Wednesday, October 2, 2019

ClinicalGuard? HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 25)

How to Tell if You are Pregnant Without Testing

ClinicalGuard? HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 25)

If you think you're pregnant, it's important to take a home pregnancy test and make an appointment with your doctor to make sure - it's the only way to be really sure. But before you do, you may notice some symptoms. Some of these symptoms may begin within a week of becoming pregnant, so you may notice that you are pregnant early. Every woman's body is different, and you may encounter all, none, or just a few of these symptoms. Check with your doctor to see if you are pregnant.

Controlling Hormonal Changes

Watch your menstrual cycle. Pregnant women do not menstruate during pregnancy. If you haven't had your period, that's usually the clearest sign that you're pregnant. However, you may not have menstruation for other reasons such as stress and even excessive exercise. [1]
If you haven't yet, make it a habit to keep track of your menstrual cycle so you can better detect when your period is delayed or skips a month.
All you have to do is mark the dates on which the period starts and ends. So you usually see how the loop works. There are also mobile applications that make tracking your menstrual cycle more practical and easy.

Check for breast swelling or pain. Because of the hormones secreted at the beginning of pregnancy, you may notice some changes in your breasts. They may have slight swelling or whimper when touched. [2]
You may also feel your breasts “plump” or heavier. There may be swelling, pain or tingling in the nipples. [3]

Watch for spotting and vaginal discharge. Spotting may occur when the newly fertilized egg is attached to the uterine wall. The laying of the egg usually takes place within one and a half weeks after fertilization. This symptom may last up to 3 months. [4]
Spotting is usually lighter than menstruation.

Check for cramps. You may also experience cramps at first. These cramps often give menstrual pain. However, if cramps are severe or on one side of the body, there may be a sign of complications. If serious cramps start suddenly, call your doctor. [5]

Watch out for the unusual fatigue. Many women feel very tired during the early stages of pregnancy. This symptom is usually attributed to an increase in progesterone level. It can also be caused by the body's production of more blood for the baby. You may notice this symptom even a week after you become pregnant. [6]

Watch how often you urinate. One of the early signs of pregnancy is frequent urination. [7] When pregnant, the body produces more of the hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone, which is at the highest level in the first few weeks of pregnancy, causes more blood to enter the groin area. As a result, you should go to the toilet more often. [8]

Observe mood swings. Hormones, like menstruation, can affect your mood. Excessive mood may be a sign of pregnancy. This symptom can be observed between 2 and 3 weeks after conception. [9]

Watch out for dizziness. One of the early signs of pregnancy is dizziness or fainting. This symptom is mostly caused by hormonal changes. However, it may also result from the change in the amount of blood produced by the body. [10]

Watch your headaches. Sometimes headaches are just headaches. However, the increase in headaches may be one of the early signs of pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body. [11]

Attention to Other Symptoms

Watch the morning sickness. Morning sickness can be seen in early pregnancy. Despite its name, morning sickness is not only seen in the morning. You may feel nauseous at any time of the day. You may also experience vomiting. This symptom may occur as early as 2 weeks after conception. [12] [13]

Watch if the smell or the food bother you. Suddenly you may notice that you don't like certain food or smells. It happens very abruptly and you may not have any problem with these meals and smells in advance. These food or odors may even make you sick. [14]

Look how hungry she is. Usually when you're pregnant, you're more hungry. If you notice that you eat more than usual and still feel hungry, you may be pregnant. Some women describe this symptom as a constant feeling of hunger. [15]

Watch the metal taste. Sometimes women feel a metal taste in their mouths. This symptom is usually seen in the early stages of pregnancy. [16]

See if you have a craving. As you are uncomfortable with certain foods, some foods may start to crave. Of course, everyone is hurting sometimes. Still, pregnancy craving is more intense. [17]

Check for breathing problems. Sometimes you may notice that your breathing stops more quickly in the early stages of pregnancy. This symptom is usually vague. However, if you notice this symptom, it is a sign that you should see a doctor. [18]

If one of these symptoms becomes unbearable during pregnancy, consult your doctor to decide what can be done to alleviate the symptoms safely.
Many of these symptoms may also be symptoms of other health conditions, so it is important to seek medical advice to find out the causes. [19]
Not all pregnant women experience all of these symptoms. In the early stages of your pregnancy, it is possible that you do not experience any of these symptoms, so do a test to make sure you are pregnant.

ClinicalGuard? HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 25)