Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Fletcher's Laxative, Root Beer, 3.25 Ounce

Early toilet training in children leads to chronic constipation

Fletcher's Laxative, Root Beer, 3.25 Ounce

The problem of constipation is an increasingly common discomfort in children. Although it does not seriously affect the daily life of the child at first; it makes him feel uncomfortable in the process and express it. In this period, the approach of the parents to the constipated child is very important. Families with the right knowledge can take more careful steps in terms of the child's health. Memorial Atasehir Hospital, Department of Pediatrics Uz. Dr. Özlen Kaya Çardak advised parents to be a better observer about constipation and gave information about “constipation and treatment in children”.

Each child has a different frequency of going to the toilet

Constipation can be defined as the decrease of defecation due to the slowing of the digestive system and the conversion to a painful form. Since the number of stools varies according to children of all ages, it is not correct to give a definite number of defecations when describing constipation. It may not be normal for one child and normal for the other. For example; This is normal if a 2-year-old child does soft stools every 2 days. Another child of the same age does it once a day; but if the stool is hard and painful it is considered constipation. No matter how many days the number of stools in a child we call normal bowel habit should not be heard at that time. Babies can make feces 5-6 times a day when they are 1-2 months old. In older children, even defecation once every 2 days may be considered normal.

Feeding infants have a higher risk of constipation

Constipation is very rare in newborns who are breastfed; however, the risk of constipation is higher in infants fed with formula. If constipation is observed in a baby receiving breast milk; small measures such as regulating the mother's diet and keeping the mother away from constipation foods (such as potatoes, rice, pasta, bananas). Young babies may have excessive strain and constipation without constipation. Mothers may accidentally interpret the redness and crushing of babies as constipation. In this case if; this can be considered normal if your baby's stool consistency is soft and defecates at least once a day.

Why is my baby constipated?

Constipation is not a disease but a symptom. Many diseases, medications or some conditions cause constipation. The most common cause of constipation is constipation due to irregular eating habits and inappropriate use of constipation drugs as a solution. For this reason, first of all, finding the cause of constipation is important for the success of treatment. The causes of constipation can be listed as follows:

Psychosocial Causes (Functional-Idiopathic Constipation): Voluntary stool holding and habituation due to pain during defecation.
Nutritional Errors: Malnutrition, consumption of more than 500 ml of cow's milk per day, insufficient consumption of fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits, errors in the transition to additional nutrients.
Structural problems of the digestive system: tears in the breech (anal fissure), abscess, anus is located from the front to the birth, etc.
Drug Effects: Antidepressant drugs, use of anti cholinergic drugs.
Endocrine problems: Hypothyroid (insufficient thyroid hormone) and hypocalcemia.

Discourage your child from thinking that em If I don't go to the toilet, I won't have pain ağ

Among all these causes of constipation, functional constipation is the most common. This type of constipation actually develops in children with constipation due to different psychosocial causes without any underlying medical problem. The number of stools normally decreases as babies are 3-4 months old. In this period, the hardened stool in the last part of the large intestine causes difficulties and small cracks. The baby feels pain during defecation and when there is a feeling of defecation due to this pain, it will automatically bleed the breech muscles and try to minimize the feeling of pain. The retained feces become more and more hard and a “vicious circle” occurs. Since the idea of ​​Çocuk I will not have pain if I do not toilet uval will settle in the child, there may be children who keep their faeces for 8-10 days.

Starting toilet training early can lead to constipation

Constipation is common during 2 years of age when toilet training is started. Children should never be forced during this period. A new diaper child may voluntarily hold the stool longer than necessary, which may cause stool hardening and painful stool. Once the vicious cycle of pain and fear begins, it is necessary to make the child forget the pain to normalize the condition. It is not correct to give negative comments to the child about feces during toilet training. Feces are very valuable for a 2-year-old; because it perceives it as a part of her body. When he makes his feces in the toilet, he may feel as if his finger is broken; therefore, if the constipated child regains his diaper when the diaper is removed, it may return to normal stool pattern. Such problems are more common if toilet training starts early. The 24th month is normal for toilet training. It is accepted within 3 months before or after 3 months. This education period is different for each child; If the child is ready, toilet training is completed within 10-15 days. If there is no response from the toilet training within 15 days, the child should not be forced, the subject should be closed and the subject should not be talked about for at least 1 month. Constipation may also occur in children who are new to kindergarten or primary school because they refuse to go to an out-of-home toilet. It is important that teachers often encourage children in this regard.

With a diet after a certain point the solution remains inadequate

Repeated fecal retention results in internal enlargements in the rectum and the diameter and volume of the feces grow. Early stool, although large in diameter, can be removed spontaneously; In the chronic period, it becomes petrified and forms a big plug in the breech and does not improve without treatment. When there is a loss of sensitivity in the rectum, the habit of defecation gradually disappears. Even if nothing wrong is done in nutrition, it becomes impossible to solve the problem with diet after this point. In some children, since the petrified stool in this rectum is not emptied, the newly arrived stool involuntarily comes out in the form of incontinence. Stool incontinence in older children can cause severe psychological trauma. Errors in toilet training in children, penalties, cultural and social factors may pave the way for this type of constipation. Parents of children with this type of functional constipation may have similar problems, with genetic predisposition to constipation.

Excessive cow's milk consumption can lead to constipation

In children with chronic constipation, appetite is usually low; abdominal pain can be seen. As the digestive system slows down, gastric emptying time is delayed and recurrent vomiting may persist. If constipation lasts too long, it may cause a risk to urinary tract infections. Addition to new food or periods of breastfeeding are also risky for the development of constipation. Constipation may occur if a large amount of cow's milk is consumed at the start of cow's milk after 1 year of age. It is not correct to use more than 500 ml of cow's milk per day.

Consider these recommendations!

The bowel movements can be rearranged and the treatment steps of the intestine can be listed so that the bowel can perform its urinary excretion healthier and your child will regain his old health and joy.

In children with chronic constipation, the large bowel containing hardened stools should be emptied first. For this purpose suppositories or enemas are used. These drugs have local effects only on the breech region and have no systemic side effects. Can be used easily with the recommendation of a physician.
After emptying the large intestines, laxative syrups (stool softening drugs, syrups) should be given orally to ensure normal consistency of faeces. The use of such drugs is necessary to provide stools daily and soft consistency; because it is impossible to solve the problem with diet at the point reached in chronic constipation. The most important point here is to continue the treatment until you forget the pain and fear in the child. Fecal softening syrups do not make habit or the effect decreases over time. The medical data to date has not shown that these syrups have significant and severe side effects, even in long-term use.
It may take a long time for young children to forget their pain. In some cases it may be necessary to extend the treatment up to 12 months. 2-3 months of treatment may be sufficient in children older than 5 years.
Pain relievers and sitting baths, which are regionally effective to eliminate pain during defecation, also provide temporary comfort; but the most important thing that will eliminate the pain is the soft consistency of feces. The most effective drugs that provide this consistency are stool softening syrups.
Psychological approach is important in the treatment of constipation. For enemas and drug applications, cooperation with the child should be established and never used. Forced enemas and similar drugs may increase the fear in the child and make constipation worse.
It is beneficial to place the children who have toilet training 2 times a day in the toilet for 10 - 15 minutes after morning and dinner, since the gastrointestinal reflex (gastrocolic reflex) will be used. Gastric intestinal reflex is the operation of the entire digestive system after any food has gone into the stomach. Thanks to this reflex most people can easily toilets after meals. If we can teach the constipated children the habit of going to the toilet after a meal, an important stage of treatment will be achieved.

Nutrients to prevent constipation

Children need to consume foods such as potatoes, bananas, rice, macaroni, white bread, cow's milk and tea in order to rearrange bowel movements. In this process, children with constipation take plenty of fluids and consume all fibrous vegetables and fruits (apricots, pears, figs, zucchini, broccoli, etc.), olive oil, whole grain or whole wheat breads, corn and corn flour and also improve the digestive system. as will help fulfill.

Fletcher's Laxative, Root Beer, 3.25 Ounce