Wednesday, October 2, 2019

ClinicalGuard? HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 50)

PREGNANCES and Those Who Want to Stay Pregnant !!

ClinicalGuard? HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 50)

Pregnancy Symptoms

Now that you've decided to become a mother, you feel very ready. You shared this with your partner and agreed to bring a child into the world as parents. It may not be possible to predict how this decision will actually change your life. When the baby is in mind, it is always pink, dreams and dreams are shaped.

However, the responsibility and difficulty of having a baby is not negligible. Those who consider these difficulties in a calm way and accept all these difficulties and decide to still have a baby can now begin by experiencing the first stage of sexual intercourse.

First of all, the most important thing for a woman to get pregnant is that there is no disturbance in the female's ovulation system or the male's sperm production system and sexual intercourse takes place during ovulation.

Generally, women who have regular menstrual cycles enter ovulation 10 to 15 days after menstruation. Pregnancy may occur after a period of one month following sexual intercourse on these dates. After the fertilization, the fetus reaches a certain size and after the pregnancy, the pregnancy becomes definite after the hormonal changes in the expectant mother.

The wide variety of pregnancy symptoms experienced by the expectant mothers makes the pregnancy a completely individual structure. Most of the pregnancy symptoms are difficult for the expectant mother, it is a very unpleasant experience and distress. However, all women who wish to become mothers are eager to get their pregnancy symptoms as soon as possible.

Probably the symptoms of pregnancy, such as vomiting, dizziness, nausea and constant sleep, are just as desirable for pregnancy.

The only thing that all women who want to get pregnant look forward to are the signs that they are pregnant as soon as possible. As all people are different, all women have their own biological, metabolic, physical and physiological differences.

These differences are so diverse that one characteristic that is generally generalized, that is, usually a feature of most women, may never be seen in another. Therefore, pregnancy status has a unique characteristic from lady to lady.

To give a simple example of this, for example, in most pregnant women, overrun, nausea, dizziness can be seen in another pregnant woman, none of these may occur. Therefore, do not expect to have the features that appear in all pregnant women. Don't feel any change and keep your spirits up. Just wait patiently and after pregnancy progresses, contact a health care provider for the necessary doctor checks.

The healthiest way to see that pregnancy occurs and progresses in a healthy way is to give blood. Now you can apply to state hospitals or private hospitals for pregnancy follow-ups that are also applied by health centers.

A pregnant woman can usually understand that she is pregnant from some changes in her body. These changes; nausea, heartburn, dizziness, constant sleepiness and fatigue, unjustified irritation, crying spells, or sudden emotional changes such as happiness, fuller breasts, sometimes even touching swollen pain, body swelling of the hands in general, groin in the hands, swelling of the feet, groin a similar feeling to pain, frequent urination, low back pain, eyelashes and pupils growth, increased ruptures, urinary tract infection. In general, complaints described by pregnant women may be very similar to complaints in the same menstrual period. Therefore, it is very common for women who want to conceive to confuse menstrual symptoms with pregnancy.

Apart from physical symptoms of pregnancy, first of all a pregnant woman has to delay her period. Because the egg that occurs every month for pregnancy in women should fertilize that month and form the fetus. If menstruation occurs, none of the eggs in the woman are fertilized and expelled from the body. In addition, there are women who are pregnant and are still menstruating. We usually call this situation 'seeing on top'. Women who experience this are only able to realize that they are pregnant after 3-4 months. This leads to unwanted pregnancies. However, since pregnancy is detected late, necessary tests and follow-up cannot be performed. As a result, the birth of problematic babies may occur.

Pregnancy symptoms include pregnancy tests with a result of 99 percent. These are available in all pharmacies under different brands. If we talk about the method of pregnancy tests, it usually leads to a more accurate result after 10 days of menstruation. In addition, early pregnancy tests are also available, which are more expensive than other pregnancy tests, but can also be performed near the menstrual period. Normal pregnancy tests range from 3 to 5 rubles on the market. Early pregnancy tests are around 15-20 tl. If a healthier result is desired in both pregnancy tests, these tests should be performed with the first urine in the morning. After you urinate on the test strip, you start to wait and if the single line turns to double line over time, pregnancy is positive, but if the single line does not change, pregnancy is interpreted as negative. Pregnancy tests may not always be 99% accurate. A pregnant woman can see the negative in the test and actually become pregnant.

The most definite sign of pregnancy occurs with ultrasound device. When a woman who has had her menstrual day examined by ultrasound, the sac of the fetus should be seen. In addition, the uterus muscles of a pregnant woman with ultrasound should be thickened. Since the fetus is very small in the first weeks of pregnancy, vaginal ultrasound examination is preferred. The condition of the fetus, sac, amniotic fluid, etc. are better evaluated by vaginal ultrasound. Women who abstain from vaginal ultrasound often suspect that it is a painful type of examination that will harm the fetus and do not want to be examined with this ultrasound. But this is definitely a wrong judgment. Vaginal ultrasound is unlikely to cause any damage to the uterus, nor is it a painful examination at all.

ClinicalGuard? HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 50)