Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ear Plugs for Sleeping Block Out Snoring, Premium Thermo Foam Noise Reduction and Cancelling Earplugs for Shooting Range Sleep Loud Events Construction Work Study by Jourdak New SNR 36db 60Pair

Noise Pollution Control and Audits

Ear Plugs for Sleeping Block Out Snoring, Premium Thermo Foam Noise Reduction and Cancelling Earplugs for Shooting Range Sleep Loud Events Construction Work Study by Jourdak New SNR 36db 60Pair

A. Information on noise
Today, noise is one of the important factors that negatively affect the quality of the environment and human health. We can define noise as meyen unpleasant, unwanted, disturbing sound ”.
Sound is an objective concept. So it can be measured and its presence does not change depending on the person. Noise is a subjective concept. As can be understood from the definition, whether a sound is considered a noise may vary depending on the person. The music that some people listen to with pleasure and enjoyment may disturb others.
Especially in fast-growing cities, the unplanned and intertwined development of residential and industrial areas, increased traffic density, electrical, electronic and mechanical devices enter our daily life more and more discomfort from noise is increasing and gradually our people can rest, work in a peaceful way decreases.
On the other hand, in situations where respect for others' right to rest and sensitivity to the environment is not sufficiently developed, noise from entertainment and other daily activities causes intense complaints and serious physical and mental disorders, particularly hearing loss and sleep disturbance. In everyday life, the presence of sounds is necessary for people to feel good. Speech, music, sounds in nature are indispensable for our lives.
However, noise, defined as unwanted sound, adversely affects human health. Today, the negative effects of noise, as before, are not only investigated in factories when hearing loss due to long-term noise. The surveys cover all types of noise in open spaces and interiors.

Noise sources can be grouped in different ways. According to the genesis of sounds, noises in air and in solid environments can emit acoustically from point, linear and planar sources. Noise forming acoustic pollution; Depending on the location and propagation paths of the source and recipients in an environment, it can be divided into two groups:
Noise sources available in the open area: Noise produced from sources located outside the buildings, affecting both the volumes inside the building and the outdoor areas outside the building. (Industrial noise, transportation noise, construction noise), human activity noise, entertainment and commercial noise.
Noise sources in the building: Sounds arising from the sources inside the buildings. (Speech sounds, step sounds, house noise, loud music sounds, door slams, office noise)

Human behavior against noise is divided into two groups. The first is psychological discomfort that can only be determined by explaining emotions and senses; is a physiological disorder that can be determined by various measurement methods. Therefore, in terms of human health and comfort conditions, noise control should be performed at the architectural design stage.
Three important factors can be considered when examining the effects of noise on human beings:
• Annoyance,
• Preventing communication,
• Continuous risk of hearing impairment,
However, there are many factors that need to be considered, such as volume usage, time used, duration and type of noise.
Daytime (Leq) (dBA) Impact
55-60 Noise disturbing
60-65 Discomfort is markedly increased
Over 65 Behavior in the form of inhibitions, noise-induced harmful symptoms occur

Noise Degree Impact Range (dBA) Health Effects
Noise in degree 1 30-65 Uncomfortability, discomfort, anger, anger, sleep disorder and concentration disorder.
2. Noise 65-90 Physiological reactions; increase in blood pressure, acceleration in heart rate and respiration, decrease in brain fluid pressure, sudden reflexes
3. Degree of noise 90-120 Physiological reactions, headaches.
4th degree 120-140 Continuous damage to inner ear, disturbance of balance
Severe brain damage, bursting of eardrum

B. Legislation
Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise has been published in the Official Gazette dated 04.06.2010 and numbered 27601 (Amended 27.04.2011 and numbered 27917) in order to ensure that the necessary measures are taken to prevent the deterioration of the peace and tranquility of persons, physical and mental health as a result of exposure to environmental noise. .
C. Authorities and Responsibilities of Metropolitan Municipality
With the Circular No. 2006/16 of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization dated 29.06.2006, the authority to evaluate the complaints regarding the Regulation on the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise within the boundaries of the Metropolitan Municipality, to supervise the compliance with the said regulation and to make administrative sanction decision has been transferred to the Metropolitan Municipality.
* To supervise the compliance of the principles set out in this Regulation in cooperation and coordination with the institutions and organizations authorized by the Municipalities, municipalities and neighboring areas, which have been delegated in accordance with the Environmental Law, programmatically, unscheduled or otherwise authorized within the scope of other legislation, if necessary.
* To prepare acoustic report or environmental noise level assessment report for noise sources, to examine and evaluate these reports, and to apply administrative sanctions in case of violation of this Regulation,
* Responsible for preparing Strategic Noise Maps and Action Plans.
D. Which complaint should be made and where?


- Industrial plant noise
- Noise of entertainment
- Workshop, Workshop and Workplace noise
- Construction site (construction) noise outside the renovation of the building
- Highways, railways, airport noise
Authorized by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Osmangazi, Yildirim, Nilufer District District Municipality, Bursa Metropolitan Municipality in other districts
- Using a motor vehicle without silencer or other parts of the sound attenuator
- Use of a horn or other sounding device except when required.
- The noise caused by the sound of music in public transportation within the boundaries of the Municipality / District Police (Traffic) Directorate
Provincial / District Gendarmerie Command outside the municipality
- Noise from sea and sea vehicles Boat Commandership of the Coast Guard Command
- The noise emitted from the use of sound amplifier in religious facilities to the environment Presidency of Religious Affairs and Provincial / District Mufti's Offices
- Noise generated by household activities and neighbors (All kinds of musical instruments, washing machines used for purposes other than entertainment purposes, such as door, window closing, walking, speaking, cleaning, drawing furniture, watching television, listening to radio, use of appliances such as refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, activities such as pet feeding and renovations to be made inside the building)

Related Municipal Police or Police Force (Police or Gendarmerie)
- Apart from the noise generated by the house activities and neighbors, the noise in the house and garden (such as celebration, fireworks, etc.), which have been authorized by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, have been granted to Osmangazi, Yıldırım, Nilüfer Districts and Bursa Metropolitan Municipality in other districts.
- Noise from people outside the house or garden (making loud, shouting, loudspeakers, such as announcement systems and making pulsed regular or irregular sounds, making propaganda, advertising, announcement, promotion and sales, entertaining on the street (weddings, fireworks) etc)
Related Municipal Police or Police Force (Police or Gendarmerie)
- Noise of animal noise Relevant Municipal Police or Law Enforcement (Police or Gendarmerie)
You can report your noise complaints under the responsibility of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality to and or request complaint notification line (0224) 444 16 00/234 40 00/153.
E. Penalties
As of 2015, 770 TL for housing, 2.3216 TL for transportation vehicles, 7.746 TL for workplaces and workshops, 23.249 TL for factory, construction site and entertainment noise for those who do not take the measures determined by the regulation issued according to the Environmental Law numbered 2872 or cause noise and vibration in contradiction with standards. administrative fine.
F. Live Music Permit
In the Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise;
The entertainment center is a business establishment that operates within or within an accommodation facility and provides live music service to meet the customer's entertainment needs.
Live music ü genre made with real instruments and / or sounds or from the band or electronically amplified sound source ”,
Sensitive uses ları such as housing, accommodation facilities with inpatient facilities, educational institutions, open spaces and quiet areas within the residential area ”,
Very sensitive uses ları use of inpatient health institutions, boarding education institutions during education periods, child and elderly care homes ”,
Very sensitive areas of use refer to “the area determined to cover 250 meters from the limits of very sensitive uses”.

(A), (d), (ğ) (in summary), the following conditions are included.
a) It is forbidden to broadcast live music in open and semi-open entertainment places in very sensitive areas of use. Open and semi-open entertainment venues are not allowed in these areas. The existing outdoor and semi-outdoor entertainment places in these areas are closed.
d) It is forbidden to broadcast live music in open and semi-open entertainment venues operating in sensitive areas. In other hours, the regulation continues its activities in order to ensure the limit values,
Live Music Permit
The live music permit is issued by the competent authority that regulates the work permit. Bursa Metropolitan Municipality within the boundaries of the workplace who want to get a live music permit is required to apply to the county municipality.
The district municipality that does not delegate authority is asked to the Metropolitan Municipality about the issue and our opinion is notified to the District Municipality within the framework of the hüküm Environmental Noise Level Assessment Report lat prepared by one of the institutions and organizations that have received prequalification / qualification from the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.
G. Measures to reduce noise
- No traffic with a motor vehicle without silencer and other parts of the sound absorber
- Do not use horns or any other sound generating equipment unnecessarily on or in motor vehicles.
- Compliance with speed limits
- Adoption of driving in high gear and low speed
- Radio, television and musical instruments in residential areas and noise-sensitive areas that do not raise or disturb the level of disturbing sound
- Avoiding street weddings and fireworks in residential areas
- Road and building construction equipment used in residential areas in the evening and night hours are not used
- Prohibition of locomotive drivers from signaling each other in residential areas
- Establishment of airports and industrial zones away from settlements
- Establishing noise-sensitive areas away from traffic-intensive areas by good urban planning
- Paying attention to sound insulation in the buildings in order to prevent noise disturbance and prevent the deterioration of health.

Ear Plugs for Sleeping Block Out Snoring, Premium Thermo Foam Noise Reduction and Cancelling Earplugs for Shooting Range Sleep Loud Events Construction Work Study by Jourdak New SNR 36db 60Pair