. These include bleeding, perforation of the ulcer, narrowing of gastric outlet and adherence to other organs in the abdomen.

How to diagnose ulcer?
The definitive diagnosis is made by radiological and endoscopic examination. Radiological examination (gastric film) is an easy method and relatively inexpensive. However, 20 percent of an existing ulcer may not be seen. Endoscopy (gastric and duodenum through a hose) is a much higher diagnostic value. There is also the possibility of taking a biopsy during this procedure. Which method is the first choice depends on the physician, the patient or the cost of the examinations.


Objectives of ulcer treatment; relieving pain, accelerating ulcer healing and preventing recurrence. Treatment; drug treatment and surgical treatment. Drug treatment is very versatile. Such treatment uses drugs that reduce stomach acidity, drugs that increase the effect of stomach protective factors, and drugs used against helicobacter pylori. Surgical treatment is preferred today when more complications develop.

Nutritional advice for ulcer patients
Spicy, legumes, very cold foods in the diet should be avoided. However, the ulcer diet is now considered an outdated concept. Therefore, patients can eat any food that does not cause any complaint.

If an ulcer is detected;

Be sure to follow your medication.
Do not use aspirin as much as possible, especially aspirin.
Stay away from foods that disturb you when you eat.
Do not smoke.
Do not use alcohol, especially during painful periods.
Avoid stress.

Gaviscon Antacid, Extra Strength, Cherry, Chewable Tablets, 100 chewable tablets