Thursday, October 10, 2019

Ever Ready First Aid Self Adherent Cohesive Bandages 3"" x 5 Yards - 12 Count, Rainbow Colors

What should be done to prevent bed sores?


Deniz Yahcı Bed, who stated that the success of wound treatment is increasing thanks to the simultaneous force of many branches in wound treatment, advised to prevent wounds

Bed sores can become a fearful dream in patients who are bedridden or have limited mobility. Bed wounds can be played by many factors, both related to the patient and the environment.


Due to the increase in the average age of today due to many chronic diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer, there has been an increase in the rate of bed-dependent patient population, indicating that the rate of bed sores increased parallel to the wound care nurse Deniz Yahci, refers to important points about bed sores.
Deniz Yahcı states that the success of the wound treatment has increased thanks to the strength of many branches at the same time in the field of wound treatment.
"One of the important points of bed sores is positioning the patient. Bed sores are more common in patients with elbows, coccyx, heels, backs of the head and right or left regions. These areas where muscle tissue is less are exposed to compression and oxygen free for a long time. Because the tissues cannot feed well, they begin to lose their vitality, and the infections are spreading more rapidly in the dead tissues, and most of the time, a huge wound is opened in 1 night and this is how the problem occurs. needs to be provided.


The position of the patient should be changed to a maximum of 2 hours. Because the patients cannot change their positions and stay in the same position for a long time, bed wounds develop rapidly. In such cases, we can use specially equipped beds, special products to relieve the pressure there, or we can prevent bed sores by positioning the patient at various angles every 2 hours. The angles of these positions may change from time to time. The body parts of the patient that come into contact with the bed and the body parts that come into contact with each other, such as the knees in the patient lying sideways, should be checked frequently for redness. It should be noted that redness that does not persist is the initial stage of pressure ulcer. If the patient is in the supine position or in the sitting position, a pillow must be placed between the knees in the patient lying sideways to remove the pressure on the heels. "

Explaining that many modern pressure-reducing bearings are now available, Deniz Yahcı said, Esk In the past, we do not recommend them with diamond sliced ​​air mattresses. This does not mean that we have an air mattress and there will be no bed sores.
The environment is one of the biggest factors in wound opening.
• Tear
• Moisture (wet skin)
• Lack of cleanliness
• Maintenance and behavior errors (wrong lying and sitting position)
• Auxiliary materials
pressure sores may occur due to factors.
Stating that one or many combined treatment methods are used in the treatment of bed sores, Deniz Yahcı explains that these methods vary according to the wound and the patient, while Negative pressure, modern wound care products and stem cell treatment are a few of them.

Ever Ready First Aid Self Adherent Cohesive Bandages 3"" x 5 Yards - 12 Count, Rainbow Colors