Sunday, October 6, 2019

Forces of Nature -Natural, Organic Nail Fungus Extra Strength Treatment (11ml) Non GMO, No Harmful Chemicals –Fight Damaged, Cracked, Brittle, Discolored Yellow and black Toenails, Fingernails

Natural Treatment Methods of Nail Fungus

Forces of Nature -Natural, Organic Nail Fungus Extra Strength Treatment (11ml) Non GMO, No Harmful Chemicals –Fight Damaged, Cracked, Brittle, Discolored Yellow and black Toenails, Fingernails

Nail fungus, both in terms of appearance and health is disturbing. Nail fungus is mostly seen in males and large nails. Fungus is not a disease of the toenails, it can also occur in the hand nails. In this case, women are most affected. Nail cork can spread to your other nails. It may even come out of the toenail and jump to the toenail. But this is not very common.

Factors affecting fungus growth
Fungus is usually caused by environmental factors. Factors affecting the emergence of fungi can be listed as follows; It is more likely to occur in people who are constantly in the water, such as washing dishes or cleaning, people with impaired blood circulation or immunity, who wear shoes for a long time and spend time in the pool.

Symptoms of Athlete's Foot
When the mushroom settles on the nail, the nail begins to thicken and appear yellow. Sometimes it can be gray, brown or black. It gradually covers the nail completely.

Stages of nail fungus
As you can see in the image, it spreads all over the nail.

nail fungus

So, What To Do To Prevent Nail Fungus
Do not wear shoes that are too narrow or made of synthetic material. The fungus loves humid, airless and dark environments, making it easy to breed. Take care not to wear socks when your feet are wet or damp in winter. Choose shoes where your feet can breathe.
Do not walk around barefoot in public areas such as gym and dressing rooms and pool. If you have to walk around, wash your feet thoroughly and dry.
Do not use others' nail clippers as this disease is contagious. Take your own nail scissors yourself. Even if you have a fungus on a fingernail, use a separate scissors for it. Regularly cut your nails straight.
Wear gloves when cleaning. Avoid contact with your hands with excess water.
Homemade Natural Treatment Methods for Nail Fungus
When you face nail fungus, it is a good idea to see a doctor, but if you want to speed up the healing process, it is in your best interest to try one of these natural treatment methods continuously.

1. Tea Tree Oil
Mix one teaspoon of olive oil and teapot oil and apply to your toenail for 20 days.

2. Thyme Oil
One teaspoon of olive oil, mix with 3 drops of oregano oil. Regularly apply to your nails for 3 weeks. You'il see it's good.

3. Lemon Juice
Dip the nail into lemon juice or apply the lemon directly to your nail.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Put a cup of apple cider vinegar in a cap of water. Soak your foot in water for 20 minutes and then dry thoroughly. This will absorb any moisture under your fingernail.

5. Carbonate
Mix the carbonate with water. Apply paste mixture to your fingernail with cotton. After waiting for a few minutes, wash and dry

6. Lavender Oil
Mix five drops of lavender oil and five drops of tea tree oil and apply to your feet with the help of cotton. Rinse after standing for 10 minutes.

7. Epson Salt
In a bucket of lukewarm water and half a cup of epsom salt, mix your feet and leave for half an hour, then rinse your feet, make sure to rinse completely.

8. Garlic
Mix equal amount of white vinegar and garlic oil, apply to your foot and cover with bandage. After waiting for 1-2 hours, rinse thoroughly. Repeat every day until you get rid of the fungus.

9. Baking Powder
Mix one and a half cups of baking soda with 4 cups of hot water and apply it to your feet. Rinse your foot after 10 minutes.

10. White Vinegar
Pour a little white vinegar into a little hot water and stir and leave to stand for 10 minutes. Then rinse with plenty of water. Apply every day until you get rid of the fungus.

Forces of Nature -Natural, Organic Nail Fungus Extra Strength Treatment (11ml) Non GMO, No Harmful Chemicals –Fight Damaged, Cracked, Brittle, Discolored Yellow and black Toenails, Fingernails