Sunday, October 6, 2019

FunguCept Nail. Fungal Nail Solution. Nail Fungus Solution For Fungal, Discolored, Thickened and Crumbled Nail. Visibly results in 4 weeks.0.33 oz

Foot fungi and ingrown toenails

FunguCept Nail. Fungal Nail Solution. Nail Fungus Solution For Fungal, Discolored, Thickened and Crumbled Nail. Visibly results in 4 weeks.0.33 oz

Foot fungus formation is a common problem. It occurs on the skin of the feet and nails. The airless, humid and dark feet in the shoes provide a very suitable environment for the formation of fungus. Mushrooms are infectious, says Uzm. Dr. Serap Öztürk Durur shares his views on the subject.

We are inviting almost all of our feet into shoes, and we invite almost the mushrooms with the wrong shoe selection and wrong socks. For example; synthetic socks, air-preventing, sweaty shoes, sports shoes, such as side elements invites mushrooms.
Of course there is a contagious feature of the fungus says Uzm. Dr. Serap Öztürk Durur shares his views on the subject. Therefore, common areas (such as gyms, swimming pools, wet floors), other shoes, slippers, nail clippers and foot care in unhygienic environments can easily spread the fungus. Of course, some diseases are effective in the formation of fungi. Skin diseases, such as diabetes, sweating, psoriasis and eczema, also accelerate the growth of fungi. '

How is fungus treated?

Foot and nail fungus is a very common skin problem. Many people develop athlete's foot at least once in a lifetime. It is mostly seen in adult and adolescent males, but less rare in women and children under 12 years of age. Although the fungus can be easily treated, it can be repeated even after successful treatment. The causative germs are small plant-like organisms called fungi. Mushrooms grow best in dark, damp and warm environments.

Athlete's foot treatment should begin immediately after diagnosis. Mild anti-fungal creams are effective and relieve burning sensation and itching. Anti-fungal drugs should be taken orally if more severe or fungal disease does not go away with the use of the drug. Herbal creams and capsules can also be used in the treatment of foot fungus.

Treatment of nail fungus is difficult, requires oral medication for months. It is important that oral medications and creams are used regularly and for the time prescribed by the doctor so that the fungal disease does not recur. Because even though the appearance of the skin improves, fungal disease may remain active and may reappear after a period of cessation of treatment. Therefore, it is a disease that should be given importance to prevention as well as treatment.

How can we protect from foot fungus?

• We should choose natural leather when choosing shoes. Shoes should not be too narrow so that there can be air circulation. Plenty of shoes is not a healthy choice because it will rub.

• Cotton or wool socks should be preferred.

• After removing our feet from the shoes, it is necessary to wash and dry them to clean them from bacteria accumulated during the day. This ensures daily hygiene. Afterwards, leaving our airless feet open all day long will provide air.

• Open shoes in summer should be preferred.

• Particular attention should be paid to moisture accumulated between the fingers, between the fingers should be cleaned and dried thoroughly. Other socks and shoes or slippers should not be used.

• Household tools such as nail clippers and nail files should be personal.

• If family members have fungi in bathrooms and similar wet floors, care must be taken and hygiene should be ensured.

• In order to ventilate the shoe, the other person can be ventilated throughout the day by wearing different shoes every other day.

If it is a sweaty foot, wipe it off with a soapy cloth and leave it for ventilation.

• Avoid spreading cream between fingers, instead of using special powders or spray protective products.

Ingrown toenail

Ingrown toenail is a problem that is seen in many people and may cause discomfort and pain to the extent that it prevents the person from walking or working. Ingrown toenail can occur on all toes, but usually occurs on the thumb. As the nail grows, it tends to sink into the skin on one or both sides, while the tissue on the nail edge advances towards the nail as a result of inflammation.

Causes of ingrown nails:

1- Faulty and deeply cut toenails

2- Narrow and pointed toe shoes that do not fit well

3- Continuous exposure to impacts

4- Pregnancy and postpartum period

5- Obesity

6- Fungal infection of nails

To prevent nail sticking, it is necessary to cut the toenails straight, not to cut too short and to nail well and remove edge sharpness.

In addition, patients should pay attention to the shoes they wear. They have to stay away from shoes that are narrow in front and squeeze their feet. It is important that the feet do not remain damp in any way and that there are no small cracks on the fingertips due to drying and crusting. Otherwise, the fungus settling here will cause finger toe and accompanying nail fungus, which will cause the deformed and thickened nail to sink. Choosing suitable shoes is very important when doing sports, tightening or hard shoes cause damage to the nails and sink. Sneakers should be preferred. Elongated nails should be cut as straight as possible.

What is the treatment of ingrown nail?

For treatment purposes, we divide the nail into two parts. Mild cases of nail ingrowing that do not yet require surgical intervention or withdrawal, or chronic cases that persist for more than a few weeks. In case of slight stinging, warm water baths repeated 2-3 times a day, cleaning the sinking part of the nail with antibiotics, applying antibiotic cream or oral antibiotics in the presence of infection may be good results. Again, in the case of slight stinging, the nail is kept in hot water between the nail bed for a while and it may be curative to put a cotton swab following antiseptic application and change it daily. This creates a buffer zone between the nail and the skin, allowing the nail to grow from there without sinking into the meat.

When the nail grows, it is not curved but also straight. In the case of light stinging, instead of cotton application, nail wire application has recently been introduced. Specially prepared nail strings made many nail extraction processes unnecessary. This procedure, which does not require surgery and often anesthesia, removes the convex structure of the sinking nail and lifts both sides slightly from the nail bed and skin to prevent sinking, thus eliminating the complaints. These wires, which are worn for about 3-4 weeks, become problem solver many times. This method will be increasingly preferred because it is much less painful and does not lead to loss of labor.

FunguCept Nail. Fungal Nail Solution. Nail Fungus Solution For Fungal, Discolored, Thickened and Crumbled Nail. Visibly results in 4 weeks.0.33 oz